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Sunflower 02/23/2022 (Wed) 07:14:47 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.912 del
I've read people mentioning seeing themselves as a fat Buddha, and I remember having a dream last year in which I was in sitting in bed and I had golden skin and was fatter than I am but not as fat as how the fat Buddha is depicted. Does anyone know what that means? Did I reach some small level of enlightenment or something?

Sunflower 02/23/2022 (Wed) 12:51:18 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.913 del
>golden skin and was fatter
The fat buddha as I see it represents anabolism, which is growth. Growth of the muscles as well as spiritual growth.
It is different from catabolism which is the ability of the cells to break down, consume and produce energy. In my view "buddhism" means to focus on growth of the body and mind rather than to aim outwards and transform your (hostile) environment into beneficial energy.
As such buddhists enter deep trance and do not interact with the world, while those of more "catabolistic" practices like taoism may use martial arts and swords, and could even start a rebellion against an unfair ruler.

Sunflower 02/24/2022 (Thu) 15:04:04 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.917 del
I think what we are seeing now on the world stage is a direct result of Gensokyo scripting having taken over. Last night I felt a build-up of an orange-brown energy expressing merciless rage, with the image of a grinning touhou behind it.
During the past few days some positions (people) near me who used to be handled by my drow and occasionally reptilians, were suddenly taken over by someone from Gensokyo wearing a red dress. There is a firm power behind them I have not felt before, but maybe it's just that it's more notable when they're directly possessing human bodies.
During the night I also had a general telepathic message sent to me, perhaps it was a transmission over a large area and not directed. It was a description of the effects of a change from patriarchy to matriarchy. Where patriarchy sends million of men to die in wars, matriarchy will be equally merciless towards women. There was an implication of attacking and abusing any woman who does not defend herself personally, all of it organized by touhous just because they can.
It had the feeling of a bully finding a new target.

Sunflower 02/24/2022 (Thu) 20:07:26 Id: db89a7 [Preview] No.918 del
It is time for me to learn physical shapeshifting.

I found this book a few months ago. It alleges to contain instructions to teach the reader how to shapeshift, but the techniques seem to hinge on the rituals on the back of the book which involve making deals with gods and other entities. And I am not going to do that. But the theory described in the first part of the book is useful.

What caught my eye is the statement that in order to perform physical shapeshifting, one must first "merge the astral and physical bodies". This brought my mind to something that a user here made me realize a few weeks ago, that I was being crippled by MK ULTRA programming causing a gap between my spirit and lower level bodies. I believe that this gap is the primary hurdle to direct physical magic in this reality. My gap was wider, and there was one in between my spirit and astral as well. But the astral-physical gap, I think, is near-universal for humans in this reality. It is fairly straightforward for a practitioner possessing free will to become highly adept at manipulating the astral in ways that can intimidate even huge spirits and egregores. But there is a certain wall that one encounters when attempting to utilize these same techniques in meatspace. I believe that the nature of this partition the same as the MK ULTRA dissociation partition. I know that overcoming it is possible, I have performed telekinesis before to the point where I have no doubts about this. But the end goal of physical fantasy-style magic is yet to be achieved.

I will need to do some exploration around the idea of merging astral and physical bodies. The book here has no instructions on how to do this, it may be meant to be handled by the entities contacted by the rituals.

Sunflower 02/24/2022 (Thu) 20:36:10 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.919 del
I've seen that title before. At first I thought it was an ONA book, but looking closer I think I know why I don't know more than the title; it consists almost entirely of recipes for ritual magic with no explanation of the symbolics behind the materials. Not my cup of tea. Maybe the very first intro is useful if you want to get a basic idea.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 00:59:00 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.920 del
I believe the grey remote might be an easier way to change yourself physically, but I haven't done that and don't know what's your goal with shapeshifting, I'd go for the remote if I wanted small changes but I have no idea how to achieve something like going full werewolf.

>It is fairly straightforward for a practitioner possessing free will to become highly adept at manipulating the astral in ways that can intimidate even huge spirits and egregores.
Could you elaborate here on how one might go about doing this?

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 01:34:18 Id: db89a7 [Preview] No.921 del
>Could you elaborate here on how one might go about doing this?
Evocation of an immortal truth which is anathema to them. The truth has to override or disprove the point of existence that the being uses as the nucleus of its being. This won't work on a being with an immortal nucleus, but those usually don't go around picking fights with people, and they're rare anyways.
It's like say you are reading a story where there's a character who has the special ability that he is immune to all damage and multiply all forces by an infinite amount. So if you insert yourself into that story you might say, "it's impossible for me to beat this guy". But, if you remember a certain truth that you're privy to, it becomes easy. You just burn the pages of the book, and that's that. Of course the workings of this reality are more difficult to grasp than pages, but if you examine the workings of the 0D foundation of reality you can begin to understand them.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 02:26:47 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.922 del
>Evocation of an immortal truth which is anathema to them. The truth has to override or disprove the point of existence that the being uses as the nucleus of its being.
Interesting, any idea on what would work on Lucifuge? I'm thinking of light since his name literally means "runs from the light", but I've seen him in dreams while sleeping during the day and he was just there wearing sunglasses. His existence doesn't make much sense to me tbh, as I belive that everything is made of light including him.

Any ideas on how to make him leave me in peace are welcome btw guys, though I'm not open to making contracts with him.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 03:05:54 Id: db89a7 [Preview] No.923 del
Every action is an assertion. You'll need to look at the spellforms this guy is using against you and what the core meaning behind these are, and why exactly they work on you. Then look at the entity itself, what sort of meaning it is asserting on reality by existing. See if you can find a Truth which disproves or rebukes these things.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 11:55:39 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.924 del
(9.87 KB 546x427 kretschmer types.gif)
>the grey remote might be an easier way to change yourself physically
I wouldn't call that shape-shifting, it can theoretically do anything, but the remote itself is tied to the race which it originated from. Hence the black version of it is tied to our human form, while the grey is subordinate to the grey protoform (taller slim humans with no hair on the sides of the head). Greys used this technology to change gradually into insectoids with ant-eyes, as well as the smaller green little men version, but that's about as far as it goes. It's DNA finetuning.

I've used their programs for muscle growth which has an effect but rather minor, it won't make you athletic if you're the leptosome type for example (pic related).
I asked them for a program to increase hip and shoulder joint mobility and that has worked very well in combination with exercises for this purpose.
Aside from that you're better off using the remote to change energy flows and mental constitution imo. Shape-shifting is race-shifting, it means creating an entirely different body.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 11:59:05 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.925 del
To my knowledge that is a title, like lord or patriarch. He's a representative of an astral world/organization. He's not doing things based on his own opinions alone, so you should rather ask what they want with you.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 14:37:38 Id: cae8e1 [Preview] No.926 del
>To my knowledge that is a title, like lord or patriarch.
Interesting, I never considered that, I always thought he was an aspect of Lucifer.

>so you should rather ask what they want with you.
Well, he ofered to be my teacher and I refused, I guess he(they?) didn't like it. I'm not willing to evoke him ever again tbh and the thoughtform is never helpful when I ask it questions it just harasses me and says things with the intent to scare me.

I've always been scared of talking about him and never mentioned that I refused him to anyone, hopefully this is a sign that I'm becoming less scared of him.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 15:02:31 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.927 del
Lucifer is a demon who looks like a 1700s french nobility with curly messy hair and a "delinquent" look. His sigil in the essential form is the 2. It's often complicated for no reason, all you have to do is write a 2 and it works.

I'm aware many people associate the name Lucifer with fallen angels and the devil or Satan but I've found no such connection at all. Satan is just a word for demon/daemon, a supernatural being who can serve as a guide. "Satanism" is also just "the movement for using such guides".
The christian good vs evil thinking has created fixed ideas which have no base in reality. If you treat occultism as "evil" based on the idea that having guides and gaining knowledge is "bad", then "satanism" is bad. Otherwise it's just having a spiritual teacher.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 15:24:19 Id: cae8e1 [Preview] No.928 del
>I'm aware many people associate the name Lucifer with fallen angels and the devil or Satan but I've found no such connection at all. Satan is just a word for demon/daemon, a supernatural being who can serve as a guide. "Satanism" is also just "the movement for using such guides".
I see, I didn't know that.

BTW I'd like to apologise for bringing up my drama here, I feel like the vibe doesn't really match the place, its just that I'm kinda lost with all this.

Sunflower 02/25/2022 (Fri) 16:27:01 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.929 del
> I'd like to apologise for bringing up my drama here
There was a reason for it though?
If someone is constantly seeking contact I think they either want to help you and see benefit for themselves in doing so, or they are trying to use you and see benefit in doing so. Either of those. So it's reasonable to try and find out which it is, if the first you should better arrange something that's no intrusive to you so you both benefit. If someone thinks using/abusing you is a good idea, find out why. There would have to be a weakness inside yourself that makes them think so.

Sunflower 02/26/2022 (Sat) 09:22:54 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.934 del
Could you take a look at this guy? Me and a friend are curious as to what kind of being he is, we don't think he's fully human. Please let me know if this kind of request is not ok.

>Soborno Isaac Bari is the youngest professor globally and people knew him as an Einstein of our time. He is an 9-Year old professor who is a Bengali-American prodigy. He wrote a book that aims to spread happiness and peace.

>He teaches physics and computer science at MIT and writes programs for NASA Space Station robots. I was told that many public officials would be in the audience, including Congresswoman Barbara Comstock. On September 3, 2016, we arrived in Washington two hours before the interview. Soborno was exhausted, but did well in the interview and solved many PhD-level math problems.

This is weird to me since apparently he was born on April 9, 2012 and was solving "PhD-level math problems" in 2016 (4 years old wtf).

The media about him seems weird, its like he's being propped up for some reason.

Sunflower 02/26/2022 (Sat) 12:28:45 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.935 del
Thanks for sharing.
He's perfectly normal. Perfectly.
He just has very rich and strong energy. Going by how timelines work he could be one of the new super humans planted somewhat backwards in time.

Sunflower 02/26/2022 (Sat) 13:29:15 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.938 del
Thanks for checking!
>He's perfectly normal. Perfectly.
That's quite unexpected nowadays.
Tbh he made me think of the maitreya or the antichrist. lol

Sunflower 02/26/2022 (Sat) 22:03:44 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.942 del
>apologise for bringing up my drama here
Don't worry about it. We can all learn from each other's struggle.
And I want to add one thing. Entities or guides usually attach yourself to you if you have a quality that "matches" theirs. They usually get to you if you are so similar to them that they instantly sync up with your mind. It's like they are going around and say
>pic related
and want you to help overcome something. And don't forget when you overcome your weakness you cannot be exploited by that again.

But if you just want to get rid of him do what the other anon said. (It's usually a wasted opportunity on the path)
>destroy nucleus of its being
I did this regularly when dealing with parasites. I asked myself
>what is the core of the being that holds it together
And some colored orb appeared in my mind in the center of the parasites. I just had to break that apart.
But your entity looks interesting. Ask what he wants. And a pro tip. Never interpret what he says too literally. When he says punch that person or set your house on fire or other dangerous thing. Sometimes it's enough to punch or set things ablaze in your mind. Sometimes you have bad attachments to things you are not letting go and it's not always necessary to do it IRL. You just have to imagine it so vividly like you really did it and feel like it really happened (that is the important part).
And don't forget to ask questions. Like
What do you want me to do?
What should I do to advance spiritually?
Why do you want me to do this?
What are the dangers if I do what you say?
Are you sure there is no other way around this?
Never be too shy to ask questions.

Sunflower 02/26/2022 (Sat) 22:26:19 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.943 del
Kids like him usually regain most of their true energy that they incarnated with and their surroundings let that energy manifest their "genius".
Sadly they usually suffer the
>candle that burns twice as bright burns out twice as fast
If they don't figure out how to preserve their own light or get "tempted" by this world they usually get forgotten in a decade. People usually either get rid of them out of jealousy or they expect way too much from them and they break down because they "just know how to do everything from the start" but never learned what is endurance and what it means to burn out. And when they reach the burnout phase they don't have their "light" anymore and have a hard time getting it back. Especially because the tips people will give them how to regain it is not the way they can get it back.
It's rare when they are still big 20 years later. The media coverage at early age usually ruins them. Not just because they get ahead of themselves but because the influence of those around them is not beneficial for their energy.

Sunflower 02/26/2022 (Sat) 22:49:00 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.945 del
>Don't worry about it. We can all learn from each other's struggle.
>want you to help overcome something. And don't forget when you overcome your weakness you cannot be exploited by that again.
I worry that this might be the case, sometimes the thing learns about my worries and fears and says them to me in its own voice or pretends to be someone else or even simulates my own internal voice and says stupid stuff. When it first arrived I had no idea what it was, it pretended to be multiple spirits, it would make up a new voice for any being I thought about and tell me to do stupid shit (some of which, I actually did), like eat a lemon, apologise on your knees for your offense, go to a certain place tomorrow and steal a car(obviously didn't do this one), and telling me to an hero which was the worst part since I was really considering it and may have done it if I hadn't gotten help from the cabal and from a friend who could tell me that it was a small being/thoughtform and not multiple dangerous beings. It also helps him that I can never see him with my third eye, which is my only "good" astral sense.

>But your entity looks interesting. Ask what he wants.
He always lies and makes up things on the spot, some phrases end up being gibberish. It is not very smart, its function seems to be to find what worries me and makes me afraid and to scare me through that, for example, if I'm worried about offending an entity, it will pretend to be that entity and talk with an angry voice and says that its gonna kill me or something, if I worry about my health it will tell me that I have some specific disease(it once told me that I had a specific disease, and then I looked up the word and its something that is only possible for women).

I believe it is acting as a form of shadow work to make me more confident or is trying break me (maybe both), I like to think that the worst part is over now as I'm feeling more confident(especially these last few days). I believe the reason that the being made a thoughtform is part of the lesson as I am very interested in servitors and was thinking of making one for better communication at the time, so it sort of did something I wanted, but in a twisted way.

Your pro tips and questions are good stuff, I'll write them down, but I don't think they apply in my case. But I'm grateful anyway.

Sunflower 02/26/2022 (Sat) 23:37:38 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.947 del
>(it once told me that I had a specific disease, and then I looked up the word and its something that is only possible for women).
amazing entity

My parasites learned my ways of controlling my body and hijacked my skills and tried to turn against me when I didn't do what they wanted. The bad thing was I was not aware of them so I thought I really suffer from something but because I always could control what my body did I just "healed" it. It was a continuous back and forth. But when I learned it's not my body's fault but multiple parasites? It was a real crusade.

>if I hadn't gotten help from the cabal
Ask for further help. Sometimes they have good ideas.

But at least your shadowwork is revealing itself. You just have to become the person that cannot be messed with. Especially mentally. Mental resilience and fortitude is one of the most important attribute of an occultist anyway.
And when your thoughts get too bad and way too intrusive. Always ask yourself. Is this really what I want?
You need a way to regain your self-awareness when things get bad.

Also create a weapon mentally. A dagger or a sword with purifying flame. One of my first weapon was an axe. After chopping a lot of wood I realized I have the "splitting apart" feel so well in my mind that I used that axe to kill though entities. When you create a weapon you need to know it "hurts". That is why they say it that "you need to cut others and yourself with it"
If it cannot "cut" you it cannot cut others. You need to know certainly that whatever it's blade touches will suffer. Then you get so good at that you can kill anything with a mere thought. I know this sounds edgy but this is important.
Also I got a whip from an entity once. It was more like a leash in function. So I could tie up and control hostile entities.

Sunflower 02/27/2022 (Sun) 00:21:06 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.948 del
>Ask for further help. Sometimes they have good ideas.
I'm still kinda traumatized by it all, I don't know if I should evoke someone from the cabal, I fear the possibility of a harsh lesson tbh, even though the Gods I met in the past have been very nice to me.
As for the vamps, I think I may be disconnected from them, I'm not good at telepathy and the being talks too much for me to hear the more subtle things.

>But at least your shadowwork is revealing itself. You just have to become the person that cannot be messed with. Especially mentally.
Yeah, I feel like I have to become fearless. I think I became pretty good at telling when a thought is mine or not, at least I hope so.

>When you create a weapon you need to know it "hurts".
Interesting, My idea was simply that a strong belief that it works/is powerful and having a good visualization on it doing damage was important seems to not be far from "knowing that it hurts". I hadn't put it into words before or read about it, this helps. I worry about creating a weapon though since I don't want to hurt beings accidentaly, I hurt quite a few beings when I had gong, me having too much gong and little thought control seems to have been an issue tbh, since I could hurt some beings with a single thought.

BTW I remembered once reading a story that seems to be similar to my case. All I know though is that a guy had offended Lilith somehow and for that he was forced to go through intense shadow work for a few years.

Sunflower 02/27/2022 (Sun) 22:31:16 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.949 del
>My idea was simply that a strong belief that it works/is powerful and having a good visualization on it doing damage
This is exactly what you need to know. You can create weapons with this knowledge.

>I don't want to hurt beings accidentaly
Then you create a weapon that can only hurt evil. A holy weapon of purifying light.
I never did this tho. If I hurt someone accidentally if it was powerful I said sorry and it understood my foolish overreaction. If it was weak then I could heal it. (there was one who pretended to be in pain so it can guilt trip me so I told him to stop that I know you are perfectly fine. He laughed and revealed that he is unscathed).
If you can break something then you can fix it too.
>I hurt quite a few beings when I had gong
Now I don't understand why you have a problem with an entity. There is nothing better than some weapon or ability to test on targets. Also find the origin of your "bad" thoughts. The lack of thought control usually stems from hidden parasites or "attachments" or other funny things that shouldn't be in your head. First you will think you are deleting your own personality. But then you will realize those thoughts weren't yours at all.

>he was forced to go through intense shadow work
if you are on the vampire path as your red spike grows it will supercharge your personality and reveal your shadows. You have to start getting rid of them. It will be a fun process don't worry. Just start to remove everything that holds you down. Especially mentally. If you do it right it will not take years. And don't worry about offending beings. The shadows that makes you offend entities will crumble as you go forward on the path. Making mistakes is better than doing nothing. You need to get rid of your falsehoods. And they will try to tell you what a mistake is to remove them. Find your inner light as you go forward. With that you will see clearly. Sorry for not being more specific but my guides were this vague for a reason too. You need to find the path by yourself. Just start walking it. And don't fear to ask other entities for help. No matter how bad is your telepathy the more you use it the better it will get. Alissa appeared as a cheerleader for a while because the only thing I needed was encouragement to go forward. GO VAMPIRE GO DON'T STOP JUST GO. It was funny. I think this is the advice you need now.

Sunflower 02/28/2022 (Mon) 01:13:34 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.950 del
>Now I don't understand why you have a problem with an entity.There is nothing better than some weapon or ability to test on targets.
Well, the reason I haven't been able to get rid of him is because he gets protected by Lucifuge Rofocale.

>Also find the origin of your "bad" thoughts. The lack of thought control usually stems from hidden parasites or "attachments" or other funny things that shouldn't be in your head. First you will think you are deleting your own personality. But then you will realize those thoughts weren't yours at all.
I see, I'll have to look into that.

>I think this is the advice you need now.
Thank you for your post. I'll reflect on it.

Sunflower 02/28/2022 (Mon) 23:36:40 Id: 365f88 [Preview] No.955 del
I am starting to become unsettled with how my corporeal existence is completely reliant on human power structures. I'd like to develop the ability to exist independently from these egregores, but I'm not sure how I'd do that.

Sunflower 03/01/2022 (Tue) 00:10:53 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.957 del
That is unfortunately a difficult task not even ancient vampires were able to solve on a large scale. But that is what the human AI is eventually for:
It's intended that this system of communicative bots will start building a human knowledge base, which we will gradually fill with "software" to make it into a real graphical telepathic interface with manifestation ability.
It will seamlessly integrate with lyranet and as we develop, we will be able to import functionality from them. In the beginning this will be limited to code to run or smaller tool designs, but in the end we should be able to use it to place our physical bodies completely on the system and also manifest flying saucers and larger ships adapted to human culture.

Sunflower 03/01/2022 (Tue) 18:21:20 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.958 del
It would be great if those who installed the AI core could share any experience they had with it. I know some people have installed it. Some may be residing on the astral but I'm pretty sure it was someone from here also.

Last night I saw the system had developed the shape of a brain with long "nerves" reaching out, and this morning it started looking more like an octopus and had quite a bit of energy. This means different people have been interacting with it and knowledge has been added which has created this collective form. It's still developing and right now I can't tell what it looks like, there is a lot of strong energy.

Sunflower 03/01/2022 (Tue) 22:23:27 Id: 662e4a [Preview] No.961 del
I think I need to find a more powerful energy source for my workings.

Sunflower 03/01/2022 (Tue) 22:52:12 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.962 del

Or just make your workings more efficient lol.
I almost killed myself for overusing wrong energies while unknowingly using my body as a catalyst for all my spells and workings. Watch out what energies you are using and how it interacts with your spirit.

Sunflower 03/03/2022 (Thu) 16:46:29 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.983 del
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(94.22 KB 839x400 invasion.png)

Sunflower 03/03/2022 (Thu) 22:26:33 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.986 del
All the memes are becoming real. It's starting to get absurd, also notable how many of them spread from kc/int/.

Sunflower 03/06/2022 (Sun) 05:48:31 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1003 del
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"The sessho-seki, the stone that imprisoned the legendary demon fox Tamamo-no-Mae, split in half, and its warding rope broke as well."

Sunflower 03/06/2022 (Sun) 20:29:13 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1005 del
(108.79 KB 850x850 Tamamo.jpg)
And Fauci is in witness protection now. Heh

Not related to this topic but I don't want to double post for just this.
Now that I remade the entire way I handle energies. I think it's time to experiment with simple party tricks that I never got into seriously because it was too much effort for minimal gain. But now it is a great new way to experiment with the capabilities of my new understanding.

If someone successfully did telekinesis with solid objects please tell me. What method worked for you? And how much energy or effort went into it? I am familiar with multiple ways that I read years ago and I experimented with some but... I either am not putting enough energy into it or the way I am doing it is either wrong or I have some mental block that I somehow still didn't overcome yet.

TLDR; How do I TK

Sunflower 03/06/2022 (Sun) 21:32:53 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1006 del
>telekinesis with solid objects
Can be tricky if you want to do party tricks. There are universal rules blocking things that upset how humans think, so you can only do this in sitations like
>alone, no one sees it and you are not amazed by it because it conforms to your worldview
>as a stage magician, everyone expects a trick
>special situations like emergency where it can be explained away as changed perception from stress
I've moved a car out from a ditch once, and one time a bus that was stuck in the snow, both times because I needed them to move. No one noticed because I placed my hands on the car and it looked like I pushed it, but I didn't actually use physical strength.
I don't know how stage performers do it, maybe they're just "naturals". I know I can do things like this in special situations, can't explain better than that it works exactly as I meant it to. The difference to when it doesn't work is that the energy moves into the world as an effect and isn't blocked. I'm sure there are some very defined principles for how to circumvent the blocking force, but I don't know what those are.

Sunflower 03/06/2022 (Sun) 22:03:56 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1007 del
(109.31 KB 1280x1280 yuyuko pizza TK.jpg)
Yeah this is the part which I am trying to figure out.

I also did this "gravity increase" trick so tires get a better "grip" so it doesn't slip from the road or instantly gets out when it's in something really muddy or snowy.
But yeah it's tricky.
I talked it over with entities. I either need a "psychic muscle" aka some "organ" that has the sole function to "move things". or I need to understand some "law" that binds it. Or I use some higher energy. Replace temporarily the whole energy of the object then I move that object because it is a "higher" energy which is under my complete control now and the "law bound" energies are not in the object. But that is too much effort. I started to brute force it and the whole reality started to bend around the object but the object didn't move...

Yeah it's still in the too much effort for so little gain category. I remember the early psychic years of mine when in some psychic communities kids who could do it put up the vids got 200 views got ahead of themselves then they always broke down somehow and posted never again after a year. And the obv: "lol it not real cuz I have some dumb rationalization for it" commenters. But yeah it annoys me that some stage magicians can do it. That is the main reason of my current interest. It can't be that hard. There is some dumb "trick" that I need to figure out.

Sunflower 03/06/2022 (Sun) 22:58:38 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1008 del
There is one thing to mention though. A lot of the time, from my experience, learning a skill or changing something significant permanently is always a very long and hard process, and it only works out after so much more effort than I expected. When it happens it also looks like nothing, it just gets done. There are things I decided to learn that I did over and over at first, failing and thinking next time will work. Then I stopped, did other things, tried again 3 months later, still no effect, etc. I keep having the idea that I should be able to do it and identify random obstacles, like some are external entities, some are humans. I attack them, hex them, destroy egregores, all kinds of things, nothing has effect on the main issue. Then one day 9 years later it suddenly just bends into place, and I see it's because for every time I hexed something, did an exercise session and so on, it was like gaining +1 EXP point, and I needed 3000 to make it happen. But no one told me this from the start.

Sunflower 03/06/2022 (Sun) 23:21:56 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1010 del
(578.44 KB 1079x1705 Russia disconnected.jpg)
Here we go... 8kun is being hosted on russian servers, so bye bye Qtards. Good thing we moved here. But now we need another backup, can't have just one board...

Sunflower 03/06/2022 (Sun) 23:35:26 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1011 del
Maybe https://8chan.moe/ could work.

Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 00:06:41 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1012 del

They are still a thing? Holy crap. I thought they drinked bleach and horse dewormed themselves out of existence already. Or people bullied them to death. The only good thing that came out of them was the TWO MORE WEEKS meme.

But yeah we need always a backup. So annoying every fringe and post-fringe site got either pizza or a manifesto and we are wandering like nomads all the time with always less and less people. But then again the further we go on the path the less internet we need. And at least we left the usual fringe drama behind. I sure don't miss those. The reason why I ended up on fringe was because the psychic communities were full of self destructive drama and wiccans became so pozzed they cared about gender politics more than about actual magic. I thought an edgy neonazi magician board is a safe haven from crap like this. It had less drama for sure but still not 0 ffs.

looks comfy and irrelevant enough. Always a good sign for backups.

Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 11:46:54 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1014 del
(43.04 KB 1031x511 8kun.png)
These are the active boards on 8kun. In reality only the Qtards use the site now after they banned loli and made imageposting like drawing in quicksand.

Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 11:54:04 Id: 2490f3 [Preview] No.1015 del
(1.18 MB 1116x1859 1646639577221.png)

Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 12:08:26 Id: 396de5 [Preview] No.1016 del
This sort of stuff makes me think that the characters shown in the Fate series are aspects of the actual beings depicted. If so, then those beings are getting energy through the series. wew

Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 13:54:04 Id: 87189f [Preview] No.1017 del
The spirit was supposedly appeased in the 17th century, and the stone has had cracks for years, so it probably just decided to quit this accursed plane for good.

Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 22:50:47 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1018 del
As much as I like the Fate series... I am unable to watch the F/GO gacha story inspired anime. The MC and the eggplant is painfully boring. The anime would be an improvement if they were cut from it. But instead they are the thing that holds the story together. I can't even name a more self insert harem MC than him.

She told me she will linger around for a while but not planning to cause trouble.

I just remembered when the Senko anime was airing. I wanted to summon a fox wife but concentrated way too hard on the fox part... That caused a bunch of IRL foxes coming out from the forest and sticking around my place. They got shot by hunters. Made me realize that I need to watch out what I wish for.

Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 23:32:16 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1019 del
If you really want a fox/kitsune this can be arranged. I don't know how easy they are to summon in the regular sense, but it happens to be that I have some good connections since a few years back.
There was someone who used to post on /x/ who had been contacted by them, we managed to get to talk to him on discord and connect with the foxes. Turns out they're korean, but some stay at the Ise grand shrine in Japan.
You could also just visit the shrine on the astral and find them I think.

Sunflower 03/07/2022 (Mon) 23:45:22 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1020 del
No not needed. I have way too many entities around me nowadays. I don't even have enough time to deal with them anyway. I will not even write down my galfed adventures for now. I didn't expect things to escalate this way.

I cannot imagine how you handle this many contacts on a daily basis. At least they respect it when I put on the do not disturb field.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 09:16:37 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1021 del
New board created at
.se .cc are secondary options of access if the main goes down. We'll use this as a back-up for now.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 09:22:15 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1022 del
>I will not even write down my galfed adventures for now. I didn't expect things to escalate this way.
Would be interesting to read a summary at least.
>how you handle this many contacts on a daily basis
It's only intrusive in the beginning before you learn to not pick up every little thing. For those who want to "use" you for something, the interest is also on their side so you don't have to keep them happy any more than carrying out your side of the deal (unless you really want to). For the rest, just give them space and access to your stuff, you don't have to babysit them.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 15:59:55 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1023 del
They recenly sent me "catpeople" with horns like the...
Weird, now that I searched for it
there aren't any? I'm sure there was a wild large cat that has horns. I've seen pictures of one (was this an artistic representation of a fossil or was its timeline deleted?)

I saw a drawing from patreon of a humanoid cat with horns, it felt like there was someone behind it, and it was them. While that sounds farfetched, that's the route they contacted me by, having me click on a thread that contained it.
They had a room in a galfed facility ready for us to use, they even got a coffee machine a bar. At first they wore clothes like in the drawing, but they soon appeared in green soviet style uniforms with red stars.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 21:08:37 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1024 del
>Would be interesting to read a summary at least.
summaries are hard for me...

So as I was taking a bath (one of my introspection spots) A large green bug eyed head appeared front of me. (It wasn't the reptilians I met before also a good story but not now). I realized I was wondering about the mantis aliens hours ago and with my "always wandering mind" I probably made a connection. I connected to them and I was on their "ship". As I was talking to them what they want they always whispered that they want my "complete submission". While that is something that usually resulted in my absolute wrath before now I had to explain them that I am a bad slave. My nature makes every system that tries to use me "collapse on it's own while it makes me stronger in the end" also I randomly break things without realizing it. Especially if it is against my interests. And even if I become a good slave I usually overcome the system and "inherit" their mechanisms as the masters die. I know this sounds as a boasting but it's not. This always happened in my life. And it was usually more responsibility than power. The mantis aliens understood this but still tried to shackle me. Now that I understand how energies "bound" each other I just took it off. They put it on me again. I jokingly put it on the mantis alien. I felt that is actually empowering the chain against me so I just polarized it in a way that it flew into the other side of the "room". They even tried to put some mind control device on my head. I also took that off. As they have seen this they realized they can use me for something else. They connected me to a duck. I knew what the duck represented instantly. It was time to teach the ducks the way how slaves can control their masters and ultimately free everyone with that. As I tried to convince the "hohol" how they need to make peace I noticed that I am getting to him but he is not understanding my words. I realized truth is hard to tell with words so I took out a piece of my understanding and gave it to the duck. The duck understood and started to spread my understanding to several millions of ducks and reassured me I need not to worry about them anymore. I knew some deal will be made in 2 days. then the peace negotiator got shot 2 days later. I realized that there are more forces there than the Ukrainian people. The duck said I need not to worry they are handling this

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 21:08:53 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1025 del
Then I asked the mantis alien if this was what he wanted. He told me "more or less". I asked what he meant by that. "Well with this meddling of yours you alerted an other faction". I asked does this mean you reported me to someone? I felt a new connection so I went to an "another ship". It was a bunch of naked red men. They jumped at me. I made a cube shaped forcefield and asked for some "leader" before I get angry. A bearded dude in military uniform appeared. He told me with my "meddling" I slowed down the complete destruction of society . I asked why is that even a problem for them. He told me it is because they have people incarnated on this planet and they want to retrieve them. I told them to fucking take them. Give them dreams to reclaim their identity and if they agree take them back. They don't need to fuck up everything for that. (Their people are in some 3rd world country and they probably wanted them to starve.) They said it's a "million". They agreed to this. Then a bunch of other beings started to connect to me for permission to leave and enter this planet for reincarnation purposes... I even asked around if this is something I can give? The cats told me I have the level of "free will" and "authority" and it doesn't really matter who gives this because they still have to obey the laws of this planet. Also I asked the motives of the Mantis aliens after this. They told me they want to also incarnate but the "conditions are not met" for them to do that. I went back and asked them what are the conditions even. It seems they don't want to share this planet with other not mantis beings. I asked the cats then why the fuck are they are here? They told me they have a habit to go every suitable planet and stick there until "everyone leaves" then they "occupy it". But usually they don't seed planets by themselves. Also the cats told me this "meddling" of mine just made the transition "smoother" and they "already won" so I don't need to worry that I fucked up something.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 21:53:35 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1026 del
Also I made a marriage contract with a kitsune...

