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Russian Invasion General Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 00:20 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No. 86576
Calls for participation in the Russia/Ukraine conflict anywhere on this board will be removed
This will be the containment thread for all matters about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Copying entire articles is pointless. This OP will be links.
10 Ways Russia Is Acting Like Israel

The Chabad Mafia is Recapturing Khazaria

Democrat And Republican Congress Members Party in Israel As (((Putin))) Moves to Take Ukraine

150,000 Refugees Flee Across Europe As Ukrainian Fighting Intensifies

Russia's Military Announces Bigger "Advance In All Sectors" As (((Zelensky))) Vows Ukrainians Will Fight

China "Plotting Behind The Scenes" Ahead Of Ukraine Invasion

EU and US Agree To Expel "Selected Russian Banks" From SWIFT, Sanction Russian Central Bank

Russian Government Websites Currently Under Attack

Ukraine Claims (lies) They’ve Killed 3,500 Russian Soldiers

Kiev Expected to Fall to Russian Forces Within a Few Days

Biden Offers Weak Response to Russian Takeover of Ukraine

‘In all directions’: Russia vows new attacks

List of sanctions against Russia after Ukraine’s invasion

Russian forces meeting ‘strong and wide’ Ukraine resistance

Senior Russian security official issues stark threats to the West

NATO to deploy thousands of commandos to nations near Ukraine
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 03/02/2022 (Wed) 17:13.

Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 00:31:43 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86577 del
(95.09 KB 512x397 4.jpg)
(546.96 KB 2048x2005 Volodymyr.jpg)
Both sides are calling each other 'Nazis'. Russian and Ukrainian lives are being sacrificed for jewish cockroaches. Typical business for (((them))).

Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 05:26:03 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86579 del
(20.59 KB 1694x120 Bavarian slur word.png)
Yeah it's to be expected. They're going so far as to compare (((putin))) with AH himself. it's trending on twitter if you want to lose some braincells watching it.

Because they just can't help themselves mentioning anything NSDAP related no matter what happens.

Any way to add content involving (((Novoryssyia))) and (((Azov batallion))) in this thread? It'd be good for lurkers and new anons browsing the board right now.

Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 06:16:03 Id: 11fce3 [Preview] No.86581 del
(267.72 KB 1280x1057 IMG_20220225_191747_515.jpg)
(454.70 KB 1000x750 1645802426849.jpg)
I can throw that picture on novorussia but i lack azov one
>Typical business for (((them))).
I more think its just a part of the plan to sort of create artificial war on aryan expenses (in way we again do the dirty work while being played like damn fiddle) in order to drown more fiat money on lend leases which creates need to unify the currency for "saving ruined economies"

Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 12:29:31 [Preview] No.86585 del
Please visit >>86582 thread and help me fight with putin.

Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 22:40:39 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86592 del
Due to the typical Tor kikery that was in this thread until I deleted it, I'll just leave this here even though the first two are unrelated ITT. I knew when I enabled Tor posting, there would be more yidds acting brave over that jew browser.
One thing the Putin defending Hitler insulting TORkike will never see is a genuine image of Adolf with a yarmulke on his head. Yet Putin wears it gladly.

Anonymous 02/28/2022 (Mon) 00:28:34 Id: 23a106 [Preview] No.86593 del
where do you think is Putin right now and how much cocaine did he and his circle inhale since the invasion

Anonymous 03/01/2022 (Tue) 18:45:59 [Preview] No.86605 del
(4.02 MB 432x432 terrorism.mp4)

Anonymous Board owner 03/02/2022 (Wed) 00:19:56 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86609 del
Since it doesn't seem to be clear enough to the TOR users among us: There will be no active participation in this event. This is a sacrifice of gentiles for kikes, and no one here will be joining in. Stop suggesting methods.

sage sage 03/02/2022 (Wed) 03:26:54 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86612 del
Please stop

Anonymous 03/02/2022 (Wed) 03:30:50 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86613 del
>where do you think is Putin right now

In a synagogue somewhere laughing about all of this invasion thing with Zelensky, bidet the good retard, and all other types of evil kikes

>how much cocaine did he and his circle inhale since the invasion

none. He has only 2 things to do while he's still alive. Follow (((orders))) and repeat what they tell him to say. If he doesn't do that, he has accident and dies

That's what happened with stalin and the "doctor's plot". He just acted out too many times against (((them))) during the last years of his life

Anonymous 03/02/2022 (Wed) 03:34:07 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86614 del
(193.88 KB 1920x1080 eewewe.jpeg)
>I more think its just a part of the plan to sort of create artificial war on aryan expenses (in way we again do the dirty work while being played like damn fiddle) in order to drown more fiat money on lend leases which creates need to unify the currency for "saving ruined economies"

Pretty much. But I think they'll expand to every type of person on earth if we let them

>I can throw that picture on novorussia but i lack azov one
I used to have it saved up, but I can't find it either

Basically, Azov is currently (or promoted. Can't remember the details expect that who he was was posted during Maiden) managed by a old israeli kike.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Azov is funded by yidsrael



https://youtube.com/watch?v=0txqZUjAp3s [Embed]

Anonymous 03/02/2022 (Wed) 03:43:00 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86615 del
(8.83 KB 174x174 smoek3.jpeg)
(131.38 KB 896x643 Russian draft.png)
Posting some more content about Russia here.



Be glad you weren't born in Russia, /pol/. Russian draft alone is enough to break a man's soul basically, the men get raped constantly during their first years inside the service. It's so fucked up. Holy shit. Hazing new recruits in armies is normal. Raping them is really twisted. I can't imagine going through all of that and then dying for some pointless conflict to serve kikes interests.

I'm not being disrespectful or everything. I'm just highlighting some big problems that Russia has.

sage sage 03/02/2022 (Wed) 03:48:41 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86617 del
(823.82 KB 922x754 yeah.png)
Forgot to upload these pictures

1st picture for

And the 2nd picture for

Anonymous 03/03/2022 (Thu) 17:35:20 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86682 del
Well, that's interesting about Ukraine. Putin isn't any better. Both sides are ZOG. This is all just bored jews sacrificing the lives of brainwashed non-jews who are more than willing to die for kikes.

Anonymous 03/03/2022 (Thu) 17:36:39 Id: 67d40b [Preview] No.86683 del
(35.33 KB 340x312 1357588130720.jpg)

Anonymous 03/05/2022 (Sat) 04:48:23 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86693 del
Slavs have a range of looks and look different, depending on where you're in. I don't think you've ever seen one single Slav since your automatically assuming everyone in Eastern Europe looks like a deformed, inbred yid. Eastern Europe has a very diverse genetic gene pool so Slavs look like practically everybody in Europe and Middle Eastern countries.


yeah I know putin's a kike, and former KGB/Stasi agent. What's your point? *and why so many IP changes?*

Anonymous 03/05/2022 (Sat) 04:56:24 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86694 del
(16.03 KB 425x194 c55vhv5b6h.jpeg)
>Well, that's interesting about Ukraine. Putin isn't any better. Both sides are ZOG.
Every country, in one way or another, is kiked up anon. There are no exceptions during this current era. For the time being, that's just the reality of things.

Don't listen to this guy trying to start some infighting shit here. Russians and Ukrainians are practically blood brothers **and I know that for a fact that both languages sound and are written extremely similarly. I'm actively trying to learn Russian right now

And that "out of Khazaria" theory has been debunked years ago. Only the upper class of that Khazar empire converted to kikeism to avoid getting into a fight with Orthodox Russian empire and that one Muslim empire during that era that I can't remember right now. What this Ip change guy is trying to pull here is make us fight and start hating on each other. Like (((they))) always do. And kikes are very low in the population there, compared to pre WWII Poland at least. That place was a kike mecca

Anonymous 03/05/2022 (Sat) 04:58:32 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86695 del
(26.56 KB 600x300 bnfrnbtyr.jpeg)
>This is all just bored jews sacrificing the lives of brainwashed non-jews who are more than willing to die for kikes.
Just don't get involved in the conflict then. And that goes to everyone here.

Also be extra careful if you see a "donate to Ukraine" fund around anywhere on the internet. Some if not most of them are scams example: the red cross was initially made so kikes can funnel money to themselves. I actually got recommended a fundraiser for Ukraine that got started a week or two before the invasion. Which is pretty weird, because it's almost like they knew this was going to happen way advance. Creepy stuff huh?

Anonymous 03/05/2022 (Sat) 12:22:50 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86703 del
This ID is me: >>86682 and mine doesn't change that often until sometimes the ISP decides to. These IDs are not me: >>86677 >>86678 >>86680 >>86681 >>86683
Some tend to have dynamic IPs or apparently in the case of TOR shit-starting shills such as the anti-Christian rage kike, they're getting some IPs now instead of this site forcing no IDs. Which is good for leaving ban messages I guess.

Anonymous 03/05/2022 (Sat) 20:19:20 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86704 del
(115.59 KB 451x700 1645040906480.jpg)
This is dumbest assumption that i ever saw.
Ukrainians are eastern slavs with some Tatar customs and look because of tatar tribes inhabiting of present southern ukraine and muscovy/commonwealth settlers coming to these lands for their huge riches which caused small merging of groups

Anonymous 03/05/2022 (Sat) 22:45:55 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86705 del
I took that anon's posts as Ukraine accepting jews within, which is the same with Putin's Russia, even despite that person claiming Ukrainians=Khazarians. This is the problem with automatically knowing truth through webs of lies. Sometimes I don't even notice the lies anymore.

Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 06:06:08 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86710 del
>I took that anon's posts as Ukraine accepting jews within, which is the same with Putin's Russia.
Okay then.

Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 18:56:01 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86712 del
>Also be extra careful if you see a "donate to Ukraine" fund around anywhere on the internet
That should be also on mind of one.
If someone wants so much to help to victims of war do not give your money to humanitarian organization or if you get like i text messages from mobile operator to mobile operators, you do not know if actually you help or not or how much utilized the sum was.

Anonymous 03/07/2022 (Mon) 09:00:15 Id: b40410 [Preview] No.86716 del
(177.10 KB 1184x718 ukrojews.jpg)
I'm just gonna leave this here...

Anonymous 03/07/2022 (Mon) 11:31:25 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86717 del
(653.38 KB 1012x3875 Russian jews.jpg)
Sure. However, the previous position that "Ukranians = Khazarian jews" is untenable. There will be no more of that here. Russia has jews. Not all Russians are kikes. In fact, the vast majority are not. The same mostly for Europe and North America but also most of the entire world. It's a fucked up situation across nations.

Anonymous 03/08/2022 (Tue) 15:35:07 Id: 00396e [Preview] No.86725 del
As if you needed any more proof Putin is a filthy Yidd.

