Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 15:49:09 Id: 7654d1 No.1220 del
A few years ago I had a dream where I crossed a river, and as I reached the other side I heard the voice of what I thought was "demons" and the voice of a couple of children being taken away. There was also a boy sitting there looking sad, he said "that sucks, we died", and I was like "no, not me" and crossed back in a single jump and was welcomed by the Matriarch and my Vamp guide. I felt super powerful as I jumped back and had a darker deep voice speaking in unison with mine, I think I was using the so called "black flame" in that moment.

The reason I mention this is because I'm curious about what were those kids that I felt got taken by demons, were those other souls that lived within me? Did they go to hell? If so is it possible to get them to a better place?