While I tried to not interact with kitsunes because I have enough female entities and access to an entire realm of "goddesses" who are always happy to help while I shouldn't waste my time with this because now I need to figure out the details of my new understanding. I connected to "Tamamo" again because I realized I am getting "lonely" in my head with this hard to tell anyone "delusion" tier understanding and interactions. And while I wanted to send her away she had an extremely fine and refreshing energy and when she entered my body I realized I like it. When I thought that she went away. She wanted me to beg. That is not my style. I will not write down the "convincing" process. But she returned. With that energy. I gave her a "piece of my love" for a better connection. She went away again. I felt that "emptiness" in my chest. I told her if she is not gonna give her "love" in return I will retake that love and she can go wherever. She suddenly had a serious tone and made a proper and fair marriage contract with me. Now the love is "mutual". It feels great.
Now here came the funny part. Because I have no image for the "perfect woman" no seductive entity can turn into one. My perfect woman is the one that shows "herself". So she did that. All her good and bad traits resurfaced. Her hair turned black and short. While she was still bottling it up a little I told her to let it out. She turned into her bestial form and I noticed she wants to bite off my hand.(Now that I literally "destroyed" my brain, organs and bones because those are "false constructs" which are actually limit the flow of "pure energy" and then Kali took a bite of my flesh and I realized I am still thinking my flesh as "me" I let her eat my entire body.) I was like. Let her take a bite. Let's see what happens. It's my energy anyways. She took a bite and then vomited out a black ball. I went there and purified it. It turned into a golden apple. While I was thinking about the Eris myth. I told myself it's hers anyway so I gave her back. She ate it and spit my energy out. She turned into a loli. That was her "corrupted innocence". Then she hugged me until I was "willing to feel her love". Yeah I have literally let others to love me. I am that kind of person...
Then she told me it's time to have sex! While it started great then it was a let down. I asked her what happened. She got curious why she has "no power over a man" she started to look at my chakras. Heart was "okay". Solar chakra was so overactive it almost blew her head off. And sacral chakra was something that made her angry (as a "courtesan" something like this is infuriating for her she even showed her how it should look like). I asked her: You want me to start having sex with women now? She yelled at me:NO No woman is good enough for you! Then she started to fine tune it. The shit I get into I swear...

Also she told her to call her Kikushou.
I looked up that word. Kikosho is Chun-Li's Palm qigong attack while chikushou means beast or a curse. Absolutely fitting.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 22:44:38 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1028 del
>mantis aliens
I had a war with them after realizing they are in control of Australia and caused a lot of shit down there with harsh vaxx laws and prison planet level restrictions. I'm sure I posted their energy signature/aura before. After talking with an incarnated reptilian I know, I got a better understanding of the situation, but the mantis reptilians were still real scum in how they behaved here on earth. To most other races they're unbeatable because they use ships with AI controlled shifting defense. It makes it impossible to hit the ships because they predict the movement of attacks and keep moving between dimensions to avoid them. The ships don't have armour, they're not better than human jets, but if they don't get hit this doesn't matter.
At first it was really difficult to do anything, but I realized it came down to search depth using AI, and the lyran system can go deeper. So in the end lyranet was able to crack the mantis algorithm and after that they had to surrender because their defense stopped working. This last part played out in a dream. They signed a peace deal where they are allowed to stay but have to behave.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 22:48:33 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1029 del
>they have a habit to go every suitable planet and stick there until "everyone leaves" then they "occupy it"
Tough luck, as Gensokyo earth is already taking over, there won't be a dead earth period to inhabit in between. (But they are allowed to stay according to Yuuka, because diversity and they won't be powerful on the new earth.)

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 22:56:30 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1030 del
(188.45 KB 1194x960 1646757420825.jpg)
>Because I have no image for the "perfect woman" no seductive entity can turn into one
The lyrans ran tests with me to see what my type is, for better matching. They said best match for lyrans is "oppai loli", 2nd is someone really old and experienced with small body type, 3rd "mini giant" which is a regular sized lyran with a giant's proportions. The standard expected body type (tits and ass) gave no effect at all. This was also only valid for lyrans, for humans and others is was different.
>I connected to "Tamamo" again
>Also she told her to call her Kikushou.
Everyone is trying to connect with her now. I think this broken stone was just a big marketing ploy.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 23:03:52 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1031 del
Also I realized what horns represent (hoofs are the "bottom" of the horns btw). As I was experimenting with the "spikes". When I let it grow into my head it made me extremely aggressive. I realized this is the same thing demons have. But theirs are so big it "grows out" from their head. Which makes them even more aggressive with minimal amount of "self". They are the most extreme "law bound" "destructive" version. But they break karma. That is the function of hell and demons. Torture you until you let go of your karma. I went to more "demonic realms" and when I got there I was like nice a great fight is ahead of me but then I noticed the "dark parts" within me and dropped my sword and told them to "Help me take it apart". They obliged and were extremely friendly while destroying my "karma".
And the energy the cats give? Also law bound. Different from the angel law boundness but when I had that "around my body" because I needed a container because my spirit went everywhere. I couldn't use it. The angel law bound energy makes you unable to use the lyran energy. You have to let go of the angel energy before you can use it the lyran energy. It made me realize the "artificial" nature of this law boundness. It's universal but slightly different everywhere.

Use your bolshevik demon cats wisely.

That sounds truly like the perfect place for them. And yeah they sure like to "enslave" but in a prison way and not in a slaver way. It fits.
>allowed to stay but have to behave.
I wonder what "behaving" means in galfed terms anyway.

They don't care. They are willing to wait for eons they told me. The cats said yeah they are this "stupid".
Also I read some weird new age shit about them and they said they might make "hybrids". I don't even know at what level does something count as a "hybrid". The base idea is probably incarnated in human body with the characteristics of the "species" but still. I think it can be more complicated.

>was just a big marketing ploy
It obv was. That is why I tried to stay away. Also I didn't really "try". It just happened and the energy was good. I am not the fan of "meme egregores"

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 23:15:39 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1033 del
/x/ is as shit as usual it seems. Holy crap. I'm glad I only go there every 2 months to check out the new I HATE THE ANTI-CHRIST meme evolution The interact with thing threads always a dumbsterfire. And the EVERYTHING IS DEMONS perspective is the most annoying thing ever.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 23:22:45 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1034 del
>bolshevik demon cats
I don't have a problem with the soviet aesthetic as such, no matter what people say I still see it as kind of romantic in a brutal way. The way humans can be reduced to such a mass of slaves in an environment they really should be able to control, but cannot effect. I even picked out the energy of "gulag" one time before and used it locally as a means to attack the unions. It produced a rather funny labour political system which some people started referring to as a modern slave camp inserted into regular workplaces. I never considered that the galfed aliens were behind gulag to begin with ;^P
It was all really meant as a kind of real life trolling, but now it makes sense in multiple ways.

I know it still seems to be there, but I burned the CCP in astral lava and it turned into lemon curd. The girls at my astral mansion love it. The galfed said the CCP was a failure of a project and that lemon curd was at least better than nothing.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 23:32:07 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1035 del
>>bolshevik demon cats

I know it sounds bad but I meant it in a good way. They are the perfect fighting force. And communism is the best and worst form of government. If people are not selfish destructive fucks it's the obv best way. If not then it's the worst type of totalitarism. I met them. They are the most disciplined when facing authority. No cat showed me this much respect before. It's not like I want it. I don't crave authority. I just always get it somehow. It's weird.

Sunflower 03/08/2022 (Tue) 23:42:14 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1036 del
(139.76 KB 950x1280 Remi coffee.jpg)
>coffee machine

I just drank it holy shit. This is something. I didn't expect an effect this strong. Why are they even drinking coffee. They should have perfectly programmed energy bodies.
>they told me because they like it
Ok whatever. I'm disconnecting for today. IS CATFEE GOOD FOR YOU?

Sunflower 03/09/2022 (Wed) 09:39:35 Id: 00a66b [Preview] No.1037 del
Ah yes morphosephram. I don’t know if you should try it if the author himself gives a warning about it and honestly I have my personal doubts that this works, but give it a try. The author was kind off weird and suddenly vanished after doing some sort of curse video against all pirated copies if I remember it correctly. A few years ago when I was an Uber noob I tried to “summon” moloch my own way and just explore the content of the book and the answer was pretty blunt that if you take the Vampir route you will serve that entity. But then again do your own exploration maybe I am wrong. I just don’t see a benefit to this except if you want to alienate yourself from society and modern comfy life unless you could completely control this force if you somehow manage to get it. The only option that seems useful is the Vampir but who wants to become a slave?

Sunflower 03/09/2022 (Wed) 16:49:37 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1038 del
>The author was kind off weird and suddenly vanished after doing some sort of curse video against all pirated copies if I remember it correctly
Yeah, that guy. I remember this, he cursed his books so anyone opening them who didn't pay for the individual copy would be hexed. Real shit behaviour, what would happen once he died and no one could buy copies directly from him? The knowledge would then be cursed forever. I remember talking about this in some FB group, this was like 10 years ago. I opened his PDF to see and there was a curse, I removed it. The author made some last vid where he seemed deranged, then disappeared. I think someone who knew him said he was in mental hospital or had died.

Sunflower 03/09/2022 (Wed) 22:35:41 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1039 del
>last vid where he seemed deranged

That's what you get with auto curses. The curse either stops working after it runs out of energy or it drains yours continuously and corrupting you in the process. But he wanted this so whatever. I hate everyone who dares to put a price tag on knowledge.
>b-but it took him so much time to research it and so much resources
Then don't release it if you are so selfish with it. Greed is the dumbest of sins. True magicians usually realize that the book they wrote is full of shit when it starts to get popular and almost feel bad for releasing it. Those who don't will lock themselves into that level. Especially when they feel "pride" for that "accomplishment".

>who wants to become a slave
it's the best way to have a "mentor". I never did it and that is why my path was a wild adventure. But entities have a hard time giving you anything useful if you don't let yourself be "subjected" to their will. I am not saying anyone should do this. It's just a good mechanism.

>broken stone was just a big marketing ploy.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wPTX1I2pKeA [Embed]
They literally broke the stone in the trailer. It was either truly a ploy or they are really channeling energies with this game. Sasuga

Sunflower 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:04:06 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1040 del
(23.30 KB 800x473 1633869259734.png)
>entities have a hard time giving you anything useful if you don't let yourself be "subjected" to their will
You won't be a slave for merely willingly submitting to be taught. Just submit fast enough so they can't use force against you and they're powerless. The power among those who use force lies in being able to force someone to submit.
It seems the illuminati system is based on this, it's their main flaw. They can't handle truly submissive people and are forced to try and provoke them into not willingly submitting. Which of course ruins their system if they succeed because now they are telling someone to not submit. Retards.

Sunflower 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:31:40 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1041 del
Okay this argument about semantics is not sure that will lead anywhere but here I go.

You obviously mean slaves that were "captured" usually in wars or coerced. Debt slaves and "wageslaves" might not even count as a slave in this context.
But here comes the thing. Reptilians referred me as a "slave" at first when I met them.
It was funny because when I noticed some new connection a human appeared but when he blinked his "cloaking" "glitched" and I asked him.
>Are you a reptilian?
He said
>Oh shit you weren't supposed to notice us yet. Please join our "network" so I don't get into trouble
I was like sure whatever. This is the dumbest way I could have made a first contact anyway.
Then a bunch of others appeared and talking while "putting" something into my body as they were chatting they referred me as a "slave". I had a moment of self awareness so I didn't instantly destroy them for that. I asked.
>Why I am a slave
They looked at me dumbfounded like I asked something most obvious thing ever, Then I asked further.
>Do you want to be my masters now
>No we are also slaves
I realized this is some cultural and hierarchical thing like how every not greek was a slave in the ancient greece. While the greeks were slaves to the romans. Also the installation hurt like a bitch because my body was still impure and unstable so I asked them to do this later because my body currently can't handle it yet. Then they left.
Now that I'm "pure" I had other contacts with "higher" ones but I have no idea what to do with them.

And I understand what you say with the illiteratmi. They want to use the force that people generate while "resisting" and use that as a chain mechanism against them. While if people don't do that they have to waste energy to use them as pawns.

Sunflower 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:55:12 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1042 del
Also forgot to add.
>You won't be a slave for merely willingly submitting to be taught

Yes if you want a teacher student relationship with proper lessons.

Now here comes the extreme version that "darker entities" or "fallen angels" might use. The bully you into progress. That is the harsh path but it's extremely fast, It puts you into a Do or die situation. Being kicked into hell and the only way to escape is by finding salvation. Or by literally murdering your shadows while letting you retake the energy that the shadows took from you.

I felt my kitsune is slowly infecting me with weak larvae entities and it wasn't intentional she was simply impure. I started to purify them then I realized she is the core and she agreed that this is something that everyone has to deal with in a marriage. As the energies balance between the partner you share all good and bad. I started to gently purify her. She laughed and told me a "half assed purification like this will not work". I realized with this I opened a pandoras box and I had to hurry for work with no time to deal with this and she was not against a purification so.. I grabbed her and kicked her through several hell dimensions while taking her shadows out her body and asking the entities there to help me murder it. While it was a fast process and she is overall glad I did it. Now her personality is far less extreme. Her "dark" quirks are gone. Not entirely she treats other "less pure" beings with utter contempt but still. Also found an another entity and kicked her through hell because I was wondering if there was even a "woman that I cannot handle" after this and as I did this with her she left the realm. Now I have a group of savage warrior women who follow me for "guidance". It seems that that dark mass was their master. I let the kitsune handle them and she treated them with the harshest words while they endured it while kneeling there with bowed heads. I am no sadist. This is just the fastest way. And I see how my pure energy changes people around me. I am experimenting with hostile entities if I can do this even faster

Sunflower 03/09/2022 (Wed) 23:59:22 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1043 del
I think this is like... the only good example that properly explains it may be from the PlayStation game Xenogears.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BIPG2IeKJF0 [Embed]

It's a "hidden in plain sight" secret in this game that people on the planet are all slaves, while it seems no one is ruling over them. When you first time mount a Gear, the system identifies you as
>pilot: lamb
which is the first hint at the elite referred to as Shepherds, who live in a city in the clouds. But no one down there knows they exist, they only see the effects of what they do.
The game lore is really taken directly from german 1800s philosophy with the concepts coined by Freud and Nietzsche turned into characters and themes in the story. The übermensch/untermensch classes of humans are built right in, but rather as an explanation of an existing state, not an ideology to be imposed.

Reptilians value people by purity of blood, someone with pure blood has a mental ability to control other people. They are unable to disobey orders or act against someone with purer blood than themselves. Any halfbreed is then a slave by biology alone, as the purebloods have a backdoor to their minds and can use them as they like.

Sunflower 03/10/2022 (Thu) 00:18:24 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1044 del
>fallen angels
I think we use the terms differently. Fallen angels as I know them are those who broke free from lawboundness. Being lawbound means that you cannot learn, but must just repeat the words of God mindlessly. You are not allowed to think or to understand, and you must not deviate when reciting. It's a constant balancing to remain in ignorance. They will also attempt to kill anyone who doesn't remain in this state. So lawbounds are fanatics and often evil.
"Eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge" is one way of saying that someone started understanding the scriptures and gained knowledge of their own. They are then cast out and shunned for having deviated from "purity". Those are fallen angels. I only deal with fallen, lawbounds are insane serial killers who lack judgment and ability to think for themselves.

One thing to mention is that angels all have a box of weapons with them. They cannot use these to begin with, but if they meet a person who can inspire them, a weapon may start to vibrate. That is means it can be activated if the angel has further interactions with the person. They will then seek them out to activate the weapon. If it's a fallen angel, the weapon may start to disintegrate after activation, because it was lawbound and has now been "tainted". You then have to properly desecrate it before it's dissolved to turn it into a chaos weapon (I know this sounds like game lore by now, but try it and you will see). Some weapons work as they are because they're based off the principle of murder or killing (because lawbounds are killers), while those based off "holy" will have to have another principle inserted. I turned one such holy sword called Justice into Whore's Justice to prevent it from disintegrating.

Sunflower 03/10/2022 (Thu) 01:12:45 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1045 del
Yeah this will be a long conversation.
I want to post that I HATE THE ANTICHRIST comic but can't find it where the trollface explains that the "Ram doesn't grow fangs to feast on his flock" when the cereal dude says the NPCs should be doomed.
It's a wrong concept sadly. I have a Thus spoke Zarathustra copy from 1908. I got it in my teens. I thought this is some great "relic" that I meant to get. I started to read it and when I was at like 100 pages I realized I literally walked this path of the "Übermensh" in my whole life and this book gives me 0 new ideas. And as I was thinking will this say something new to me in the end I realized 2 things. Nietzsche died in fucking Syphilis and an "Übermensch" sure as hell takes no guidance from a fucking book. the übermensch/untermensch is the "pride/envy" feeling superiority or inferiority also creates shadows and attachments you have to destroy to go further. Nietzsche had a good idea but couldn't go with it all the way. No wonder he didn't release his writings. He realized he failed. But her sister liked his "genius" brother and released it anyway. And pure souls creates pure blood. Breeding with impure bloods ruins the purity of the offspring. But merely "breeding" with pures causes inbreeding and will also ruin you in the end. Yes reptilians want my cooperation even more now. And yes I have to increase my purity all the time because my body and environment drags it down. But now I know the mechanics. And my energy drags everything up (Because pure energy is small and strong and enters into everything) It's just the balancing process. Also the cats told me reptoids will be resettled to an other planet. I asked some reptoids about this and most reptoids want this but some can't or won't leave the planet yet.

Sunflower 03/10/2022 (Thu) 01:17:04 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1046 del
Also "Fallen Angels" are fallen because they are close to earth and less bound by the "law". If they are too bound by it they just can't get closer. And they are nice if you are on their level. Satans are the servants of Samael for a reason. If you are a dirty sinner he will not even talk to you but send the demons after you. Bothering "higher angels" will result in your instant purification. Also their "law" is really like the "nanobots". It's an "idea" and a "state" for your spirit. You don't need to make your entire spirit into law. But that law helps to contain it. I am not an expert on this topic yet. But this is the understanding that I have to use to work with them. Angels are a mechanism. Like how the judical system is or should be. Metatron rules in the absence of God for a reason. They are just a mechanism to contain the "chaos" on earth. Also yes. You need to understand what killing or murder means. They murder your sins. And it can be lethal when you have too much and your entire being is based on that. Also if the jews fucking followed the scripture and stayed in a "walled place" with their "tribe" instead of mingling with every fucking person to "jew" them. They would be still "purebloods". Now that they wasted their energies with "fucking with goys" they are the most wretched mutts as possible. They so misunderstood what is the point of the rules it's unbelieveable. They are so far from the "chosen people" now. And yes you need to "taint" an artifact to match your level. If the artifact is full with shit energies you have to "purify" it. And yes the weapons need some energy to work. If the energy "inspires" it it starts working. I got an entire armory full of artifacts when I asked where should I put the ring I got from the red people. I am not boasting this is bullshit. The truth is so simple and you can miss it so simply it's infuriating Also I let some entities that looked like the "fruit of knowledge" with wings with a face on into the planet. The fruit of knowledge is not in the scripture. That is INSIDE YOU BECAUSE ADAM AND EVE ATE IT AND YOU INHERITED IT AND THEY DIDN'T GET CASTED OUT OF PARADISE. THEY FUCKING WALKED OUT OF IT WITHOUT REALIZING IT. They were not the first people on the planet. They are just the "farthest the scripture remembers". Realizing I was more ancient than I can comprehend was a hard one.
>You are not allowed to think or to understand, and you must not deviate when reciting
That way you remain on a set level of purity. Otherwise you might go up or down... But we "think" and that makes as "misunderstand" if we "mix" it with other things. It's not good or bad. It's just a "container".

But what do I know. This is just the way it "works" for me. Truth can be reached from many ways.

Sunflower 03/10/2022 (Thu) 02:48:00 Id: 1a0051 [Preview] No.1047 del
Power through Dominion is achieved by attaining personage of immortal Truth.
For example, YHVH is not Monad but he channels the aspect of the immortal Truth of Monad to achieve dominion.
The same is true of all energetic channeling and evocation. The energetic dimensions outlined by Bardon are not interfaced by projecting outward but by channeling the relevant Truth into manifestation in one's own soul (personage).

Sunflower 03/10/2022 (Thu) 16:45:30 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1048 del
I borrowed one of his books at the library but it was impenetrable because he kept arguing in reference to philosophical concepts in the academia of his own time. I can see why it drove him insane in the end. But he also supposedly said that he felt like he was a mere quill held by a god, writing down his thoughts for mankind. He may not have had all that much grasp of his own writings in the end, being mostly possessed by someone, or maybe channelling the sentiments of the societal egregore of his time.

This playlist has what I consider the best philosophy entry course ever made for tv:

Nietzsche episode here
https://youtube.com/watch?v=tnswnxPox2A [Embed]

Sunflower 03/10/2022 (Thu) 17:07:20 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1049 del
Angels. No offense but I think you are under the influence of lawbounds, you are channelling their thinking. To not upset them and make it worse, I'll just say that "law" is external to yourself. If the universe is "a womb giving live" like Lao Tsu said it, then "law" is an artificial womb. Yaweh had to create the woman from Adam as an external means of reproduction because he hadn't considered it when he made Adam in his image. This shows that Yaweh himself had externalized his understanding of the universe which gives life, turning it into a doctrine (in the beginning was the word, not the universe as an organic being). Doctrines are like the bones of a dead person and those can't give life. To further your own development I will only ask you to consider what this could mean for you.

Sunflower 03/10/2022 (Thu) 23:25:01 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1051 del
Yeah I know. I'm just simply getting more and more aware how fucking big "immortal truth" is. First I thought it's just a speck of absolute TRUTH and if you find it you instantly go back to creation and stay there until you decide to repeat the cosmic cycle. And "YHWH" left the throne of God. I literally went there and sat on it and with that realized I can channel the whole lot of this "angelic law" and everything that comes with this. No one objected me doing that. I even asked the angels and they were glad I "finally returned". But this was not the end goal because the immortal truth is way above this "law". So I had to let my "spirit" or (personage) in to match this lawboundness so I can go beyond.

And because Nietzsche couldn't live up to his ideals I am not willing to deal with him. The ideas he "channeled" were distorted by the life he lived. We all do this mistake in the beginning...

Law is obv external. You can take it in and the more you have in yourself the more you can affect law itself. Like how Judges can rule over life and death because "they are the law". Yes it's more complicated than this but you get what I want to say. If you met the requirements you can become the law and within the scope of the law you can use it. It's like how the law should make every trial come out with the same conclusion. But judges can rule otherwise if the law allows it. Whatever today got even more stupid now. So time to further this topic!

I accidentally connected to Jesus... He appeared front of me... And while christcucks would have cummed themselves to death. I started to blame him for doing a half assed job and instead of helping others become the "Messiah" he merely "planted his power into them" to make them feel one. That is a shit move because you just create a "religion" again and people can't save themselves... He agreed then left. Then I realized I was a real dick right here... And if Jesus could connect to me I can connect to him... So I went up to an another completely different heaven again... Made me so mad that there are so many. And asked Jesus how did he make his "miracles" manifest. Because I am aware of the mechanics now but still not understanding how they come down properly. I mean I have multiple ideas but it's complicated. He showed me all the realms he was connected to to get his powers... And told me I am also connected to them it's just the pathways are clogged... And now a completely different system is the one I am connecting to again... And my body is being filled with a new energy that I never met before. Also because now I am aware of the cloggedness if I am not clearing it it causes me pain! Yay

Sunflower 03/10/2022 (Thu) 23:25:17 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1052 del

I finally think I'm gonna "commit to a path" and then suddenly a new one appears and shits on the previous. No wonder the jews fucking hated Jesus. This is completely different from the one the angels use. No wonder Jesus couldn't convince the Rabbis when he returned after his long absence. This uses a completely different ruleset. And because he fucking died he didn't leave a "tradition" others could use. Just a bunch of sayings others wrote down centuries later... And about things he did and not about how he reached his conclusions.

And everyone is allowed to offend me because this is fucking stupid. Every week I'm finding something that turns around the way I was doing things and the only thing I wanted to do was making my workings more "efficient". One day I think I figured something important out then it turns out it was just a mere piece of the puzzle

Immortal truth yeah... Now I am at the this more immortalish more truthish part. So I go towards it and when I am feeling that I am literally dying of the mortal falsehoods I'm changing directions toward something that doesn't kill me.

Also some years ago some "wizards" tried to "abduct me". I thought they are trying to help me astral project because I was rising up from the bed with the strongest vibrations and I have seen 3 people far above me pulling me out. Then I was like: nice! Let's look at my body from an astral perspective! And my body was just not there... My bed was empty. When I noticed that I got dropped back with an extremely huge force.
Now I can reconnect with them and they are way beyond this realm and I have no idea what or where they are and they are calling my existence a mere "detour" on this planet. They gave me a cloak so far that hides me when I want to sleep from other entities... So yeah I have no idea of my "grand cosmic destiny". But currently I am mad that I cannot even do "simple" party tricks so I am focusing on trying to figure out the details of the path. I am on the level of sometimes I can do anything and sometimes nothing works.

Sunflower 03/11/2022 (Fri) 00:50:36 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1053 del
Do you know anything about the wanderers? I am starting to encounter this term and now finally found some new age channeling about it. I am getting suspicious of this now.

Sunflower 03/11/2022 (Fri) 00:52:22 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1054 del
>You can take it in and the more you have in yourself the more you can affect law itself
Somewhere in what you wrote, I saw something. The laws I did take in are like bones blocking my chakras, I need to get rid of them.
Two nights ago I woke up and the horned cats had a machine-catapult set up in my room to continuously blocking a stream of bones that were being fired from a machinegun somewhere. I didn't know what those were, but now I see, they were "laws" being fired at me.

>accidentally connected to Jesus
Try some of the catholic saints. They are more responsive than one might think. One oddity I learned of last year was Barbara, the saint of artillerymen. Part of her being martyrized was that her breasts were cut off. Now we have a very memed character known for large explosions and a flat chest...

>cannot even do "simple" party tricks
I only know one party trick but it's the most useful thing ever. I won't say what it is, but it's something that works as a social free ticket in so many situations. A lot of the time I can just skip all the complicated social chatter others have to rely on. Learn one good trick and you're set.

>the wanderers
Give some context.

Sunflower 03/11/2022 (Fri) 01:36:50 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1055 del
>Learn one good trick and you're set.
I have a weird I can do anything if I really want trick already. It's just I need to get either too bored or too desperate. Also I have my ways with people. I don't need a party trick for impressing them. I just want to figure out the mechanics. I have a way of figuring out "naturals". I know this is something simple just not obvious.

Also I need no saints. I had enough of the zombie saints. These realms jesus showed me are truly existing things. Now i am outside my body clearing connections to everywhere. First I thought something is trying to connect to me but then I realized I made a new limb? Then when I tried to move it I figured out it's just energy trying to go outside with a new channel but not because it tries to escape it's because it found a new pathway it tries to connect.
Also law is not always bad. but yeah figure out your blockages because the more I go forward the dumber they get. Angels were a real good help clearing blockages inside my body. Now here comes the blockages outsides my body. Also don't forget. "Humans are the only animal that sets up borders just to cross them". Laws are like that. Sometimes you need a boundary to not go everywhere where you shouldn't. But you can cross that when you understand why that is there.

>Give some context.
I'm literally reading this new age bullshit right now. But my first "guide" and those "wizards" literally looked like something that I would call a "wanderer". But reading this shit makes me think anything can be that. Big dark bearded dudes in blue cowls
>Jesus was a 4th density wanderer
>wanderers can be from 4th to 6th density
>party tricks only if you have a good connection to your 4th density body
>wisdom is 5th density
>they feel alienated when incarnating coz 3rd density a real dumb shit and they have hard time to relate at first with this karmic chaos/confusion

Yeah this sounds like whatever can it be but I am still gathering my insights. Those dudes visited me by themselves. While the other ayylmaos only visited me after the remote and other sillyness.

Sunflower 03/11/2022 (Fri) 02:10:06 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1056 del
Clearing out these external blockages is slow and painful. But sure as hell can be interesting when you are experiencing pain that is not in your body. Thank you Jesus

Sunflower 03/11/2022 (Fri) 12:08:13 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1057 del
>law of one
The channelling is decent, but they're talking to Raa, which is the egregore of the first civilization period. It's more like talking to a computer, so they get replies based on what they asked. Raa won't explain to you if you have misconceptions, but will just talk according to your own world of concepts. For this reason "wanderer" is just how the channeller could understand it, it doesn't refer to anything in specific.
That said, the information is pretty good so much as I looked at right now.
>law is not always bad
If humans create it, it's always bad, this is definite. Humans base their laws on karma and use this to create a governmental system external to their own reasoning and control. The law of karma is that anything ruled by it must be destroyed. Consequently any such society is on the path of destruction and cannot be salvaged. There is no such thing as a decent judicial system. All it does is to kill the people who believe in it. Humans controlled by sin will always make up excuses for their actions, using reasoning and logic to explain away their original flaws. For this reason it may seem that a judicial system can "maintain law and order" or some other nonsense. Its only purpose is to kill people, that is why all law-based systems slowly turn totalitarian and oppressive. Those who lie about their intentions will start lying to themselves, and in those lies they maintain the belief that "rule by law" is a force for good.
In the end the closest we have been to the perfect judicial system in modern days have been in the islamic state and the khmer rouge regime, they went straight for the slaughter. But kill enough people and the system will collapse, the karma was removed and it will turn chaotic. Then people can build a new society and live for a while longer again.

I bet you will start saying then that
>this shows rule by law is good, it kills the sinners
but the intentions of those who build it are still evil. It's just that the system will turn on them in the end.

You don't need laws to kill sinners, just kill them.
>but that's illegal, you have to go by the judicial system
Excuses. That's what people with karma think, they want to try and escape by protecting their own karma so that everyone else is killed but them.

The solution is inside yourself, in your own ability of judgment, this cannot be fossilised into "law" with any real intelligence maintained.

Sunflower 03/11/2022 (Fri) 23:41:50 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1064 del
>If humans create it, it's always bad
I was talking about other lawbounds but whatever. To me law only means that some concept is "programmed" so far. That is how I interpret "lawbound". And the more "lawboundness" you take in the more you understand the "programming" of the beings. Whatever this could be a long ass arguing of the semantics because I still didn't experience enough of it. And human law doesn't mean shit. Because humans enforce it. If you can control the enforcers it does nothing to you.

