12/31/2024 (Tue) 11:05
Id: 529725
to elaborate on that thought, notice how every metric screams that we're knee deep in a recession ? but there's no fucking reaction from anyone
i remember watching documentaries about the previous recessions and world wars, people bore on their faces the expression of worry, the fear for their kids, the desire to live
today everyone is just numbed out of their feelings and religiously goes back to the many forms of slop escapism that surround us
speaking about french people, one of the major milestones of my redpilling journey is The Society Of The Spectacle which was written by a frog
and not to sound obsessed about frogs but the illusions of the matrix really seem to be aiming to slowly cook us like frogs
finding a solution grounded in reality is a challenge especially at a time where people prefer believing a narrative more than looking at facts