Anonymous 03/10/2022 (Thu) 21:27:00 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86731 del
(18.20 KB 565x317 sneer.gif)
Biden blames Russia for high gas prices (He's full of shit. Those companies jacked prices to gain major profits)

U.S. had illegal Bioweapon Labs all over Ukraine

Putin Praises Multiculturalism and Vilifies ‘Nazis’

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 04:15:05 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86733 del
It's alright anon. You just didn't know about what was going in

>That should be also on mind of one.
>If someone wants so much to help to victims of war do not give your money to humanitarian organization or if you get like i text messages from mobile operator to mobile operators,
>you do not know if actually you help or not or how much utilized the sum was.

Exactly. We have 0 way of knowing where the money is going. and some guy recently was bold enough to syphon money into his crypto wallet by creating a fake charity. I'm not sure if donating to a random charity would ever work

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 04:17:17 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86734 del
>Biden blames Russia for high gas prices (He's full of shit. Those companies jacked prices to gain major profits)

yeah that was kinda obvious. Doesn't good retard or people in his party own stocks in gas companies? I need someone to verify that because I know a lot of companies donated to the guy

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 07:49:02 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86740 del
(290.35 KB 754x554 1638985405661.png)
>Biden blames Russia for high gas prices.
I know that he is senile and zoged as every zogbot but
How the fuck can a another zog goverment make things more expensive when these companies are owned by jews which operate BEYOND goverments...

Anonymous 03/11/2022 (Fri) 15:32:54 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86741 del
(363.92 KB 1002x648 Exxon.jpg)
(394.89 KB 1301x1150 shareholders.jpg)
(151.00 KB 959x518 BlackRock.jpg)
(357.28 KB 1050x686 Vanguard.jpg)
(287.72 KB 993x459 SSGA.jpg)
There's a video in that link in which Biden has campaigned against fossil fuels, stating he would stop federal subsidies. Whether he has or not (as U.S. Presidents are notorious for lying their asses off), oil companies have taken this out on the consumer. Exxon, BP and Shell are gaining an around 20% gross profit margin while Chevron is gaining around 40%. It's not even supply and demand. These are price hikes. I don't have the time to look into the ethnicities of every company's Board of Directors and their shareholders, but there are likely to be many more kikes involved.

Anonymous 03/12/2022 (Sat) 08:09:57 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86743 del
>oil companies have taken this out on the consumer. Exxon, BP and Shell are gaining an around 20% gross profit margin while Chevron is gaining around 40%. It's not even supply and demand.

And that was my point these companies work beyond or better separatly from goverments so the statement that vladimir shelmov putin is behind it is stupid and illogical

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 03:06:00 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86749 del
Of course it is stupid and illogical. Biden is a senile rambling Zionist retard. Anyone who isn't is not allowed the United States Presidency.

White Westerners Are So Demoralized They Are Looking to the Hammer & Sickle for Salvation

Bolshevism and Plutocracy Have One Master: The jew

High-Ranking Ukrainian Colonel General Accused Jews Of Fomenting Bloodshed in Ukraine

Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine

Ron Paul: Is Putin the New Coronavirus?
("Fortunately for Congress, the President, and the Federal Reserve, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is replacing COVID as a ready-made excuse for their failures and a justification for expanding their power.")

Israeli PM Bennett Pushed Zelensky To Surrender To Russia

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 06:33:19 Id: d2c6a7 [Preview] No.86752 del
There's nothing worse than war, this is Mariupol before and after.

Anonymous 03/16/2022 (Wed) 04:48:42 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86777 del
(19.32 KB 349x499 145646161.jpeg)
>There's nothing worse than war, this is Mariupol before and after.

It's alright anon. We can always rebuild after it's all over.

Germany went through 100x times worse during WWII. And now it's probably one the best European country in the EU. Civilians also managed to evacuate most of them so things could have been a whole lot worse

Anonymous 03/16/2022 (Wed) 04:53:50 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86778 del
Oh yeah, andrew sperglin of DS is of course going pro putin over the invasion. Not surprising since he literally obsesses over that midget since forever. And deletes any post exposing putains. I've seen it happen before

Thanks for the links anon

>These are price hikes.

>There's a video in that link in which Biden has campaigned against fossil fuels,

He'll say anything to make plebs happen anon

Anonymous 03/16/2022 (Wed) 04:57:27 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86779 del
Ruble and Russian economy are collapsing right now. People are protesting and getting arrested just for disagreeing with putains. Hundreds of Western corporations are now leaving Russia and handing out bans for Russians too.

Whatever happens after this, it'll be regular Russians receiving the punishment for it.

Anonymous 03/16/2022 (Wed) 20:28:25 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86785 del
>Whatever happens after this, it'll be regular Russians receiving the punishment for it.
Hm and since vladimir shelmov Putputin unified financialy with winnie the pooh we can also expect a large natural vandalism and also testing ground for judean unified currency concept.

When i think on it deeply more and more i see hints that this war is indeed made in order to unify currency for the great reset.

Anonymous 03/17/2022 (Thu) 00:46:57 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86789 del
It's not only unified currency. They're unifying Communism as the west is consumed by apparently a senile, Zionist imbecile whom is countering mass inflation with a bill to take $1.5 Trillion from U.S. taxpayers. I can't help but think demented Biden and the fall of the North American empire is all part of (((their))) plan. Full of shit U.S. military idiots have been claiming they could take on all of Russia. As usual, the Dogface soldiers (WW2 term for loyal to the point of blind stupidity) believe the hype. The reality is that the U.S. military couldn't get a handle on Vietnam, Korea, Iraq or Afghanistan and everybody's forgetting about U.S. Cold War failure despite all of this Cold War nostalgia.

Anonymous 03/17/2022 (Thu) 08:43:26 Id: cfdeb3 [Preview] No.86791 del
Contributing a food analysis on zions great reset and ukraine

Anonymous 03/17/2022 (Thu) 08:43:59 Id: cfdeb3 [Preview] No.86792 del
I meant a food for brain

Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 22:20:37 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86831 del
Proof kikes are on both sides of this conflict.

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 06:56:06 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86832 del
>It's not only unified currency. They're unifying Communism as the west is consumed by apparently a senile, Zionist imbecile
Yes the zions world domination because kike is lazy is the endgoal sure and i am not denying it but also do not forget that in order to achieve it zion must do something that will prevent people to sort of refuse or live offgrid of system and one of the most effective compilance methods are either hunger (also a possibility from this war because ukraine and russia are breadbaskets of europe) or since money is curse without fatherland unyfing currency as sort of NFT fed coin fully controlled by jewish banks that can by any opportunity wipe your fedcoins for rent etc because you commited (add anything what you want from hate speech buzzwords)

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 15:55:18 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86846 del
Where did you get this anon?

And yeah kikes always play both sides. Just like they did in South Africa were they literally funded both apartheid and anti apartheid groups. Because kikes are the niggers of religion.

>I meant a food for brain
I think it's actually called "food for thought". But thanks regardless Slovak anon. Can someone post a screencap for the link he shared?

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 16:04:58 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86848 del
So far 10 million Ukrainians have fled the country, but civilians damages are minimal at the least.


Russians are just shooting on random places at the time I guess to scare more people into leaving

Russian soldier casualties are massive. I wish I could find a better source, but there's a massive disinfo campaign going on right now.

I mean, it's a war so it's to be expected. Kremlin's sending a lot of people to shill for Russia's invasion on multiple imageboards. I mean it's too obvious sometimes when the posters sound wayy too aggressively buttmad over everything

repost from /news/ Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 16:17:06 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86850 del
(11.26 KB 200x200 Doc.jpeg)
(148.90 KB 852x669 goodboy-putains.jpg)
And as always, /pol/ is getting accused of supporting Russia in a certain German imageboard. Which is stupid to say, because /pol/ and /news/ were the first to call out both how kosher this entire war is.

Allegedly, "we" think that Russia is moral, traditionalist and Christian or whatever even though some places in Russia are majority Muslim. We're on the anti jude side, which is nowhere to be found except in civilians and forced conscripts on both sides.

Anyway, have a photos of "based" putains
Oh yeah, Russia is sending mostly Chechens to the frontlines for the invasion. So no, there's no point in cheering for Russia at this point. Which is even more lulzy because Russian government invaded Chechnya twice during the 90s and committed multiple war crimes against them.


Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 16:18:18 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86851 del
Good point. Also in Russia, the Ukraine and the majority of the world there are hate speech laws. As that subject I brought up is outside the scope of this thread, the posts will be here: >>86839 >>86844 >>86849

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 16:23:23 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86852 del
More info



>The history of relations between Russia and Chechnya as related or constructed by the two sides is in essence one of conflict: colonial conquest, imperial rule, sovietisation, then deportation of the entire Chechen and Ingush population by order of Stalin on 23 February 1944 (Campana, 2007; Gammer, 2005; Dunlop, 1998; Polian and Kozlov, 2011; Vatchagaev and Merlin, 2008). The deportation of 1944, during which hundreds of thousands died and Chechen and Ingush culture was destroyed, has left a deep and indelible trace in collective memory. It was defined as genocide in a resolution of the European Parliament in 2004 (European Parliament, 26/02/2004).

>The official figure for Russian military deaths was 5,732; most estimates put the number between 3,500 and 7,500, but some go as high as 14,000. Although there are no accurate figures for the number of Chechen forces killed, various estimates put the number between approximately 3,000 to 17,391 dead or missing. Various figures estimate the number of civilian deaths at between 30,000 and 100,000 killed and possibly over 200,000 injured, while more than 500,000 people were displaced by the conflict, which left cities and villages across the republic in ruins.The conflict led to a significant decrease of non-Chechen population due to violence and discrimination.

>The exact death toll of the conflict is unknown. Russian casualties are around 7,500 (official Russian casualty figures) or about 14,000 according to the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers. Unofficial sources estimate a range of 25,000 to 50,000 dead or missing, mostly Chechen civilians.

But yeah, feel free to die for (((putains))) and a (((Russian))) government that hates your guts Chechens. based and redpilled. Go based Russian puppet Kadyrov. Very =Cool!= I can't even measure the high levels of cucking Chechens are experiencing right now. Like, holy shit. Imagine dying for putin after he bombed your entire family

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 16:29:11 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86853 del
>Where did you get this anon?
>Kremlin's sending a lot of people to shill for Russia's invasion on multiple imageboards.
And meanwhile on mainstream such as Imgur, Facebook(Meta whatever the fuck they call themselves now) and Twitter among others, they're shilling for Ukraine with such a hive mind, it has to be some paid Pajeet farmers. Controlled opposition on both sides.
>/pol/ is getting accused of supporting Russia in a certain German imageboard
>>>/kc/ ? I don't even bother going there after one time with too many so-called "Germans"(not Germans, obvious jews) supporting the kike holocaust fraud as well as interracial mixing. The thing is, Germans are penalized by law for speaking against (((the enemy))). Their submissiveness since the end of WW2 has been unreal. Then again, the U.S. was just as bad long before.