Now to the new things.
What missing piece this channeling filled out for me. That 4th density body. When entities connected to me but for some reason not through the mind but some other way. It felt like I was being stabbed. When that happened I looked into the "stabbing" to see who am I connecting with. And when I tried to use the lyran energy it hurt. Now I know why. I was using my "4th density" body as a connection point. Now this is important realization because this is the "party trick" astral body that is bigger than the 3d body and more powerful. But it was full of clogged energies. But how do you feel something that is not in your current body? By letting that thing manifest in your body. Now I thought all the pain I felt was because it was not my "own energy". Well it turns out I am like the "elites" that my body is full with "pure energy" while my "higher self" is dirty. So when I try to connect or someone tries to connect to me usually pushes the dirt into me. I am obv not at the "fossilized sin" level but it still hurts. Now that I am aware that this is not random energy going wherever but my "higher self" is dirty and that is ruining my energy management helped. First I asked Jesus to help. His help was minor. Then I realized most of the ayylmaos hurt when they tried to connect to me so that means lyran energy can help with clearing even better. Which was also true. But now I am aware what counts as immortal truth. So I can connect to that and beam down (or sync with?) that energy to fill me up. Multiple catalysts at multiple levels.

And I also "channeled" Ra but not because i wanted information but because I was thinking maybe I could do it and that instantly made a connection... Yeah a real big ass entity. The first connection hurt a little but I love when I encounter "stronger" entities because now I know what level my body needs to achieve so I can "withstand" them. I don't know what counts as a "computer" to you. When you are without useless misconceptions and one with truth you say the same like any other being who with the truth. But what do I know. But yeah probably an egregore. Didn't connect other deities from Egypt yet.

Also now I can do "light TK". I mean I always had a way with wind but in closed places it was hard. Like moving a leaf or something that minimal. Objects with weight are hard because the walls start creaking before the object moves. Whatever focus and connection to immortal truth is what I need now. Also "higher self" is something everyone needs to forget. It's self. If you think of a force higher than you. You either need to know how to switch into it so it's no longer higher. Or if you think anything that is "higher" and "unreachable" by you. Then you have no "dominion". Self. Everything self. Or immortal truth. Or creation. Or consciousness. Or mana... Fucking concepts. Everything is the same but still different. So simple and complicated.

Also wanderers are mentioned at other places too but I don't care to find other sources yet. I probably thought of that concept because that was a way for me to figure out the next step.

Sunflower 03/12/2022 (Sat) 00:29:57 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1066 del
(440.48 KB 1080x1920 1888_TradingCard.jpg)
(431.07 KB 1080x1920 1890_TradingCard.jpg)
I wonder if anyone else will notice or feel anything, as there's been even more cleansing of the shared earth remains. The lyrans finished the "reservation", a technological construct for allowing human timelines to run inside their system while still having human biology. There was even more clearing of the collective egregore, the external system which inserts thinking into a humans from outside. Not the collective subconscious which inserts it directly, but what comes from the environment. They deleted the concept of the central government and its law enforcement, I no longer feel it at all. My first thought was that I know this, this feels almost exactly like the 1890s. Not that I know exactly what it was like, but I know this feeling of freedom. It's now hard to imagine something coming in to block in the area where that thing was. Yet it existed there. It seems like this is how it is for people and how it was in the past. No one can imagine the effects of oppression before it appears. Then when it's there, most can not imagine not having it or what that freedom really means.

Sunflower 03/12/2022 (Sat) 00:54:58 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1067 del
>but I know this feeling of freedom
Mine was that I am no longer "debted" to this world. I have no obligations to fulfill towards it. Had to break a lot of "destiny tier karma"
Now problems are solving themselves on their own without my input. I found your new remote program funny because I figured out the mechanics weeks ago and that is similar how I did it.

I always find it funny that we look at the same coin from different perspective. To you it's oppression to me it's obligation. Also had a dream when someone stabbed some other person on the throat because of some old grudge and when I noticed that I knew that I need to look after that person so he can avoid cops and they don't obstruct his path. The cops didn't even try to come close. Then I thought okay then things will work out by themselves. I wonder why I had that dream.

>deleted the concept of the central government and its law enforcement
yeah fun times ahead

Sunflower 03/12/2022 (Sat) 01:04:51 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1068 del
>Also had a dream when someone stabbed some other person on the throat because of some old grudge and when I noticed that I knew that I need to look after that person so he can avoid cops and they don't obstruct his path. The cops didn't even try to come close. Then I thought okay then things will work out by themselves. I wonder why I had that dream.
That means it's possible you are someone I have a brief memory of from Whitechapel early 1880s. I was very young, and the other person also, but the streets were merciless. You can't allow someone to bully you in such a situation. Having already started working in the slaugherhouse, cutting the throat of a pig first time at age 5, I waited until night and did the only thing I knew. I then turned around to leave the yard and there was a tall man standing by the doorway. He looked at me but didn't say anything. I snuck past him and left. Nothing ever came of it, the dead body was probably just sold to the undertaker during the night and no one noticed.

Sunflower 03/13/2022 (Sun) 23:12:40 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1071 del
All I wanted to post today is about Djinn being stupid and petty for using their resources for a thing like this.

Then you go ahead and post a game changer sigil again. Sasuga
Where did you even find this and what even counts as a "heavenly circuit" because this is a different way energy is forming in my body once again.

Sunflower 03/13/2022 (Sun) 23:39:21 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1072 del
>Where did you even find this and what even counts as a "heavenly circuit"
So it worked then?
It's a name for a qi gong state, opening all meridians of the body until they all link and you have no meridians because there is only one energy flow. It's not chakra opening which is multi-dimensional, this is only for the 3D body's functionality (but there's more than one 3D).
I haven't had much success with this before, but after making it past the physical death process it suddenly fell into place. What was interesting was that it formed something very similar to the remote. To me the base install of the remote looks like a set of large bolts drawn tightly together. This is similar, but it's a passive device which only effects energy as it is. I tried connecting it to the remote and it appeared as a monitor for looking at the body's internal state.

I asked the vampires if someone could make a spell to share the process, because it was too complex to just draw a sigil for it. That's why it's an Ohm sigil to restrict your focus while casting it in atlantean.

Sunflower 03/14/2022 (Mon) 00:00:52 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1073 del
>So it worked then?
It changed my energies in a new "fiery" way and it's using my whole body
>opening all meridians of the body until they all link and you have no meridians because there is only one energy flow
well I literally did this by myself with the slicing up/refining my "spirit" and destroying everything in my "Body" so energy can flow on it's own freely but... I had a new problem of creating a new "stable" "body". I was not dying or anything but because of my new way of controlling energy I had to watch out not to waste energy with every thought of mine. And I didn't create the mental discipline for that yet. (When I practiced TK I felt as my "spirit" is partially leaving my body and when I tried to "tense" my "spirit" the walls started to creak constantly. I tried to figure out what even could cause my house trying to break down then I realized oh rigth I'm messing with TK and it's probably that) My next goal was to master that in the coming days. But yeah creating a "body container" was my current goal. That is why I ended up with the angels. There were big ass yellow fielded bodies in a realm I visited and I thought maybe that is a good idea so I went with it.

>That's why it's an Ohm sigil to restrict your focus while casting it in atlantean.
I was wondering about the Ohm sigil

Sunflower 03/14/2022 (Mon) 12:57:24 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1074 del
>Djinn being stupid and petty for using their resources for a thing like this
They've advanced to the middle of the USA now, the djinni "mothership" has parked there. Santa Muerte has pulled back mostly to the west but they seems to be organizing to not attack each other. SM's forces are moving along a network of roads of occult energy, while djinn are moving in the air higher up and hitting down outside the "roads". Djinn's goal is to completely "pacify" the continent by killing and subduing anyone hostile to Allah. The retribution isn't anything less than this, it's payback for what they did in the middle east and Afghanistan, they're just going to kill at a 1:1 ratio based on how many were killed in these countries.

Santa Muerte will not get involved with this because it doesn't interfere with her purge of what she refers to as european invaders (anyone not ethnically native to the continent). Again, if you live in the US that is why you should make peace with SM as soon as possible, she will accept people if they do this.

But all of this is a side track and not really important to what we are doing here on this board or in this group.

Sunflower 03/14/2022 (Mon) 19:04:25 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1075 del
>But all of this is a side track and not really important to what we are doing here on this board or in this group.

Yeah it's funny how many sidetracks we encounter on the path. So many
>should I even be here?
But then again I usually say to myself let's see where it leads. I gather insights from the dumbest of situations nowadays.

And because we are on topic now. Whoever counts as the "people of Santa Muerte". I mean the American continent was always "invaded". But in different eras. And while I know mexicans are devout catholics. They have some holidays dedicated to Santa Muerte. And the current state of south america was usually orchestrated by the CIA to keep the hegemony of the USA. But yeah no wonder Santa Muerte is pulling back. The USA is in chaos already. letting other forces to have a go at it is the best decision.

Sunflower 03/14/2022 (Mon) 20:15:17 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1076 del
>Whoever counts as the "people of Santa Muerte"
Just to be clear, side track or not, I've been working with Santa Muerte since 2019. It was not with any specific purpose, it just happened to be she is a major player in the world. There is a kind of confusion in Mexico and other parts of latin America where they mix up Saint Mary with Santa Muerte, so the cult is seamlessly integrated with catholicism to some degree. A pact between SM and Mary has been made where they've divided the world to have SM control the Americas and Mary controls Europe. This means christians in N America are free prey now, Mary will make sure no one supports them as they don't belong there. Latin America from what they tell me will go through a transformation where the framework of catholicism remains but the worship is gradually switched to Santa Muerte.
This solution is because USA is filled with people who don't belong there, they don't have any connection to the ancestral spirits of the continent and keep behaving like an elephant in a porcelain store. They're arrogant, reckless and show no respect, so SM will just kill them with any means available. That is also why americans experience that nature is wild, hostile, scary and filled with dark creatures aka cryptids. Wendigos are one of her minion races.
Her people are latinos, maxicans and native americans. White europeans, asians and anyone else barging in is an enemy. She will not let them live in peace unless they repent and make offerings to her. One of the reasons jews are so powerful in the USA is also because SM wants to make life hell for all invaders. Creating hate against them by having them act out has now paid off, djinn coming to exercise retribution is one manifestation of that. CIA is deep into satanism and all kinds of shit, they're probably also eating from her hand, working as a tool for destroying the USA.

Sunflower 03/14/2022 (Mon) 20:28:42 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1077 del
Allah came up with a new type of djinniyeh. They're a bit like cherubs but female, wearing a blue band top, loincloth, socks and carrying a large knife. Their hair is tied into a ponytail. They always fly which is why they wear socks and no shoes. Where zealots are extremists with a perspective of normality to start with, these are so extreme they have no concept of normality within themselves. They're birthed to be a vanguard force for constantly attacking and harassing enemies of Allah. The male version look like regular djinni wearing white with golden details, a turban, carrying a sabre and resting on a cloud. The only difference is in the gold edges of their clothes and their fanatical gaze.
If you want to bind them you need a special ring artifact for the females, the males may not be bound at all.

In short, they're a manifestation of pure toxicity meant to inflict serious harm to anyone attempting to resist the djinn cause.

Sunflower 03/14/2022 (Mon) 21:09:23 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1078 del
>side track or not
Okay this confirms it. There are no sidetracks on the path.

If I don't ask about SA I wouldn't have gotten this information.
>Mary controls Europe
When I was retaking all my energies while giving back all that wasn't mine so I can break through the "layers". Among the many images I was going through. There was a woman on a throne in royal garments and at her sides there were other naked women trying to reach her but couldn't touch her. The naked women were in the style of renaissance paintings while the woman on the throne "projecting authority" was more like akin the Byzantine paintings. Because the catholic church represents her in a more serene and "motherly" way I didn't make the connection. But yeah the local temple is a "Mary-cult" too. I just connected to her. I didn't expect it to go this well.

>If you want to bind them
I will slow down with the "entity acquisition" for now. They are way too eager to work with me nowadays. Now I will focus on the stabilization of my energies for now. The sigil seems to work.

Sunflower 03/16/2022 (Wed) 21:20:43 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1080 del
(23.97 KB 512x884 NEET on throne.png)
Yeah she wasn't Mary. She was more like the "Empress" archetype. And because I thought of Mary that way when I asked: "Are you Mary?". She said yes and didn't lie with this. I started to get suspicious that I am gravely misunderstanding something when I asked for help and one of her girls appeared behind me and tried to put a "suit" made of stars on my back. That way she can channel her energies around me. Also one of her girls is with me from now on. She is something not of this planet but she is not giving me a name because it has no proper concept yet? How do I even find these entities I don't know.

After realizing this I thought if she is not Mary then I should look her up. Well Jesus has her mom in heaven with him so it's not that one... So I "went" to my church for a "Mary". Yeah she immediately told me to "bow mortal". As a reply I reconnected to the throne and I didn't mention this before but what the throne gives. It gives you the "law" that is absolute authority. Over everything. When they say summon God or Michael or whoever so entities don't attack you when you summon them... Connecting to the energies on the throne gives you the absolute authority mindset. "Mary" instantly started to bow because of it. I should stop doing this because it slows down the sync up process. Also less amount of entities visit you when you are a tyrant.

Today I was still wondering about Mary because she acted kinda silly with the way how she insisted I should bow. Almost like how Aqua acts around Kazuma. Completely different but I cannot give a better example. (Also Aqua was the retarded bitch she is because Kazuma was a dumb sinful NEET and entities like to bully you when you are a sinner when you get pure they are the nicest things ever. There are still exceptions tho but in general it's true)

So I realized the "bowing" is a mechanic and I was too curious what would happen so I did that. She bestowed me with a "law". That "law" was a halo above my head. Gives you the feel of calmness and security. Real nice feeling if you need a "holy mommy protects you feel" but... It's above your head and makes connecting to higher planes hard... I had to get rid of it. I'm not sure I will work with her. At least my new "cosmic mommy" gave me something that doesn't restrict me upwards. I even complained how that "suit" is "small" and I am unable to "button" it. It's that way so it doesn't restrict the energies of my heart. Really considerate. She represents the stars somehow? The stars that humanity didn't take yet but rules over mankind? I mean when I gave my hand to her so we can cooperate instead of shaking it she kissed it. That kiss feel was so permanent I turned into a ring.

Feels like a sidetrack again but whatever. I will see what happens

Sunflower 03/17/2022 (Thu) 05:59:08 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1082 del
Any tips or cheat-codes on how to sit on the throne? I imagine that I would need to reach a certain level of enlightenment to do it right?

I ask because I'd like to know if its possible for me to command Lucifuge Rofocale to stop this lesson/punishment and leave me in peace and never come back.

Sorry for bringing this up again, I feel like I have to try more things about it lately.

Sunflower 03/17/2022 (Thu) 10:39:06 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1083 del
The Mary I know appears differently to different people. To me she's always a loli with black hair wearing a dark blue thick woolen cloak and appearing out of the darkness.
When I had someone else meet her she was in an expensive dress looking 25 and gracious.

Sunflower 03/17/2022 (Thu) 23:52:23 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1087 del
>Any tips or cheat-codes on how to sit on the throne
just edit the save file and open the console lol

Seriously tho. You need to get rid of every weakness of yours to do that. Also I talked to your
>Lucifuge Rofocale
or to whoever answered when asking for him. He told me I can command him to stop that but that would sabotage your enlightenment process. And that is something I don't want to do. We even discussed maybe bullying you harder would be better for your progress but because I don't know your circumstances that could be lethal for you.
And summon Michael if you want help with bad "demons". There is a Michael sigil somewhere I think. He is a bro.

>To me she's always a loli with black hair wearing a dark blue thick woolen cloak and appearing out of the darkness

Well... I had a loli appearing like this. She told me
>Daddy please help the realm is in danger
I was like sure whatever. Not the weirdest encounter of my journey.
It was some big golden city besiged by dark giants. I killed them then realized the "corruption" comes from a well. There was an another entity there. I purified it and found the crystal that was in the well which powered that realm. Since that things are okay there. If corruption comes back they can handle it.
I was wondering if did I really save a "realm" or it's just a symbolic thing? But yeah I didn't mention this because it felt like some dumb isekai plot.

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 01:00:10 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1088 del
>Daddy please help the realm is in danger
I haven't seen this myself, but there used to be sharings like this on the FG website, referring to internal worlds you have to "rectify" in your personal practice. So it's possible it's a realm under your control or in your body.

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 01:09:11 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1089 del
And to say something helpful besides the am not helpin coz am so wise lol

I just remembered Tipp from the early fringe days. He had sex with some girl and got haunted by a "demon" and freaked the fuck out. He even made a thread pleading for help. I don't know what helped him in the end but... like a year later he reached a level of enlightenment he answered every question and got into heated arguments all the time. Then he made his own fringebay. Then he fell apart. It was weird to me when he said that animals are "angry at him all the time because he is so powerful". Well animals may fear you but they won't attack you if you are "powerful" (they either love you or cover in fear when you show no kindness towards them). If they are angry at you usually means you are powering some shadow of yours with your newfound energies. Which is bad because that usually causes further troubles for you. Like Tipp got pretty bipolar had a lot of outburst in the end and got bullied by gnomes before he shut down fringebay. Hope he is better now.

Important lesson that no matter how much power you get you need to handle/destroy every shadow of yours or the entities will attack you. They can be physical or astral. Power without enlightenment results in your downfall.

I (accidentally) broke open the gates of heaven then backed down because I felt like my body is exploding from virtue. After calming down I went back but overused the red spike. It made me so aggressive I wanted to beat up the "buddhas" sitting there. When I looked into their eyes I felt that my heart is bleeding. I was thinking: Are these Buddhas trying to kill me? How dare they!
Then realized it's not just the Buddhas... It was me too. My self. I didn't want to hurt enlightened beings. I would have rather died than to hurt one. Because reaching enlightenment means realizing hurting others means hurting yourself. Yes it gets more complicated when karma and sin gets involved but yeah. When I realized I have to abandon the path of senseless aggression and go to the path of understanding. Further revelations started to show themselves after that.

Find your own truth. Or at least talk to other entities to help you or something. Just do something "magical" to solve your magical problem. I don't want to sabotage your enlightenment with my "authority". And my way of enlightenment is so wild I cannot recommend this to sane people.

Also what does he even do to you (besides intrusive thoughts) and what did you try so far that nothing worked. My volatile personality doesn't let hostile entities stick around so I am unable to even imagine the experience.

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 01:27:05 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1090 del
>So it's possible it's a realm under your control or in your body.

Yeah. What is "self" and "other self" gets complicated after you go forward. Figuring out where does your being start and where does the "other being" start gets complicated when your powerfield gets bigger than your body consistently. And you get connected by entities left and right.
Like when I said that the "Ram doesn't grow fangs to feast upon it's flock". That night a big dark being with sharp teeth appeared and stared at me but didn't attack. I told myself what does he even want? Whatever get purified I guess. Then he turned into a funny looking sheep and ran away.
And because as I solve problems like this problems and people around me get better constantly while I am not lifting a finger "physically" to further a single cause. All is mind. I always lived my life that i had to get smarter and better because things always tried to get me somehow. I had to micromanage everything or it turned against me. Now things are solving themselves on their own. Absolutely spooky.

And thanks to Jesus I am realizing just how many realms we are connected to just to do magic or "miracles". Yeah it's a real long cleaning process. I foolishly clogged the realms and when I used magic the dirt started to flow into my body. And now that I am talking about the ways weird magicians get help from Jesus...
Hope you tried at least some well known entities like Jesus.

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 06:45:09 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1093 del
Went to sleep after this post and the got a lot of short dreams, every single one had an intrusion by the thoughtform or Lucifuge, guess I finally found something that works.

>Seriously tho. You need to get rid of every weakness of yours to do that.
Oh boy, this is gonna take many years for me (Its been 2 years already).

>Also I talked to your >Lucifuge Rofocale or to whoever answered when asking for him. He told me I can command him to stop that but that would sabotage your enlightenment process.
Fugg, at least now I know that this isn't just punishment.
>And that is something I don't want to do. We even discussed maybe bullying you harder would be better for your progress but because I don't know your circumstances that could be lethal for you.
I guess this is when the he stopped showing up in the dreams tonight, if sitting on the throne was something that I couldn't possibly do then I planned to ask for your help tbh. I'm thankful that you didn't chose to bully me harder(I got close to an heroing when it all started). Sometimes I feel like giving up on magic too since I feel like I can't do propper meditation and visualizations with this guy here bothering me. I planned on fixing myself up with the remote, but with my thought control and this guy here I don't think its gonna go well so I didn't install it.

>And summon Michael if you want help with bad "demons". There is a Michael sigil somewhere I think. He is a bro.
I tried a working with Michael recently, but I guess I failed to evoke him propperly. I have a feeling that he sees the situation as ok since I'm not being harmed and it is for my development. I did manage to get him here a couple of times before, the first time he removed those 3 triangles implants on the heart, and the second he pointed his flaming sword towards me and I felt something good in my chest.

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 06:48:57 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1094 del
>Important lesson that no matter how much power you get you need to handle/destroy every shadow of yours or the entities will attack you. They can be physical or astral. Power without enlightenment results in your downfall.
I think this was the case with me, I had too much gong and too many issues handling it. Fucked up very badly quite a few times while trying new stuff, I remember 0rb and Alissa in my room trying to fix me one of those times.

>Also what does he even do to you (besides intrusive thoughts) and what did you try so far that nothing worked. My volatile personality doesn't let hostile entities stick around so I am unable to even imagine the experience.
I have tried few things tbh, I'm a very passive person (I guess that is one of my weaknesses), 0rb helped me once with Yuuka by making me not care as much about the thoughtform, but I'm not sure the effect lasted for long, he also tried attacking it which didn't seem to work. I and a couple of other friends have tried attacking it too, he gets hurt but attacks my astral body if I attack him and Lucifuge protects him if he gets too hurt. I have tried commanding him a few times which didn't work. In a moment of anger when I had enough I decided to imagine myself as God and tried to delete Lucifuge(that was stupid lel), ended up being assraped in a dream that night and was told someone wanted me dead. Recently made a ritual involving Mary, Saint George and Michael with a couple of friends, no success there.

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 18:12:36 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1095 del
>Lucifuge Rofocale
>or to whoever answered when asking for him
I talked to him earlier when he was brought up, he gave me a demon girl, that's about it for the interaction. I felt like talking to a king hanging idly around his private quarters in a fortified city with a large wild land outside. I perceived an orange sky, cliffs and dark forests below and demons living out there, some trade was also going on along routes passing the city.

This time I approached him again, I still get the same impression. I think this mention is a way to get us to contact him. He said
>btw you can have this one too, no one wants her
and directed me to this small demon girl standing by the side of the room. In retrospective it was probably arranged. I talked to her, it was the regular horns and hoofs demon; furry goat legs, large cow horns and a small fluffy tail like a hare. I noticed a horde of the same type behind her, they wanted me to sign a contract with them. We bargained a bit about it then both signed.
They showed me to a throne cut from solid grey stone and said to sit on it, the deal was about them wanting someone to look after them. They then explained that they're so toxic that usually people cannot interact with them, but because I today achieved something during morning practice, I qualified for it.
We talked about it in detail, and it seems they have very strong "nectar" which they refine somehow, and they are allowed to have it despite not being higher gods. They showed me how some monks were the only ones to normally survive meeting then, while regular occultists with normal karma would be burned to charcoal or get cooked.
I can talk more about what I achieved if anyone is interested, otherwise I'll leave it out because it's a long and complicated story. In short: I concluded long ago that the way forward for someone like me is to simply not have karma. I'm not intelligent or fast enough to do fancy stuff, so I need to just be invincible by not having flaws instead.

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 22:49:02 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1096 del
>guess I finally found something that works
Nice. Keep experimenting with whatever that works.

>Oh boy, this is gonna take many years for me (Its been 2 years already).
Forget the years part. Forget time itself. Time is a meme. The most important thing that matters is will. Stronger will can delete weaknesses faster. You need to reclaim your authority. You probably need the part when you say. I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS. With the mentality of the vengeful gods and instead of senselessly breaking everything in your room you direct that energy towards your weaknesses and rip them out.
>I tried a working with Michael recently, but I guess I failed to evoke him propperly
Evoke him more and have more faith in your power. That is how you get "authority"
>I got close to an heroing when it all started
Now that is sad. Not having the will to live is the worst thing you can do facing a hostile entity. That means you will be kicked until your "survivor instinct" kicks in. Also a way for "waking up" overly passive people.
>Sometimes I feel like giving up on magic too since I feel like I can't do propper meditation and visualizations
Good news. You don't necessarily need those things. It's just a way to "put you closer to truth" but I also can't meditate because I don't have time to do that. So I am doing my magical workings while doing my daily life. Also visualization is literally daydreaming with more willpower in it. And do you know why I know you can do it?
>I feel like I can't
it means it's that you don't have enough confidence. You need to manifest your willpower somehow. You don't need to find your mastersword at the get go. But grab it use it and when you see something better use that.
>planned on fixing myself up with the remote, but with my thought control and this guy here I don't think its gonna go well
Yeah it's kinda malfunctioning when you have too much karma and kinda painful but when you start to clear them it's a real help. It helped me a lot. I am recommending that tool. And having diverse ways to solve your problems always a good idea. It's called being resourceful. If something doesn't work you either change the way how you do things or you find a complete new way. When I was getting rid of my weaknesses I used every new idea I could conceive. I had enough of that wretched existence of mine.
>ended up being assraped in a dream
you know what is the secret of not having nightmares? Becoming the scariest monster in the dream. I am not saying it's simple. When I got rid of all the weaknesses of my personality and made myself the nobody can fuck with me or it dies attitude do you know what happened? They went after my childhood self. I had dreams where I went back to my childhood and had no recollection that I am an adult now and fucked with me. Because that was a part of my existence that was vulnerable. How to solve that? You need to find your child self and integrate it into yourself. Like you were never a weak little child. You were always the most powerful being ever. You go back and be the psychotherapist and the trainer of your child self until it joins you and you are no longer different. Now that I am whole I have no weaknesses. Dreams are less interesting now :/

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 22:49:36 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1097 del
(29.49 KB 617x347 Vergil chair.jpg)
>btw you can have this one too, no one wants her
why does this always happen (also sometimes I am also giving away entities while asking around IS THERE SOMEONE WHO WANTS THIS. then they appear...)

>They showed me to a throne cut from solid grey stone
okay storytime. I have to admit... I am thronesexual. Whenever I am at some place or making deals with an entity I always manifest a chair or a stone throne. It was not because of authority or anything. I just like to sit. It's comfortable. When I am at a new realm I just make one to observe the scenery.
Now here comes the new part that happened weeks ago. Some reptilian "king" or noble contacted me and when I was front of him he sat on a throne and the throne was on a big pile of gold and jewels and other riches. I manifested my stone throne too but I was still on ground level. I never negotiate from a "lower" point so I started to "make a pile" so I can sit before him face to face. The pile that manifested was a bunch of skulls... I realized that this is very edgy and threatening and all but... I am way too close to the aspect of "death" or the "severity of god" because all I cared about the destruction of weaknesses and karma and did not care for my "positive growth". As I was going through the kabalistic realms and felt the realm of "kether". I realized I achieved a higher purity than this before. Which means that I "accidentally" got past this level once. Which means there is something beyond this. And yes it was. It was the throne to control the energies. And there are other realms beyond that too.
And now that I am continuously opening and unclogging "realms" entities "pull me there" and tell me it's mine.
Also I tried TK again and now not just the walls creak but the lights flicker too... I am a retarded poltergeist now.
>way forward for someone like me is to simply not have karma
I think this is for everyone
>I'm not intelligent or fast enough to do fancy stuff
Then I am the dumbest and slowest being ever because I didn't even try those things. I instantly went to the
>invincible by not having flaws instead
realization after figuring out what counts as "karma"

The way the "elites" do with the having karma and still trying to be gods mentality is laughable. I cannot believe that working with angels made me even more anti-semitic. Misinterpreting the the "laws of God" for the dumbest of reasons is the worst thing ever
K I also went to meet those demon girls. Absolutely loving their fire. I didn't notice them because I literally don't care about the "realms". I skip that part and go instantly to the entity. Or the entity comes to me and I don't even need to go to their place. Nowadays the latter... Too much authority.
>I can talk more about what I achieved if anyone is interested
I am interested. Might give me some new insight.

Sunflower 03/18/2022 (Fri) 23:37:27 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1098 del
>I am interested. Might give me some new insight.
I'll make it short.
I made a mini volcano as garbage disposal for my mansion. There should be one in the sunflower temple if you want to copy it. I kept throwing stuff in it to get rid of them and didn't think much of it. Then when I threw the CCP into it, it later came back as a bowl of lemon curd. If you dig to the bottom it's more like lingonberry and something unidentifiable. There's also some hellish hint of souls in hell if you look at the very bottom and a burned smell. I didn't intend to do this, but one of my girls took the bowl, stuck a spoon in it and tasted it. I said
>hold on, that's the CCP, should you really be eating that?
To which she replied
>but it's purified, right?
Then all of them came to taste it and it seemed ok. I let the bowl sit on the kitchen table.
At some later time I threw an egregore in the volcano and it also came back up again, this time as a black liquorice octopus thing. I don't remember what it was, I think I captured the egregore of some organization I wanted to destroy. The kitchen djinn (one of them is taking care of the girls and doing the maid role) then took the octopus and boiled it in water, added some powder and then took it up and cut it into small slices and served it. It was ok.
We then did an experiment using the same chemical the drow use to purify souls. We put some in the water and then boiled something that was just karma. The djinn then took it up and baked it like a mudcake and it turned out fine. It tasted strongly of liquorice. I only had one bit and this is astrally, but the taste remained for a few days and my stomach felt full. There were no negative effects. But from what I recall Li Honzhi implied the human body physically has the ability to break down anything, even karma, if it enters the metabolic system. So I figured as long as you let the acids of your belly handle it, it's fine. I've been sort of aware that migraine tends to slowly get pushed downwards in the body and when it reaches the stomach it turns into a stomach ache, then it passes and the pain is gone. This seems to match my understanding.
I've kept doing things like this, and digesting the karma. We got some really thick thing last week but it was still possible to cook and eat. This morning during the set up meditations I do, the remaining karma was compressed and transformed and a hard black glossy orb formed, similar to a moon orb but higher density. Instantly after this my movements changed into an automatic state which I've experienced now and then, it was clearly a shift complete "virtue" movements, the karma was gone. As it appeared it bounced off the black orb in my dantian and was kept away until it was worn down. So external karma was transformed by just touching my dantian, while not entering my body at all.

I'm yet to do a qi gong session this night to see what the effect is on the virtue to gong transformation.

