Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 13:32:06 Id: 72d2a5 No.1119 del
>she wants me to share her
There's a group of them. If they match I accept anyone, the whole point of this method is to let the energy circulate by as many people/entities as possible to reduce the strain and effort. Then a breakthrough is made in the most streamlined way and the result is shared with everyone. If you've taken part in Sunflower sessions at the temple you know how it's done. For the last bit I have to do now to get to a certain place I've been recruiting as many as possible. If I can get a horde to sign up for it, it helps a lot.
>Care to share some advice?
I don't know how to explain it exactly so I did a little work on your energy to show you directly. It should appear to you in a bit, what I meant to tell you.
Whatever advice I have is posted continually on /sunflower/. For you in specific, it looks from a quick reading that you need to seek out a specific kind of experience to improve from where you are. It depends on your references if you are able to relate to what I say, which makes it difficult. What I mean is the feeling when you're both relaxed and feeling a positive strain or stretch, physically and/or mentally. It can be compared to an unpleasant strain when lifting something too heavy that you don't want to lift, or doing a stretching exercise that's only painful and doesn't seem to work. Avoid that feeling and look for the one where you feel you can improve by positive effort.

Try to find things where the mundane connects with the spiritual and you have this experience of pleasant strain. It's not important what the activity is, the point is to refine the "feeling", then using it to transform other boring and non-improvable areas into fields of development for yourself.