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 16:45:59 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86854 del
>I think it's actually called "food for thought". But thanks regardless Slovak anon
I will try to remember that.

>Can someone post a screencap for the link he shared?
If i will not forget i can find that thread on 4chan where one anon posted it and compiled it to screencap since i found that thing on phone during break in work.

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 17:14:10 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86855 del
(315.73 KB 1920x1104 IMG_20220321_175039_639.JPG)
>Allegedly, "we" think that Russia is moral, traditionalist and Christian or whatever

Even national socialist generals on 4pol fell for both sides its rarity to see not aligned one and most of the time you see in picture related one with pretty special individum desperatly wanting NS to be a his true christian™ civnat worldview
(For context no one knows his true christianity™ is because apparently he is only one who is "saved" and everyone is heretic when either called out for his well poisoning especially on racial side of NSDAP or asked by other christian what that true christianity is hence why i added trademark mark)

> I can't even measure the high levels of cucking Chechens are experiencing right now.
Probbably as same as our generations born during czechoslovak peoples republic.
Despite living in almost same mess as this ZOG republic where as salt to would also the long nosed merchants stole their land that your ancestors were expanding and cultivating for generations and possibly beaten them with rifle butts in prague spring and velvet revolution and commited one of the biggest ecological damages in history of this nation they still think they lived in paradise and vladimir shelmov putin build an utopia and want from slovak republic to be a russian federation republic giving up our symbols language etc because "we were brothers during warsaw pact"

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 19:07:49 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86856 del
>that your ancestors
I meant their ancestors

Anonymous 03/22/2022 (Tue) 01:12:14 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86857 del
>/kc/ ?

no kohl c h an. The site that hosts cp and then bans people for reporting it. The one full of kikes

>they're shilling for Ukraine with such a hive mind, it has to be some paid Pajeet farmers. Controlled opposition on both sides.
I don't even know what is going on at this point

>If i will not forget i can find that thread on 4chan where one anon posted it and compiled it to screencap since i found that thing on phone during break in work.
ok cool

>and commited one of the biggest ecological damages in history of this nation

Can you expand more on this Slovak anon? I'm not quite sure what you're referring to

Anonymous 03/22/2022 (Tue) 01:16:35 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86858 del

Also >>86694
>And that "out of Khazaria" theory has been debunked years ago.

That theory was made up by a kike btw. It's fake. (((they are making things up again

and the /kc/ board here is fine. No complaints

Anonymous 03/22/2022 (Tue) 02:22:48 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86860 del
>no kohl c h an
>/pol/ is getting accused of supporting Russia in a certain German imageboard
Interesting. What board exactly Did they mean specifically endchan/pol

Anonymous 03/22/2022 (Tue) 13:46:26 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86863 del
>Can you expand more on this Slovak anon.
Okay then during czechoslovak peoples republic long nosed merchants with their big industralization, urban housing pushing and squeezing of land fertility (what was land cycling for them anyway that was capitalist theory in their eyes) combined with deforestations for again resources (which is normal to harvest wood but when you reforest that area which they didn't done and left deforested areas) and by any cost getting ores and material like aluminum caused us a massive damages on enviroment which some are still being fixed. I think someone during that era made a report in agricultural and mining part of it and was shut down maybe its called "Pôda volá SOS" ie the land calls SOS

Anonymous 03/22/2022 (Tue) 13:49:52 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86864 del
(374.95 KB 1080x1404 IMG_20220319_212915.jpg)
Forgot picture

Anonymous 03/23/2022 (Wed) 09:07:11 Id: cff158 [Preview] No.86870 del
>Ukrainians are eastern slavs with some Tatar customs
Do you realize how retarded you sound, faggot? If you have nothing to say about someone's culture and don't know shit about it, don't say anything anything whatsoever.

Anonymous 03/23/2022 (Wed) 10:30:27 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86871 del
You're responding to the person who replied to someone that claimed "all Ukrainians are Khazarian jews". You don't see that because the bullshit was deleted for Rule 3 - blaming any indo-European race besides jews and Rule 7 - calling anyone and everyone kike to destroy all trust in any truth. So calm the fuck down.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 03/23/2022 (Wed) 10:31:01.

Anonymous 03/23/2022 (Wed) 14:02:13 Id: 2c1530 [Preview] No.86872 del
That was a response to dingus who said ukrainians are kazarians

>If you have nothing to say about someone's culture and don't know shit about it, don't say anything anything whatsoever.
And then you had spoken bullshit yourself while accusing me of it

>Do you realize how retarded you sound, faggot?
Sure jim defenetly ukraine or better Galicia wasn't during a rennesiance a empty land where tatars were coming trough to hunt people for ottoman slave trades and Muscovy/commonwealth settlers for its summer riches causing sort of coexistence between groups.

Anonymous 03/25/2022 (Fri) 00:00:21 Id: 87a371 [Preview] No.86884 del
Quickly posting something containing good material and stuff

Anonymous 03/26/2022 (Sat) 05:05:07 Id: 3a01a7 [Preview] No.86894 del
>posting 4Chong content
really mate?
I know this is the end but the flow should be endchan>4chong not 4chong>endchan, I like the spotlight the endchan is getting but I'll like more user coming here and posting.

Anonymous 03/26/2022 (Sat) 08:22:16 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.86898 del
I did not mentioned 4pol cross platform linking with this imageboard i just found this while quickly skimming there during lunch break during shift and found that thread has competent material worthy of mention like >>86791 which i also found on 4pol when that thread was not purged

Anonymous 03/26/2022 (Sat) 11:44:23 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86905 del
^This anon's right, you know. If any linking should happen it should be for Endchan at other chans, not other chans here. This board's traffic is low enough without siphoning.

Anonymous 03/26/2022 (Sat) 14:29:32 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.86908 del
If then that is the case okay then i admit my error and i wont resist removal of post if enforced

Anonymous 03/26/2022 (Sat) 14:31:23 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.86909 del
(1.45 MB 1978x5106 1647338406314.png)
Also speaking of links how i promised i delivered a compiled picture on that archive.ph link i send on 17th march

Anonymous 03/28/2022 (Mon) 00:34:34 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86931 del
Also old thread from Russian invasion can be found here


Repost from /news/ thread

Russia is losing thousands of troops since this invasion start. Right now, they aren't winning anything and are in fact empowering most countries to stick together against them. Both Finland and Sweden I think have also joined NATO because of this. Ukrainian patriotism has been rejuvenated thanks to the invasion.

Also, some Russian TV personalities and military commanders were mulling over invading the Baltics next. And they also attacked a Ukrainian location near the Polish border.

What happens next is anybody's guess. A smart person would have already retreated and stopped everything to deal with ongoing sanctions. But smart people are rarely in charge of things

Anonymous 03/28/2022 (Mon) 00:46:33 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.86933 del
(1.84 MB 1726x1820 snaek.png)

Ehh maybe next time just post an archived thread or screencap instead. I don't like anything 4ch related.

Anonymous 03/28/2022 (Mon) 08:29:37 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.86946 del
Understood from >>86905 but thanks for reminding

Anonymous 03/29/2022 (Tue) 07:24:32 Id: 11e760 [Preview] No.86951 del
Yeah, this is what made me curious. I have no doubt that Russian military might isn't all that great but the level to which they've been failing is almost (((too convenient))). Both Russia and Ukraine are facing catastrophic demographics and this war can't be doing them any favors. Shit, I've even seen a report about Russians sending an excess of minorities like the Dagestanis and Tatars into combat to die, so it seems like they don't just want the Christian goyim to shrink in numbers, they're making sure the Russian Muslims do too. Meanwhile the Jews in Ukraine are immediately getting a free ticket to Israel while the Russian Jews (oligarchs) have been invited into Turkey, the new Zionist haven after Erdogan started "restoring relations" with Israel after Herzog got in...

Also it's insane how the Western public has been whipped up into a frenzy against Russia, almost to the level that we were against the Middle-East after 9/11. Except this time they didn't even have to do shit on American soil, it's literally just a poor Slavic country that was best known as a cheap tourism destination and mail-order brides up until like a year ago.

Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 07:08:57 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.86969 del
>just a poor Slavic country that was best known as a cheap tourism destination and mail-order brides up until like a year ago.
Not only that Ukraine was also known at least by neighboring nations as smuggler gnarl for cigarets and fake brand goods

Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 18:30:43 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.86975 del

Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 04:04:15 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87015 del
(39.59 KB 346x346 MqGzNg1i_400x400.jpg)
>Both Russia and Ukraine are facing catastrophic demographics and this war can't be doing them any favors. Shit, I've even seen a report about Russians sending an excess of minorities like the Dagestanis and Tatars into combat to die,

It's no secret that top kikes worship the devil. Maybe they want all of these people dead as a form of sacrifice to get something. A blood/burned offering if you may. Just like WWII where there were huge losses on all sides (majority being of Russians). Except Germany ironically enough, but that's because they were really good in military strategies and tactics

>hur they lost
Hard to win when you're fighting practically all of planet earth with only a few allies.

> while the Russian Jews (oligarchs) have been invited into Turkey, the new Zionist haven after Erdogan started "restoring relations" with Israel after Herzog got in...

That's funny
They're just doing the same thing they did with the Ottomans. Just history on repeat

Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 04:07:43 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87017 del
>Ukraine Has "Essentially Agreed" To Core Russian Demands Of Not Joining NATO, Says Kremlin

More like intimidated to the fear of death over it but ok

>Also it's insane how the Western public has been whipped up into a frenzy against Russia,

See >>86605
People are obviously going to be pissed off over what's going on. Because it could happen to any EU or Eastern European country next.

Anonymous 04/03/2022 (Sun) 09:22:45 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.87039 del
(484.11 KB 740x697 1645529765296.png)
>Also it's insane how the Western public has been whipped up into a frenzy against Russia.
When you see these attrocities you automaticaly go into frenzy because you know what enemy is capable.
Bonus points can be added if you are a nation that was member of warsaw pact or survived ww2 red flood

Anonymous 04/04/2022 (Mon) 02:48:32 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87056 del
Putin’s Approval Rating Soars to 83 Percent

Russia’s Military Assault on Kiev Was Misdirection

Did Chabad Jews Orchestrate Ukraine War To Establish Their ‘Third Khazaria’ Kingdom?