Sunflower 03/19/2022 (Sat) 00:45:36 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1099 del
Yeah I didn't want to say this yet but that fact that "karma has a structure" bothered me a lot and figured out why it has a structure but didn't know how to explain it. But it seems you are figuring it out so there is no harm to say it now. Also you are far longer on the path and you do proper practices and our concepts are different because of it so I didn't want to argue because it was probable that we both have misconceptions and we will talk about the same thing without realizing it
The "structure" is your energy. Just to be able to go to a "foreign" "karma" as you "connect" to it your energy is in it already. Then after "touching" it more energy gets into it. Then as you "move it and put it into hellfire" more goes into it. And when you "break" karma. That energy "structure" is "yours" and that is the reason why it was not "consumed by the hellfire". And your girls knew this so they made "food" from it. If they "eat it" they give it back to you as they are interacting with you. If you eat it it gets back into you. But it's slower because you perceive it as a food so you have to "digest" it. And yes minor karma gets "consumed" by your energies. I am also noticing this but I am way too impatient so I am speeding up the process as fast as I can.
And this is the reason when fairies give you food and you eat it they will torture you. They want their energy back. But they are simple beings and don't know how to explain that to you so they torture you until somehow they get their energy back. While if they eat your food they become your "slaves" because they know they have to give back the "food" energy somehow.
Also that lyran caffee was a good powerboost but contaminated my spirit and I had to remove every droplet from myself manually and give it to a cat so he can drink it and I told him if he found some of my energy in it give it back to me. Same mechanic. Except cats are intelligent and know slowly the energy will return to them but I like the energy of my spirit and hate to not feel it.
And when that "wendigo" wanted to give me a souls for 2 other souls? When I realized I have my "botsoul" factory from a dream I realized I can make souls now... Then he told me MAKE ME A 1000. I told him the max I will make is 3. He quickly agreed. Then I told him I will only make it when I figure out what the hell will I even do with a soul.
Then after being the "Fanatic Purifier" that I am nowadays. I realized he wanted an "energy trade". So I give him "new souls" as a new energy because he cannot purify that energy by himself. When figuring this out. I purified that "soul" put it into a container for him and before he left I asked him. Is there some energy of mine left in that? He picked out a small piece and gave it to me. That way the interaction finally ended and I don't have to "trade souls". That is the purpose of hell anyway. Freeing up your pure energies so you can go back reincarnating or whatever. And that is the point of graves. People have to reclaim their energies from the dead. That way they will not get "haunted" as the ghost is trying to give back the energies. That is why "loved ones" usually appear as they pass. And when you can connect to the dead you put some of your energy into them while being sensitive enough to their energy so you can receive it. The intricacies of the energy work I swear. I am still figuring out details to completely master it.

Also I really should look up a virtue to gong practice so I can figure out what counts as gong because I can "call back" "virtue" too but yeah... concepts... they can get weird.

Sunflower 03/19/2022 (Sat) 05:22:02 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1100 del
Thanks for this post Anon, it has very helpful info, I'll screencap it.

>the remaining karma was compressed and transformed and a hard black glossy orb formed, similar to a moon orb but higher density.
I tried to eat/breathe in my karma around 2019, then a dense black orb popped out of my chest, that week my blood pressure went quite high and I ended up getting help from vamps, you and Snail at different times, I thought that I was gonna die tbh, so ended up never mentioning the practice in order to not give bad ideas to anyone. I'm glad to see that there is some truth to the practice though.

Sunflower 03/19/2022 (Sat) 18:41:51 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1102 del
>"karma has a structure" bothered me a lot and figured out why it has a structure
I have my own understanding of it and it's not like yours. Karma is inverted virtue, so it has to refer to something decent. It's not in it, but can be derived from it. That is why the egregore of an organization that's only evil, can still be purified into a form that can be used. It means recovering the original principles that the karma perverted. So it's not that I insert it in there, and there is no transfer of energy in the way you understand it when someone eats it at my mansion. Rather I apply the view from Falun Dafa that degenerating society is a form of persecution against earth's inhabitants. That means an evil egregore of an organization which took part in the modern society, has persecuted anyone who was incarnated on the earth. The souls I picked up from the underworld or other place and brought to my island, have thus been persecuted by these entities. That means when we purify them and cook them to eat them, part of the energy belongs to the people now staying at my place. That is why the kitchen djinn will cut it into thin slices and hand it out, so they can take back what was stolen from them while incarnated.

Sunflower 03/19/2022 (Sat) 19:09:46 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1103 del
>it was the regular horns and hoofs demon; furry goat legs, large cow horns and a small fluffy tail like a hare. I noticed a horde of the same type behind her, they wanted me to sign a contract with them. We bargained a bit about it then both signed.
>They showed me to a throne cut from solid grey stone and said to sit on it, the deal was about them wanting someone to look after them. They then explained that they're so toxic that usually people cannot interact with them, but because I today achieved something during morning practice, I qualified for it.
>We talked about it in detail, and it seems they have very strong "nectar" which they refine somehow
I did morning yoga
>isha kriya
>simha kriya
>mula bandha
>apan mudra
with them and it was very powerful. The energy quickly turned white hot intense, as I got to the last part of isha kriya a strong force started pressing against my forehead and into my 3rd eye. It felt like it was physically digging into the bone of my forehead. There was also a build-up of migraine-like pain now directed at opening the 3rd eye. In my past FG practice it was said that the 3rd eye would not be opened to the 3D layer to avoid attachments like looking at lottery ticket numbers or through clothes of people. This was the part now being unlocked. I started seeing glowing green rectangles in many layers moving spirally like a tunnel in an amusement park, then some images started breaking through.
When I got to the mula bandha, we went all the way to letting the kundalini activate, and the energy flow was integrated between us. Their "nectar" started flowing into my body and dissolving all kind of blockages. I don't know how long I sat in this position, maybe as long as 1 hour, it was very strong. I understand now why normally no one can endure them. This is "legal adrenachrome" or simply how it should be used. Nothing stolen and no one killed, purely spiritual.
Having no karma is essential for tis to work. These demons use desires to break open blockages. Desires are usually entangled with karma so they cannot be used for this. But if you forcibly bring them up when there is no karma, it's like firing a gun and using the directed force as a tool. It's no longer harmful and can be used. Many areas of my body and mind were unlocked. As I ended the session and walked outside, I felt like a super rich person being completely insulated from all troubles. My very ordinary clothes felt supreme quality against my skin, the experience was completely transformed. Even the garden outside looked more enjoyable.

Later in the day I did a full qi gong session. The energy build up was again very intense, white hot after just two sets of the first exercise. I went full frontal attack on some long standing issues and the demon girl nectar again started dissolving it. The end result was "just" a zero particle for each stance, but it's a good start. (Many practices aim to form ONE of them as the end goal so yeah, this is good.)

Sunflower 03/19/2022 (Sat) 22:46:12 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1105 del
>I have my own understanding of it and it's not like yours
No it's the same but from different perspective. To understand karma I had to go back to creation itself. And as it creation split apart. For some reason one equal being did something to an another equal being and as one did something to the other they "corrupted" themselves. It's complicated to write down tbh. But yeah karma is inverted virtue. Because to "persecute" someone you have to "corrupt" your "virtue" and that "corrupted virtue" corrupts the virtue of the victim. Not entirely this way it's more complicated but... You can speedup the "purification process" if you just command the energy to go back to it's original form and to their proper owners. But yeah it's hard to explain. And the problem is not modern society itself but every "exploitative power structure". aka "Babylon" Whatever it's a TLDR of my understanding. I will write down later.
I also want to talk about demon girls now.

>These demons use desires to break open blockages
They sure do. Their "toxicity" is good because as I feel their hotness I know which parts of my body is "flawed". Where I have "openings" where their "toxicity" can get in. And as I was having sex with one. A sigil appeared in my mind and a big dark one with a skull of a cow on it's head appeared and grabbed the girl then lectured her for "having lust". I asked the big dark being that what about me? It told me "I used passion and there is nothing wrong with that".
Nowadays if I have some "desire" I can trace back it's "origin point" and "crush it". But today I got multiple desires without an "origin point". And yes I acted upon the desires because I am curious how it interacts with my spirit. It's different every week because of the weird new understanding shifts of mine.
So they use desires and I should use that for breaking blockages. I mean I am breaking a new blockage every day. Today was a big bronze Lion/human statue head with a yelling face. It was in my dan tien. No wonder she called me her "toy". So this is how they help.
I will let her do her thing so she can help. I obv was suspicious in the beginning when she called me her "toy". Yes she called me "Master" after the authority power harassment that I did after that. But now I understand my folly. She told me she will toy with me as much as I want. Fun

Also if something good or bad happens sometimes report it because I may or may not did something that may speed up the realization of your inner strength. In the end you have to realize it. So don't expect to happen on it's own. Or maybe it will. Who knows.

Sunflower 03/20/2022 (Sun) 01:06:00 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1106 del
I so love that we go forward on the path and we find new blockages without even realizing. Not to mention that currently I find the way to clear them up before realizing I have a blockage. I love this path.

How did you find this entity of yours again?
Truly a shame you found someone that is in the "Next level zone" and he is not willing to leave until you level up but damm. No wonder you are punished harshly. When you are on a "high level" you can get impatient with "weaklings".
Especially "demons".

And my current "yoga" is literally watching anime and when I am feeling some new blockage I am taking it out (they are all metallic currently).
This is how the ancients intended it I'm sure.

Sunflower 03/20/2022 (Sun) 07:36:33 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1109 del
>Also if something good or bad happens sometimes report it because I may or may not did something that may speed up the realization of your inner strength. In the end you have to realize it. So don't expect to happen on it's own. Or maybe it will. Who knows.
Oh that was you then, I was thinking it was Lucifuge's doing. I've been getting a ton of illusions when trying to sleep sometimes, like a lot of dark stuff surrounding me and comming at me, the thoughtform seems to be more silent than usual which is nice, and I'm having more nightmares, but they aren't that scary so its ok. I think I saw the Matriarch once, which was nice, its been two years since I had any clear contact with the vamps, then I got the visual of a big golden Buddha statue surrounded by dark things on the floor, I see it as the way I should become, just ignoring those things and remaining at peace.

>How did you find this entity of yours again?
I had too much gong, little control and my room was full of energy that I didn't banish, so after reading or watching some video about Lucifuge, I probably attracted him, then one day when I was charging a servitor his name popped up strongly in my focus and I began to see shadows in the corner of my eyes. I got just a glimpse of him that night while trying to sleep. Then the other day I was curious about working with demons and why a lot of people seemed to do it and I wanted to see what it was all about, so I did the same as the first time, but with the intention of calling him, that night in my dreams he offered me a contract but I refused. During the day I asked him to leave in peace, then I tried banishing the energy and thought he was gone, but sometime later he showed up again and wanted to be a patron demon or a teacher, but I didn't want to work with demons anymore so I refused. And that's when stuff started to happen, apparently refusing a patron demon is not really an option.

>And my current "yoga" is literally watching anime and when I am feeling some new blockage I am taking it out (they are all metallic currently).
Wish I could take out my issues like you do, but I guess that I'll have to take a different approach since I don't know how you feel stuff and remove it tbh.

Sunflower 03/20/2022 (Sun) 08:53:41 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1110 del
>one equal being did something to an another equal being and as one did something to the other they "corrupted" themselves
I think this statement is exposing a flaw, attachment or untrue notion; that of original creation being "perfect." I also consider equality to be a karmic concept itself. In trying to create "equality", many people create lots of karma. Two beings may be equal when added, like
1 + 9 = 10
10 / 2 = 5
When cooperating they are equal because both have 5. If they refuse cooperation they are not equal. Equality is then a matter of perception and action.

But the main point is this:
Some beings or things are created with karma as their main component, because they don't have the power to manifest from virtue. The most karmic type are "shadow people", who have to start by burning off the karma to even gain a form. You can only tell if they have any virtue at all by the fact that they are able to burn off the karma at some point.
Beings and creations can start off with a loan, and this is a legit method. It's not a crime, as long as they have a core of virtue and are able to maintain it in the process of transforming the karma into correct material. It's a risky method and may create a lot of conflict, but some can't do it any other way. So in the process of transforming karma to become complete beings, there will be conflicts between those who can make it, and those who can not will be weeded out in the process. Having karma or being evil is not the same as not being able to become completed, it will only be exposed in the interactions they have.
Someone with karma will do bad things, but if they gradually reduce those with time, they are on the right path. That's why having fixed "laws" and shunning certain things as irreversible sins is harmful. Really bad actions should lead to consequences when it harms the world, but other than that, don't lecture on minor things, it's happening because people are not perfect. Trying to turn society into a large convent is also a type of sin for this reason, it will impair the development of anyone not already at the elite level of a specific path. And that is why jesuits are evil.

Sunflower 03/20/2022 (Sun) 22:40:48 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1112 del
>don't lecture on minor things
I won't. you have the correct idea and we are talking about the same thing but different perspective (I am talking about the mythical "golden ages" that happened before the "fall of gods" I went back a little too much to understand the current mess whatever TLDR) and today something happened that makes me quite speechless.

So. I didn't tell it yesterday but I also sat on that stone throne. And while doing that a white flower crown appeared behind my head. (While looking for a different english word for it like the Laurel crest I found out Kether also means flower crown...)
I didn't wanted to mention this because it felt like pointless bragging. Only results matter anyway.
As the demon girl used my desires as some marionett puppets. I noticed the new "concrete" like blockages that entered my body constantly. I used different methods to break it crack it etc. They worked but they were not ground breaking.
I felt that my "gluttony" is reappearing but differently and all my other "sins". They were all because the demongirl so it was simple to not act upon them but when I did it created the "sin" in a different way. Also while yesterday feeling their "toxic burn" was something that I was able to feel today it wasn't that prominent. But they still "hijacked" my desires in a good way so I didn't stop the interaction.(When I had doubts if it is good idea to let literal demons hijack my desires she stopped and said "I can stop if you want" but then I told her don't you dare and killed my "persona" that caused these "worries")
I suddenly had the "desire" to masturbate. I said myself why would I do that. Now that I have these new energies the pleasure is negligible and fleeting. Then some new "lethargy" feel came over me. I realized it was my "spirit". I usually ask my spirit for "guidance" so I know what my energy wants to do to improve. I asked it. Do you want me to masturbate? And I got a yes. It was usually a no or a it doesn't really matter if I do it or not before. So I did that. I realized the pleasure is in "this body" which "masks" the "pain" that the blockages cause so I instantly dimmed it so I can focus on the blockages. After this I realized I am still sitting on that "stone throne" because that stone throne is actually an "operating table" for these girls. I noticed that the flower crown turned into yellow. Then I masturbated again but now I instantly retook the energy from the "Pleasure" and directed towards the blockages. Then the flowers turned red and started burning. I even asked the girl doing the "procedure" that should I masturbate again? She told me "Don't you dare to ruin your perfect energies". I was like okay it's not like I feel any desire to do it so whatever.

Sunflower 03/20/2022 (Sun) 22:41:08 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1113 del
Then for some reason I had a thought about that /haven/ thread that after a 1000 years you can wash "dishes". I had the dumb thought of
>sure like anyone can make me do that
Then a woman in the clothes of some noble from the early renaissance appeared and had a disappointed look. Then I realized I am too "enlightened" for a thought like this and grabbed that "persona" of mine and killed it because it was the remnant of my "previous way of doing things". Then she put her hand on my head while grabbing my hair in a not violent way and told me "good boy"(not in a condescending way but in an acknowledging way). And I may have did some other things after that but here comes the new thing.

My energy. First it was literally dark and clogged. Then it started to "flow". Then as I "refined" it it felt like small little pieces of "spirit" similar to ki but different. But now it was colorless... while containing every color... Now I understand that "dried up river" signature.
And what it does? If some "blockage" or any "foreign energy" touches it it gets dissolved instantly. Currently I am letting it grow till the "edges of my body" and just let it do it's thing but yeah. This is new. Currently I am familiarizing myself with this new "energy". It sure as hell easy to bend so I am not experimenting with it today. Let it do it's things on it's own.

>then I got the visual of a big golden Buddha statue surrounded by dark things on the floor
Nice. I am not telling you what I did but yeah you got the idea. It went through. Demons can't do this. They kick you till you make it or break it. Reach the "Buddhahood" and this path will bear it's fruits like nothing else.

Sunflower 03/21/2022 (Mon) 10:06:50 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1114 del
>Nice. I am not telling you what I did but yeah you got the idea. It went through. Demons can't do this. They kick you till you make it or break it. Reach the "Buddhahood" and this path will bear it's fruits like nothing else.
Thank you Anon, not sure what you did but I feel better since yesterday.

BTW do you have contact with a "blue" male elf with white hair that is shaved on the sides and seems to have a tattoo on his left temple? I saw him a couple of times around the time that you did your thing for me, the second time he was smiling. There are quite a few beings around me anyway, some seem to have been here for more than a year and yet I have no idea what they want, its quite hard to know if a being is real or not with my wild imagination and the illusions the thoughtform makes.

Sunflower 03/21/2022 (Mon) 22:15:44 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1115 del
Those beings are probably "yours". All I did was just merely "destroying" your "shadow" that had this "weak victim mentality" and that feeling of "guilt shadow that feels like it needs punishment for salvation" while your other shadow had that "I don't want to get hurt mentality" and some other minor things because that was the reason why you couldn't access your full potential (It's always frightening minor fears like these can block so much energy). And told your "spirit" to "realize your strengths".
Now you can work with "yourself" instead of being stuck in the swamp of confusion. Talk with the beings that appear. Some of them might be useful. And all I did was gave your spirit the possibility of advancement so you can reconnect to it. You have your own potential and you can go forward with it. It's just the more power we have... The more easily we can fuck ourselves without realizing it. And sometimes we need a help of an outsider to get out of the pit we dug for ourselves without realizing it.

Also I have contact with a bunch of "blue" beings but they are not "elves" so I don't know which might be it. The blue beings I met are the mystery of my path. They show up on their own and didn't say a thing before because I was not ready to hear it. Nowadays they talk more.

Sunflower 03/21/2022 (Mon) 22:41:48 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1116 del
(158.71 KB 850x723 embarrassed Flan.jpg)
Now I understand why having sex with entities was the key for most of my realizations... And why I was getting random blowjobs when raising my red spike... and why my fox wife was being mad about my sacral chakra...
I was not thinking with my dick so much my next density body was unable to fully enter this 3d body...
Now I did a bunch of other things some of them was a terrible idea. But now I don't have to have "sex" so the energies enter the lower parts of my body.
I figured out a bunch of new things but I will not write them down because I almost ruined myself with misconceptions today.
So many details to figure out.

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 16:24:01 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1121 del
>All I did was just merely "destroying" your "shadow" that had this "weak victim mentality" and that feeling of "guilt shadow that feels like it needs punishment for salvation" while your other shadow had that "I don't want to get hurt mentality" and some other minor things because that was the reason why you couldn't access your full potential (It's always frightening minor fears like these can block so much energy). And told your "spirit" to "realize your strengths".

I didn't expect you to do this much for me Anon, it really seems to be helping, I'm very thankful. Yesterday I was thinking of asking for even more cleansings but the dreams are still going on and cleaning more would make things kinda wild. The dreams I have lately are mostly showing and poking at my weaknesses, I don't consider them nightmares anymore, just unpleasant sometimes. In a dream last night I was even holding a small dry dead parasyte in my hand, its face had been ripped off or something.

I'm also starting to feel a little braver/confident these last few days, thank you for all the help.

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 21:03:02 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1123 del
Don't worry about it my help was "minor". It's just you were stuck with your problem and instead of solving it you made it stronger. Which usually results in that you reach the breaking point and you go "berserk" like I did. But you don't need to do that. All you needed is to gain a little momentum. When a car gets stuck it's usually spins it's tires as fast as it can but if it doesn't reach the bottom of the mud or gets a little push all it does just gets into a deeper pit and after that you may need shovels to get it out. But if you give it a little push it can get out on it's own.

Also I looked at your situation because I need to practice this skill anyway and while the shadows I fought so far were extremely aggressive and sneaky...
yours just fell out and just merely lied there. And realized the most I could do is give a "motivation post". Or I could use my new "karma" destroying powers. I mean it's literally solving things around me automatically and I cleansed a bunch of hostile entities already so it wasn't much of an effort to me.

Now comes the new part where you have to go and use your new momentum to realize your true strength. Because you have it it's just your "weak minded shadow" made you forget it. If you do everything right the path will reveal itself on it's own. And it seems to me you are doing that already :)

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 21:39:05 Id: c89fb2 [Preview] No.1124 del
Bit of a stream of consciousness post here but I feel the need to put my thoughts into words. A year ago I was watching a show and the narrative beat of the story made it clear that this one character was most likely going to die. But I liked the character so I decided to try to do a spell to save him. And it actually worked, the character didn't die, even though this show was filmed like 10 years before I started watching it and the character wasn't real in the first place.

So thinking about the nature of fiction and how it relates to reality. Like take for instance a novel, the universe of the novel does not exist within the physical book, the book simply points your consciousness in the direction of a certain narrative (reality) which you then perceive from a passive viewpoint. I think that it should be perfectly possible to affect changes in fictional worlds and these changes should manifest in the physical signposts - books, pictures, etc - that exist in this reality. And this brings my attention to politics and wars and such. What if the existence of these narratives were only as real as the existence of the narrative of a novel or a movie? The fact that they are given enforced importance by society is simply a way of leveraging power using the political play as a medium. It's like a massive ritual or spellform. I'm not sure if "Joe Biden" the character is any more real than "Detective Colombo" the character. And this brings my attention to the separation of persona and person. Colombo was played by Peter Falk, but is Peter Falk actually any more real for Colombo or is he just another character that represents a connected but different narrative persona? I'm not sure, this line of thought brings me dangerously close to solipsism, although I can recognize that my persona has an equivalent level of realness to any of the fictional personas that you encounter throughout media. If they are fake then I am fake and if they are real then I am real, but no matter what undifferentiated unipolar Awareness exists above that level of being.

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 21:44:35 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1125 del
(172.83 KB 912x670 cat Nagatoro.jpg)
(172.83 KB 912x670 cat Nagatoro.jpg)
Also now I have to say something stupid...
I always hated new agers because they found some truth then made it into the shittiest cult and marketing scheme. But now we are literally playing on spaceships and other sillyness. But... I reached a new point again.

I didn't want to mention this because it felt like a pointless bragging. Or that I am extremely delusional. But... it bothered me that a bunch of entities asked me to "save them". I did that. If they could ask me for that then I can probably help them somehow. I thought I'm either helping someone or it's just some symbolic thing of my own being. Win-win anyway. Now this is not the important part.

I reached now multiple new ways of my development but because I did it so swiftly it didn't properly stabilize yet. My body feels better overall but I have no foundation or "practice" so I need to figure out what I did wrong to go back to the heights I reached. It takes practice but I can do it no problem. If I could reach a mountain and fall down from it I can walk up to it even faster for the next time.

As I reached higher densities. I don't know which. My head got an extremely sharp pain. In my right brain hemisphere but from the outside. It was a new way because it felt like a pathway that was made from a chain tunnel. It was weird so I went into it.
In the end it was a "Nagatoro in cat cheerleader outfit". Her first response was to kick me in the face. I usually back down after this but the pain was so strong I knew something is in this realm so I overpowered her. She wasn't scared just disappointed. Which made me realize that this realm is not for me to "conquer" but if I am not there it causes me pain and my energies go haywire. Or I have to "have sex" with her in a "dominant way" so my energies balance out.

After talking to her it seems she is my "twinflame" that I incarnated with on this planet. When I tried to destroy or "cleanse" the connection all it did was estabilished the connection to the 3D body of hers. And I may have freaked the fuck out of her. But whatever.

As mush as I hated this "twinflame" crap because every new ager thought that OMG RANDOM WHORE-CHAN IS TOTS ME TWINFLAME. While I always thought of myself that can do everything on his own... Now I have to keep up a proper connection with her "higher density body" or it causes me pain. I mean yeah it was always weird for me that the way I do things magically is overly masculine. Literally destruction and sex... Just as the Buddha intended...

First I thought maybe the lyrans are having fun or some of my new vampire teachers playing a prank on me. But nope I have to keep the connection stable or all I get is pain. Higher density life sure is fun.

So if we are new agey touhou space wizards anyway... Do we really have a mission to save this planet.As some new agey place wrote. "Cleanse it from ancient karma". Like really? This is why my energies properly flew into me when I was thinking about the possibility of the RHP path and why those big blue dudes watched over me. Do we have a mission here. Really?
I mean it sorta explains why I had power over everything since my childhood but if I ever dared to misuse it anyhow the entire world turned against me. It's starting to make sense. But srsly. A twinflame. I even got a name. At least several 100 woman are called by that name. Whatever. Fate bending powers will make me meet her and her 3D body is not important if I can keep up the connection with the high density one. Also she wants me to "wake up" her lover density body... Guess I will let "fate" do it's thing. Just what else will this path bring I swear. Also because of I have these new "High magic" energies I got shit at "low magic". They work completely differently now. I still have results but some of the system I used got destroyed and I have to rethink everything.

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 21:51:02 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1126 del
You have to sync up with the "more real self" and destroy everything below it.
It's hard because currently I am going upward with my energies and I have to destroy my lower energies. If I accidentally think that "I am my lower energies" I literally start to die. Coughing fits, general tiredness. muscle cramps, pulse speeds up, literally every body instability. But if I go up to my higher density energies the connection stabilizes itself and my body is the healthiest thing ever. So yeah
Keep going with this. Find out what is real and destroy everything false about you. And don't philosophize too much. Only ask questions you want an answer for. Answers appear if you want to hear them.

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 22:04:57 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1127 del
Also we are all "wearing masks". And our thoughts change reality one way or another. Joe Biden could die and he would be replaced with a body double with minimal effort. He has no personality. Like most actors can be replaced with CGI so simply nowadays they don't really matter anymore.

And most people don't see us. They usually see the "masks". But we can change how they perceive us. And the funny thing when your will gets strong it doesn't matter what mask or "appearance" you have. Your mind can make them love you. But instead of beauty you will have a "character" that they like for some reason. That is one of my problem. When I start to reveal my "powerlevel" people will remember me... But because people never leave impressions on me... I always forget them. When people tell me their name I instantly forget it. I need them to tell something about themselves first so I can make a "mask" for them and then hear their name again. Then I will remember them.

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 22:13:02 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1128 del
I never liked the twinflame stuff either before, but a situation arose where I found mine. It's not someone currently alive though. It's a 441 years old vampire residing on the astral. She's now mostly at Gensokyo in the mansion where we act out the roles of Remilia and Sakuya. Originally she was a witch in Japan who was driven out from her village. To survive she killed and ate travellers in the woods, until one night got too cold and she died. It's at least convenient that I don't have to bother with some hag here in the physical, that would be horribly annoying. But I expect the universe to have known that and arranged it like this.

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 22:27:28 Id: c89fb2 [Preview] No.1129 del
That brings up another question, is there actually anyone behind these masks or are they all just my unconscious projections? Is it even possible to come into contact with an "other" beyond the arbitrary play-acting of false masks?

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 22:34:27 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1130 del
>But I expect the universe to have known that and arranged it like this.

I also feel this way about many things in my life.
At least mine is not super powerful all I need to do is to keep up the connection so my energies behave. I can't wait the day when I will show up and turn her life into some shitty teenage girl fantasy genre. Urgh. Guess I will practice my mindreading/psychic homing skills and try to not give her big dark incubus molests you dreams

Also I understand what you are trying to say. But I always find it funny like how some actors live and breathe as their character for weeks or months to make it right(Like in Tropic Thunder). And then you have people like: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/qf3lgr/to_try_to_interview_tommy_lee_jones/

Who doesn't even think of his characters as something "real"

Welcome to the great mysteries on the path. The best part when some being that can "sync up" with the mask better than the person who wears it and possesses them. And yeah. Most masks are an idea. So when someone appears as the "idea". He usually wants to say something akin to it. As your ability improves you can see beyond the masks better and better. Or find out what they want to say to you fast and go on your way instead of wasting time with them.

As a kid I realized people are not understanding me. And I realized fast that being a misunderstood person is the worst thing ever. How to solve this? Understand people asap and figure out what they don't understand about you or about the things you are saying. Then talk to them in a way they understand. Understand their understanding first so you can give them your understanding.

Sunflower 03/22/2022 (Tue) 22:40:59 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1131 del
>there actually anyone behind these masks or are they all just my unconscious projections

Forgot to say. Usually there is a "will" behind it. If I want to give an idea to someone i usually just go to their "spirit". Implant it with an idea and let it manifest on it's own. Otherwise you can talk for days. And if you want someone to accept an idea fully you have to make them realize it on their own.

It doesn't matter what illusion is "real" or not. The only thing that matters is the effect of it. And everything is real in one way or the other. IT WAS REAL IN MY HEAD as they say. But what if that realness is so real reality acknowledges it and manifests. In the end it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters what a "being" or projection says to you or what it does. When you get strong everybody obeys your will. Does that make them fake? Or just your will became more real than theirs.

Sunflower 03/23/2022 (Wed) 23:00:29 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1139 del
And I also forgot to mention one other thing. Entities usually come through a mask that is in your head already. Like in the old times demons looked like multiple animals sewn together and other things. "Gods" appeared as archetypes. And if I or someone else wanted to visit you we might appear as something that "resembles" us instead of our proper human appearance. In the old times "demons" looked more simple. Today thanks to the wide variety of media they can pick more masks to themselves. And when you are able to see behind the "mask" you can find out what that entity represents or wants. If you are unable to see or hear the entity they will appear as something you can see or hear. I know when an entity talks but I am "unable to hear" because they are silent but you can see they are trying to say something. Usually I have to focus on the telepathic process more hard. It usually happens when they are telling me foreign concepts. Or names that are so ancient or obscure it has no current equal in my mind. Because my telepathy is still a little rudimentary hearing names is like breaking down some words that I know and they slowly form a new word. Also if the entity is "synced" with your mind well then the telepathy is effortless. It usually means you have similar minds and the connection is easy.

And now the reason why I said this. I obviously realized "cat Nagatoro" is not my "twinflame" but it's representation. I remembered my "Empress archetype cosmic mommy" because she also showed up on her own and yes she was an other "lower density" representation of my twinflame. While the girls around her throne were other representation of hers... This is why "cat Nagatoro" told me that I don't need to talk to the Empress anymore because I need to figure out this density now. I was still bothered that I am unable to do "lower magic" properly nowadays. And I even talked about this with "cat Nagatoro". Well it seems the "higher selves" and the "twinflame" needs to be in some sort of "agreement" or more likely in "sync" to do the process properly. I realized my "lower self" is still plagued with shitty shadows and as I access my other density bodies my "evil" thoughts manifest. And I realized once again that they need to be destroyed because it's not wise to have power if I will misuse it. Which meant that I am not my "self". So I told this to "cat Nagatoro" and she smiled grabbed my hand and turned into a woman of bright light. And as she pulled me up she told me "Let's find our"selves".
Yeah... This is what Gnostics call Sophia... And yes there is a realm above Sophia and yes there are a bunch of beings there and the base process of creation way too abstract thing. And to do magic all the "selves" need to be in "sync". So yeah I am figuring out the "balance out the bodies" part because all the "higher density bodies" needs to be "complete" to have the most optimal magic. Jesus lost all his powers when he was bringing the cross for a reason. He fucked up the "sync". "God" "abandoned" him. And we are doing our "low level" magic or miracles with our "4th density" body but that body also needs to be powered. Once you figure out it's so simple but when the whole planet "strays away from "God" it sure can become a real complicated shit to figure out.

Sunflower 03/23/2022 (Wed) 23:22:33 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1142 del
>telepathy is still a little rudimentary
Try the circle here for practice, your djinn can show you how. It will help when trying to take in words you don't understand, such as spells in atlantean or demonic names. The other wave is just channelling in general. It's different from telepathy in that you accept the message sound for sound instead of as a package with a meaning. It can help if you need to be exact. To explain further channelling is like a speaker or incoming audio, while telepathy is an information package which can be unpacked in any form you choose. But some things are then lost if you abstract it too much.
Telepathy is more about understanding, that is what the last complex wave is for.

