Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 15:15 Id: 505f41 No.95517 del
Other options, besides the "happy bus holiday friends" and the "lone retard", have been already suggested into this same thread, you guys either rejected those other options or ignored them.
So you're going to do nothing, by your own admission, and even reject all suggestions to do anything. What do you expect to happen? For things to resolve by themselves while you wait? Or just to wait for others to do the heavy lifting while you wait your chance to take advantage of the work of others? To step into the power vacuum you barely contributed anything in creating?
Talking for a second about power vacuums, do you really think to be the only ones to be aware of them and to be in the wait to jump into those? Do you really think you'll be able to get first, and not getting fucked over by someone else taking over, because it was someone faster and who did plan things way better than you? Just asking, it would be nice to see what you did think about this before, but I have no longer expectations.
Do you think you would deserve to guide the world into a new future free of kikes after doing nothing to set the future into motion? Don't you think a future guided by passive people would be cursed to just get ruined again, instead of a future guided by the people who actively built it?
I'm trying to not be aggravating, as much as it's possible, but your way of (not)acting is really puzzling, or it could be called "active inaction", I don't understand what kind of motivation you could really have, because it doesn't seem to be the removal of kikes, more like stalling, but correct me if I'm wrong.
Do explain, what do you intend to do? (again, with no details, because the kikes always spy and take notes)