"A Paradigm Shift Western Media Hasn't Grasped Yet" - Russian Ruble Relaunched, Linked To Gold & Commodities

Putin Seeks To Declare 'Victory' Over Eastern Ukraine By May 9th

China Accused Of Massive Ukraine Cyberattack Days Before Russian Invasion

Ukraine Announces Million Dollars Reward Per Russian Helicopter, Fighter Jet, Warship

IMF Warns That Sanctions Against Russia Threaten To Weaken The Dominance Of The Dollar

Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 15:08:57 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87068 del
>Putin’s Approval Rating Soars to 83 Percent

Those numbers are made up. (((russian government))) lies about everything

>Did Chabad Jews Orchestrate Ukraine War To Establish Their ‘Third Khazaria’ Kingdom?

The khazar theory is about as real as the holocaust. Which is to say not real at all

Anonymous 04/08/2022 (Fri) 04:50:49 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87071 del
Yeah those numbers aren't believable because Putin is a kike. Khazaria not being their origin also isn't surprising. Chabad-Lubavitch jews do believe their kingdoms of Khazaria are real. Kikes are not always aware when they're lying. Their beliefs in frauds make up most of their lies. Said this as well at /news/

I will add that Russians seem to be mass brainwashed about (or terrified of the consequences of speaking against) Putin. I have spoken to many and have seen many more interviewed about him specifically by visitors. This was back when I was curious about the continent and found the people to be just as blind. Many believe National Socialists are bad, because they're easily led fucking idiots. I can't say America is any different, or even a few Germans I've talked to, which honestly might've been not Germans but jews. Who knows about anyone anymore after WW2. So many cucks hypnotized by the (((mainstream))) refusing to wake the fuck up. There may be a lot more with kike blood all around than the parasites claim. Otherwise, I can't explain the mass refusal to disconnect from believing jewish narratives.

Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 12:10:22 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.87076 del
(38.79 KB 416x246 1648633562857.png)
>I will add that Russians seem to be mass brainwashed about (or terrified of the consequences of speaking against) Putin. I have spoken to many and have seen many more interviewed about him specifically by visitors.
In first place most of volodya shelmov putins supporters range from generations that were born during cold war (and most important thing that also most of social security money fills on this group) or their children which they got it by sharp indoctrination.
One thing that westerners sometimes forget about any opposition in russia that is simply said any form of nationalism that does not spin around nazbol or zionism is strongly suppresed since apparently russia started to exist as nation since 1920.

>Many believe National Socialists are bad, because they're easily led fucking idiots
Yes in russia this is probbably strongest thing, a anger around operation barbarossa (because who apart of few knows about operation thunderstorm anyway right?) since zion carves their national identity from early ussr to present.

>I can't explain the mass refusal to disconnect from believing jewish narratives.
From my observations i think its caused by sort of fake world of competition apetized by entertainment as escapism (i cannot explain it properly simply said imagine sort of matrix like world of haopy falsehood or something like when someone sees something is off so he just pops up quick fix to again see the world as jolly place)

Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 16:43:55 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87077 del
(684.10 KB 2134x887 This is unfinished.jpg)
>any form of nationalism that does not spin around nazbol or zionism is strongly suppresed
M8, that's America too. I get the impression it's the same throughout Europe as well.
>entertainment as escapism
Yes, jewish media. The first image's info was gathered (I think) around 2017. Now in 2022 it's the next image. Yet there are still idiots who think they can "kill them off" both without repercussions and without gathering numbers. 5.8 million kikes in the U.S.A. 1.4 million in Europe and there's no telling how many jews are in Russia. An entire government would have trouble removing that many yidds, even if all world governments weren't already Zionist pieces of shit.

Anonymous 04/11/2022 (Mon) 03:25:52 Id: 2564c1 [Preview] No.87082 del
What's worst it's folk thinking nationalism it's the same as nazbol or zionism, as soon as you began study nationalism and it's roots, you'll end up in the jewish question, next is Germany in the 20's and it's out of the cave (into the rabbit hole as some masonic man would call it) from there, that was the peak of European love for knowledge, the identification of jews and their practices.

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 03:02:43 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87097 del
(63.06 KB 680x750 D4wOU10WwAA0uuF.jpg)
>Many believe National Socialists are bad, because they're easily led fucking idiots.
70+ years of constant communist brainwashing does that.

It really is something you need to experience to describe well. 24/7 propaganda being shown everywhere that's pro-communist party with 0 alternative to any type of Right wing thought. Newspapers, radios, televisions, etc. That plus having things like the secret police monitor EVERY SINGLE THING you do, everything you say, everything you write, everywhere you go. It's peak kike-ism. Most people just get demoralized and just blame "ebil nazdess", because it's easier to blame imaginary
"nazis" for everyone's problems. Instead of the kike/s right in front of you

>I will add that Russians seem to be mass brainwashed about (or terrified of the consequences of speaking against) Putin.

Maybe the older generation. Younger Russians HATE their government. We had Russians on Endchan when the server migration was going on from the /rus/ board. They said that people in Russia would get sent to jail just for saying anything remotely bad about their (((government))).

They didn't mind the downtime because the /rus/ boards they were in kept getting taken down because of that. You can't say anything bad about putains or his little friends or you'll get arrested. Or end up dead. Also putains married one of his daughters off to an oligarch kike. As if there's not enough reason to dislike him

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 03:09:02 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87098 del
(53.46 KB 638x706 1516305610001.jpeg)
Meh, NATO shills are going on Russian invasion threads outside of here and shilling for how "badass" it is. So was the point of this war only to scare EU members to join and stay in NATO? Because Finland's going to join during the summer already.

This entire thing is so stupid. Nobody's winning anything at this point.

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 03:53:48 Id: fd07ca [Preview] No.87100 del
bro, absolutely truth is that:

- Khaarian Khaganate is modern "Ukraine"
- Most Jews relocated to Israel are from the territory of Khazarian Khaganate - literally from so called "Ukraine"
- And they are continuing to relocate to Israel (not their land at all) even at this moment

And your (((...))) don't matter more - he is literally killing them, and I like it so much.

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 04:02:17 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87101 del
I don't think there was ever an intent to win. This would have been done already if the purpose at face value was deliberate. Russia's military obviously outnumbers Ukraine's, and of course we're talking about two kikes "against" each other here. For jews, the world is a stage. They're always acting which is an exact synonym for lying yet people have lost awareness of that. There's no way they're not engaging in yet another "everybody panic globally" scare as jew media has been doing for too long now. You may be right about that being one of the goals.

>And your (((...))) don't matter more
Great. Another visitor who doesn't give a shit if someone is a kike. You realize that train of thought won't last long here, right? I'll warn you ahead of time. Do not defend any jew whatsoever here. The purpose of this board really should be obvious by now.

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 07:30:19 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.87106 del
(16.63 KB 500x281 proxy-image (18).jpeg)
>Maybe the older generation
Not only older generation it is also by large chance their children or grandchildren since you can make child believe in anything if you try hard enough

>They said that people in Russia would get sent to jail just for saying anything remotely bad about their (((government))).
Yep even young migrants in Slovakia who either work or study here have same to say well apart of old vatniks who promedate themself as gods here because We WuZ lIBerAtOrs.

You know that you see another comical Zog goverment when you can get arrested by blowing a FSB building in videogame (yes i am referencing that child who in minecraft blew up FSB building)

>Also putains married one of his daughters off to an oligarch kike. As if there's not enough reason to dislike him
Now thats another salt to wound after he gave respects and war veteran titles to occupying forces in ČSSR during prague spring.

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 07:35:54 Id: 0e699e [Preview] No.87107 del
(2.68 MB 3472x3472 1645803437394.jpg)

And your (((...))) don't matter more - he is literally killing them, and I like it so much.
So much he is killing them that he has jewish mother jew is is closest advisor and oligarchs are jewish
In nation from where jews escaped asap when war broke out.

I dont think so

Anonymous 04/12/2022 (Tue) 14:02:20 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87109 del
Jesus Christ. Russia really seems a mirror of the United States' absolute fucking degeneracy with that image. It's going in the Putin is a kike proofs vault. I feel bad for Caucasian Russians as much as Americans of European ancestry now. Putin's present is the U.S.'s future should nobody rise to stop ZOG. By that I mean laws. All the images on display are happening in the U.S. already. If I showed those pictures to almost any random American, they would have this stupid look on their face and ask me "what's wrong with that?" The US of ZOG as well is already so far gone (and as I keep seeing news about how cucked Germany has been by jews in authority), I'm unsure of the possibility of kikes ever being exiled again. Maybe humanity as a whole has reached peak stupidity and this is the end of the line.

See, the slave owning businesses are (((their))) corporations that they are CEOs, Chairmen and Presidents of. The slaves are the "workers" yet many do not think of themselves that way because of jewish doublespeak. Kikes have exactly what they want, but they want more. Now they're issuing bans across all the social network platforms jews own. In the future, they'll have their laws to fine and imprison us for the same things.

Anonymous 04/14/2022 (Thu) 02:44:35 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87114 del

Anonymous 04/17/2022 (Sun) 12:07:27 Id: 2c87aa [Preview] No.87166 del
(131.44 KB 1200x1200 1639162951916.jpg)
>Slovakia In Talks With NATO Allies To Send MiG-29 Jets To Ukraine

So we are without even common airforce then before f 16s will arrive if even they will arrive... okay i get it they are useless to us now because we dont have mechanics and parts for them but come on, our military material is scare to be given on lend lease.

What will i see that we also confirmed for sending our whole stockpile of Zuzana mobile artillery there?
But what to expect from Shabbos goy parliament especially the president of this cursed republic
For jewish money they would even sell out their possetions

Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 01:38:31 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87167 del
(44.55 KB 392x545 th.jpeg)
>And your (((...))) don't matter more - he is literally killing them, and I like it so much.

Ukrainians and Russians are literal blood brothers. Why the fuck would you be happy about what's going on? It would be the same thing as having Austrians and Germans fight each other for no reason.

He kills Russians and Chechens too. And anyone who speaks out against him. And has made residing in Russia a living nightmare? Do you want to celebrate that too?

>Most Jews relocated to Israel
Just read the thread man >>86858 >>87071

>bro, absolutely truth is that:
>bro, absolutely truth

Just, no

Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 01:42:29 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87168 del
(64.74 KB 600x900 Vnm.jpeg)
>Now thats another salt to wound after he gave respects and war veteran titles to occupying forces in ČSSR during prague spring.
I know it sucks dude.