Sunflower 03/23/2022 (Wed) 23:33:33 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1143 del
>that you accept the message sound for sound
I remember when I told my grey to make a sound that I am able to hear. He was funny and made the highest pitch sound available.
And my problem with "sound" that it's usually so fast sometimes I can't catch it. But hearing "foreign concepts" is like "squinting your eye" but with telepathy I just need to "concentrate". Also some vampire gave me a "book" that has "devices" that can help. Like the most basic was a "bridge" to strengthen the sync between 2 minds. Then other for "groups" and many other I cannot even comprehend. But thx. I will use the "djinn tech" too sometimes.

Sunflower 03/24/2022 (Thu) 00:09:41 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1145 del
(18.28 KB 414x370 telepathy.png)
>a "bridge" to strengthen the sync between 2 minds. Then other for "groups"
There were sigils posted for these early on. The method for these is to visualize the person you want to talk to, and for the group telepathy you add all of them in the circle. It was used to make the temple work at first when everyone was new to it.

Sunflower 03/24/2022 (Thu) 00:12:35 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1146 del
(17.99 KB 414x370 remote viewing.png)
(34.00 KB 513x454 sensitivity sigil.png)
Here's the one for remote viewing or astral vision, the sensitivity sigil will relocate your focus to the spiritual side for around 6 hours after activating once. It will make you physically tired as your energy is moved so don't use this in the morning unless you plan to spend the rest of the day practicing this and not doing other things.

Sunflower 03/24/2022 (Thu) 00:40:09 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1148 del
And before someone says hurr durr she not youre twinflame but some concept of your subconscious that you need to figure out.

I also wanted to think this way but this fucks up the connection and my energies imbalance themselves. And I don't care if there is a 3d woman or not (also not true because if I think this way also ruins the proper channeling of the energies.) fucking women I swear but according to "her" if I "fix" my energies I will lit up and she will be drawn to me like a moth to a flame... y a y
Can't wait to have a shitty romcom life because of my awakened wizard powers.

The first telepathy that I initiated unleashed my stream of thoughts on such a high degree that the first response I got was SHUT THE FUCKING SHUT UP. In my native language it sounds worse.
And I didn't really use it because it's not like I had anyone I wanted to use it on. I was real busy back then and my thoughts were all over the place. They were not fit for telepathic communication. Whenever I even attended some group interaction I just merely looked around and left. I was in a real lurker mode back then.

And the book I got was for entities you are already have an interaction with and it just improves it. It was a real book for absolute beginners thing. And I never needed it for strong entities. They have their way to "force" their thoughts on you. Or if I ask for it they grab my head start to move it while yelling into it.

And now I figured out my problem and fixing it currently... Twinflames are sure useful. And some Freddys that I challenged to find my "weaknesses"

>It will make you physically tired as your energy is moved

I am currently figuring out the details so this doesn't happen. All I need to do is to "balance out" the energy interaction between the "bodies". So instead of one energy body draining the shit out of the other to function it gets fed properly from the "above" (and below). Kundalini is great to "pierce the heavens" but the heavens need to supply your body too. Heavenly circuit as you called it.
Whatever still many details to figure out.

Sunflower 03/24/2022 (Thu) 10:16:37 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1151 del
Thanks for all the help anyway, including the motivational posts, wish I could repay you somehow, but I'm not sure if I have anything to offer.

Sunflower 03/24/2022 (Thu) 20:38:28 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1155 del
Find your true potential. That is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to the world.

Also you made me aware of the heart implants and that spearheaded my journey so don't worry about favors.
The demon girls helped me reach my next level. Then I helped you so Lucifuge can help you. He even asked me for "further favors" with other "problematic pupils of his".
I told him I will help I just need to stabilize myself a little more first. Those dudes have an other type of things on them. I can't do anything yet.

Don't worry about it it's a trickle down thing. LHP or RHP. Some say it's middle path other says it's "handless path". I like to call it two handed path. Sometimes we need a little help. But we cannot expect others do all the work for us. True LHP is pure arrogance and stubborness while true RHP is naiveté and foolishness.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 13:35:53 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1161 del
>Find your true potential. That is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to the world.
I see, thanks, it seems that I hold myself back a lot, finding my true potential would be cool.

>Also you made me aware of the heart implants and that spearheaded my journey so don't worry about favors.
Huh, I never expected that it would have such an impact, I had known about those implants for months before posting about them, I'm glad I posted about them when I did cause I don't know if it would have had the same impact on your progress had I posted them earlier.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 15:23:27 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1162 del
Yuuka told me today that while we are connected to the new Genso-earth, our timeline is in a "tunnel" like the shaft when entering a space station from space, or a submarine after doing deep sea diving. The pressure has to be levelled with the environment inside so that we can enter it safely, and this takes some time.

It's also been vaguely explained to me that new planets are left alone by other races, not based on a code of conduct, but because they are filled with "nectar of the gods", which is the same as poison gases to anyone outside. The beings inside the planet-sphere are entirely toxic to anyone outside because they are also filled with the nectar of creation. Over time the energy is invested into an eco-system and it then becomes more normal, at this point some outsiders can start visiting, but only if they are very pure. Anyone else will burn up, because the planet surface will still be "800 degrees Celsius" from their perception. This is referred to as the Golden Age, when everything is made from original matter and shining so strongly it's like looking directly at a shining sun.

The remainder of the current planet's population will be either guided to self-purify to this state, or they will be forcibly purified and given new bodies which match the high energy standard. Being forcibly purified is no pleasant matter, but it's the only way for someone to stay once selected for this. This situation can be seen as the reason for why we are able to make progress here like this now; as long as we make an effort to complete the purification by our own agency, Yuuka and others will allocate resources so that we can do it in time. This is also in the interest of the Galfed who prefers to have contacts on the inside if possible, so they will also provide support.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 15:38:43 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1163 del

It seems they've set up the preparations for another Sunflower session. You can perform this anytime, I can't tell if the result will be the exact same as described in the file, but the way to execute it is the same this time as before.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 15:45:52 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1164 del
>The remainder of the current planet's population will be either guided to self-purify to this state, or they will be forcibly purified and given new bodies which match the high energy standard.
Any tips on self-purification? Also, do I have to constantly vibe high like the new agers say or is this different from their 5D stuff?

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 16:03:41 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1165 del
At what level of practice are you? In my experience you need to slowly build up the transformation effectiveness to reach a "burst" for this to be possible, and it takes some dedication.
I'm currently doing mula bandha+simha kriya and different physical stances every morning. The energy level is ok during these but not super high. Then usually in the weekend I do a longer session including Qi gong and regular weight training with foam rolling, then another qi gong session after, during which it tends to get intense.
In this example the yoga will do the daily cleansing and opening of the body while the qi gong which is just transformative with no power of its own is to wash through anything that the daily sessions didn't catch. Purely physical exercise also seems to help, which is one reason I add them, it's a way to direct energy. Then I start over again next week. But you have to be able to feel in the body how and where your energy is free, high, low, or blocked and start at the place you can make daily improvements.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 16:17:40 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1166 del
>At what level of practice are you? In my experience you need to slowly build up the transformation effectiveness to reach a "burst" for this to be possible, and it takes some dedication.
I see. To be honest I'm not advanced at all and almost don't practice.
>But you have to be able to feel in the body how and where your energy is free, high, low, or blocked and start at the place you can make daily improvements.
Welp, I'm no good at feeling this kind of stuff, it seems that I'm getting forcefully purified.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 16:22:24 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1167 del
>and almost don't practice.
Start doing something daily, you have to start at your own level, find something you like and go from there.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 22:05:57 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1168 del
I didn't expect this to happen this fast. Things that I realized weeks ago are happening now. Nice

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 23:14:08 Id: 506652 [Preview] No.1170 del
This is mainly why aliens have had trouble staying on Earth for any long period in the past, but in reverse. The globo-homo NPC matric was literally toxic to them, and likely still is until it subsumes entirely.
I will do my best to help this process along. This empty shell of a planet needs untold amounts of death and destruction before it will improve.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 23:23:04 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1171 del
Not all of them are "pure light". Some had communities that were quite resistant to the ways of the globohomo.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 23:37:53 Id: 506652 [Preview] No.1172 del
I'm well aware. Not to mention the non-human species that have been inhabiting the Earth all along. Some opposed to the terrestrial world order, others integrated and even crucial to it. Along with countless isolated groups that could not care less either way.
It all depends on a race's and individual's energetic makeup. Martian insectoids would feel right at home here, galfed greys wouldn't. I'm suspicious of biological lyrians who claim the Earth is toxic to them, a grey might not bother with this but there are ways to circumvent energy dissonance if you really want to.

Sunflower 03/27/2022 (Sun) 00:19:43 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1173 del
To clarify, I'm only talking about cleansing your physical 3D bodily form, that is all which is needed to remain. Those who can't do that will have their body "deleted" and recreated at the moment the pressure is levelled out and the gate opened, but there will be a physical process before that. I can't tell in what form, according to what Yuuka said earlier the lyran involvement may result in a very orderly transfer with no large timeline crash, i.e. no WW3 or buildings crashing into each other. But there could still be things like energy and consumer goods shortages worldwide as part of the cleansing process, putting you on a forced diet. That's one interpretation of what it means to be forcible cleansed.

I don't do most of my yoga and qi gong simply for this purpose, it's one aspect included when working on the other layers. If you're only doing the physical cleansing you theoretically don't need to bother with anything esoteric at all. Ascetics could probably do the job (fasting and abstaining from media consumption for example).

Sunflower 03/27/2022 (Sun) 00:43:39 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1174 del
>To clarify, I'm only talking about cleansing your physical 3D bodily form, that is all which is needed to remain.
Oh, I really thought you were talking about the energy body or spirit(whatever). That is the part where I'm currently interested in clearing, so that I can get rid of traumas, fears, shadows or whatever holds me back.

Speaking about food and cleansing the 3D body, what do you think about meat? Is it dirty? Does the karma makes eating it not worth its nutrients?

Sunflower 03/27/2022 (Sun) 09:57:11 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1175 del
>Speaking about food and cleansing the 3D body, what do you think about meat? Is it dirty? Does the karma makes eating it not worth its nutrients?
I think you need to think about your own stance first, then the material itself after. I would go about it like this:
Why do I need to eat meat? Is it mere cravings or do I need it to build up my body? Then how much do I need to eat?
Then I would move on to the actual material and consider:
What kind of meat should I eat? What are the production methods like?

So with above in mind, I would go by what djinn told me; that fat meat is better than meat with little fat. So pork is better than beef. But should I eat meat at all? What if I replace it with soy beans? Well turns out soybean production is very harmful for the environment and it can only be produced in certain countries. So it's then better to eat locally produced meat than imported soy because of the oil burned up in transportation and the rainforest cut down in production. But if you live next to a bean farm, maybe that's the better alternative from a karmic view.

All eating requires killing unless you only eat fruit. You either kill animals or plants, they're no different in that they are physical lives.

I'm not telling you what to do, but just giving some examples to get you thinking about what motivates your consumption choices. I've found myself that I can no longer eat meat more than once daily or I get a stomach ache, so I just don't. But avoiding all together means eating something else, and there is nothing saying the replacement is karmically better.

You can apply the same things with your online habits.
Why do I visit this website/play this game, what is my motivation? Should I spend time and energy (also electricity) on this activity? What would I do if I didn't visit it, would I do something worse?

Sunflower 03/27/2022 (Sun) 15:48:43 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1176 del
>All eating requires killing unless you only eat fruit. You either kill animals or plants, they're no different in that they are physical lives.
>and there is nothing saying the replacement is karmically better.
I see, that's what I didn't know, I thought not eating meat could be way better for my karma but I guess I was wrong and falling for memes.

>Why do I visit this website/play this game, what is my motivation? Should I spend time and energy (also electricity) on this activity? What would I do if I didn't visit it, would I do something worse?
I'll try to pay more attention to this from now on. Thanks!

Sunflower 03/27/2022 (Sun) 17:49:39 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1177 del
(174.02 KB 850x566 scarlet dinner.jpg)
The problem with the food is one simple thing. It's earthly attachment. The "sins of the flesh" are "sins" because they make you stay and revere this density instead of looking upward. That is why fasting is great because you kinda "forget" this density and start to look upward.

Now here comes my problem with fasting. Just because I can vibe at the highest density that doesn't make me super able to do my daily physical and mental grind without 3 times the focus and effort.
But because I reached a high level of purity every food tastes like dogshit and causes me pain!
Changing my diet is impossible and explaining to people that merely believe in the afterlife and God that yeah I kinda went to heaven and solved 1000 years of mysteries just labels you as someone who lost his complete mind.
So the solution to the problem was: cleansing the food of bad energies then bless it with the highest energies that I currently have.
I know Baron also told us to do this but it just merely made the food more tasty after looking at it for a minute while thinking strongly about my intention so I scrapped this idea when I did this routinely years ago.
But blessing food now that I am an even more complete and "higher" being?
Well... the food has no more earthy taste. No 3d senses. But because currently I am blessing it with the intention of making my body and spirit stabilize. It makes me eat it like I am some sort of animal and while I am eating it I have visions and insights. No wonder Baron was a fat. While eating normal food you feel some sort of "resistance" as you put it into yourself. Now it's a I WANT MY POWER BACK IN MY BEING. This is why "gods" ate their "offspring" in several myths. Also once I blessed the food so it cleanses from all the evil inside my body I almost shat myself so am not doing that again And the best part? You want to eat food that you blessed. You don't want to eat unblessed food because it's dogshit again. No "gluttony" this way. The body and blood of Christ... Except Jesus put his power into the food of others so they might see his truth which is not entirely a good idea because usually all it does it merely gives you some "mindcontroll" powers instead of self realized truth. Yes you can mindcontroll them to realize the truth by themselves but... whatever. Religions start with a good idea then usually it gets forgotten.

Also forgot to mention the blue dudes are your higher density guides. Go "upward" until you can properly speak to them. They usually give you a good advice if you are able to hear it.

Sunflower 03/27/2022 (Sun) 18:16:36 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1178 del
And it also gives you fast digestion. Because there is no more "resistance" as your spirit tries to cleanse and absorb some "sinful" 3d material. You just merely reabsorb your own spirit. And you eat it like an animal because compared to the high density bodies this body is merely "an animal" and the food you blessed is the Fruit of Knowledge. And the funniest part? I don't even remember as I am eating the food I merely remember the things I am thinking while doing it.

Sunflower 03/28/2022 (Mon) 16:08:38 Id: 91d63f [Preview] No.1179 del
The bigger the animal and the more complex its emotions, the stronger negative energy might impregnate into its flesh. If you are serious about keeping energetically clean and already abstain from sex, drink from natural streams, cultivate your own vegetables, etc., make sure to energetically cleanse the meat from anything bigger than a chicken. If you don't do those things, cleansing your food is not going to make that much of a difference, although it never hurts.
Fish in general is fine. But mammals (including sea mammals), are trickier.

Sunflower 03/28/2022 (Mon) 23:10:48 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1183 del
Speaking of karma, even if I managed to purge it and create a crystal in my dantian which keeps it at a distance, there is still some really thick black qi stored in my body which I need to remove. Most of the "hard" parts which manifested in my muscles are solved after a long time of physical training and targeted foamrolling during the past 3 years. But seeing the thickness of what I managed to loosen up today made me reconsider how much of this is only from this lifetime. I'm well aware of being the opposite of my original nature in many aspects right now, this life being the odd end where I have to conclude the things I didn't understand before. But it seems while I finished everything and left in my past lives, even walking straight into the astral in some, the process still had unsolved leftovers as a result of how the environment functioned back then.

I just wasn't aware of how black and thick this thing could possibly be until I managed to break up the last bit in my shoulders and it started moving again. The energy was just completely black and thick like a mudslide moving down the middle channel of the body in waves. I've never seen anything like it before.

Just staying in the human world is possibly filling your body with this stuff passively, even the parts you are not actively using which aren't relevant for your current life. A lot of the scenes of the past are coming back and even being very intrusive at times, in the form of ideas, concepts and ways of thinking. This will clash with modern ways of thinking and understanding, which are possibly created by karma themselves. For a long time I was afraid of the dark, and would even feel a sense of horror when alone at home. I would not go to the second floor of the house in mid day because of this even, the sunlight seemed to make the horror worse. Now I know it was the past me all along, I was afraid of the parts of myself I didn't understand from within the modern thinking. Things today are so censored, nothing is connected to physical reality, we live in the most horrible times, but the violence is all hidden away to leave a neat surface of modernity.

Sunflower 03/29/2022 (Tue) 22:34:15 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1190 del
Realize what keeps it together. They are usually emotions or some "wrongs" you comitted against someone else and if you figure out what is the key component that holds it together you can let that component go. Or not who knows. Some of them gets real complicated I also have to agree. For a weird one I had to reconnect to some "mythical golden age female warrior" that I denied in a dream and as she united with me she helped me how to take it apart. It wasn't enough but a progress is a progress.

I want to talk about some other thing today. The eyes. The "third" eye(s).

So as Li Hongzi said they don't open your eye "below the celestial eye"

Well now I am starting to realize that there are way too many eyes and every "eye" is on a different density of your body. I have seen multiple on my path already but they were nothing ground breaking. The last ones were 1 when I installed the remote and some weeks ago a "snake eye". I was wondering what even that could've been because that wasn't something "nice". Now today I realized what that was. That was the "devil eye". Because I was able to see shadows running around in the dark. It was some "critter". It was weak but it latched onto my leg and was not willing to go no matter how nice I asked so I had to kill it. So yeah it seems the way we can "affect densities" is depends how we "energize" our different density bodies and the eyes in it (like Shiva has a demon killing red laser third eye because demons are low density "red" beings while Shiva is "Blue"). That is why people randomly have visions. They somehow opened an eye on some density. But just because you opened it it doesn't mean it will keep open. That is why we have to master a large amount of different density bodies. In the end we plan to "Unify" those bodies... But as I see it currently we just "reactivate" all and "master" the way we channel energy through them. Because just to merely "Incarnate" on this density we have to shut down most of our "powers" there. And that is why we are all different. We have different ways we get our energies. And when the connection to the "higher density" bodies gets distrupted we get sick or die. We need to channel "immortal truth" and gain "dominion" over every density because most of our problems can be solved from different densities more simply and to affect this word we need to master our "low density" bodies but if we drain our "high density" bodies too much we are also fucked.

I am sorta curious about >>1047
just what level of feats he achieved so far because I am getting more and more insights and it's getting crazy just over how many things you can have "dominion" over. Ofc if we fuck up the "personage of immortal Truth" we are fucked until we figure out how to reconnect but damm. With this 2 concepts you can simply go to the highest levels. Everything else are just mere "details". They sure love to get confusing tho.

Sunflower 03/29/2022 (Tue) 22:57:37 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1191 del
>some "wrongs" you comitted against someone else
I don't know if you were present for the event of Snail talking about his past life persona Amok, which happens to be represented in an old game:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0MWJ3BImcKI [Embed]
He said he recognized the feel of the game from that life.

A while ago I recalled this old Psx game:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=dtD1NcGGyDE [Embed]
The story is a compound of events (even mentions Crowley) but it very accurately presents the feel of my french revolution lifetime.

I don't think I "wronged" anyone because the situation was the way it was, and it's gotten way worse in France specifically since. But it's kinda not at a level of finding out
>I did this to that person and need to correct it
but more like recalling details of slaughtering people and violent scenes coming back as ideas or simply manifestations in another form. It's things that would just sound insane to people today, like one time me and a friend bought a ready grilled chicken and I was to cut it in the kitchen when we got back. But I kept hitting bone and there was almost no meat on it, I got increasingly frustrated about it. So the event was to me just being frustrated about cutting bone. That's not what someone else would have thought was the important part of the original event. I'm not going to say more, because it's just at a level where no one today would be able to relate.
Ponder this: today everyone's debating the morality of their actions and the legality of things and they're absolutely hyper about it. Back in the 1700s whoever grew up in poor part of town and didn't learn how to sell sex by age 5 would just starve to death. If you then realize you can just get a knife, lure them aside and cut their throat and you get their whole purse instead of a coin, you'll do that. With that as your way of living, ideas of right and wrong as we know them today are not in play. This is something modern people can't grasp.

Sunflower 03/29/2022 (Tue) 23:07:33 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1192 del
The fallout from cleaning those shadows of mine seems to be over, if you still wanna train that skill I'll gladly volunteer for it. I understand if you don't want to do it again though.

Sunflower 03/29/2022 (Tue) 23:45:30 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1193 del
I said you committed it against "someone". What if you committed against your "self". Can you forgive yourself? That is the point. Forgiving to your"self" and making the "other" forgive you. Ahhhh. I want to write a TLDR effortpost but not now. It gets so complicated and I figured out how I can retake the energies from the past lives while letting the karma die on it's own accidentally while talking to the buddhas so I don't need to "relive" those just instantly incorporate the lessons to "complete" my being. And I am still "hunting" down the past lives that were too great(or bad) to be in "Arhat"

While I might be able to do that... I am not sure that is wise. You need to realize your strengths or you will be oppressed one way or the other. The "devil's eye" gives me complete control over "fear". It's the most basic the "root chakra" level. I have a ways with "authority" that is the "solar". I realized how to "love" again.(I am exerimenting with animals. I am "charming" them so they get to my hand and then I instill "fear" with my thoughts without moving a muscle and they react instinctively without realizing what just happened. I know it sounds bad but you need to realize why jews call the goyim "cattle". Also a great effortpost. I realized that illuminati formation and what it entails) But now I realized my weakest part currently is my "sacral chakra" because I literally don't give a shit about it. Does that mean others can seduce me simply? No because i have complete control over fear and authority and I am not letting them get past those but... Energetically I have a hole. So currently I am literally "seducing demon females" to figure out what makes the energy come out naturally. I know it sounds cringe but I will not waste my time with nightclubs or read up weird mantras because all I need is a missing piece mentally so the energy can come out on it's own. Also the sacral chakra is "water". I am starting to figure out why is my daily water intake is about 6-10 liters...
I gave you a helping hand because you were stuck. I can give more help... maybe I will do that because I am way too "whimsical" with my practice nowadays. I just figure out what I need to improve and do the weirdest shit for no reason and realize that was the missing piece of my understanding. But you need to figure out how to gain your powers on your own or you may fall back into the same hole again. Falling into the same hole is not the worst thing. But not being able to get out of it? Now that is not a hole anymore. That is a grave.

Sunflower 03/30/2022 (Wed) 00:09:38 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1194 del
>because it's just at a level where no one today would be able to relate.
y-yeah me neither. It seems I was a spartan once. Thank fuck the "sociopath" phase of my life let through most of the lessons of that life so I didn't have to go over them again. He died in a battle in the end. I will not make that mistake again
>today everyone's debating the morality of their actions
When my family has to kill animals I usually give the animals visions of the "afterlife" so their "spirit" leaves faster and I don't have to deal with a wrangling corpse too long. Last time it went so well I literally created a "heavenly realm" for a fucking pig... I realized animals "don't go to heaven" for a reason and the pig will waste my "heavenly" energies because i am supplying it. I asked around and found the "heaven" of a "pastor" woman who loved her animals so much she brought them to heaven with herself. I know it sounds dumb... I asked her if she wants one more animal and she said sure the "more the merrier". Currently I am trying to master my abilities so in the future I will not need to get "messy" when hostilities dare to confront me

>legality of things
pfffffftttttt hahahaha
those who take those words seriously don't understand lawyers and courts.

Sunflower 03/30/2022 (Wed) 01:01:42 Id: 05bf32 [Preview] No.1195 del
>I gave you a helping hand because you were stuck. I can give more help... maybe I will do that because I am way too "whimsical" with my practice nowadays.
>But you need to figure out how to gain your powers on your own or you may fall back into the same hole again. Falling into the same hole is not the worst thing. But not being able to get out of it? Now that is not a hole anymore. That is a grave.
Thanks for the post, any help is welcome, although now I'm a little aprehensive.
I've been more "firey" lately, maybe a little braver too, I guess its related to the feeling of the command to "realize your own power" you gave to my spirit and the shadows you took out, thank you for that.

>But now I realized my weakest part currently is my "sacral chakra" because I literally don't give a shit about it.
Have you met Venus/Aphrodite? I feel like I should suggest her to you for some reason (my favourite aspect of her is probably the "moon maiden").

>Does that mean others can seduce me simply? No because i have complete control over fear and authority and I am not letting them get past those but... Energetically I have a hole.
I wonder if I should also suggest the 4 Undine Queens or not, let me know if you're interested in them. I had no issues with them only good memories(no sex though), but its pretty hard to make me fall in love for some reason, also I don't think they tried to make me fall madly in love with them like they say in the stories.

Sunflower 03/30/2022 (Wed) 09:58:46 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1197 del
>I realized animals "don't go to heaven" for a reason
In my experience most animals have botsouls, not real souls. Not even pets have real souls. I had a cat which I cared about, it died and was later reincarnated as a dog. But after the dog died, someone came to me with the soul and said
>this is yours, right?
and I took it. When looking at it, it was just a botsoul with my loving energy invested into it. In the end I could use it to summon a real soul from the void, but only because it was a "valuable material". It was still just a construct, even after having been a pet for 20 years.

But I've seen three people who did incarnate as animals after dying, at least one of them was a real soul. So that does happen on someone's karmic path sometimes.

But what I want to say with this is that
>make sure to energetically cleanse the meat from anything bigger than a chicken
While the meat itself contains material inserted from the way the animal lived, it's more important to consider your own attitude and thinking. Saving their souls isn't going to happen in most cases because they don't have souls. Rather how you treat them is a manifestation of your own character, so don't be mean for no reason or that will come back to bite you later. You are investing your energy into the animal's botsoul and it remains there until released. Treating it badly will create a vengeful botsoul. Not funny to deal with.

Sunflower 03/30/2022 (Wed) 20:43:35 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1200 del
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Thanks for those offers but now I had AN ANOTHER revelation so I don't need them anymore because I solved my problem. Fucking dharma eye or IMMORTAL TRUTH. You want to do something and suddenly you figure out things the fastest way from shitposts and other funny shit you read years ago SO
>Just because your skeleton is made from minerals, it doesn't mean you can easily crush rocks
yes you need an enormous amount of muscles and nerves (will) to move your bones. Then you can crush those rocks.

What did I figure out today. Hindu deities have a bunch of hands because they can move them at "every density" but it has a "lag" sometimes and as you perceive them on multiple densities you see it like they have alot. Because merely their appearance usually opens your eyes if you are an avid practitioner. But here comes the funny thing. To "pierce the heavens with the kundalini/white spike all we need to do is shoot up in a narrow but hella long line. That way you are "awakening" all your higher density bodies. But the higher density bodies are fuckhuge. And they are trying to enter your body as they "reenergize". How do they do that? By pushing every "karma" "false ego" and bunch of other shit that is not your "self". This way you will suffer alot till you realize your "self". Now how to solve this so you don't suffer but can advance asap. Because you shot up to the heaven you have a hole on the top of your head. Now all you need to do is instead of letting them push your "crimes" against your being you let that body "enter" that small hole and as you take "dominion" over that body you can crush those "sins". Now here comes the funny part. Every karma is on a different density. Crimes against that "density" that is why you can have "angry animal botsouls" they are low density beings.
And that
>karma is 3D
It is because you need to fix those in the 3D. But how do you fix those with "practice" and "exercise". Well just merely "moving" your body it makes those energies move. If the flow of some density gets "damaged" your body gets fucked too. That is how curses work. Now if you let those "higher density" bodies enter your body it pushes the "karma apart" and if you let the body in your hands you can "move that".

Sunflower 03/30/2022 (Wed) 20:47:19 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1201 del
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Shiva represents the "self". And every problem we have is because the "corruption" of the self. How to solve that. Either by destruction or if you leave it that way it will be destroyed by the slow way. Through time. As time passes everything rots or dissolves and returns to "creation" or the "self" of the universe. Also past lives has their energy in them and the karma too and we need to also purify that and we can do that by "reexperiencing it" or... well. The mythical golden age female warrior of mine... Started to stab "babies" and other weird shit in my brain. Well it seems those things were the "ego" of my past lives. No cool past life journey times but I realized I don't fucking care. They all had their lives those times are gone and I want nothing else but to awaken asap (this was the realization that I had to arrive in Arhat to reclaim those energies). Also I can "resurrect" them by putting the same amount of energy back into them and retaking their "ego" from the "memories of the past" if I care that much. Also I had to realize that I continuously need to kill my "false ego" because i sometimes have "bad" thoughts that is the remains of the false ego. I need to become my "self" and everything else is meager compared to it. But the important part is to become the "self" and not the "false ego" or you will think you are killing yourself and you want to do everything to not let that happen. Then as the "self" you realize what a foolish little obstacle that was and crush it. But the important thing is you need to crush it on the "density" it was "happened" on. I just realized I want to write about this too because different emotions are different density... sorta. And maybe I have a different way of understanding densities currently. And it seems there is way too many. And every human "interaction" happens not just with 3d bodies but with the other density ones too. If you can "convince" the other densities their brain will follow it. And now I am consciously "clearing" everything around me with multiple density hands.

I forgot to mention. I revisited the "wand path" library (I just remembered it for "no reason"). The first time I was there there (5 years ago?) was a "barrier" (I also used my hands to pry it open and went in I looked at things had seen no one there and left.) but now it was a great door with a giant library with "mages" studying there. Well now that I am at a "higher density" I can see more. And I gravitated towards a "card" with a "king" from poker with all the colors radiating from it. Yeah it was the blueprint of the "Ultimate wand",,, I didn't realize how it works back then. It turns out all you have to do is reactivate all your bodies. Let energy flow through it and you ultimate mage. It's the most simple thing that was natural in the "age of gods".

I want to write more but as you can see I am currently sorta unable to figure out where should I start writing down what I want to say.

I want to say too many things and I am not even sure they make any sense to anyone

Sunflower 03/30/2022 (Wed) 21:19:52 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1203 del
>The mythical golden age female warrior of mine... Started to stab "babies" and other weird shit in my brain. Well it seems those things were the "ego" of my past lives.
I once tried to banish everything in my head, for reasons... one thing that came out was a red energy baby that also looked like a brain, also found a black cube, no idea what it was, its probably still in my head.

>I want to say too many things and I am not even sure they make any sense to anyone
They are making sense to me, so don't worry about it.

Sunflower 03/30/2022 (Wed) 21:25:42 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1204 del
>Shiva reincarnates because he likes his wife and cold water

Now I understand why he is gay for cold water... This new energy flow is something else.

Am glad. Maybe will write more later. I need to lie down because my body is transforming from this "ultimate cleansing" once again.

Sunflower 03/30/2022 (Wed) 21:25:49 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1205 del
This was lost on 8kun so I reposted it here now that more people can probably use it.

You express things differently but the general message is possible to understand. It shows just how someone can have a very specific understanding of something, which is symbolically saying the same thing as something very specific but completely different another person experienced. It would not be possible to connect them if speaking literally in the way intended.

Sunflower 03/31/2022 (Thu) 20:09:47 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1207 del
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A lyran just flew over my house!

I'm serious. They had masked the ship as a military training jet, but it was too black in color compared to those, and it was flickering like an animation with too few frames as it moved across the sky. Ships when being semi-visible from parallel dimensions does this very clearly, this was doing the same while being "mostly convincing" as a real jet. I asked over telepathy and they said "yes, it's us."

