>How do you gain unity?
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>1) disable or heavily damage the kike propaganda of lies
If the kikes and their dogs infiltrate and subvert any group you try to form, you first and foremost aim and attack the infiltrators, their tools, their tactics, and anything they use to infiltrate and to tear people apart.
You try to bring people together, the kikes try to take people apart. You disable or even just slow down the kikes, and as a result only your effort to bring people together gets the upper hand over the kikes. The effort to bring together wins over the effort to take apart, but only if you keep under suppression the kike effort to bring confusion.
>1) disable or heavily damage the kike propaganda of lies
Doesn't require unity to be done. You can do that on an individual basis, or even in a very small group.
You aren't going to change the world by yourself alone, but as little as you'll do, you must aim to leave a permanent change as little as it may be, which little changes will cumulate over time, and it'll also cumulate with the efforts of others doing the same, wherever they are.
also has the feature that for every person you bring out from the kike dream of lies, you directly gain a sopporter who may add their own effort to the table, or at worst they will become passive towards they kike fairytales and not hinder you anymore.
>There's really no reason to beat around the bush on this board.
There is in fact. Kike bots spam here, do you really think they aren't also reading here for clues on how to "swiftly attempt to infiltrate and disrupt" ?
You can't talk openly about the smallest details of a plan, not here, not everywhere online. Since everyone can read public stuff online, both the good people both the bad ones, this is a fundamental rule of the web, regardless of kikes.
Figuring out how to do
>>1) disable or heavily damage the kike propaganda of lies
is entirely on you and you alone. Either you act, or you just wait for others to act.
There was a concept of "gregars" and "leaders" somewhere in fascism or national socialism, don't remember which of the two, if you can't take action alone, that means you are a gregar, you just follow others, then just do that.