12/12/2024 (Thu) 00:52
Id: 9abd2a
Once it's clear that only indipendent persons are capable to act even while under a jewish dictatorcship or isolation, confusion, and slavery.
The first goal of an isolated indipendent person, must be to reach the order followers. To re-establish the organization needed to bring real action, action meant to break the kike rule. Since a single person alone, indipendent or not, can't change anything on the bigger scale.
It's just a matter of necessity, when you are isolated you need to reach others, and if the jews have created a mental cage of lies which keeps people isolated, then you need to break the cage of isolation and lies created by the jews, so that's what you must do.
That's the goal, the "hows" come after that goal is clear. And the "hows" must never be talked about online, even if the action may be online.
If you think that's not possible, that just means to lack the capacity to even think about it. Eventually someone with the capacity will be the one to reach you.