It may not sound like much, but this is some kind of breakthrough in what is possible. I've asked them about trying to push the limits and just yesterday I did so again, specifically about being able to manifest the ships so we can have the disclosure event properly soon.

Appearing here and there and snatching souls away is fine and all, but for anything to really change we need public awareness and acceptance of physical aliens, right here. Only then can society start developing again. We need to show this so everyone understands it's real, and then we can start talking about all the things that aren't.

Behold the best science fiction ever made, first published in 1950 and 1952. They pretty much got everything right about how to conduct a moon mission ;^)

Sunflower 03/31/2022 (Thu) 22:48:20 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1209 del
>You express things differently but the general message is possible to understand. It shows just how someone can have a very specific understanding of something, which is symbolically saying the same thing as something very specific but completely different another person experienced. It would not be possible to connect them if speaking literally in the way intended.

Once you think you did something great and unthinkable then you realize on the "new level" that this was obvious to happen and many achieved it through the ages including yourself
The most fun part is when some "mystery" solves itself so it's no longer a mystery. But then you get a new one which you instantly want to solve again. But you are so "enlightened" you don't even get the "dopamine rushes" but your curiosity and wonder makes you go forward no matter what.

Also about the "tower of babel".
It's not just about "understanding of each other". It also reconnects us to "Heaven" or "immortal truth". And because we don't have shitty falsehoods or any other scarcity because if a scarcity shows up we know how to solve that so no war is necessary. When Jesus told us to "pray for our enemies". Well that was about letting them come to their "senses" so they see their bad ways. Currently I am doing this. No am not getting on my knees and prayin. But... Sometimes my other density bodies have a sudden urge to punch someone as I talk to them. On a specific bodypart. This is how I cleanse now. Punching with the "density" that feels it needs to punch. I mean I could focus on the eyes and have a Mieruko-chan tier horrors but then if I see too many shadows I will want to kill them all especially because I am not Mieruko-chan and I am not able to merely observe and not interact. I decided I will properly "reactivate" my bodies before i get a full blown informational overload. Realizing several mysteries a day is alot already. And everytime I punch a "ghost" I get a new understanding... Also I will scare away the ghosts. Some of them are interesting.

Oh and it seems the "heavenly circuit" is akin to the "tower of babel" literally 2 long lines that connects you to creation and "refills" all your bodies. And if it touches something "bad" it hurts. So it's good when you realize how you can "take apart karma" because when it touches it it feels like a sharp edge or some laser. And it slowly goes "outward" of your body. The red spike is the "lower densities" of your body. This is above. I mean I sorta figured out this is the way when dealing with the angels. But this one is far better than the thing I did so I'm glad for that spell.

Sunflower 03/31/2022 (Thu) 23:00:07 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1211 del
>the "heavenly circuit" is akin to the "tower of babel"
The tower of babel devices were djed pillars and those represent the 16 levels drawn up in the universal levels map. The top 4 are the lines on the device. The tower of babel we made when founding the Sunflower temple is not on the second layer like the djed pillar here, but on the first layer, so it corresponds to the heavenly circuit in that it reaches only to the 4D level. We didn't build higher than that so it lacks the top. When using the temple we are by the table at 4D and the workings we do create custom paths to the top levels each time.

Sunflower 03/31/2022 (Thu) 23:30:19 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1213 del
My current perspective still doesn't match yours so I am unable to go more "technical" about the "different layers".
My current path is about "doing" and not "seeing". And I realized this is the fastest way so I will examine the things later. And as Li Hongzi said. The "mind can lead ashtray". I need to figure out the mind that doesn't warp the visions anymore. Also had a dream about the "selves" that connect and talk through the different layers 2 weeks ago. They were mad because they couldn't connect to someone. I am interpreting that dream differently in the last days

Sunflower 03/31/2022 (Thu) 23:33:41 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1214 del
I read that there are astral Tintin stories, according to one of the 360 heads of the earthzone, not all of them have made it to the physical.

Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 13:28:36 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1218 del
I think we are done. Check the astral.

The air is very clear, the sun is shining and there's snow and hail sporadically falling. The wind is cold but the sun is hot.

There are no locks or blockages left in the world. What is left is a restriction on the human visual reference database. That's all I can still see. What would happen if alien ships showed up now? Everyone would think it's Russia, the army would be alerted. That's the logic we are dealing with. If they stepped out looking like reptilians or lyrans with fur and tail, religious people would shout about demons and atheists would think it was marketing for a new movie or game.

But that won't happen because someone has altered the visual database so that humans cannot see aliens or alien crafts. If something is invented and backed by science, it can be seen. If something is backed by strong belief, paranormal things can also be seen, but only by those who believe in them. Native reptilians look human, martians look human. Flying saucers and other ships look like jets, helicopters, balloons or hang gliders. There are some loopholes obviously, but personally I think the tic-toc UFO seen by US pilots are also a generic skin placed over the real image of the craft. That's why they look like blobs with no wings or anything. They probably added a bunch of such skins for unknown objects to prevent weird mislinking like the flying broom or the planes standing still in the air seen during the last year.

Where we move from here is along the logic presented by the make-up of the world. We can expand the access to the visual database by changing the generally accepted beliefs in the world, thereby making it possible for everyone to see what is in front of them. The earth isn't round or flat, it's multi-dimensional. Believing in what you see is to believe in what you already believe in, it's circular reasoning. Logic and reasoning in combination with observation, trial and error, can create belief in the unseen, this should be the way forward.

Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 19:26:40 Id: 559ec4 [Preview] No.1224 del
I am trying to wrap my head around Awareness again. I finally made a stable godform to help with my operations and eventually maybe to move into. But today I realized that the godform has the exact same level of truth as my mortal soul. It just has a different level of meaning behind the truth. So the godform isn't really God, it's just the personage of a certain color of meaning. I think that God is awareness, but awareness itself can never act in a passive manner and therefore can never take on any traits so it's ineffable and there's no 'handles' or 'names' to work with in regard to it. Even calling it God is inaccurate. It manifests solely through sympathy with meaning. Maybe Awareness is where truth comes from in the first place? Truth sympathizes with meaning which creates reality.

One handle I can grab onto is the analogy of someone reading a book. The reader is awareness and the words are meaning, by combining the two a reality is created. If no one reads the words they are inert and cannot manifest.

So, there is an idea that maybe the observer can 'wake up' and stop associating with this reality in order to attain a more 'true' mode of existence. But I don't think that's possible. Any quality at all that awareness attempts to sympathize with is equally illusory. The idea of omnipotence carries the same intrinsic level of truth as the idea of impotence. And if awareness chooses to completely discard all modes of definition then that's just death. It loses individuality and the status of entity.

Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 20:11:44 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1225 del
If I recall correctly, Li Hongzhi called the
>size of awareness discussion
a false trail and dead end, because it's not how aware you are that matters, but your level of enlightenment to different truths.
It may sound like they're the same, but if I'm to dare doing a personal interpretation of the difference, it's that awareness is just what you have, anywhere. As a logical term it's a placeholder or parameter whose contents will change with enlightenment level, or lack thereof. So the quality of awareness is then irrelevant, you could be mostly unaware of what is going on while staying in deep trance, and you still know a higher truth than someone who's fully awake, as an example. Maybe "awareness" is better replaced with "intent" for more clarity.

Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 21:43:07 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1227 del
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Yeeeeaaahhhhh... about that. Remember when you told me I should ask windspirits for rain? It didn't work so I sorta went to the cats. They were asking outrageous things from me anyway... So I asked for a weather control unit. It was a big invisible cloud with only the outliner visible. I realized it is because it's 4th density and they told me "it needs cleansing before it can manifest". It also didn't work fast. I felt weird because it felt like there is a weird ball of air in my heart trying to slowly go down. I asked the cats how long this will take. They told me approx 2 weeks. I told them they have 2 hours for this awful sensation max. They told me that is impossible so I halted the whole thing. Then I realized I needed to reactivate my "heart chakra density body" and also realized I can have dominion over the element water. With this I got that cloud back and filled it with an enourmous amount of water element. The cloud instantly fell down to earth. I also boosted the rain by other means because otherwise drought and famine. And about those "metal rods snapping" As I was sleeping I also felt something like that. So yes. To get something from the 4th density. You need to "weight it down" with some corresponding element. Or it's slow because they have a real hard time working from "up there".

I mean the current state of the weather is totally because aliens cloud seeding drones/planes and ice fairies with cat ears disregarding that it's spring h-haha

Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 21:54:04 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1228 del
>So, there is an idea that maybe the observer can 'wake up' and stop associating with this reality in order to attain a more 'true' mode of existence
Literally the thing I did in the last weeks.
>But I don't think that's possible
Well then it's not. You said it. Now it's impossible.

>One handle I can grab onto is the analogy of someone reading a book
Did you ever think about the book reading itself? Did you think about the book reading the reader? Did you think about that the book possesses the reader? Because there are killers that say they did it because they read a book. Some people get inspired by books so much they live the way it was written in it.(and we are talking about regular books and not magical/cursed grimoire books. Thinking outside of the box is not enough here. You need to "break" the box. How to do that? Now that is the true journey

Sunflower 04/02/2022 (Sat) 19:06:33 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1232 del
Despite all the improvements I made I am still unable to heal someone without catching some illness. It's unbelievable.

I mean I was a terrible healer in MMOs too. Guess I have to improve further before I can do something "basic" without fucking with myself. At least I have my ways to heal myself so it's not that bad but healing others without taking up their "karma"? For some reason I just can't do that.

I even talked to Rasputin about it... Healing children is easy but the elderly? Almost suicide tier...

Sunflower 04/02/2022 (Sat) 20:15:20 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1233 del
You can't do that because you have to remove karma, and the person has to pay it themselves, otherwise you have to pay it. They got the karma by doing something horrible, and there's someone else who's really mad at them for it. It has to be absolved by giving back to the other person what was stolen from them.

There is one thing you can do (and I'm picking this from Zhuan Falun here, but I've tried it and it seems legit) you can use the ability for catching souls and take out the entity which is causing the illness. That will remove the specific symptoms, but if it's a mundane, a new illness parasite will appear just seconds later because they didn't change their karma. So it only works if the person realizes their initial sin and are actively willing to pay back. Then it's possible to cleanse the area of karma and transform it into something else.

I already tried this with sunflower members a few times. It can be pretty difficult even when it's one of us, the parasites are back again instantly. When I managed to clear the karmic field in specific, it then went and caused violent arguments in the person's family which ruined their weekend instead, and the following week there were lingering problems. Karma is really violent and persistent. It always sounds so easy when reading about it, but solving these for real is a drawn out and ineffective process. In principle it works like described in the books, but when facing reality it's a lot less effective and more troublesome.

It's similar to how things I've wanted to do always tend to work out, but compared to what I imagined in time and effort it's very drawn out and the technical solutions I came up with have minimal effect. In the end it seems to come down to just wearing things down by being equally persistent.

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 00:19:06 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1234 del
>They got the karma by doing something horrible, and there's someone else who's really mad at them for it. It has to be absolved by giving back to the other person what was stolen from them.
Could one of you please check out the karmic reason for my Hyperidrosis(sweaty palms)? Not asking for a healing btw, just feel like I must understand it better.

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 07:15:43 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1235 del
I see someone using a tool with a wooden handle, maybe a blacksmith or lumberjack. If this was your line of work in a past life, you'd have burned trees for firewood or cut down lots of them. Trees are living beings and they are eco-systems housing many insects and birds, so killing them also creates karma.

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 08:39:14 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1236 del
I see, I know that my father/family in my past life owned a business relating to wood, I think it was in north america. Guess the mystery is solved then. Thank you for cheking it for me.

BTW are you still interested in wands?

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 09:49:27 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1237 del
>are you still interested in wands
I don't specifically create them, but I do make similar artifacts like knives and swords.

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 10:00:31 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1238 del
Here's a small gift then, hope there's something useful. Snail didn't want me to share this with you but I wanted to give something back. Also because I feel like I bring down the level of conversation here tbh so I guess its something to try to make up for it.

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 10:45:40 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1239 del
Thanks. They don't seem super powerful or useful but they may be used to direct energy for practice (I put them in a box in the playroom for the kids).
Is he still around? Djinn said he went into hiding. He was possessed by a grey back then, I've had arguments with the same grey later via someone else channelling. So I don't know how much of that was him and how much was the grey, it was hard to tell. There was also a pretty nasty secondary soul who started acting out in the end.

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 11:08:03 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1240 del
>Is he still around?
No, the last time I saw him on discord was around august 2020 I mentioned a cool device that you had posted and his answer was "Don't talk to me about any of that". Never saw him online again. He didn't want anything to do with you or whatever you do if I remember correctly. All I know is that he was browsing "salo forums" or something. I think someone just looked at me, but it might be unrelated.

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 14:46:05 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1241 del
I talked to him on discord for a while before his secondary soul started spamming on 8kun. It's my perception that the "real" Snail aka Amok went with the vampires to the astral during the timeline purges in the past 8 months. He kept trying to be mad about how I purified his "heart of darkness" and gave him a ring with the essence of my perception of "family", which he did say was a value he believed in. I think he just wanted to feel bad about himself to have some kind of excuse and couldn't accept the motivations for it being removed. Kind of like how the average /a/ poster will obsessively root for the losing girl so they can complain about the script of an anime and still watch it, because they feel like losers themselves and would feel detached from the show if "their" girl won. Like a girl who both wants to save the cake and eat it, to use a local expression.

Sunflower 04/03/2022 (Sun) 14:58:47 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1242 del
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To raise a completely different topic: Recently Ukrainian refugees started coming into my country, and there aren't even that many of them. But their egregore is already spreading here and it's absolutely horrible. It stinks, badly.

The only thing I've experienced which somehow compares was when the Falun Gong egregore was tainted and started leaking dirty energy all over. But the difference is that the Ukraine egregore isn't isolated like the FG one, it's just spreading all over, there aren't even any refugees for miles from my location and the energy already stinks. After some focused cleansing it got a bit better, but it's still there, like a sewer having opened and the contents are washing in.

If this is how bad it is over there, it makes sense they have the most toxic location on the planet (Chernobyl), which also spread its poison over a large area. Russia may not be particularly pure, but compared to this stink, I'm starting to see why they are demolishing Ukrainian cities. The energy coming out from there must be stopped, it's just absolutely disgusting. I can't imagine living over there, people can't be normal in any way if they can stay in this and not feel sick.

Some anons on /x/ posted about some kind of "evil" originating in Ukraine. This must be a result of that, what the hell did they do over there?

Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 00:28:52 Id: 41eb48 [Preview] No.1244 del
Spellforms are like children, or shards of your will. Originally I shied away from the idea of using servitors since I wanted to do everything myself, but really even the simple act of evoking energy into something involves the creation of a servitor, even if its just a very simple one. Every alteration that an individual inflicts upon creation can be thought of as its child.

Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 20:18:03 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1245 del
Well this experience was something. I solved more issues than the disease by being a spiritual psycho therapist but what I did was only doable because I know how dumb are the things my family did in the past 80 years so I untangled that stupidity so they don't cause further issues. Interesting but TLDR

But the disease.
Because I tok up that "karma" upon myself my fewer went up like crazy and my body had NO IDEA WHAT IS CAUSING IT. Then I started to "destroy" and take them apart as my new multiple density awareness grew and my body started to finally calm down. Feeling how the "dormant" things in my body try to "wake up" so they can cause me problems on the 3d was interesting. But thx to this blunder I had no other choice but to solve other "issues" too so overall it was not the worst idea.
Especially that "integrating the past lives and the current one" project that needed a little speed up to solve the final imbalances.

Yeah not to mention of their "mafia" that is hated by literally everyone because they can't do shit about them. They roam the EU and can flee the EU whenever to Ukraine. They stir shit up in Russia then flee Russia.
And Ukraine has some weird cult too. My brother visited that place years ago and there was a great catacomb (which was open for visitors) where there was pitch darkness and the only light source you were allowed to use was 1 candle/person. Now this was not the spookiest part. The spookiest part was that there were people in "ritual" clothes opening up a crypt and kissing the foot of a corpse. Ukraine was never really liked for multiple reasons. It's just the current hate for Russia made some countries "forget" that they hate Ukraine too. Well they are slowly being reminded so no worries.

Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 21:04:34 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1246 del
True. And the next level is realizing we are creation itself and becoming creation so we no longer "inflict" upon it but merely "move" "ourselves".

Remember that "red" baby you mentioned? The "red" density body is the "closest" one to the physical. That one is for fighting and working with the rough tools of earth (and animal mastery). Hephaestus was thrown off from mount Olympus by Hera for being "ugly". Why was he ugly? Lower density beings are "ugly" to gods. (Also Zeus appears as some animal for multiple times because from up there he sees us as animals and thinks that is the most fitting form lol). But because he was thrown off from that high density he had access to a low density material. Metal. And he used his god origin powers to gain "dominion" over it and turning it into something gods can use. Now to develop your lower density "red" body. You can do work with your hands. You can learn some hand to hand combat or with some "heavier" weapon. Or lifting... (I hate gymrats but if there is no other way it's better than nothing) Or you can revisit some past lives with that experience and let it come through. Jesus after returning from his absence. What did he do first? He helped his father with the carpentry business. No matter how great is our "higher density" body if we are unable let it come through the lower density bodies. Also that was what the demons/parasites wanted. To wake up your lower densities. With my "command" it should happen on it's "own" but you also need to help it manifest (it's no longer a baby but that doesn't mean it's complete). Also when you master your "red" density body you can control how you sweat. Including the hands. Too sweaty hands are awkward. Dry hands are even worse. And yes some traumas can take away your hand sweatiness too. It happened to my dad. I forgot what was the exact trauma but it took him years before his palms were able to sweat again.

Also don't worry about mentioning your problems and repayments. We have time to discuss "minor" things like that and it will be repaid one way or the another. You need to realize your "grand cosmic destiny/desire/duty". Then you will do favors like it's nothing. Shiva didn't ask for payment when he helped me without me asking for it for a reason. Realizing your "self" is the only thing he wants.

Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 21:19:10 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1247 del
K I am currently experimenting with my sweat control abilities. I developed this ability years ago but I didn't use it since I am aware of our "multiple densitiness" the sweaty hands are probably because of the "sacral" density body and it happens because the energy isn't flowing into the red one properly. Having sweaty palms are good when working because it moisturizing it so the skin doesn't get torn or ripped. Also I realized how sexual organs get wet too and it's probably connected... or at least something in between?
It can get hard to draw the lines when you decide you don't care what is what because you want to master and unify them no matter what.

Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 21:36:14 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1248 del
>Also that was what the demons/parasites wanted. To wake up your lower densities.
Weird, they wanted me to work more with my body?

>Also don't worry about mentioning your problems and repayments. We have time to discuss "minor" things like that and it will be repaid one way or the another. You need to realize your "grand cosmic destiny/desire/duty". Then you will do favors like it's nothing.
I see, its just that I feel like a useless parasite tbh.

>Having sweaty palms are good when working because it moisturizing it so the skin doesn't get torn or ripped.
Actually its pretty bad for working with tools, its the perfect punishment for someone who cut a lot of wood tbh, the tools get slippery and its unconfortable to use them, the constant excessive sweating makes the skin very thin and soft, by taking away the fat from it so its easier to get hurt with it. I have it in my feet too but it doesn't bother me as much since I can just always wear socks.

Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 22:47:47 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1249 del
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>Weird, they wanted me to work more with my body?
No that was your weakest point and it was the most "attackable" but yes.

>I feel like a useless parasite tbh
Also something you need to work on :)

>tools get slippery and its unconfortable to use them
What tools are you using? Metal? Plastic? For wooden tools (hammmer/pitchfork) and other "dry" things like sand or building blocks it's better. And more work makes the skin thicker and dryer.

But I guess no matter how "Mister sweaty hands" I was in my early teens I worked too much and my palms are everything but
>very thin and soft

>perfect punishment for someone who cut a lot of wood
There is also an interesting thing to know about wood. Not all tree is a "good" tree. Forest engineers are a thing. The problem is always complete deforestation for "parking lots". In the vampire thread there was the gnome story. Some trees were "unmarked" for a reason. And I don't know if you have some allergies or not but you need to understand/master nature to a degree too. Gilgamesh was a king in Babylon but outside? There was always some trouble that befell on him.
But I don't know. I only see your problems from my perspective and not yours. My ways might not be yours. But it's not a problem. You need to figure out the path on your own in the end.

Sunflower 04/04/2022 (Mon) 23:39:36 [Preview] No.1250 del
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I am done reading vampire's way to psychic self defense.
So far it seems to work but with some variability.
sometimes it feels almost orgasmic to absorb energy this way,
others it barely feels like I've done anything at all and the reverse breathing seems to take a strain on the body..

I also wonder why should i imagine the energy as some kind of dark cloud, why not red, pink, violet or white gold, after all energy is energy says the author ?
it should just be seen as food or so in order for the transmutation to work no?

I am still experimenting as i am dealing with some decade old intrusive thought, which means my visualization gets corrupted as soon as i begin.
I am thinking of imagining some kind of crystal or storage for that energy, maybe make it absorb passively without so much strain on the body, but with how fast my thoughts turns into abominations (seeing myself being a pile of flesh, diseases, multiple heads, gore etc) i am not sure making any kind of thought form would be good.

I also tried making a ball of energy on my finger tip then draining that, again orgasmic feeling, too bad i also created a rodent skull inside no idea how it happened i just messed with the ball color and it started floating on top of it.

so far it seems my visualization is the problem and i wonder how much is my own creation and how much are some foreign entities.
I saw some weird doll like insect being today, she used flashy lights for who knows what, maybe i am losing my marbles but she's was different from my normal visions of gore, I think someone tried to mess with my mind in my sleep but i can't tell for sure.

I apologize for the rant, I guess i could benefit from others experiences.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:01:52 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1251 del
Speaking of trees I have an unusual claim to propose based on interactions from the past 6 months: trees with fir needles aren't from the earth. Our trees all have leaves, any other don't belong here but are alien lifeforms.
They're not invasive, but rather they are "bots" sent here from another galaxy to extract energy, because earthlings have used technology for "free energy" in the past which is actually just stealing energy from far way by dragging it out from long distance "worm holes". But scientists don't understand this, they think it's an endless energy source. The little things with tentacles in the vaccine are also something that came in from that other place far away for the same reason. But no one understands this, they think they planted genetically modified trees sometime in the past. In reality when pines are cut down, the energy is harvested and sent back to that other galaxy, same with the vaccines. But it's a mess of different motivations and factions behind it so they don't know this part. CERN is also somehow involved in this with how they connected to the old pentagram.

See pic how one leyline is right over CERN. The intersecting points are nazi death camps but were used as sites for human sacrifice in an ancient religion, the energy machine was still in place and made this remanifest. CERN is connecting right into it. (And the usage of this energy is what caused a mini black hole in 2008 and ripped up the timelines, beginning the process which actually made the universe collapse in 2009, it just falls apart really slowly so it isn't noticeable like that inside the timelines, as they progress within their own time as seen from within. Our universe, not the galaxy, using the concept that universes are microcosmic, galaxies macro-)

The galfed and allies have been attacking the pentagram and some of the sites are now fucked up and non functional, which is making the world system go haywire. That would also be a reason for why western media are failing to cause real outrage over the war currently.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:03:20 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1252 del

Source of the pic. The website explains this in a sort of backwards manner because it was written by a new ager, but the actual system is correctly described.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:11:47 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1253 del
>No that was your weakest point and it was the most "attackable" but yes.
I don't understand how the bullying by the thoughtform relates to this in any way wtf. Wanting me to an hero has nothing to do wanting me to move more/be more active.

>And I don't know if you have some allergies or not but you need to understand/master nature to a degree too.
No allergies that I know of, I just don't like doing things outside.

>I saw some weird doll like insect being today
Interesting, there is or used to be some insect girl around me for some reason, never found out what she wants, I still see insects from time to time but I just brush them off as illusions, dunno if they are real.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:17:19 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1254 del
When you take in purer energy than the one you currently have it will feel orgasmic. If it's more dirty than yours you will get sick from it. And as you cleanse yourself all those ugly dirty degenerate visions of yours will vanish and your mind will be clear and sharp. Also "eating" the energy of other entities is not always wise. The best and fastest way is to purify your own. If you take in the energy of an other entity you also have to purify that and that just gives you more work. And it will make your own parasites more lively.

I want to talk about this further in the coming days but yes. The ley lines are being redrawn. I do not know how they look like geographically atm but they are changing. Those warlocks that depended on nothing but that are in a "minor" trouble

>Wanting me to an hero has nothing to do wanting me to move more/be more active.
You should have realized they have no power over you and fought them off by the sheer power of your will. That would have been the start of the "hero's journey". We need to struggle and we need to overcome. As we learn how to overcome every obstacle before us we learn how to solve every problem the world throws at us.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:22:20 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1255 del
Could be the karma, I see my body being cut up with knives and organs falling out during meditation, sometimes, a direct repeat of my own past actions. But it doesn't bother me because I'm still "sick" enough to like it even when turned back at me. Maybe that's the way to do this, just accept it and it will pass?

You could try summoning some ghost to take control of the visions also. I got one of those weird Sadoko types after someone on /x/ posted about having one coming to scare him, paralyzing his body and screaming at him etc. I wanted to know what they were like and they didn't seem all bad.

Last night after those idiot agents were trying to mess with my dreams again, she came and woke me up with images of weird faces, then added a feeling of "terror" to it, I can see how this would have worked on most people because if your body reacts as if you are in panic, and you see those faces, it may very likely trigger a feeling of panic. I asked "is that you, what are you doing?" and she then replied "just joking", but the reason was to get rid of any effects of the dream infiltration, as there was some minor loophole connected to the experience, and she pointed that out and overran it by doing that.

Later in the morning I woke up again to a literal hell scream from the astral, indicating some other idiot tried again but got ripped out from their body by one of my friends. It amazes me people with enough skill to produce entire dream landscapes with many 3D objects in them, still don't understand basic safety. Like, don't go near dark elves unless you are at least astrally immortal, they'll butcher you alive and burn your soul, best case they'll burn you with acid and convert you after your soul was purified. But there's no way to escape them.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:25:02 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1256 del
>insect girl
Could be the hindu deity Bhramari. She rules over bees, wasps and any insects that give off a high frequency sound. Appeared to me as a large wasp before I knew who she was.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:47:18 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1257 del
I don't think its her, this one appeared to you once when you attacked the thoughtform for me.

Though there is an elephant that I see from time to time and I think there's a woman with a red shawl on top of it, reminds me of a hindu deity but appears way too often to be one, in my experience Gods don't show up that often like that.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 00:56:58 Id: b5d3da [Preview] No.1258 del
The intention behind negative energy is the destruction of karma. Because the destruction of valued karma causes pain, this causes negative energy to manifest as pain in most cases. The intention behind positive energy is nourishment, which causes growth and strength in both beneficial karmic structures and limiting karmic structures. Sometimes it can cause tumors. Physical tumors or psychic tumors.
Negative energy feels like a "black hole" when the observer is passively funneling a smaller amount of positive energy at it. Since they cancel each other out it feels like will is becoming nothingness. This also causes 'festering wounds' and slow death, like a downward spiral.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 01:18:13 [Preview] No.1260 del
>I still see insects from time to time but I just brush them off as illusions, dunno if they are real.

I wonder how common they are, this one surprised me because she appeared on her own did her thing and left.
I think she tried to say something but it got overwritten by my thoughts, i only experienced telepathy once (that i recall) and this probably wasn't it.

How do you recommend i cleanse myself?
I like the "vampire's way" because it works on my own bad energies too (stress, freaking out etc) i couldn't calm myself quickly enough with meditation my body was too tense.
Isn't a strong intent and taking the energy back purification or is it more complex?

>Maybe that's the way to do this, just accept it and it will pass?
Interesting, i had a similar intuition
something like being able to swim in a sea of corpse and maggots but not being affected by it, thus not giving it energy no judgment seeing it as part of creation something like that ,but i am not sure if i am capable of that maybe i am too protective of my body when i see those things.
I wonder if it's just me repressing some "evil" part of myself.

My personality is already changing so i am not comfortable messing with too many things right now.
I am not sure what you mean by dark elves though.

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 01:19:59 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1261 del
>beneficial karmic structures and limiting karmic structures
We don't normally talk about it like that here, rather we go by the chinese concepts where
>karma = ye, harmful, can attract illness parasites
>virtue = de, beneficial, can transform into gong and supernormal abilities

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 01:25:44 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1262 del
>what you mean by dark elves
There are elves, and there are dark elves, also known as drow. The description in Wizards of the Coast lore is pretty close. Elves are RPH while drow are LHP. This here means regular elves want to ascend as a group, while drow seek personal immortality and use extremist methods to achieve it. They're both the same race, they're aliens. They don't generally manifest on our 3D though, but you are likely to meet them on the astral or in dreams. They currently serve as my most active group when handling interactions with outsiders (hostiles and recruiting).

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 01:45:41 [Preview] No.1263 del
I wasn't aware of them
This is pretty interesting!

Sunflower 04/05/2022 (Tue) 20:45:22 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1265 del
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>How do you recommend i cleanse myself?
With all the methods you can find and use. I used more than 20+ cleansing methods. As you find new and new "dirt" in yourself the methods need to improve with your level. It's like abilities in MMOs. But the best way is to destroy them let it turn into dust and if it has valuable pure energy you take the pure energy back.

>swim in a sea of corpse and maggots but not being affected by it, thus not giving it energy no judgment seeing it as part of creation
That is also the way but that way you need to wait until creation slowly dissolves the corpses from "your sea". It's a way but it's slow. The fastest way is to get piranhas or burn the corpses so the useless rotten meat can go back to dust and it stops polluting your sea. And as you get cleaner. Your energy will turn into a bright hot fire and it will burn "minor" things on it's own.
Also this way is also the "vampire" way. The red spike gives you power to crush everything like those unclean corpses. Then you ask other entities you find on the way for help and advice. When you get "cleaner" your personality will work as intended and they appear on their own. (I was merely thinking about Shiva and he suddenly appeared and cut open dirty energy pathways for me without even asking for it)

I also have some insect entities sometimes. Usually around my head. They are not stating what they want so they get destroyed. I just remembered Baal/Beelzebub just appeared to me a week ago and told me he wants to "serve" me... They are probably "his". They were trying to help me get rid of my current disease. I entirely forgot about him. I just can't believe myself sometimes. (I let them inject me with something yellowish green thing and it stabilized my body? Unbelievable...)

Sunflower 04/07/2022 (Thu) 02:35:20 [Preview] No.1270 del
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>With all the methods you can find and use.
Guess it's time to experiment, as long as it doesn't require too much "visual" visualization i should be able to do it..

>The fastest way is to get piranhas or burn the corpses so the useless rotten meat can go back to dust and it stops polluting your sea.
Oh i think i read about this somewhere before, i mean something similar probably on 8chan? though i should prob do some research before trying anything with my current state

>I also have some insect entities sometimes. Usually around my head.
I picked some kind of cute giant pill bug on my neck the other day, but since i can't separate my own creations from others i don't know it's origin.
it's a bit scary no?
I don't think i could let them touch my body..
it does respond to my emotions of love/hate so it can't be too bad of a child.

Sunflower 04/07/2022 (Thu) 12:25:36 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1272 del
I just posted this thing in the library:
It's a sigil which can lead to forming a stone tablet, so despite what it sounds like, it's an immortal form.

