12/18/2024 (Wed) 04:10
Id: 61dd96
>>95554That's what happens when you age. Youth, you see 1. Eventually as you grow older, it's 2, then 3, 4, 5 possibly when you're older than I am because I remain at 4. Here's the real problem: I can't speak for everyone, but I wasn't raised by parents through the 1980s. The school system and "entertainment" media, movies, video games and TV series, raised me. My parents were out working full time jobs struggling to support their children. The "AmeriĀcan dream" resulted in mostly absentees. My entire life, people around me loved many of these popular Hollywood kikes in different movies and series, but I had early jewdar long before I woke up to the evils of jewry about 2016. (paid millions to lie.jpg)-> is the list of people that disgusted me while growing up and I didn't want to watch them like everyone else did, yet I didn't even know they were jews. Prior to the next part, I attended University where professors where shilling Marxist Communism and threatening a failure of their courses if they detected criticism of it. So I typed my essays with over-arching sarcasm those fools could not detect over text, sarcastically praising the deaths, executions and other extreme bullshit. I despised Communism since then. In 2016, I came across videos of Sinead McCarthy and instantly thought she was insane when she said "jews bad". Instead of remaining indoctrinated, I questioned why that reflex was a Pavlovian response. Why "jews bad" = label the person insane. So I dug deeper, coming across a French forum that no longer exists with hundreds of pages and thousands of images exposing the jewish holocaust as the fraud it is. Then I started finding images of Palestinian women and children, mostly children, being massacred. Headless or shot to death. 2016 was also the year we were being banned from 8chan for National Socialist books threads and exposing Trump as a jew while the admins there ran the Q psyop. So I came to this board where such things were not being banned. I've been here ever since, exposing more about jews here from 2016 to 2024 than I can even remember.
The primary problem with attempting to come up with a solution to the ZOG problem is that I was raised through years of fictional bullshit. Acting is lying, pretending something the actor is not. Scripts about fictional events are lying - to entertain the masses. Simulated everything through movies, series, and video games. I am very aware of our mortality and limitations. I'm aware that I was entirely raised by deceptive fiction. I do not know a solution grounded in reality.
Forcing my mind to disregard fictitious bullshit, the only solution I can come up with is numbers. When I'm told there are solutions without numbers, but not told what those are "because jews might catch on" as you expect me to solve the riddle beyond a brain filled from years of fake horse shit that I in fact identify as fake horse shit, then I have no fucking clue what you're talking about.