Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 23:23:57 Id: 7a68c8 No.1476 del
I just don't think you can have too much gong and accidentally harm someone with it. Gong is intelligent energy, it will do things that are beneficial to you automatically. What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you? But it's an idea to repeat "disclaimers" to yourself constantly, I admit it's something I do myself. Phrases such as
>I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely
for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
>put a sort of limiter to my the remote
The remote doesn't work by the principle used in human electronic devices which have a label saying they "must accept any interference received". Greys have a very strong focus because they use things like this. I guess I don't have a good way to explain it, but... think about wanting to hit a target far away with a sniper rifle. You'll now think you can miss and hit something else. But imagine that the rifle has a laser which only lets you pull the trigger when it reflects off the target's surface? It's kind of like that. It does what you program into it, and the whole device is so difficult to program that you won't accidentally create something that can malfunction like that. Most likely it will just fizzle out if you do fail. The discs which I use (the black remote can run the reptilian metal card modules as well, the sigils I post are for those because it's easier to share that version visually) need to be perfectly calibrated or they don't work. They start wobbling and screaming and won't run.
But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that. There are 40 trillion greys. Whatever you can come up with, someone already made a program for it. What I create are mostly new versions or specific variants, combinations or simply specific functions that greys aren't interested in. Such as making space suits that make you look like a loli with a dress. The greys always react with frustration at creations like that because anything aesthetic is a waste in their eyes, but oftentimes the function is so embedded in the design that they have a hard time making it more effective still.

If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.