Anonymous 03/02/2022 (Wed) 03:34:07 Id: 67f307 No.86614 del
(193.88 KB 1920x1080 eewewe.jpeg)
>I more think its just a part of the plan to sort of create artificial war on aryan expenses (in way we again do the dirty work while being played like damn fiddle) in order to drown more fiat money on lend leases which creates need to unify the currency for "saving ruined economies"

Pretty much. But I think they'll expand to every type of person on earth if we let them

>I can throw that picture on novorussia but i lack azov one
I used to have it saved up, but I can't find it either

Basically, Azov is currently (or promoted. Can't remember the details expect that who he was was posted during Maiden) managed by a old israeli kike.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Azov is funded by yidsrael

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