Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 18:36 Id: 505f41 No.95524 del
Here a game of spoonfeeding
How many groups can you find between "Everyone" and "Lone wolf retard" ?

Lone wolf retard

add your choices between the two extremes, like for example:

Everyone - (in the world)
Everyone - (in a continent)
Everyone - (in a nation) (100% of all people in a nation, including children and the elderly)
Every adult in a nation - (100% of the adult population of a nation, excluding children and the elderly, they aren't going to contribute much anyway)
Every man in a nation - (100% of all the men of a nation, in a normal society women would follow, but this is not doable now, because this is not a normal society)
Every father of a family - (100% of all the married men with kids of a nation)
Most people in a nation - (about 80% or 90% of all adults, leaving aside the statistical 10% of retards who will never be useful for anything, and who will always be contrarians out of idiocy)

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