>Not only older generation it is also by large chance their children or grandchildren since you can make child believe in anything if you try hard enough
With the high amount of Russians migrating out, that may change in the future

>Yep even young migrants in Slovakia who either work or study here have same to say
Yeah (((russian))) government is a fucking awful yenta nightmare

>But what to expect from Shabbos goy parliament especially the president of this cursed republic
>For jewish money they would even sell out their possetions

I assume that's the current PM of Slovakia right? **Every single EU country's leader has done that. You're not an exception

Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 01:45:04 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87169 del
>Russia Confirms Warship On Fire, "Seriously Damaged" Off Odessa After Reported Missile Strike

They sunk the ship a few days ago. Russian government even confirmed it.

You should have seen the Telegram pages for Russians seeing the war though. They went nuts. This war is going pretty bad for Russia right now. The smart thing to do would be just to call it quits.

Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 10:14:36 Id: 2c87aa [Preview] No.87178 del
>I assume that's the current PM of Slovakia right?
On picture? Thats president, present MP i think does not have a picture in wall of cries i know that 2 before had and rest is very pro israel or met bibi and maybe since 2018 they have embassy in Bratislava

>Every single EU country's leader has done that. You're not an exception
And that not being an exeption hurts very badly on our defense like it was not bad enough from our shabbos goyim parliament now (16 000 active soldiers, no battle helicopter airforce, barely a functioning tank company with few motorized and mechanized ones, and now possibly no normal air force for some time, mobile artillery company) but thats just another day in Kalergis european union

Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 12:52:29 Id: 2c87aa [Preview] No.87180 del
Just to note last sentence is not sarcastic

Anonymous 04/23/2022 (Sat) 04:15:20 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87207 del
2 Russian Oligarchs Found Dead Just One Day Apart Both murder suicides too. What a "coincidence" for (((Putin)))

Putin Tells EU Chief That Kiev Not Allowing Azov Militants To Surrender In Mariupol (((Zelensky))) requiring no surrender through Vitali Klitschko's orders as much as his jewish "enemy" Putin requires of Russians

To any randoms who are still confused: Biden is a kike. Putin is a kike. Zelensky is a kike. The only thing you can trust from all of them is wanting the deaths of all but their parasitic race.

Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 02:09:04 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87230 del
>2 Russian Oligarchs Found Dead Just One Day Apart Both murder suicides too. What a "coincidence" for (((Putin)))

it happens very often in Russia. Russia is a literal brutal mafia style state.

>Biden is a kike. Putin is a kike. Zelensky is a kike. The only thing you can trust from all of them is wanting the deaths of all but their parasitic race.

Wish people visiting us (Russians, Ukrainians, and everyone else) would realize that. Especially this guy >>87217

Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 20:23:10 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87251 del
(50.06 KB 640x480 5432456.jpeg)
Are you still pushing this divide and conquer shit again faggot? And on this board again no less.

Russians are genetically similar to Goths/Vikings. Ukrainians too. Along with a mix of genes from Europe/Caucus/Middle East

(((those people))) are literal minorities in every country they live in. Even in Israel since Arabs breed like rabbits compared to them.

Stop this shit already

Anonymous 05/01/2022 (Sun) 04:11:37 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87260 del
That anon hasn't said anything this time, and those images are just more fuel for the fact that Zelensky is a filthy kike. He was wrong, however, before (by his ID in another post higher) in stating most jews relocated to Israel are "from Ukraine". Most of the relocation to Israel were the kikes and the descendants thereof leaving Germany after Hitler took power because the degenerate pieces of shit lost their special privileges.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/01/2022 (Sun) 04:14:09.

Anonymous 05/07/2022 (Sat) 21:27:57 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87324 del
(648.26 KB 960x960 holograph.png)
>aidskike is spamming the site

He must have gotten exposed again somewhere he was spamming.

>That anon hasn't said anything this time, and those images are just more fuel for the fact that Zelensky is a filthy kike

Hmm yeah you're probably right.

Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 08:49:04 Id: 2c87aa [Preview] No.87332 del
>in stating most jews relocated to Israel are "from Ukraine
I know its context to individum who said it but that is bullshit
Most were relocated during Hitlers germany and after ww2

Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 12:41:37 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87337 del
Yes, m8. That there is the thing I said. The image starting this thread didn't help, so I removed it.

Anonymous 05/11/2022 (Wed) 03:15:14 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87372 del
This war is still going on? Really?

It feels pretty pointless since nobody's winning anything at this point speaking in long term at least

Anonymous 05/11/2022 (Wed) 04:19:01 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87379 del
Zero Hedge doesn't have much to report on it anymore since it's going on too long and both sides are full of shit. I really haven't found links to share since I won't use jew CEO sources like CNN, FOX or MSNBC.

Anonymous 05/12/2022 (Thu) 21:19:42 Id: 2c87aa [Preview] No.87401 del
(1.70 MB 416x480 1651958270751.webm)
>It feels pretty pointless since nobody's winning anything at this point
Ehm i would say it helps with preparation of holodomor with extra steps

Also unrelated to answer
Here are the oligarchs in their full beauty
Its all juden

Anonymous 05/16/2022 (Mon) 02:48:13 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87455 del
>Ehm i would say it helps with preparation of holodomor with extra steps

We can at least take measures to avoid that entirely. At least we can work on that

>Zero Hedge doesn't have much to report on it anymore since it's going on too long and both sides are full of shit.

Pretty much

Anonymous 05/16/2022 (Mon) 02:51:05 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87456 del
(40.16 KB 810x633 onafone.jpeg)
There was a recent article from Austria that got posted on another imageboard. About Ukrainian refugees moving around there

Basically, it said that 3 out of 4 children refugees have gotten missing and are nowhere to be seen since the invasion happened. Really creepy. I have it saved up and I'm planning on reposting it here soon. But it needs to be translated though.

And the same thing happened to refugees children from the Syrian conflict when they were escaping to Europe and Turkey. There was an alarming rate of children missing when that was going on. I'm trying to find that article too.

It was jewish passover when the invasion was happening, so I can only expect the worst unfortunately.

US recruits ISIS terrorists to fight in Ukraine Anonymous 05/19/2022 (Thu) 23:18:39 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87509 del
(33.50 KB 498x401 isis (1).jpg)
The US has been “actively recruiting” terrorists to fight in Ukraine, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) claimed on Tuesday, saying that it illustrates Washington’s readiness “to use any means to achieve its geopolitical goals.” The SVR revealed in a statement that, according to the intelligence it is receiving, “the United States is actively recruiting even members of international terrorist organizations, including the Islamic State (ISIS) group banned in the Russian Federation, as mercenaries to participate in hostilities in Ukraine.” The Russian intelligence service points to the American military base in Syria called al-Tanf, which is located close to the borders with Jordan and Iraq. According to its sources, this base and the surrounding area have turned into a kind of terrorist “hub,” where up to 500 ISIS and other jihadists can be “retrained” simultaneously. SVR claimed that last month 60 ISIS militants, who had been released from prisons controlled by the Syrian Kurds, were transferred to al-Tanf “with a view to subsequent transfer to Ukrainian territory.”

The SVR specified that during a training course at al-Tanf the militants are instructed on how to use anti-tank missile systems, reconnaissance and strike drones, advanced communications and surveillance equipment. In the SVR’s opinion, this data confirms that “the United States is ready to use any means to achieve its geopolitical goals, not excluding sponsoring international terrorist groups.” The intelligence service concluded by saying that the American administration does not consider the consequences of such actions, “even when it comes to threats to the security of European allies and even to the lives of the Americans.” Washington has insisted that “there are no US soldiers in Ukraine.” Meanwhile, the presence of American troops on Syrian territory at al-Tanf base, which the SVR mentions in its statement, has long been considered by both Moscow and Damascus as illegal. The previous US administration pledged that American forces would leave northeastern Syria but only after ISIS militants are defeated and the Kurds protected. Then-National Security Advisor John Bolton made it clear that another task of the US forces at al-Tanf was to counter Iranian influence in the region. ["According to Israeli defense" claims omitted. Never trust jews.]


Anonymous 05/20/2022 (Fri) 01:25:19 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87516 del
(264.33 KB 2048x1152 Eri3bntiut.jpeg)
I'm a little hesitant to share the article. Or mention it at all. There's some really scummy people around IB. But, maybe it can help a few refugees. Who knows?

>he US has been “actively recruiting” terrorists to fight in Ukraine, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) claimed on Tuesday
And Russia is sending terrorists to fight for them to. It's Chechen's for them. Both sides are surprisingly doing more or less the same thing

>his data confirms that “the United States is ready to use any means to achieve its geopolitical goals, not excluding sponsoring international terrorist groups.
Thank you North America. Very demonically evil of you

I think (((they're))) just throwing everything out there to get as much people to kill each other. For satan? As a blood sacrifice? As kike autism/schizophrenia. Who knows?

Anonymous 05/29/2022 (Sun) 03:06:23 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87625 del
Well forget it. Reposting the Austrian article now. Just need some help translating it.


Best advice I can give to any refugee accompanied with minors, be sure to keep them safe and with you at all times. Because you really can't trust people nowadays

Anonymous 05/29/2022 (Sun) 03:08:06 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87626 del
(59.71 KB 600x480 smoek2.jpeg)
In regards to anything charity related for Ukraine, be very careful when doing it. In another website, someone who worked in a relief fund said that the majority of money donated which can apply to just about any charity out there gets embezzled and never gets to the people who need it. After that, if you donate guns, majority of it get sold to kikes, and half of the goods/general items donated get stolen by africans.

I'm a little at a lost over how a regular person could offer help that actually does something

Anonymous 05/29/2022 (Sun) 03:10:55 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87628 del
(148.90 KB 852x669 original.jpg)
(160.80 KB 839x706 modern russia.jpg)
Also, have some pictures of putains. I have more to share that I'll be posting here soon

Jew Media Admits that Russia is Winning in Ukraine Anonymous 05/30/2022 (Mon) 20:43:44 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87638 del
(703.96 KB 1280x696 russia-coughlin.png)
The jew media can no longer hide the reality of what is happening in Ukraine. Russia is winning hard and it has jews like Mark Levin in a panic. Look what he tweeted this morning citing a Stars and Stripes article about how Ukrainian forces are getting pummeled by the Russians. Who is going to beat them back, Levin? Why don’t you go over there and do something about it if you feel so strongly about the situation? Join the Ukrainian foreign legion like MSNBC pundit Malcolm Nance allegedly did. Don’t just bitch about it on Twitter like some faggot. All that said, the coverage of this story has been comical. They went from talking about how Ukraine was totally winning to claiming that Russia is now pulling out some sort of surprise victory that nobody could have predicted. Take in point the articles from this moron Con Coughlin who writes for the British Daily Telegraph.

