Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 00:23 Id: 9abd2a No.95441 del
Realistically, the people capable of acting indipendently, to think indipendently, to create their own plans indipendently, are an extreme minority. So to get someone to contribute, after you've freed them from the jewish illusion, you're going to get one indipendent only after freeing hundreds of other conformists and fence sitters.

>Since 2020 this has almost never happened
It's really simple to understand the ratio of indipendent people to fence sitters.
You only need to include yourself into the tally.

Who made you aware of the kikes? Who gave you the means to understand where you truly are and to start acting?

The question is rethorical, it just shows how the creation of new indipendent and awake people actually works.
An indipendent person can understand this, because it's part of his experience.
But someone who has never had an original thought in their life is never going to understand this, because he is among the people who always waits for others to tell him what to do. "Order followers" have a role too, but they are completely useless when the jews are disrupting the ability to organize and relay orders and goals. Only indipendent people remain capable to act even when they are isolated.