Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 03:58:31 Id: 67f307 No.87651 del
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There's really no way of knowing if that's 100% true. Could be demoralizing material against Ukraine army another journalist was doing the same thing a few days ago

>I said from the start that it was absurd to believe the Ukrainians by themselves could defeat the Russian war machine
They were told that they were going to get help from Western EU / America (and america funds russia with foreign aid. russia is technically controlled opposition since 1917, so I don't trust this entire thing) but I don't know what's going on.

Technically Russia lost more troops since they were barely equipped / lied to when this thing happen. It's pretty bad all over. **and has multiple side effects in all of Europe / the world if Russia spills over to other countries. I don't trust NATO to help anyone at the end.