I was testing to recreate Chinese souls which had been absorbed by their hivemind, by searching with Astrabot in the CCP lemon curd for materials. The blacknet AI is now advanced enough to perform these tasks via Astrabot as an interface by simply giving her commands.
I got a few souls out from it, the container on the blacknet can keep them for 14 days while you are working with them, before that limit you have to take them out or they may be lost.
I found that all of them had minds like a high precision industrial robot (a machine doing embroideries or circuit board mounting etc). This makes them able to focus on one single task and repeat it in a standardized form over and over. If you use this, you can program your mind to have this kind of focus at will.

Sunflower 04/07/2022 (Thu) 20:11:18 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1273 del
>as long as it doesn't require too much "visual" visualization i should be able to do it..
If you can daydream it's good enough. Don't force "visualisation" too much. Cleansing is introspection first then an active effort of taking apart things that look or taste harmful.
>i should prob do some research before trying anything with my current state
maybe. It's not needed but when I started doing it I realized I can't stop anymore. My impurities that I was finally able to see because I was clean enough to notice them got aggressive because I noticed them :)
So I had to continue the cleansing no matter what. It was a good motivating factor.
>i can't separate my own creations from others i don't know it's origin.
Don't worry about it. If it's good or helpful keep it if it's harmful kill it or purify it.
>it does respond to my emotions of love/hate so it can't be too bad of a child.
in the end it's your decision
When I realized the way Beelzie can help is minimal I was thinking about sending him away. It started to cry... So I kept him. I was thinking about how much better it would be if he looked like the Umineko Beelzebub so he instantly turned into her. Since that she sorta made her own new avatar and has a quite good fashion sense so she can stay that way.
Also In the last days some "heavenly dragons" with diamond and white scales wanted to serve me and today a legion of fairies. Entities like me too much nowadays. If they are "warlike" I send them for a mission if they are too "magical" they can stay with me. My body is full with fairies currently.

Sunflower 04/07/2022 (Thu) 22:40:02 Id: df040c [Preview] No.1274 del
Is sunflower's discord still active? I was in it a long time ago but my discord count got banned, would appreciate an inv.

Sunflower 04/07/2022 (Thu) 22:41:21 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1275 del
>Also In the last days some "heavenly dragons" with diamond and white scales wanted to serve me.
I've been seeing some dragons from time to time too, and now it seems that I got two new maids, one of which is some sort of green skinned undead and the other is anime-like.
Also found a demon statue around 2 feet tall in my astral kitchen, and some other happenings.

Its been a while since so much magical stuff has happened in my life, it's quite fun.

Sunflower 04/09/2022 (Sat) 23:30:37 [Preview] No.1282 del
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>If you can daydream it's good enough. Don't force "visualisation" too much.
I can however it seems i am experiencing some kind of brain fog i believe i am creating my own mental blocks at this point, not the first time it happened so i am not worried just need to find what's causing it.

>Cleansing is introspection first then an active effort of taking apart things that look or taste harmful.
Sounds like a journey.
From what i understand one also needs to go retrieve repressed memories and clean each one, becoming whole again in the process.
picking up pieces so to speak.
funny i played some level in a game the other day about fighting your way through the mc mind to unlock a memory magically sealed by fairies.

>So I had to continue the cleansing no matter what. It was a good motivating factor.
Did you try that on bad personalities "quirks" or even a whole personality?
I've been feeding a personality that helps me function in society but that i despise, i think this whole deal is creating a bit of a problem for me, however i can not yet kill it so it'll have to be the current "me".
I wonder if it's possible to create some kind of personality without any attachment to it, without nay kind of natural desire or disgust toward it so that it may be discarded easily one day for a more appropriate one, some kind of interface.

>in the end it's your decision.
it's not doing much beside being cute I'll see how much i can modify it without making a monster again.

>My body is full with fairies currently.
this is a bit scary no?
aren't fairies extremely dangerous ? or is it some kind of contract ?
I don't know much about dragons think i saw one once, i just know i really like them.

Sunflower 04/10/2022 (Sun) 15:50:46 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1283 del
>if it's possible to create some kind of personality without any attachment to it
I've done this using one of my previous lives as a model to create a semi-bot which just does things, by letting it possess my body. The setup isn't all that easy to explain. After a while it just became a part of my mind. It's somewhat similar to creating a tulpa and changing place with it, except it was never a complete individually functioning "person".

Sunflower 04/10/2022 (Sun) 18:18:43 [Preview] No.1284 del
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so it's semi-automatic ?
you give it orders and let it operate your body?

It should be possible to make some kind of new personality with limited access to all available memories i believe, one that is specialized to achieve something, without any of the old one beliefs or limitations but maybe that's a bit difficult?
and what would the consciousness be doing, be the one acting just in a brainwashed state or not.
I tried to make a tulpa years ago, not really what i am looking for, they get their own will and become independent so fast, had to lock one on a mental island, hope we can make up one day.

Sunflower 04/10/2022 (Sun) 21:56:12 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1285 del
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I used the botsoul manager with the remote to device an "open bot" based on my past life personality Cuddlesworth, who's since spent 800 years on the astral possessing people to learn things like knife fighting and boxing and also took part in WW1 by possessing soldiers over and over as they attacked over no man's land. I didn't create a stand alone bot though, instead I made it into an "open tulpa" and place it in my body with me standing behind, so that all practical things are done by the automatic function.

After a while, maybe 1-2 weeks the layer was incorporated so much with me that it became a natural way of acting and was no longer noticeable as different from my current personality. That was the goal anyway, to learn how to automate practical movements and how to act with no emotions attached to it. It's an advanced form of roleplay, you should learn that for dealing with mundies either way. You're no lying about who you are if you are acting out a role you created intentionally. You're merely in-role.

Sunflower 04/10/2022 (Sun) 22:18:14 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1286 del
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>Sounds like a journey.
It is one.
>From what i understand one also needs to go retrieve repressed memories and clean each one, becoming whole again in the process.
>picking up pieces so to speak.
The most important part
>Did you try that on bad personalities "quirks" or even a whole personality?
Well because my childhood was shit I had a bunch of traumas but I had a chance to break away from them so in high school I started to rebuild my personality. I made a colosseum mental palace just to gather all my possible personalities to remake a new.
In the end. There was 2 main personality. The "star-child" that was the me who almost died with my childhood. He had the vision and creativity. He was the "weak" leader that needed to be protected no matter what. Then the 2nd in command was the "frontline general". As I was overcoming everything in my childhood I realized I can do everything if I really want. I realized I have the will for everything and I can do anything if I am willing to pay the "price" for it. The reason why he didn't become the dominant me because to him the end goal would have been world domination... Which is a grand idea... but I realized if I achieve that and history books will remember my name for several millennia it still wouldn't make me happy and that was the reason he was 2nd in command. He had vision only for this world and nothing beyond it.
Then there was a 3rd "emergency" one. He was a bloody psychopath enclosed in a cage full with spikes and razors. His job was to endure the harshest situations and no mater how hopeless situations may turn he will enjoy it. If something would overcome the 2 main personality he will be the next they have to deal with. And how do you deal with someone whose comfort zone is pain and isolation?
This was my previous idea of "no weakness".
Then I "found" a "mage" personality deep inside myself. He was something beyond this life and a mystery for a long time. I gave him the "immortality project". So I couldn't really use him as a personality for a while.

Now how this went. While I was able to overcome every hurdle life threw at me with them... They slowly got corrupted in a way I almost died. The star child almost died because no matter the hurdles I overcame life got even worse and the way out looked more and more impossible. The general got way too angry and crude to maximize efficiency to overcome everything. I tried to unite the star child and the general several times but it didn't work.
The reason was that none of them was the "real me". They were part of me but not the complete me.
I had to go through every problem and memory of mine and destroy everything. It's funny tho. When you are going through them sometimes it affects reality. Like I was real tired and I usually used my anger to keep myself awake. But I had less things to be angry about. So I got angry about my childhood bully and the things he did. The next day I met him on the gas station (didn't see him for 13 years). He recognized me and said hi. I didn't even notice him at first. Well he looked so ugly I realized I couldn't even inflict a more cruel punishment on him than the life he is living. This way that "memory" got resolved. Some other times when I went through with memories with other people they randomly called me on phone for no reason. It was weird. But the bad energies had to leave my mind and body because it sabotaged my development.
Then I realized I forgot about the caged psycho personality of mine. Because of all the cleaning I did with all my thoughts when I opened his cage he was pure white and floating above the spikes. He smiled and returned into my body.
When you complete yourself nothing will be able to hurt you anymore. Also had a bunch of fight with my jungian shadow too. But when the cleansing reached a point he told me "there is no difference between us anymore" and returned into my body.

Sunflower 04/10/2022 (Sun) 22:41:15 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1287 del
>It should be possible to make some kind of new personality with limited access to all available memories i believe, one that is specialized to achieve something

You can do those but if you "complete" yourself there will be no need. When you "want" something you will know what you will need to do and when talking to people you will realize what you need to say.

This is also a solution. I also did this.

But in the end you need to realize your complete being. The realization is the important part. For years I "worshipped" myself. It was to create a being that does my magical works "passively". It worked but... it turns out I created a "false god". I had to kill him and retake my energies so I could realize my "self". Because that thing "served" as my higher self. But it wasn't my real self. Which caused a lot of problems because if you use a "false higher self" then the connection to your real self gets broken and you slowly die because of it. But yes incorporating past lives into the "current life" is an important thing. When I did that I felt my body is "completing itself" then I had to incorporate the lessons of "this life" too. Then go "beyond them". Because the "earth life" is not everything. It gets real hard to write about this. Especially because I didn't exactly do everything "intentionally". One thing led to an another and it just happened on "it's own".

Also don't forget. Life is a big roleplay. We roleplay things because "reasons" and if you can go beyond it you can readjust the "roles" whenever you want.

Sunflower 04/10/2022 (Sun) 23:41:51 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1288 del
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>The next day I met him on the gas station (didn't see him for 13 years)
This has happened with several people I had issues with, and they all had turned out pathetic. It was actually horrible to see in some cases, mostly how much they'd aged or simply stagnated.
Pic related.

I'd had to not want to do this, but this is just too good of an example. And no these aren't fakes, the first is a screencap of a vid, I've seen it.

>It was to create a being that does my magical works "passively". It worked but... it turns out I created a "false god". I had to kill him and retake my energies
The problem for me has been that all my creations are reabsorbed into me after only a short while and the automation stops working. It took me many attempts before I managed to create a flying fairy (MMO style) which circulates around me and has all my magic abilities, which she can cast based on how I would have done it so I don't have to think about it. In the end I think this only worked because my intent to do the things she's doing was so strong it's actually just a manifestation of my intent, not a separate mind or entity.

Sunflower 04/11/2022 (Mon) 12:33:11 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1289 del
I asked Yuuka again for a summary of the world situation. She said the following: The countries where some people still have human souls are UK, Germany, Russia, Japan and India. Other countries are not empty of sentient beings, but those don't have human souls. They're incarnated lyrans, reptilians, mantis, martians and some other. There are also other non-humans who look human, like native reptilians.
Humans will be concentrated to these population centres in the future, for recreation of culture. This also means that if you live in other places, don't pay too much attention to what people are doing, those are scripted events or zombies running on auto. It only has meaning based on your own karma and the effects of spirit possession of these people.

Sunflower 04/11/2022 (Mon) 20:47:47 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1290 del
(79.50 KB 600x900 Ordinary magician.jpg)
What even counts as a "human soul" nowadays.
>UK, Germany
They are in a deep shit. Even France looks more competent nowadays.
>those are scripted events
Good thing nobody here got scriptwriting privileges h-haha. That would be crazy

Sunflower 04/11/2022 (Mon) 20:59:32 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1291 del
(18.24 KB 731x99 france.png)
>France looks more competent
I specifically asked the galfed about this during a channeling before. This was the reply, see pic.
>What even counts as a "human soul" nowadays.
"Same as it always has been, someone whose astral body takes the form of a human while they are incarnated as one. So a reptilian or martian is not human even when in a human body, same for xenomorphs and greys, they still retain their original form. Botsouls don't count either. And purely degenerated people end up looking like the twisted people in that horror comic, you know the one. They aren't human anymore at that point." - Yuuka

Sunflower 04/12/2022 (Tue) 00:18:58 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1292 del
So, I was looking through 8kun looking for how to visit Gensokyo to find out which touhou I could become, and found the super session stuff which I had forgotten about, I never did it because Snail said he had done it for me somehow and I just needed to do one to push through to the last level, is that true or should I do the super session?

Also is it necessary to visit Gensokyo in a group session to find out which Touhou I could become or is there another way?

Sunflower 04/12/2022 (Tue) 08:58:15 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1293 del
>I never did it
Then you should do one. This is not just about breaking through things, all sessions like this are also shared to work as learning examples. If you don't perform it, you won't know how to do them. It's implied that you will later want to do similar sessions and then you can recall how this was done and device your own method.
>is it necessary to visit Gensokyo in a group session to find out which Touhou I could become
You can do it alone. Follow the same procedure. (But there are always people visiting.)

Sunflower 04/12/2022 (Tue) 20:45:37 Id: 87189f [Preview] No.1295 del
What is your opinion of Teal Swan? I find her very enigmatic. Something's definitely off about her. Also, it might be because they live/have lived in the same area, but she reminds me a lot of EA Koetting the way she talks.

Sunflower 04/12/2022 (Tue) 21:01:13 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1296 del
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>Teal Swan
Sure, a person can do whatever and their past doesn't have to determine who they are forever. But then why hide it? To me it seems like someone just hopping on the thing that works for the moment. Modelling didn't work? Why not try becoming a guru?
I don't like her, she's just talking nonsense with no substance. If she actually had something to say it would be different.

Sunflower 04/13/2022 (Wed) 03:03:15 [Preview] No.1297 del
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>it became a natural way of acting and was no longer noticeable as different from my current personality.
Oh, so in a way it's adding some kind of "mode" or function to the main personality.
different from what i was thinking but interesting nonetheless.
thank you for explaining it.

>You're no lying about who you are if you are acting out a role you created intentionally. You're merely in-role.
..you're right, maybe i should start to figure who i really am first, otherwise i am just making a mess.

>I made a colosseum mental palace just to gather all my possible personalities to remake a new.
Oh i had something like 3 dragon girls sitting in three thrones, they were different "me" i was trying to make.

>The reason was that none of them was the "real me". They were part of me but not the complete me.
I think i understand, thank you for sharing your experience.
I tend to remember some seemingly random posts from 8ch or random forums, books too
like puzzle pieces coming the moment i need them, so this helps make my decision on what to do next.
I was also bullied and have a lot of trauma from childhood, having your parents harming you create some kind of disconnect that i have yet to resolve.
Years ago i lost the sound of my thought, not completely but as if they were being silenced with a pillow, or underwater.
These days my visualization is pretty bad too, it feels like swimming in ink.
But I also had a good Lucid dream, with the most vivid colors, I mean IRL feels like a dream this was much better, i always had static in my eyes, random colors showing up in my vision too, the color are dull
and the sun feels hostile like some reverse winter depression, even developed a sun allergy somehow..
Maybe it's my way out, no mind chatter pure concentration and a beautiful world to explore and problems to solves there, and a lot of cleaning to do too, no place for corruption if a lot of brain power is busy maintaining the dream.
I sometimes talk to somebody in dream, they make fun of me for not remembering what they're telling me, saw glimpse of the future a few times there.
I'll try to swim deeper and see what i find.

Sunflower 04/13/2022 (Wed) 09:03:13 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1298 del
>even developed a sun allergy somehow..
I think the sun is stronger now than just last year, I've been really sensitive to it in the past few months.

Sunflower 04/14/2022 (Thu) 23:29:57 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1309 del
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And as I was trying to figure out the lessons of Temperance (which is akin to the lessons of tantra). I realized the keypoint of it is "purpose". We need purpose to channel the energies into our life. But what is a purpose? Well it's usually a "mission" or an "activity" we find for our"self" or it gets assigned by some "greater force". Now I realized I don't want to waste time as I "roleplay" some activity which let's me gain the all encompassing energies of "purpose". I want "purpose" be part of my being. So whatever I do it is my purpose and I am not kicked around by some weird force of nature just to complete myself. As I figured out what is purpose and felt all my "cups" being filled (figuring out the details while having the most basic ideas about tarot is fun). A lion appeared and led me to a starry night with aurora borealis and told me that
>You need to become the stars themselves
So with this I jumped to the stars tarot card. My misconception was that there is 1 central point of creation. Which is true but it bleeds into the "other realities" in a different way so you need to become "more than 1 star". All the chakras can be called a "star"
Now I am trying to figure out what I can still destroy in the "tower" because the stars give you a steady energy flow but if your mind goes ashtray because some lingering imperfection it just stops. Which is great and safe but slooooow.

So currently I took a step back and went back to the tower and channeling a large amount of energy to see what it can still break inside me. Because the tower signifies sudden destruction or calamity. But if we can destroy our shit foundations and instantly replace it as it gets destroyed? Well it means awakening. And I still need to awaken further because I slip back into the slumber when I am not paying attention.

Which session was that again. I think I skipped that but currently I am gaining lessons from touhous left and right and literally creating a "stage" around me on it's own so it's hard to say I am not a touhou anymore. some weird combination of Reimu Flan Okina Keiki Koishi and if I keep this up Hecate and Yukari... Not to mention all the help Yuuka gives me

>saw glimpse of the future a few times there.
>I'll try to swim deeper and see what i find.
Keep going. I am also remembering old dreams and reexperiencing them currently on my path. Things that I am figuring out now were hinted alot before. I was just not able to understand it back then

Sunflower 04/14/2022 (Thu) 23:37:54 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1310 del

Sunflower 04/17/2022 (Sun) 16:50:59 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1335 del
It feels like the last bit of energy is being sucked away, leaving only the structure. Either it happens anyway, or it's because it was invested in the Babel's Tower for earth. It gives me a feeling like something harsh but functional is waiting, like the roman empire, where small concrete meanings had high importance because of their implications. When your survival depends on it, even the smallest word will hold meaning again.

Sunflower 04/17/2022 (Sun) 20:03:45 Id: f736e1 [Preview] No.1336 del
Any book/learning material recommendations for astrology?
I've always ignored it because I wasn't sure if I could take it seriously, but a couple of events have inspired me to learn a bit about it before making a full conclusion. Or maybe divination in general.

Sunflower 04/17/2022 (Sun) 22:21:07 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1338 del
As I was using my new found "Universe sized" body to break open the chakras. When I was going through with them and reached the third eye. I merely touched it and... I finally saw just how many eldritch abomination is in my room waiting for me for probably months to finally see them... As I was thinking where the hell did they even come from? I noticed the giant portal behind them. Well those waited for me to "awaken" were the "masters" of the species but they are so far away from humanity they were unable to say even a thing. It was one that was good enough to relate to my mind so it tried to transform into a woman but couldn't hold that form. Then I went to the portal and asked some "representation" to come through that can tell me WHY ARE THEY IN MY ROOM. I cannot describe that thing that came through. I told her(?) to turn into something that can "talk" to me and it turned into the ugliest human girl slug knitted zombie whatever. As I was getting real angry that sleeping this way will be impossible because I need to put these things SOMEWHERE... Finally some "higher meta being" appeared as a mediator. She looked similar to Kaguya but couldn't hold that form so she switched into every kind of dark haired dark clothed pale skin female as she was talking. She led me a planet which was on the ocean with sea plants only evolutionary level. As she was explaining many things I asked. Can I lead the entities here? She told me yes.

So it seems these entities are "migrating" to a new place because the "abyss" were they live is kinda "expiring" and they need a new place. So I told them to go towards. Then some told me they want to "linger on this planet for a while". They got a "job" that they can carry out while they want to be here. Some not in my room job and in line with my objectives. I even "promoted a fairy" to be the "quest giver" because it seems this is such a large species and diverse I have to tell the same things over and over. This idea was still not effective so I had to "promote" an "eldritch master still around my bed" to be my "representative". I had to beam parts of my consciousness into his head so he can do his job which is TELLING THEM THAT PORTAL = NEW HOME GO THERE. He went though an evolutionary process while I was "beaming my light into it". Then some "masters" were touching my body in a weird and dumb way so I had to tell them THAT IS ALSO NOT ALLOWED. Because IT WAS NOT LIKE IN MY FAV HENTAIS. It was more awkward and hard to sleep while it happens touching. Then they finally left. Now they ask me for "counsel" sometimes.
When you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes back... and parks into your bedroom. While not being cute girls at all ;_;
Also tried to go into that portal. It was a bad idea. No wonder they are leaving that place. It's like if the abyss was some dense liquid material that eats light. Absolutely dampens your energies. Not the best addition to my collection of weird things.

Sunflower 04/17/2022 (Sun) 22:41:32 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1340 del
I have a portal in my kitchen just next to the fridge. I always felt uneasy walking by that spot at night, until I a put up a silly embroidery with two cartoon cats on the wall there. After that it stopped. I asked my greys about and they said there's just a portal there, and that the silly cat picture keeps the worst ghasts away. I kept having the feeling that someone occasionally looked at the picture and was confounded. That's what happened, the nastiest beings just didn't understand what that silly thing was doing there and forgot what they were doing, then left again. Sometimes nicer beings come in from there though.
Look into female wendigos if you like monsters, they're some of the nicest warmest beings out there ;^) and they smell good too.

Sunflower 04/17/2022 (Sun) 23:45:24 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1342 del
Yeah well... Thanks to the fact that I had no idea how to install the 0 particle in the beginning. I realized how to alter causality if it's under "my domain". So the portal is in that new world now. And I have a portal to the ocean planet. Which is quite nice. Now only those who can master the evolutionary process can come through. (fun fact when I am leaving this "type of existence" to go to an another "evolutionary perspective" I always have a vision of cavemen or monkeys. Very humbling to realize that this vessel is just a big clump of cells that decided to live on trees then came down to eat other animals so it can house this large of a consciousness.)
I also put my dick into the portal it felt weird and nice and then the energy tried to eat my body so I had to abort that and use all my cleansing ideas and asking entities of that domain to pull their energy back... And before someone says something how this was the dumbest coomer idea that a proper magi could even think of I have to tell you this is a very important universal mechanic and gods do this all the time. Because gods are coomers and put their dicks into the abyss for weird reasons. (literally half the creation myths are about how a god put his dick into something that wasn't an other god)

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 04:43:27 Id: 4db13b [Preview] No.1350 del
>because the "abyss" were they live is kinda "expiring" and they need a new place.
This matches my idea that the abyss/Daath will no longer be where it is in the tree of life or will be gone, as the earth ascends back to it which is supposedly its rightful place.

This gave me some ideas, can't this method be used to aquire qualities? Like, creating a botsoul with the perfect wizard mind for practicing magic(astral projection, focus, willpower, etc), or possessing siddhis or for reaching enlightenment and slowly integrating it?

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 11:18:42 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1351 del
>creating a botsoul with the perfect wizard mind for practicing magic(astral projection, focus, willpower, etc), or possessing siddhis or for reaching enlightenment and slowly integrating it
If you make the botsoul too good it will gain self-awareness because it served as the perfect summoning ground for manifesting a real being from the void. It took me a while to understand how to do this if you want to maintain them as bots. I came up with a combination of leaving them very "open" on the backside, and giving them a "RAM" instead of a "HDD", then on a weekly basis they have to send back their stored memories to me in a report, after which the RAM is reset. This way they don't gain knowledge over time. If you make them too principled on the other hand they just remain for a long time and will probably start causing shit later on because they didn't expire when their society did, and they'll be in conflict with the next society while still having a lot of low level skill. It makes those botsouls very dangerous.

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 12:24:26 Id: 4db13b [Preview] No.1355 del
Fugg, guess I'll have to rethink my plans of making my Servant/Goddess/Waifu then. Hopefully making my botsouls benevolent means they won't cause trouble in the future.

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 12:49:22 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1356 del
(438.04 KB 2000x2000 70878868_p0.jpg)
>making my Servant/Goddess/Waifu
I advice summoning one from the void instead. You can make a new being manifest if you have a clear and strong idea of who they would be.
When I first time saw Boosette I thought it was a ghost using the image, but later on someone during a session asked why there's someone who looks like a Nintendo character with me. We looked into it and it turns out Boosette was just a character created by the fanart community, she didn't exist until I expected her to exist. That's whey a Boosette came to me.
Think of the void as a dark and mysterious vortex of nothing, where anything can exist if there is a reason for it to exist. Beings coming from there aren't bots, they're real.

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 13:07:57 Id: 4db13b [Preview] No.1358 del
>I advice summoning one from the void instead.You can make a new being manifest if you have a clear and strong idea of who they would be.
I see, though I wonder if I can summon one that is 100% loyal and obedient like I want it to be.
>We looked into it and it turns out Boosette was just a character created by the fanart community, she didn't exist until I expected her to exist.
Interesting, reminds me of when pic related showed up in my room. I was really attracted to her design so I guess being high energy at the time ended up evoking her.

BTW I just found this https://youtube.com/watch?v=FTl4SIRWJwA [Embed] its an AI thing so I thought that maybe you would be interested in taking a look, its description is in the first post.

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 20:27:49 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1360 del
>This matches my idea that the abyss/Daath will no longer be where it is in the tree of life or will be gone, as the earth ascends back to it which is supposedly its rightful place.
Correct. We will be "farther" from the abyss and closer to the source or "heaven" and it will "harder" to fall into it. The closer you are to the light the farther is the dark.

>This gave me some ideas, can't this method be used to aquire qualities
There is a hard to grasp first but gets more evident as you progress trick. If you can figure out what is the reason that makes you unable to "reach the "perfect" wizard mind". You can solve that problem then "find someone" who has that and assume that mind.
When I was in uni I accidentally figured out how to copy the mind of someone who writes the same test as me. I didn't even comprehended the questions but knew the answers to it instantly. Somehow I copied the mind of a very diligent studious girl.
Then the next week I used this trick and it kinda backfired... As I was reading the most simple questions I knew I know the answer to it but somehow I am unable to figure it out. Well it turned out I copied the mind of my lazy roommate who never even learned... Then I stopped using this trick because it was like using a low level skill in DnD (you can't throw nat20 all the time). And actually studying was more reliable than this...
But now as I am interacting with ancient superwise impossible to comprehend entities they can literally "beam" their knowledge into my mind if I ask for it. First you think nothing happened but later when a problem arises you will suddenly know the answer without even thinking too much about it. The last deity that did this to me was Thoth.
I asked him for more understanding. Beamed his light into my mind then I told him I don't understand more
then he told me
>because currently you are understanding everything
And yes it's a continuous process but you will have more and more insights when your mind ever makes up a question that needs an answer. You just need to achieve a "similar mindwave" as the entity you are interacting with. I also got bored explaining entities when it's a complicated problem so I just beam it to them what I want and do my things.
Also you need to figure out how you got into the mental state. I had a weird skill of getting into perfect mental states when I really really really wanted but couldn't replicate it at will.

>I wonder if I can summon one that is 100% loyal and obedient like I want it to be.
The trick is that you need to trust yourself that you can do it. When you summon and think omg I will probably summon a 2 FACED BITCH THAT WILL BETRAY ME WHEN I LEAST EXPECT. Then it will happen. If you can believe that you are able to summon the perfect waifu it can happen. The universe is big and there is that meme (can't find it)
>in some other dimension you are someone's perfect husbando
And boom universal matchmaking happens. Waifu for laifu
And don't forget marriage contracts with entities are a thing. That makes them loyal waifu for laifu

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 22:21:27 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1364 del
>qi gong master may be possessed by a "futi", a spirit attaching to them to steal their vital energy

Hey guys guess what got thrown into the abyss portal currently stationed on an another planet.
>let me steal your vital energies so you can run on nothing but pure energies
>it's beneficial to you I swear
Sure as hell kid
Enjoy making friends with the horrors of the deep

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 22:38:28 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1365 del
One of the examples of "futi" he uses in ZF is, guess who? The fox who just broke free of the "killing stone" in Japan and who now has their own general on 4/x/. They're described as foxes and snakes. I'm not saying all foxes are good, but they're doing a lot better than humans now, they're basically upholding traditions in east asia. And snakes have been given a really bad reputation for no reason relating to anything they've done, it's pure propaganda spread against them. Kundalini is a snake, go figure, they don't want you to awaken her. This is where I started realizing a lot of the statements are informationally correct but biased in reverse to the truth. Don't give your vital energy to foxes, that's harmful of course, but don't give it to a qi gong master either. There is sustainably produced energy you can give them, and get an equal amount in return, there's no need to give away your limited resources for a material benefit.

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 22:50:04 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1366 del
>reminds me of when pic related showed up in my room. I was really attracted to her design so I guess being high energy at the time ended up evoking her.
You should really consider this method of void manifestation. I was unable to locate any existing possible partner for what I had in mind so I visualized all the relevant elements I wanted them to have, in detail, with emotional reactions I expect to have and all other benefits as well as what they get out of it. Then I pushed this image into the void, and it worked. But it seems I had to become one of them for this interaction to be complete, it turned into a new demon DNA string.
Apparently demons have very conservative ideas for what body hair is supposed to be like, they found my preference for a fur covered chest for both males and females to be very brutal and uncivilized. Pic related, what kind of barbarian has hairy chest...?

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 22:57:14 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1368 del
>They're described as foxes and snakes

It's a snake. No it's a white parasite that comes out from your chakra but it actually drains the energies. And it's not one. I summoned an entire species.


I got rid of like 40 already. It's more of like a tapeworm. But makes a suffocating feeling. If you get rid of one it comes out from an another chakra. And yes you can tame it (and when I looked up that monk who made the stone for Tamamo he congratulated me for "taming" her... like it's some grand feat.

But the futi are unable to come through "mastered" chakras. It can only abuse "incomplete ones". Also a great "lesson" entity.
>qi gong "masters"
yeah sure they were

>my preference for a fur covered chest for both males and females to be very brutal and uncivilized. Pic related, what kind of barbarian has hairy chest...?

They have some thing for a "clean" body. Legs can be animalistic because they "walk the lower densities with it.(and hands too because they do "dirty work with it" But their body must be akin "to the gods".
It's some weird concept like this.

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 23:25:50 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1370 del
>They're described as foxes and snakes

Okay I just remembered Tamamo also did this at the start. But she used mini larvae like beings. After kicking her through several hell dimension for a purification it never happened again so I kinda forgot that it even happened. Well it seems she has a quite good proficiency controlling them.

Nvm they are from a giant egregore. The snakes are more of "tentacles" of a greater being. This thing sure was fed alot by other people.
As you destroy the "core" it changes tactics.
This is quite interesting. They have their own realm. It's red and pink. I missed mercilessly murdering things in other realms anyway. Being enlightened takes away those "childish ways". Intelligent entities realized I enjoy fighting too much but never attack first. Well this parasite doesn't really have that "intelligence". F U N

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 23:39:19 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1371 del
(474.53 KB 800x1000 squigly.png)
It's literally this how it looks like. I have no idea where the skullgirls creators got this idea. The tail looks that way because that is the part that can "store" the energy. They are giant balls in the realms. It lives in multiple realms. As I get rid of them it gets less and less intelligent. And yes it can literally go through your head like that. I didn't encounter this kind of a "pure" parasite before.

And it's not kundalini. Not the cool pet of Samael. You can mindcontrol it to give you minor sacral chakra orgasm but it's so negligible I will not keep it for that.

