Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 01:42:29 Id: 67f307 No.87168 del
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>Now thats another salt to wound after he gave respects and war veteran titles to occupying forces in ČSSR during prague spring.
I know it sucks dude.

>Not only older generation it is also by large chance their children or grandchildren since you can make child believe in anything if you try hard enough
With the high amount of Russians migrating out, that may change in the future

>Yep even young migrants in Slovakia who either work or study here have same to say
Yeah (((russian))) government is a fucking awful yenta nightmare

>But what to expect from Shabbos goy parliament especially the president of this cursed republic
>For jewish money they would even sell out their possetions

I assume that's the current PM of Slovakia right? **Every single EU country's leader has done that. You're not an exception