Sunflower 03/24/2022 (Thu) 01:10:23 Id: 972fd5 No.1149 del
(379.77 KB 780x3120 0 fucking damage.jpg)
>to treat everyone as your wives
Member when I told you that I kicked Tamamo through multiple "hell" dimensions because her darkness slowly infected me because of our marriage? My wife needs to be useful to me or at least not a hindrance. I know what you mean but if I consider someone as wife that comes with more expectations. Waifus on the otherhand ;^)
>you also need to be able to offer them something good enough for them to want that
I always wonder just how many entities are just simply "bored". I mean I also help entities because I am nice and bored and the help is minimal effort. Yes to "important" manifestations that need to happen no matter what I supply them with energy. But now it seems they just help? Most of them tells me that they know that I am a "good soul" and helping me benefits them too. It's weird. It's like in Sasami-san@ganbaranai anime sometimes.

>The best protection is a loyal psycho bitch
No the best protection is pic related
Also my "previous way" was attacking anyone that dares to do "anything I find harmful"
But now I welcome it. That is why they are currently here. I could send them away or grow a Hindu deity amount of chainsaw hands but I need to know my weaknesses. This is the fastest way. And they help with it. [spoiler] Also when I asked the Djinnyeh after watching how my servitor beat up a group of Djinn. Will you protect me when I am in trouble? She laughed.
>You need no protection
I told her what if I will need it will you protect me?