This man is supposed to be a professional “journalist” and he was totally wrong about everything that was happening. He’s either a liar or a moron or maybe both. I on the other hand am someone who just blogs part time and I had a more accurate take of what was happening. I said from the start that it was absurd to believe the Ukrainians by themselves could defeat the Russian war machine. These people are going to spin themselves into a pretzel trying to explain why they told everyone that Ukraine was winning. Expect to see some very comical narratives from these fools moving forward.


Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 01:27:11 Id: dee259 [Preview] No.87648 del
(18.02 KB 112x112 monkaHmm.png)
Kikes making new revolution makes sense.


Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 03:58:31 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87651 del
(939.44 KB 1920x1240 erh55.jpeg)
There's really no way of knowing if that's 100% true. Could be demoralizing material against Ukraine army another journalist was doing the same thing a few days ago

>I said from the start that it was absurd to believe the Ukrainians by themselves could defeat the Russian war machine
They were told that they were going to get help from Western EU / America (and america funds russia with foreign aid. russia is technically controlled opposition since 1917, so I don't trust this entire thing) but I don't know what's going on.

Technically Russia lost more troops since they were barely equipped / lied to when this thing happen. It's pretty bad all over. **and has multiple side effects in all of Europe / the world if Russia spills over to other countries. I don't trust NATO to help anyone at the end.

Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 04:02:10 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87652 del
(193.88 KB 1920x1080 eewewe.jpeg)
Also, do you work for infostormer anon?

Wanted to ask a question

How did you find this board?

Also, this article

>Poll Shows Russia Not Hated Outside the West

Really? Try pulling out a Russian flag in Germany or Poland right now. Let me know what happens. Not even Russians like Russia. Go to most Russian imageboards and you'll see how much they hate it there. especially putin

Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 04:09:13 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87653 del
(134.99 KB 1038x156 Skripal.png)
(126.00 KB 1038x224 Navalny.png)
Posting more content related to this

Just for people delusionally rooting for Russia. When you can literally go to jail for saying Russian government is bad. Or get killed. Like this guy. and no Ukraine / North America isn't a good choice either. Both are corrupt as shit. There are no good choices in this conflict

Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 04:12:49 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87654 del
(499.32 KB 1808x1154 Bucha 1.jpg)
(243.73 KB 1856x604 Bucha 2.jpg)
(3.84 MB 2732x1860 1651773459246.jpg)
> Go to most Russian imageboards and you'll see how much they hate it there

Following up on this: don't ask Russians in Russia what they think of their government. Unless you want to have your teeth kicked it's a bad idea

Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 04:17:23 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87655 del

Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 04:19:25 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87656 del
(31.18 KB 593x333 yeah.png)
(1.83 MB 720x478 Return to Monkey.mp4)
(18.14 MB 1280x720 touring moscow.mp4)
Forgot to mention
>The jew media can no longer hide the reality of what is happening in Ukraine.

They always play both sides so it doesn't matter

Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 04:27:52 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87657 del
(1.14 MB 1280x720 Based Russia.mp4)
(134.89 KB 606x908 cadet.jpg)
Leaving this little thing here:

TL;DR North America was been keeping the (((USSR))) afloat for decades. It was on the brink of collapse until Lend-Lease happened. Hence my general feeling of distrust towards everyone

There are no "good sides" in this conflict. Except unwilling soldiers forced to take a part on this.

Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 05:20:05 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87658 del
>Also, do you work for infostormer anon?
No, I do not. 'Kittenstormer' has a pro Russia bias because he knows Zelensky is a jew. He's JQ aware but naive about a few things, like not being aware Putin is a kike. I post from certain sites to try to keep this board alive. If kikes are said to be wailing, I'll post that they are. The sources I use are : Infostormer, Renegade Tribune, Christians for Truth, Zerohedge and National Vanguard. There were more ZOG revealing sites, but then some turned against National Socialist Germany with the usual lies and ended up being thrown out. Infostormer will be discarded as crap if Kittenstormer ever goes that far or similar.
>Also, this article
There's a reason I don't post Kitten/Info-stormer's pro Russia BS links. I only take what makes sense. He's had a few false narrative news links I haven't posted here for good reason simply because he was wrong. I don't believe his site is related to AndrewWouldFuckAjew InterracialAnglin's The Daily Stormer.
>How did you find this board?
About the end of 2016 after being made aware of here and banned at 8chan, I think, if I'm remembering correctly.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/02/2022 (Thu) 05:30:57.

Anonymous 06/07/2022 (Tue) 04:14:00 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87677 del
(38.14 KB 680x680 EpdalSbWMAA8Hiq.jpeg)
Hmmmm I thought you were a completely different person. At least I thought so since there were so many new people coming here

>No, I do not. '
Yeah me neither

>About the end of 2016 after being made aware of here and banned at 8chan, I think, if I'm remembering correctly.
Mmkay good to here. Always good to hear how people found out about this board.

Anonymous 06/12/2022 (Sun) 01:40:39 Id: 42abd9 [Preview] No.87732 del
(190.81 KB 1200x677 kiss.jpg)
>Putins jews.jpg
This picture is misleading, please provide the source of what it says. Nemtsov and Putin are kikes, but they could hardly have met in 2007, I might remember something wrong, because at the time I had the unforgivable habit of not paying attention to politics, but that was the year when Nemtsov participated and organized the Dissenter March, and also that year he actively participated from the Union of Right Forces (they called themselves right wing liberals or conservative liberals, but in fact they were left wing) in the State Duma elections to run for president. At that point, he could hardly communicate with Putin anymore. Please provide me with the source, if what is in the picture is in any way confirmed, it would help me in analyzing the situation.

Anonymous 06/12/2022 (Sun) 04:35:52 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87735 del
>This picture is misleading
uhh well I was going to tell you that I was going to look for references for it, but it looks like this anon already did the work for me


And thanks fren

Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 01:35:12 Id: 9ce725 [Preview] No.87770 del
>Nooooooo you can't leverage the power structures around you to seize power yourself!
Leftists will never EVER understand how power works in a pragmatic way

Anonymous Board owner 06/14/2022 (Tue) 03:17:19 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87772 del
Yes, that was a Marxist kike you replied to whom has been banned and his comment is deleted. They can't understand that Socialism existed long before Karl Marx and all he did was corrupt it. This one of course referenced wikipedia jews as "scholars" many times. The parasites usually pop up whenever Hitler's image is posted on the front page anywhere. Such easy targets. They never can control that impulse. Hence why I picked this name to moderate.

You're welcome, fren.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/14/2022 (Tue) 03:33:50.

Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 04:13:52 Id: fd07ca [Preview] No.87773 del
Kononov, Basurin jews? LOL, anon, are you a crazy clown?

Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 04:17:30 Id: fd07ca [Preview] No.87774 del
man, if you start to talk about "Jewish" roots, then you must understand the subj.

Putin is 100% Finno-Ugric, and everyone, who knows this ethnos - see it.
Zelensky is 100% "Jew" and everyone see it as well.

Everyone who visit Israel - visit the wall as well and when you visit the wall, you must carry the "kippah".

Trolling must be smart, not dumb

Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 15:28:15 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87776 del
We've seen this kind of nonsense before. Promoting jews like Putin here is not a good idea. The text of the first image is written by someone who is not a native English speaker There is no "trolling" here besides you. Putin loves hanging out with his own kind.

Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 15:40:22 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87778 del

Anonymous 06/15/2022 (Wed) 04:46:16 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87786 del
Except we're not Ukrainians.

>5. Putin together with Foreign Affair united foreign and Russian Orthodox Churches
Those "churches" are owned by literal KGB agents

Apologies to regular anons who haven't spoken to Russians before, but yeah they're kinda stubborn. Which is good and bad in it's on way

Anonymous 06/15/2022 (Wed) 04:52:39 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87787 del
>Putin is 100% Finno-Ugric, and everyone, who knows this ethnos - see it.
Lmao no he's not. He's 101% kosher. His grandfather was the personal cook to both lenin and stalin. See the 3rd video in this post >>87655 to clear any doubts you may have

And he's a shitty person in general. Russians hate the guy.
And no, rigging polls to say people love him doesn't count as being "loved" by Russians

>that MOST Jews in the world are from the territory of Ukraine or close eastern european countries.
Not really. Most j ews are actually from Poland. From the early middle ages, that country had the highest population of kikes in all of Europe until WWII happened. They treated Poles like shit too. Like they do with everyone

Anonymous 06/15/2022 (Wed) 04:53:13 Id: 67f307 [Preview] No.87788 del
Who are you talking to?

Anonymous Board owner 06/15/2022 (Wed) 11:29:56 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87800 del
That anon was talking to a Marxist kike. See >>>/endpolmeta/ because I deleted the Hitler insulting post. Also, I'm banning the "everyone's a Ukrainian who dares to talk bad about Putin" imbecile. Pains in the ass who refuse facts while defending jews can go be NPCs somewhere else. Anyone running a hard defense of any Zionist scumbag jew servant cuck doesn't belong here.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/15/2022 (Wed) 11:35:22.

Anonymous 06/22/2022 (Wed) 19:12:39 Id: 137c29 [Preview] No.87857 del
(1.70 MB 416x480 1651958270751.webm)
>There is history and there are your fantasies.

Cute descriptions of your retardation...

>Currently Putin KILLS Khazarians on the territory of ex-Khazarian Khaganate - the biggest Judea state in the history.
Sure jimbo all evidence shown how shelmov putin is a part of ZOG and still you kick like wounded horse or a typical facebook boomer watching Luboš Blahas meltdowns

>And you, "ukrainian" (I prefer Khazarian) cannot change it.
And you kokot (i Prefer piča) need to study especially the bronze age era ie yamaya culture confederacy the aryan birthplace but possibly you wont as a possibly a leftypol tankie or a low effort shill

Anonymous 06/22/2022 (Wed) 20:32:02 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87858 del
See. Now you greentexted that banned and deleted jew supporting idiot so his lies are displayed. Really makes deleting kike lovers kind of pointless.

Anonymous 07/13/2022 (Wed) 05:33:09 Id: 48b42a [Preview] No.87923 del
Wow this thread is based

Anonymous 07/14/2022 (Thu) 21:37:02 Id: 7e45ce [Preview] No.87931 del
Did anyone look at the frenschan.org catalog? How much Ukraine coverage are they doing?

Anonymous 07/17/2022 (Sun) 06:06:23 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.87941 del
The coverage there about Ukraine is of low effort. >>>/news/18607 has a lot of info. Frenschan isn't banning me for mentioning endchan, so I guess they're ok.

