Anonymous 11/23/2023 (Thu) 10:24 Id: 29ab70 No.91708 del
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It's a sad fact I live in ZOG USA where English history on jews in the middle ages that I keep finding is constantly by (((Norman Golb))). Surprise. He claims atrocities against jews. Which just seems typical of their favorite lies throughout history. He gives a quote which when searched for, does not exist anywhere else. Attributed to "they" when talking about Crusaders. No individual.

"We want to attack the enemies of God in the east after traveling great distances, while before our eyes are the Jews, of all races God's greatest enemy."

The fact that quote originates from one jew, thus it's impossible for him to be telling the truth, may not be obvious to the average NPC. Most jews confess the truth as they're lying by denying their guilt. (((Norman Golb))) states that jews were frequently exiled and executed due to being "accused of" ritual murder. Which of course means kikes really committed ritual murders.