Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 04:47 Id: 517f3c No.92891 del
the west has cooperation treaties with Africans nations as well. Why do you think there are so many Africans in Paris and London?

As far as the crimes against slavic women, I can assure you they are not on the same scale as is being done to white women in the US, or young children in the UK.

Besides, this is all besides the point, which is the destruction of ZOG.. It is tactically advisable for us to side with the eastern ZOG to destabilize western ZOG.
>Only in your dreams as i know what jewtins duma had done before 2016 to anyone who dared to make at least petty nationalist movement.
I saw the constant amount of churkas and MOSQUES ON THE FUCKING CAPITAL WITH NIGGERS
I saw dugins faggotry and another hunts on anyone who dared to be anything but a nazbol faggot and especially i saw and even in my nation saw the practices of dedovshyna
Look, I've been to Moscow and I've been to every capital in western Europe. moscow is many times whiter than all but the nordic capitals and Warsaw. I have not been to the Baltic states, but I assume those are whiter as well.

Moscow is a different planet compared to DC, which is planet of the apes tier.
>Same shit but different colour you accuse the western zog
Remember tianamen square massacre happened because han cinks were protesting the niggerization which we suffer since 2014
Just because they "support" muslim nation it doesnt mean they are allies like ussr showed during early days of israel where despite being buddy buddy of arab springs leaders they did everything to undermine them so they can get rekt by israel
Its not the same. They don't have massive amounts of pro-nigger and pro-kike propaganda in their media. Their primary schools are not 70% nonwhite like they are here in my part of the US. I've been to these places and they are decidedly nowhere near as pozzed as the US.

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