Anonymous 08/03/2022 (Wed) 03:01:17 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.88053 del
From the same /news/ reference I linked above, thought I'd share what that anon shared. https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63003 Zelensky's goal is to make the Ukraine part of 'Greater Israel', because of course it is. This is why jews are in support of Ukraine despite the Azov battalion.

Anonymous 08/03/2022 (Wed) 08:33:17 Id: 137c29 [Preview] No.88054 del
>Zelensky's goal is to make the Ukraine part of 'Greater Israel', because of course it is

Well for him he is throwing peas on wall it is specified what borders the greater israel has
From euphrates to nile, none Don river is mentioned

But as i know also the second nature of the jew, the greed i woudlnt be surprised if ancient yamnaya confederacy land would be in hands of zion as additional salt to their mockery of aryan

Anonymous 08/23/2022 (Tue) 15:03 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.88279 del
Due to the anti National Socialist who posted via (((Tor))) and was deleted, I'll just leave this here. Again.

Anonymous 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:21 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.88281 del
Two more points to the once again deleted jew defending NS bashing Russian Tor poster: National Socialists do not "want to kill Russians" and Putin is definitely a jew. Your posts will never see the light of day on this board should you defend kikes whether it's him, Zelensky, Trump or any other jewish parasite. If it wears a yarmulke and submits to the western wall, it's a fucking kike. "Denazification" is 100% jewish whether directly by jews or influenced traitors submitting to jews. Whosoever engages in that behavior against National Socialism is a traitor to their own people. Especially given the fact of the mass starvations of Holodomor and the slaughter by Lenin's jews of Tsar Nicholas plus his innocent family before the parasitic take over of Russia by jewish Bolshevism. Only traitors serve jewish interests.
Did Hitler order Germans to Blitzkrieg Russia after Stalin had amassed troops at the border in preparation of invading Germany? Yes. Russians also served jewish Bolshevism along with all the other traitor "Allied" shabbos goy nations heavily influenced by international jewry. Despite Hitler's many peace requests, he was ignored and war was inevitable. There was no homocidal desire. Only self defense.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 08/23/2022 (Tue) 18:33.

Russian TOR enjoyer 08/23/2022 (Tue) 19:11 [Preview] No.88282 del
I'm happy that you don't want to kill Russians.

It sucks that you refuse to address the fact that Putin names them and made an anti-(((Bolshevik))) book required reading in Russia schools (from an author who also names them in his next book), though.

Anonymous 08/23/2022 (Tue) 20:48 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.88283 del
You know what? It's funny whenever opposition comes to this board and accuses us of ignoring their ranting. But then hypocritically, they always ignore everything in response. The last two files from here >>88281 are videos. Watch them. Putin naming Bolsheviks but also submitting to his own tribe is very similar to the same 4D Chess bullshit many have pulled about quarter jew Donald Trump. Putin passed Russia's "holocaust denial law" in 2014 and Yarovaya Law. He has been rejected here for many years and he always will be.

Russian TOR enjoyer 08/23/2022 (Tue) 21:36 [Preview] No.88285 del
That's somewhat fair, I checked the first set of images (Putin was standing next to Jews, that means he's a Jew!) and responded to it by posting images of him standing next to Buddhists, the Pope, Muslims, Orthodox Christians and Modi, so I didn't ignore that one. Of the second set, I only checked the first file, which was about Putin saying the Jews weren't the only victims of the Hall of Cost, which is about as good as you're going to get from the president of a country that had lost 20 million people in WW2. I did not check the rest, because the first 6 did not impress, I will check them soon.
Putin will never say "gas the bikes race car now", so if that's your bar, then he will always fall short. However, the relationship between Putin's Russia and Israel have never been great, and they are growing worse every day (for the first time ever, Russian AA has targeted Israeli jets in Syria https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-first-russian-military-said-to-fire-s-300-missiles-at-israeli-jets-over-syria/ ), as nearly every kike in the world kvetches about how Russian orcs need to be destroyed to preserve the Liberal World Order, and Putin names them and is making the Gulag Archipelago required reading in Russian schools.
I am not NS, I am Russian, I blame the (((Bolsheviks))) for WW2, I recognize that the Jewish world order is even more hostile to Russia than it is to the native populations of white countries. I hope that you guys manage to topple your kikes and normalize relations with Russia, because otherwise WW3 starts and nothing matters.
I'm sorry for barging in like a retard and expressed myself inappropriately, like not putting scare quotes around the Ukraine's kosher "Nazis" that are Israel-funded and ADL-approved, I understand that could easily be seen as disparaging NS, but that wasn't my intention.

Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 01:34 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.88286 del
>like not putting scare quotes around the Ukraine's kosher "Nazis" that are Israel-funded and ADL-approved
Yeah those are not National Socialists. I'm not even aware where there are any genuine NS left but that's not it. Many edgy frauds exist since the thousands of lies about NS being "monsters". The issue I had was when you claimed we wanted to kill Russians. Russians are not the enemy. However, traitors are. Death is a mercy. Traitors serving them and jews themselves both deserve to suffer for everything they've put our nations through.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 08/24/2022 (Wed) 01:35.

Anonymous 08/28/2022 (Sun) 13:51 Id: 980e68 [Preview] No.88339 del
>smash the Russian Nationalist circles, leaving the most kosher civic nationalist ones around
<jewtin is good
Yeah no, retard. Should I remind you of Tesak, who died because of Russian zogbots? He allows anti-(((bolshevik))) literature, yet glorifies early USSR like a good goy KGB rat that he is. Don't try shilling your retarded chabad kike like you did with Drumpf in America, nigger. There are no good sides in this war, but considering the purpose of this war like (((Denazification))) and what they do with captured Ukrainian soldiers, Russia with its shitskins and asiatic mongrels looks worse.

Anonymous 08/30/2022 (Tue) 15:19 Id: 972dba [Preview] No.88364 del
(568.41 KB 774x657 jet.png)
>I'm happy that you don't want to kill Russians.

Uhh no dude. We really don't. Average Russian had no say in this "invasion" it's a war. We have people from all over the world posting here, so we don't hate on any nationality in particular.

Anonymous 08/30/2022 (Tue) 23:12 Id: ea4510 [Preview] No.88373 del
Besides kikes Israel can get fucked but they're not a nationality. They're land thieves and the actual mass murderers they've falsely painted other nations to be.

Anonymous 09/14/2022 (Wed) 02:06 Id: 474583 [Preview] No.88476 del
yeah, but that's to be expected when I wrote that

Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 15:49 Id: 474583 [Preview] No.88762 del
(33.52 KB 500x690 blu.jpeg)
Anyway, the war's still ongoing and it looks like it'll keep happening for the long term at this point. Russia has just annexed around 3 different Ukrainian cities now.

And now they're starting to draft people in Russia and in other countries for the war too. Mass protests obviously happened afterwards.

Anonymous 10/04/2022 (Tue) 14:04 Id: b215a4 [Preview] No.88796 del
> Russia with its shitskins and asiatic mongrels looks worse.
Worse than the alliance that is currently occupying and genociding europe? Get fucked retard. Ukraine isn't a real country.

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 05:43 Id: b5e060 [Preview] No.89057 del
(26.55 KB 384x384 6g7g7g7g.jpeg)
Honest thoughts on this entire war is that it feels like it's never going to end. Almost like this is this generation's Vietnam or Afghanistan war. A needlessly stretched out war for no other reason except it just has to happen. Not really sure what more to comment on this since almost everyone has forgotten about the conflict by now sadly.

Some reading materials I could recommend for this thread

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

Forever War by Joe Haldeman

Since this board may not be for everyone, here's some other boards I can recommend to talk about this conflict

Most active board on endchan at the moment. More for the Russian speaking audience

More German based posting. Still pretty good.

Very active threads, but strongly biased towards Russia. Mod even bans people for it sometimes

And no NATO isn't going to provide any significant help. On purpose obviously

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 05:50 Id: b5e060 [Preview] No.89058 del
(6.96 MB 850x472 Iraq_war analysis.mp4)
A good example of what I'm talking about can be found in vid related. A conflict that happened in 2003.

If this was an actual serious conflict, it would have ended in a month.

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 05:57 Id: b5e060 [Preview] No.89060 del
(34.32 KB 436x371 irq.png)
And here's a comparison of people in that conflict with the current one



This has been a very strange war. I don't know. Everything has felt very odd for me from beginning to end.

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 15:30 Id: 6f13ca [Preview] No.89372 del
(586.05 KB 1568x3272 1.png)
despite of typical jewish babbling on how superior they are the kazharia bullshit and so on (simply siad jewish shenanigans) and of course bringing Hitler and old stealing of ideas and aryan inventions for their perverted means this is well summarized of why it happned in first place.
its all for his tikkun olam

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 15:34 Id: 6f13ca [Preview] No.89373 del
> Everything has felt very odd for me from beginning to end.
i see no odd thing in there why it takes so long considering the following siberia has still the biggest riches in world and both lands have very fertile black soil and since jew even in his biggest power desires to make biggest damages in order to buy stuff cheap for his thalmudic mission no wonder why it takes so long
its all about siezure and destruction of more aryans just like was mentioned in i think the great reset book where peole will be eradicated by artificial wars famines and so on.

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 19:32 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.89374 del
Hitler never believed in this superiority nonsense the jews believe. They simply turned the accusation he leveled against them back against him and they continue to do so disgustingly long after the man's death. He was right in that they believed themselves the 'master race'. There is more proof it is not National Socialists that hate Slavs, but jews who want all Slavs and Russians dead.

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 08:14 Id: d6f878 [Preview] No.92432 del
(606.39 KB 1179x1635 mateo.png)
Anyone else still have delusions about the true form of the KGB run shithole? Perhaps someone still believes demented pedophile dwarf can save their western country once he's done with Ukraine?

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 10:25 Id: a592b8 [Preview] No.92434 del
>Anyone else still have delusions about the true form of the KGB run shithole
Let me see a national demographics of mine country
Around almost whole gen X, some boomers or anyone who is descendant of the mentioned and got it cut by very sharp saw into head.
>Perhaps someone still believes demented pedophile dwar
About this poison someone would need to explain you the painful realization how if the western globohomo zog falls then eastern red nazbol zog that is completly same as blue zog will take triumph in NWO agenda
I would recommend you to look into reaseach showed in doc "what you need to know about ukraine war" made by i think they are called hyperborean research and on key degenerate in that idea to undermine NS etc under nazbol poison to create kosher front or better living example of lenins quote of controlled opposition
>Alex Dugin
Here you have a piece of what i mean and how such idiots who bite that eurasian nazbol bait work

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 10:27 Id: a592b8 [Preview] No.92435 del
>descendant of the mentioned
And rhose who were beneficiearies during communist era holding very high priviledged positions and were few who lost them

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 14:28 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.92439 del
>Yuri Bezmenov
As an American, I can confirm what he's saying about United States universities. They're Marxist cesspits.
>Richard Spencer
I knew about that kike already but it's good to remind new people every few months.
>"white nationalists"
More like kike nationalists. Same as the Charlottesville kike-roaches.

