Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 10:37 Id: 529725 No.95628 del
>coming across a French forum that no longer exists with hundreds of pages and thousands of images exposing the jewish holocaust as the fraud it is
wonder wht that forum was
was it based on the research of Robert Faurisson

>The primary problem with attempting to come up with a solution to the ZOG problem is that I was raised through years of fictional bullshit. Acting is lying, pretending something the actor is not. Scripts about fictional events are lying - to entertain the masses. Simulated everything through movies, series, and video games. I am very aware of our mortality and limitations. I'm aware that I was entirely raised by deceptive fiction. I do not know a solution grounded in reality.
this sounds exactly like one of the faint voices echoing through my subconcious
i was also raised by television and vidya with absentee parents, which i resented and tried to correct when i got older

it hit me when i realized how many of my friends got hyped about the ANNOUNCEMENT of a movie/game
it wasn't even the game/movie itself
which would still be cringe to base your mental state on that instead of things happening in your life
but no, just the ANNOUNCEMENT was enough to make them happy
our interface with the metaverse is our corrupted hearts, not the goggles