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 07:37 Id: 10b575 [Preview] No.92706 del
I know these posts are years old at this point, but I would like to point out that the conflict that said invasion started ended in a geopolitical quagmire that is still not fully resolved almost 21 years later. The major goal of the coalition was to provide Israel with a safe attack corridor to Iran. It has failed at this objective and Iraq and Syria are both Iranian proxies.

The rapid movement warfare of the kind the coalition used in 2003 also aided in the creation of several massive insurgent armies that would make the occupation a difficult task that the body politic in the US simply gave up on before the end of the decade. The industrial style grinding warfare that Russia is employing will essentially mean any Ukrainian dissidents that would other wise form guerilla forces during the Russian occupation would have already been killed in the conventional war. It is no secret that Ukraine is running low on manpower, and when the formal declaration of surrender is given, there will be little insurgent activity behind the Russian occupation zone.
This is also a factor at play here. This is essentially a genocide of slavic males, especially those from Ukraine.

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 07:54 Id: 10b575 [Preview] No.92707 del
(156.17 KB 960x891 YourNationOnJews.jpg)
There is no explicitly pro-white/pro-European government in power anywhere at the current time. Here is how it breaks down

>the EU and US government are both explicitly anti-white and zionist/pro-jewish hemogeny
>they actively pursue and encourage replacement migration
>Russia is anti-white, but they have no imported millions of shitskins into Moscow.
>They do not hold pride parades in Moscow.
>They do not worship niggers nor do they have entire months dedicated to niggers. Their popular media is reminiscent of the West's media from 40 years ago in that there are almost no non-whites.
>they have aided Syria, which was the victim of CIA/Mossad operations like FSA/ISIS. Syria can be viewed as an anti-Israel arab nation.
>they (Russia) are very closely aligned with Iran, including sharing military technology
>they have implicitly endorsed the Houthis, who have explicitly taken a stance against Zionism and the Israeli project

Bottom line here; a Russian victory in Ukraine would be in our interests purely because it would deal a critical blow to the credibility of western military and economic power, which is the cornerstone of jewish power in the world. It would empower states like Iran, Syria and Yemen, and it would embolden China to begin operations against the west. Overall, it would weaken the jewish power structure in the west, to the point to where there could be a reasonable chance of domestic uprisings occurring against western governments due to the economic hardships presented by the loss of the west's global homogeny.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 13:59 Id: 9f30f0 [Preview] No.92757 del
>but they have no imported millions of shitskins
instead, they have already have (((cooperation))) agreements with many african nations, and are at neckbreak speed accepting central asians (churkas) to russia. Russian March was sparked due mass raping of Slavic girls of said churkas, and jewtin violently suppressed Russian March movement in early 2010s. It has gotten only worse by now.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 20:49 Id: 41c8dc [Preview] No.92763 del
(1.02 MB 880x1280 image-29.png)
(265.80 KB 691x594 1708950692800265.png)
>Bottom line here; a Russian victory in Ukraine would be in our interests purely because it would deal a critical blow to the credibility of western military and economic power
Only in your dreams as i know what jewtins duma had done before 2016 to anyone who dared to make at least petty nationalist movement.
I saw the constant amount of churkas and MOSQUES ON THE FUCKING CAPITAL WITH NIGGERS
I saw dugins faggotry and another hunts on anyone who dared to be anything but a nazbol faggot and especially i saw and even in my nation saw the practices of dedovshyna
>which is the cornerstone of jewish power in the world. It would empower states like Iran, Syria and Yemen, and it would embolden China to begin operations against the west
Same shit but different colour you accuse the western zog
Remember tianamen square massacre happened because han cinks were protesting the niggerization which we suffer since 2014
Just because they "support" muslim nation it doesnt mean they are allies like ussr showed during early days of israel where despite being buddy buddy of arab springs leaders they did everything to undermine them so they can get rekt by israel
>Overall, it would weaken the jewish power structure in the west, to the point to where there could be a reasonable chance of domestic uprisings occurring against western governments due to the economic hardships presented by the loss of the west's global homogeny.
For that you dont need offensives or another meaningless change of zionist colour
Just 2019 in iran showed nobody wants to get drafted in any of the nations and ukraine war showed the same with russia and ukraine itself
Tldr this but expanded >>92757

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 21:06 Id: 41c8dc [Preview] No.92764 del
And speaking of dugin and russia where is that article where he promoted "patriotic homosexuality"

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 21:11 Id: 41c8dc [Preview] No.92765 del
(775.32 KB 1161x1477 1707205308294234.png)

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 23:34 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.92768 del
(1.79 MB 1056x2880 1510724279786.png)
(45.30 KB 279x516 China is Communist.jpg)
(81.48 KB 600x617 Alexander Dugin.jpg)
Indeed. Jews are the reason silly Chinese think they can convert to jewish and their Orwellian Communist nightmare rules China. Here, friend. Have some more.

Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 20:50 Id: 27235d [Preview] No.92819 del
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Many thanks and have a rare thing not many knew about in china and would make someone to feel very bad for them as they got miserably wrecked in quing dynasty into the proto weimar germany
Kaifeng jew and orbans kosher tomfoolery

Anonymous 03/04/2024 (Mon) 00:26 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.92823 del
(512.26 KB 964x1354 (5).jpg)
Nice. That last image led me to this find.

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 04:47 Id: 517f3c [Preview] No.92891 del
the west has cooperation treaties with Africans nations as well. Why do you think there are so many Africans in Paris and London?

As far as the crimes against slavic women, I can assure you they are not on the same scale as is being done to white women in the US, or young children in the UK.

Besides, this is all besides the point, which is the destruction of ZOG.. It is tactically advisable for us to side with the eastern ZOG to destabilize western ZOG.
>Only in your dreams as i know what jewtins duma had done before 2016 to anyone who dared to make at least petty nationalist movement.
I saw the constant amount of churkas and MOSQUES ON THE FUCKING CAPITAL WITH NIGGERS
I saw dugins faggotry and another hunts on anyone who dared to be anything but a nazbol faggot and especially i saw and even in my nation saw the practices of dedovshyna
Look, I've been to Moscow and I've been to every capital in western Europe. moscow is many times whiter than all but the nordic capitals and Warsaw. I have not been to the Baltic states, but I assume those are whiter as well.

Moscow is a different planet compared to DC, which is planet of the apes tier.
>Same shit but different colour you accuse the western zog
Remember tianamen square massacre happened because han cinks were protesting the niggerization which we suffer since 2014
Just because they "support" muslim nation it doesnt mean they are allies like ussr showed during early days of israel where despite being buddy buddy of arab springs leaders they did everything to undermine them so they can get rekt by israel
Its not the same. They don't have massive amounts of pro-nigger and pro-kike propaganda in their media. Their primary schools are not 70% nonwhite like they are here in my part of the US. I've been to these places and they are decidedly nowhere near as pozzed as the US.
>For that you dont need offensives or another meaningless change of zionist colour
Wrong. Western forces must be defeated overseas before domestic elements feel confident enough to strike them on their own soil. God must bleed before men believe he can be killed.

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 07:35 Id: c15440 [Preview] No.92892 del
>moscow is many times whiter than all but the nordic capitals and Warsaw
Yes sure... Chechens after chechens and mongoloids from old soviet republics and simping for aliens like in west
Like for example here where poor lad
Nikita Zhuravel was send to the lions lair for insulting islam https://truthpodium.org/watch/putin-jew-tyrant-deports-russian-teenager-to-chechnya-for-insulting-islam_N8GVQrbAubCF7WR.html

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 09:35 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.92893 del
Interesting comment under that. Here. I'll pair it with a couple things.

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 12:00 Id: c15440 [Preview] No.92894 del
(5.02 MB 640x360 1690243552869713.webm)
>Its not the same. They don't have massive amounts of pro-nigger and pro-kike propaganda in their media.
Top kek this is just as pathetic as cink "white monkeys" shilling the same narrarive
At least in quanzhou or how is rhat province is at least (because ccp is always dishonest with stats) 500 000 niggers and even there were forced lairings of niggers and han cinks in unis which started befkre 2000s and were one of the main motives for tianamen square
Also thalmud in cinkland is deemed as a book for sucesfull financial sucess https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2010/12/china-asks-why-are-jews-excellent/339289/ and thats jjst a tip of iceberg apart of fact cinkland ie ccp is created by jews and kaifeng jews
>Their primary schools are not 70% nonwhite like they are here in my part of the US
And then rest of nation is illeterate as shanghai and metropolitan cities arent whole continent and they btw apply actual racist policies on anythin that isint modern han cink ie mutt chinese
>I've been to these places and they are decidedly nowhere near as pozzed as the US.
200 social credits were added to your account on reccomendarion of your commisar
Nope... Not at all
>Western forces must be defeated overseas before domestic elements feel confident enough to strike them on their own soil.
Lol no and again iran in 2019 was enough to see you dont need war for change of colours nazbol fag
>God must bleed before men believe he can be killed.

More on supposed saviours of white race and i recommend to look on more what that mad man has of a golden veins

Even despite i hate their way of talking or worldviews they show perfectly what the shithole cinkland is now after kaifeng jews tomfoolery in ccp

Even supoosed shelmov putin the savior of white race had no shame to approve mosque on russian banknote and only repelled that after comolaints

Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 13:13 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.92896 del
>It is tactically advisable for us to side with the eastern ZOG to destabilize western ZOG
Simply when you side with jews, you're a traitor no matter the jews you side with. Everything else is irrelevant.

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 02:15 Id: 021aa7 [Preview] No.95287 del
A rally was held in Vladivostok, Russia, calling for strategic nuclear missiles to be aimed at the United States.

Anonymous 01/05/2025 (Sun) 12:47 Id: 9e1088 [Preview] No.95664 del
New photos of liquidated North Koreans in the Kursk region.

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 00:15 Id: 62f9a0 [Preview] No.95667 del
You can post gore if it's Palestinians having been brutally massacred by Israeli kikes, but not North Koreans. This isn't 4chan where the tactic is to "purge the newfags".

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 06:40 Id: e80222 [Preview] No.95669 del
>Ussr anniversary flag
>Flag of russian lrthodox christ
Yep its nazbol movement

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