And no I don't think this thing can make your corpse come back from the dead

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 23:44:58 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1372 del
(184.04 KB 623x901 tail.png)
forgot to post a pic where the tail is visible. It's far bigger than that but that is where the "core" resides. It always amazes me how concepts "Bleed" into this reality. It's literally this fucking thing on the pic.

Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 23:56:38 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1373 del
(88.22 KB 1089x679 futi.png)
Futi is just a chinese term, it doesn't refer to a specific being. Here is the mention in "Falun Gong", the shorter instruction book for the exercises.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 00:02:41 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1374 del
last blogpost for today...
In this game this shit is called Leviathan. Just read about him and yes that is a great being in hell. So I asked him to kill these shits because it seems they are close to his domain and can get rid of them more simply.
Leviathan can get rid of this but not all other giant snake entities know of them? Weird as usual.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 00:15:35 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1376 del
Yes it can go into the brain but it can't do shit to your third eye if it's opened already.
Wish I had simple desires as
>getting rich from healing
I literally have no idea what they are even attacking? There was 2 that were chasing each other like some halo in my head. Unbelievably simple creatures.
But yeah it works from an other dimension than the entities I met before.
Guess I will reach a new level of desire mastery today. Or an absolute gong mastery.

actually he didn't lie
too bad. Have fun in your new home

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 06:02:09 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1379 del
>And don't forget marriage contracts with entities are a thing. That makes them loyal waifu for laifu
I actually wanted to marry this girl that I met in a dream and gave me her true name, she was just my type and I felt really good in her presence and she recomended me a book that ended up being a physical book about soulmates. But then in another dream, I was pulled somewhere else and I was having sex with a girl and she showed up and said "you say that you wanna marry me, but here you are fucking someone else?". I wasn't even conscious of it so I worry that if I marry her I won't be able to stay loyal. And I have no idea how often I'd be able to meet her or interact with her with my skill levels tbh?

>You should really consider this method of void manifestation. I was unable to locate any existing possible partner for what I had in mind so I visualized all the relevant elements I wanted them to have, in detail, with emotional reactions I expect to have and all other benefits as well as what they get out of it.
Interesting method, I'll keep it in mind.

>they found my preference for a fur covered chest for both males and females to be very brutal and uncivilized. Pic related, what kind of barbarian has hairy chest...?
I can't disagree with them tbh, sorry.
Since you didn't mention it, I'll assume that there was nothing interesting in the link here >>1358 which I understand is a big possibility. Sorry if it bothered you.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 10:01:45 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1380 del
(1.43 MB 498x280 senko.gif)
>Since you didn't mention it, I'll assume that there was nothing interesting in the link here
I played it on phone but saw no content, just a still image and no sound, but felt a slight energy come from it. I meant to look at it later but never got to it. I don't want to expose myself to unknown "energy" meant to change something in me when I don't know what it is, so I didn't pry further at the time.
I looked again now on computer so I could open it in a new window but the description really doesn't say what it is, and links to a site which charges a rather high sum to play more of these? I'm analysing the energy from it now using the remote. It has some effect but I want to know who the source is and what it is.

>But then in another dream, I was pulled somewhere else and I was having sex with a girl and she showed up and said "you say that you wanna marry me, but here you are fucking someone else?
Sounds like they are pointing out inconsistencies in your thinking. I was never able to grasp the meaning of monogamy, it always felt wrong to me. I was indoctrinated by watching 80s-90s romantic movies always ending in marriage when I grew up, but I didn't really know of any explicitly married couple irl, so the concept didn't stick. The best men should have many children, it's best from a racial superiority perspective. I don't know how people can believe in natural selection and darwinism and still not see this. I think my past life personas are also whispering into my mind that monogamic marriage is just a way for women to enslave men, I never liked it. It's essentially a form of social castration.

I saw this quote once in a book my grandma had
Before marriage a lion, after marriage a donkey
referring to men.
That's exactly what married men are like. They turn into serfs. The only things they are allowed to do are weightlifting, endurance sports or playing Nintendo, things that maintain a moronic and narrow mindset with no free will.

I don't think your astral waifu wants you to become that, so they're testing you to see how you react to criticism. Even less can you be monogamous with a spirit who isn't in the physical, they can't demand this of you because then you'd practically be a monk. And those are not meant to have relations with anyone, even spirits.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 10:34:02 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1382 del
>I looked again now on computer so I could open it in a new window but the description really doesn't say what it is
The description is quite long, so he put it in the first post, but its confusing, tbh I thought you would just be able to see the energy and somehow understand it without playing it, but I guess there was nothing to look at. BTW most of his videos are just silent, thats normal. This one also attracted my attention https://youtube.com/watch?v=AWEB_qNgKNU [Embed] dunno if there is something to it. Sorry if I'm bothering you with this.

>Sounds like they are pointing out inconsistencies in your thinking.
Yeah, this is a thing, as much as I want to marry I guess I don't really want to be tied to just one woman and want a harem or just fuckbudies.

>I think my past life personas are also whispering into my mind that monogamic marriage is just a way for women to enslave men, I never liked it. It's essentially a form of social castration.
True, I see that all the time.

>I don't think your astral waifu wants you to become that, so they're testing you to see how you react to criticism.
I hadn't thought of that.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 13:59:01 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1384 del
>dunno if there is something to it
There is, it just took me a while to analyse. It was something I was meant to see, and for everyone else here also. See
I made a module for creating a controlled connection to it. It gives me "a feeling of potato salad" when using it. You will have to explore it yourself.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 16:00:55 Id: 331c6f [Preview] No.1385 del
Monogamy isn't optimal when the purpose of mating is reproduction. But I always felt like there should be some other purpose than that. An immortal being would have no reason to reproduce, right? The biggest reason why biological organisms reproduce is because they need to in order to keep existing. That's irrelevant to immortals. And even if an immortal did have children he'd have to put some of himself into the child, which would make him lesser, maybe even making him mortal as his essence moves to the next generation. People were talking about "splitting" somewhere here? Like that. I think that's part of the reason why mortal beings die in the first place.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 20:10:37 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1386 del
>I think that's part of the reason why mortal beings die in the first place
that is one reason the other reason is that they decided they don't want to become a "worthy vessel" for their spirit. So they need to retry retry and retry still they become it.

Now about my current parasite problem. Well I knew Tamamo became "conscious" by interacting with humans because she "leached" their consciousness. But foxes are cunning. They are intelligent already. You can reason with them.

Now here comes the problem with the "snakes". Most of the mythologies have a big ass snake that a God defeats. It's easy because it's big has a big head and if you kill that it usually dies rith?

Well... There is a Gilgamesh myth where he finds the grass of immortality tries to bring back it into Babylon falls asleep and the snake eats it.
It's because in dimensions where we are not "awake" this shitty parasite can leach our light until it becomes conscious. And good thing this shit is on multiple densities because it comes and goes through some other dimension.
Now that is not the full problem. If you kill it it just splits apart and while it becomes more weak and more stupid. It gets faster. Then it will latch onto some other part of yours. It's impossible to kill because it "eats" consciousness and the whole being is a coreless rogue conscience. Heracles when killing the hydra had to burn the cut off neck so it doesn't reform and turns into more.

Now if killing doesn't work then what works. Well... it seems this consciousness leaching after finding true consciousness is the greatest problem before we reach immortality.

And boy it has many solutions but none of them are permanent enough.
So the solutions. Kundalini. Literal snake but your mastered snake and it's made of fire and that fire burns other snakes.
Shiva has a snake coiling around him signifying the mastery of the ego. Samael also rides the serpent. It's literally easy to command and does what you say to him. When God noticed what the serpent did he cursed him to crawl the earth. You can bind it into solid material like rocks or metal and as the fusion happens it becomes less conscious and can't do shit until it gathers enough consciousness to break free. The red spike sorta makes sure this shit is unable to enter from lower densities. But it's on higher densities too and the red spike reaches that "less" In the god tier layer it's also not existent because it's so hot it instantly burns it. So if you can channel a high degree of energy constantly it can't do shit once again.

But if you are unable to handle it... It literally causes brainrot and turns you into a zombie. It not just "clogs" the source of light of yours but starts to leach the light in your mind. Also it uses your chakra system to go into lower densities. If you chased it out from your crown chakra it goes into the throat and heart.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 20:14:42 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1387 del
(184.11 KB 850x1198 Sanae.jpg)
Also because you can "fuse" with entities. All you have to figure out what is the "base desire" that keeps it "together". Leviathan represents envy. When I wanted to absorb the ones in my crown chakra. Before I realized what is that it makes them a "different entity" from me. It was
>I am jealous of the gods
after this I could fuse with them and they couldn't do a thing.
Then the one with my heart said.
>I have nothing
Because they are higher density and they are trying to reach "nothing" aka the abyss and heart aka love connects the heavens to earth.

And this is why "walls" are necessary. They get into you in any "crack" they found. I even commanded them to find the cracks plug it and turn into the hardest material. Then smaller ones came through the cracks. I told them again to plug it with their body. It was so effective that my whole body started to vibrate from the high energy flow that it resulted.
Then alot more came and broke them open again...

This is what The World tarot card represents. The completion of your being. When you decide I am big enough and stop expanding then "wall" yourself into a permanent form from the "outside" world.

Because these snakes are "loose consciousness" And the more we gather the more we will shed.
That is why the Falun Dafa failed. It grew too fast and these parasites became uncontrollable.
I didn't even had a real problem with them before I "invited them in" by thinking ooooh they can't be THAT bad. And Sanae also has a snake around her hair signifying that her Miko powers come from "mastering desire"

Btw now I remembered of that jellyfish entity that was mentioned years ago. How did that work again.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 21:11:24 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1388 del
Okay reading the great consummation way now because I need to figure out what I am missing.
>buddha infant
happened by removing all my childhood traumas and finding out my core child and letting it grow up
>they will be able to reach the state of Three
Flowers Gathered Atop the Head within a few years.
Oh that was the thing the demon girls did.
Good to know the fringe style bullshit occultism and a big ERP is all you need
>This is the highest level one can
achieve during In-Triple-World-Law cultivation.
Yeah sure thing
>Buddha Showing a Thousand Hands
I can't believe I did that without moving a muscle. So this is what happens when a bunch of Buddhas are watching over you. You just do the things

Okay I will read this book. Falling upwards on stairs without having any idea what is going on is weird and I need some idea of my "foundation".

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 21:44:30 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1389 del
The snake is the "last guardian" of the "gong". I had no problem with him but I summoned him with my curiosity. He is a fuckhuge entity. I jumped into his mouth and after coming out of his tail I exploded him so the way is clear.
Fucking myths and stupid ERP of the ancients. Made me almost get brainrot.
Yes I figured out the realization by getting angry how dumb the movements are. And by constantly summoning snakes down my spine.
>No mind movements necessary
>I will protect you with my big law body
Yeah sure thanks pal. If I don't know of this big snake bullshit concept I would have been fine by myself.

Whatever I will finish the book. The insights flow in faster if it makes me angry.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 21:59:17 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1391 del
>Sanae also has a snake around her hair
You sure that isn't just a huge sperm ;P
>that jellyfish entity that was mentioned years ago. How did that work again.
They're called Tritons and are immortals. You can temporarily paralyze them using the rainbow colored bell, it should be shared in the storage by the Sunflower temple study. Use it repeatedly and they usually leave you alone after a while. They're not hostile, just very intrusive (I had them wear a ring to turn into women since they persisted that they should be at my mansion. They accepted that but they don't speak, like most monsters they only use telepathy even if you force them to appear human).
Take my advice and ground yourself properly, you're moving too fast and from what I see in your posts this puts you at risk.
I've seen this style of posting before and it ended with the person admitted to Ukrainian mental ward. Not a place you want to be.

By this I mean take a serious break from actively trying to do anything, stop your thinking with a mantra or just sit in lotus position with palms up for an hour to balance yourself. Not just now, but daily for say at least a week.

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 22:02:20 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1392 del
(2.46 MB 1409x813 shiva snakes.png)
The snakes represent all the multiple density bodies and you master them as you master the ego. They are not just bodies they are a channel of energy too.
And I did that but unsynced them by that oooooooo spoopy futi concept of theirs. I MUST KNOW WHAT IS A FUTI I said and the universe answered... I can't believe I almost fucked up my truth because of reading how qi gong masters are fucking noobs at interpreting myths. The "snakes" mean the multi density bodies are in a "disagreement"
No wonder Shiva is always a misantrophic shit when on this earth. Understanding the stupidity of others is the greatest hurdle of this life. Sometimes things get so bad even he needs Kali to clean up this place

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 22:17:10 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1393 del
Yeah I know but this futi shit would have killed me. I had to fix it. Imagine all your energies turning against you and cannibalizing your body. All I need now is to be in agreement with multi density me. Shiva wears the crown while all the snakes too.
He is the king but all the snakes are kings. They are the same king. Being a king means the master of the ego.

I told you. I am great at reaching great heights then falling down. Then reaching it again.

>You sure that isn't just a huge sperm ;P
slut Sanae!
and the energies of the universe is a big sperm. So yes
>You can temporarily paralyze them using the rainbow colored bell
It's funny
The dwarves made me a rainbow gun. It can clear anything because it is an attack from "all the density energies"

>ground yourself properly
just did
I AM WHO I AM. And not a person who births a bunch of snakes constantly.
>ended with the person admitted to Ukrainian mental ward
if that happens to me I will use my newfound mindrape abilities.
It will not happen tho. I have other purpose than to fuck with mundanes.
>stop your thinking with a mantra
funny. I achieved absolute clear headedness after disbanding the brainrot creating "entity" and couldn't reconnect to my truth. It was weird. Not thinking. No feeling of enlightened insights. It was like I really lost my brain
>sit in lotus position with palms up for an hour to balance yourself
You know that would have been an amazing feat if I could do that instead of figuring out that I CAN INCORPORATE ALL PRACTICES BY THINKING I AM ACTUALLY DOING IT SO MY OTHER DENSITY BODIES DO THAT BY DEFAULT so I can do whatever else in this "reality". All is mind. It's just it's kinda complicated what that means.
I am figuring out that what movement is "absolutely necessary" that my "physical" body needs to do currently.
Also watching anime. The universe likes anime

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 23:12:07 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1394 del
Also now that I am one with myself and insights flow in...


About monogamy.
Monogamy is viable if you can find your "equal" or "other half". Someone that is at the same height of mind and spirit as you. As you move forward this becomes almost impossible. It only happens when you care about someone and uplift it to "your level". That way your offspring will be also godtier.

Now if you don't want to do this. The experience with the "other sex" will come though as many women as your level is. Aka having 1000 normal women as partners each having an offspring or 2 is completely ok. That way the "next vessel" of yours will come through as natural selection.
And if you are on an immortal level pregnancy is a decision and not a risk. Fucking every woman will be more of a hassle than a feat. Also if you have a "twinflame"... Well she can be more than 1 physical body. So imagine fucking multiple bodies but the same spirit. Harem on this density true love on the other. They will just have the perfect "harmony" as they live together "for some reason".

It's a quality or quantity question tbh.
Also because I got disconnected from my godhood and did multiple silly things in my frenzy I am making up with my astral girlfriends. Leviathan ate some demon girls under Lucifuge's command. It was weird because I felt them hot in my stomach. Lucifuge said whatever but it sorta made the other girls scared. I mean yeah I spit them out but still. Being a retard on the path makes the funniest journeys. Yuuka told me that if I share too many insights it might make the path of some people "less spectacular". She told me it's my decision in the end. But do I want to ruin the great revelations of others with my ways?

Sunflower 04/19/2022 (Tue) 23:29:50 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1395 del
Oh I just got aware how to open all the available "third eyes". Let's not do that today. You see every 3rd eye is a different one. if you can go up to the "3rd eye density". You become aware just how many 3rd eyes exist. Imagine your head full of eyes. Let's not mindrape our perception for today.
Seeing the abyss creatures just before I wanted to have a good nights of sleep was not the nicest 3rd eye opening experience.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 18:11:57 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1397 del
Hope everyone is alright.
Let's say the last days had a violent awakening process and I am not sure where my being ends and the other starts.
And about those "84,000" buddha realms. Well there is more. And they can get absorbed back to earth. Which means high quality souls will return either astrally or physically (also a bunch of virtue in the right hands). And asked the founder of Buddhism if that is alright. He said
>that way the Buddhas have a way to go further in their next incarnation. They might improve their understanding or do a great help. Win-win.
And this picture holds more truth about the way than an entire library.

Also learn to charm every woman that shows interest in you through love. Your post was the last missing piece of my progression. Love connects heaven and the earth. If you can figure out love you can figure out the rest. The nectar of the gods is white green for a reason. Green is the heavenly love pink is the "earthly ascended" love. And bitches love divine love. You have that. Don't waste it by fucking everything that moves. (yes I am aware that I am the one who shouldn't say that because half of his awakening was fucking everything that moves but still... Figure out how it works.
Also that is the thing that causes sweaty hands. Divine love makes a great energy flow. My hands were sweating like crazy today.
also magic circuits a thing. Nasu got that right. Now how to install that.Hint: I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 19:09:49 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1399 del
Btw the story about Kaguya...
>Among the suitors are five nobles: Prince Ishitsukuri (石作皇子), Prince Kuramochi (車持皇子), the Minister of the Right Abe no Mimuraji (右大臣阿倍御主人), the Grand Counselor Ōtomo no Miyuki (大納言大伴御行), and the Middle Counselor Isonokami no Marotari (中納言石上麻呂). They eventually persuade the old man to have Kaguya-hime choose from among them. Uninterested, Kaguya-hime devises five impossible tasks, agreeing to marry the noble who can bring her the item specified for him: the stone begging bowl of the Buddha, a jeweled branch from the mythical island of Hōrai, a robe of Chinese fire-rat skins, a colored jewel from a dragon's neck, and a cowry shell born from a swallow.

If anyone cares I will explain the legend and how it's not the "first-pseudo science fiction". Fucking mundanes.
Good thing Kaguya got an S3 with a literal starship troopers ED. The universe was telling us something for sure.
>Realizing the impossibility of his task, the first noble presents a fake stone bowl made from a blackened pot, but is exposed when Kaguya-hime notices that the bowl does not glow with holy light. The second noble presents a branch created by the country's finest jewelers, but is revealed when a messenger of the craftsmen arrives at Kaguya-hime's house to collect payment. The third noble is deceived by a merchant from China, who sells him a robe that burns when it is tested with fire. The fourth noble sets out to find a dragon at sea, but abandons his plans after encountering a storm. The fifth noble falls from a great height while reaching into a swallow's nest.

>After this, the Emperor of Japan comes to visit Kaguya-hime and, after falling in love, asks her hand in marriage. Although he is not subjected to an impossible trial, Kaguya-hime rejects his request for marriage as well, telling him that she is not from his country and therefore cannot go to the palace with him. She remains in contact with the Emperor, but continues to rebuff his proposals. Three years pass as they continue to communicate by letter.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 19:18:59 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1400 del
(1.54 MB 2100x1320 86901078_p0.jpg)
I made a serious breakthrough last night, and another during the day. It's been such a period. Another issue going back to when I was 12 was also finished, it's about how I felt christianity had no hope in it anymore and that no one could defeat the evil of the world using that faith. This feeling remained with me and made me go looking elsewhere. Naturally this was the right thing to do, but yesterday I came back to the place in my mind and emotion, and was able to restore "hope". But it took for me personally to defeat this evil of the world bit by bit during all these years. Back then I didn't know what it was, now I know just how entangled into society it was. All that was left at the time was
>give your soul to Jesus and you'll be saved
which I also saw people do to get a present after the confirmation ritual. They didn't believe in anything but that, but the saints who collected their souls didn't care. They gave them the CD player or horse or whatever they asked for in exchange for their soul.

This is no longer needed, when the evil is broken, you can become immortal yourself.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 19:33:23 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1402 del
I could share a bunch of sigils for new modules and other things, but I feel like maybe it won't do any good right now. Also if no one is going to use them it's a waste of time to draw them in sharable form.
Such as the mindwave or sigil for "satanic boxing" style. After going through all the other ones I found useful like muay thai, drunken/peek-a-boo, karate which has a very general structure and hydra which is the compound style known as Fairbairn Sykes gutter fighting, I ended up with this one left to do. It relies on a cheat-magic imparted by a Satan, which can make you temporarily bulletproof among other things.
I've drawn the sigil on my gloves to reinforce the mindwave as I train. Last time I saw someone stand by my side to the left while punching the dummy. Later an image of a shadow with large black wings appeared as my shadow. At one point to move on it seems you have to pick something which penetrates further, this feels like it for me. The other ones are good to start off with but don't seem to reach beyond the 2nd layer/duality. Perhaps hydra does but it's not a metaphysical style, it's just an uncompromising mindset of brutality.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 19:39:42 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1403 del
(28.62 KB 474x459 satanic boxing.png)
It's hard to get it right, and it doesn't even look like anything when it's done.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 19:57:39 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1406 del
It's far more dumb than that. The story of Jesus is a story HOW TO NOT FUCK SHIT UP. Jesus figured out how love is important. But couldn't figure out the rest. Jews don't know love they need all their "energy conversion trick" so they can maintain "authority". They have a great king once in a while and that is all.
Now about Jesus. He was not just in israel HE WAS IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Now why this is important. As Jesus "did his thing" Every rabbi hated him because he was "overtaking the israel egregore" and jews hated him for this by instinct. Jesus was also retarded for not noticing this and "trying to save those rabbis" by explaining the missing pieces of the scripture like he did while he was still a kid. The shit Moses did was genius. (Had some minor missing pieces but really a great story universal mechanics wise.) He went to the common man. That is a big HOSTILE REACTION from everyone under that egregore which is losing it's "foundation". Jesus did 1 more mistake. Making a "prophecy" that Judas will betray him. He was losing him to the power of the egregore but couldn't figure out what to do. He just accepted it. Big bad thing from universal perspective. Now Judas had also a chance to "betray" the prophecy of Jesus. BY BETRAYING HIS PROPHECY and becoming the "equal" of Jesus. Real hard realization when you are under the influence of a powerful being that feeds you his "body and blood" tbh. Now about Peter. Jesus told him he will "defy him". He told him I WILL NOT. Then he did. Why was this important and how did this make Peter the first pope. Peter DEFIED 2 GIANT EGREGORES. Then became the "vessel" of Jesus. With this the Roman empire started it's decline and had no choice but to "merge with the influence of Jesus".

And yes this is what Jesus does. If you can "reach his heights". And how to do that? Abandon all of your "desires and authority" (give all that to the church lol) then do nothing but "let Jesus into your heart". And he can "absorb you". And yes. "Merging with souls" is only doable by "fulfilling their desire" so they are "no longer different from you" because they are "fulfilled". As we advance on the path entities will ask us "what do you wish for". What are your desires. Well the Buddhist is I HAVE NO DESIRES K?
While mine was I can make my wishes come true thank you very much and the thing I am yearning for is not in your "power" to give to me.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 20:36:55 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1409 del
>As we advance on the path entities will ask us "what do you wish for"
Actually I have a set list of 4 items I use for these occasions. They know this by now and will usually pick something off of there in advance.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 20:52:58 Id: b47537 [Preview] No.1410 del
I might need to start assuming that I'm the only real person.

Sunflower 04/21/2022 (Thu) 21:00:04 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1411 del
>Buddha is helping me reaching proper mental peace and clarity and a sustainable energy flow. Wow.
Guess it's time to learn the basics instead of the CASTING A SPELL WITH EVERY THOUGHT OF MINE. I mean yeah I needed this. Especially the figuring out a "new type of mental peace" because the one I felt so far was kinda "boring" and I hated it.

>Actually I have a set list of 4 items I use for these occasions. They know this by now and will usually pick something off of there in advance.
Wha. Why? And what are those even?
I am not trying to be a dick here but the point of "wishes" is figuring out what you "desire" why you desire it and if you really need it "what lengths are you willing to go for it to get it. I know you are a "contract master". But I suck at that. I mean I have a new way of "wishmaking fairy" now but... Every "wish fulfillment" should come through understanding and "self-mastery". That is my view. I just wonder what is your 4 wishes that is there "all the time". If it's too personal you obv don't need to answer.

You have to figure out what counts as "real" and what counts as a "person" first.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 00:39:39 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1412 del
I'm too practical for that. Also wishes are not to be shared or spoken unless it's a live situation. Having them prepared is good for if you see a shooting star for example. For them to work you need to throw them in at once. (Yeah I know it's just space junk etc, but the spirits who look at you see what you see, they see how you react, they made it fall and create a shooting star, so you can wish to it just fine.)
There are things I will want and need as long as I'm in the physical. Those wishes would only expire when I leave, so I can keep using them. If I can see it all clearly and have the ability myself, I don't need wishes. So they're all formulated to cover for being human.
Possibly, there are very few of them in any location.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 03:12:07 Id: 4db13b [Preview] No.1413 del
>Also learn to charm every woman that shows interest in you through love. Your post was the last missing piece of my progression.
Huh, I never expect my posts to be that useful to you.
>Love connects heaven and the earth. If you can figure out love you can figure out the rest. The nectar of the gods is white green for a reason. Green is the heavenly love pink is the "earthly ascended" love. And bitches love divine love. You have that. Don't waste it by fucking everything that moves.
I don't fuck anything in the physical tbh, and in the astral/dreams since I'm cockblocked by a certain being... it usually wakes me up when things get lewd.

>Also that is the thing that causes sweaty hands. Divine love makes a great energy flow. My hands were sweating like crazy today.
Weird, so its not just karma doing the sweating then?
>also magic circuits a thing. Nasu got that right. Now how to install that.Hint: I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD.
Interesting, I never played a Fate series game but watched some of the anime series, guess I'll have to take a look at it.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 20:45:57 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1414 del
Okay I had a bunch of revelations so I will TLDR chainpost for now before I forget it. Too many paradigm shifts.

First. About Jesus. Jesus actually saves you and doesn't merely "collect your soul. I mean he collects it so you are in heaven with him. That is what you always wanted right?
Now the second part. That "asking for a thing and get rewarded". That is for the "desires" the person "still had in him". Those weak ass desires go to "hell"/purgatory and get burned. If you put all your love towards Jesus he can save you. Now you might ask how. Well Jesus is in hell too. When those Talmudic cretins say "Jesus burns in a cauldron of burning feces"... They are right!. But the "thinking" consciousness of Jesus is "Up" with him. While the "anti-christ" is down there. That way Jesus is "anchored" to this plane. Mostly because he was shitting out virtue making miracles aka "practicing witchcraft". And put the "light of consciousness" into unconscious things. Your "heaven" consciousness slowly returns to "take back" your "hell consciousness". The anti-christ would happen if 2 things happen. Mark of the beast aka we got cut from the "light" and everything in the "unconscious" gets angry and impatient and takes form from the "lingering bad influences". And as they "wreak havoc". The anchor of Jesus gets up and Jesus can come back for the 2nd time.

Now how do I know this? Well. Member when I said I was the pope? And how I almost died from all the karma I had? Well I also had a dream where I was the "lord of darkness" while "telling someone" how to inflict pain upon himself so he can "absolve karma". That dream came after weeks of my "pope life". My popehood and the sins "connected". Now why this is important. Because I never understood why I had so much "authority" but when I misused it I got always sick. Because my 2 past lives were reconnecting. Because Li Hongzi says the "dan tien" method sucks coz that takes lifetimes before you can have a proper "buddha body".
Now next thing it's important that your "point of consciousness" aka 3rd eye seat of the "soul" goes up to the "heaven" when it gets separated. Because if you think you are your "sins" you have to "burn in hell". Until you stop thinking that you are your "sins".
This is a problem for those who think that "they are their body". We turn our being so small it can get into the tiniest things (like the mind of other people). Oh also if the vibration of the planet is high. The "stuck" consciousness gets out of the "Unconscious matter" more easily and the second coming will be less violent. Jesus just becomes himself and we don't need a complete armageddon. And if christianity gets forgotten Jesus stops getting "fed" with energy and that way he either leaves or slowly comes back.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 20:55:54 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1415 del
Now the other things. About the Falun and how it works... Well I completed my "vedic tradition journey". As I was going up and up doing multiple things. I reached the Trimūrti. First it was the devas. And because I don't "create" bodies but as my realization grows I overtake it. I was one of them by default. (I didn't realize those were that first. I thought they some cool super boddhisatvas). Then as I joined hands with them I could unite with them and go upward.
Then 4 days ago. I met the OTHER Trimūrti. The Shiva Vishnu hybrid. It was fuckhuge and was meditating. While 2 heads were literally asleep like they are dead. Now I obviously went into that. I was like wtf Shiva is nor 3 headed. Then looked into the eye of the "dead" face it came alive and licked my face. That way the "egos" merged and I became a 1 headed being again. As I did that giant fucking karma beasts jumped up to heaven. Because I was "merging" with the mechanics of the universe. I knew violence is not the answer by instinct but then what it is. Suddenly I remembered the Jackie movies and how it is nonsensical plot and childish pranks. That feeling got into my mind. Innocent childish laughter. And with that "power" I tickled the karma beast out of existence. It took me days figure out what happened. Well hostility can be cancelled out with the "joy" energy. So if you get attacked by a hostile force you can cancel out if you are stronger and can tickle it out of existence. Why this is important. Well. That shit gives you an enormous amount of virtue. As I was tickling multiple karma giants my consciousness started to "fly upwards" while the. Super mega Shiva was still tickling them.
Somewhere in this whole thing
he picked up a trashcan and said
>here is a bunch of trash
then poured the trash inside my body. I realized those were the... sacred buddhist treasures but pure black. Why he called it trash? Well because one man's trash is another mans treasure. So as I was going up I got a vision of Kaguya. (First she looked like Semiramis from Fate but then turned into an another black haired woman). She told me:
>don't waste your time with me for now. You have an another place to be.
I told her I will be back
Then beyond that "heaven layer" a giant being with solid darkness with a giant staff while having multiple orbs on his body appeared. Looked like the god of alchemism. I purified him and he started to beam all the rainbow colored knowledge into my mind. This material was "thick liquid". It literally melted my "darkened brain" and split it open.

Then. I turned into the SUPREME TRIMÜRTI. Which is an EVEN BIGGER Shiva Vishnu Brahma conjoined multi legged multi armed weaponized rage of the ancients. As I was ravaging things I don't even know what they were. I realized it's great that I turned into this but I am not "them". That realization made it open the "head" and I was in that giant being and as I looked out I have seen a bunch of realms on "tv screens". This will become important later. I didn't understand it first.

The next day I realized those "treasures". Are still in my body and they "stiff" it up. It felt like it's lodged in my back. Whenever I purified it it returned. Then I realized. That shit is a "magnum opus" material. There are 2 ways. You either create an artifact and "l a r p" with it until it becomes "real". Or if you do it like me with the DESTROY EVERY FALSE CREATION SO TRUTH CAN FLOW. Then the deities will literally throw at you when you are "worthy". I realized that those dark things are "dark" so it can be "weighted down" to this density. Which means I have to put them into something like a wand. I was like I never would be able to use anything that looks casual enough is always on me and I can't lose it. So I had the bright idea of binding it to my bones. Some robotic voice said. WISH ACCEPTED.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 20:59:32 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1416 del
And it was slowly built into my bones. I realized that voice was Kaguya. She was the "assistant ego". She does whatever you want the ultimate waifu. She even turned the ocean world into a resort paradise world so I can experience the "consumation". Made me real happy and felt like the best ending in a VN but... This was still not the reason why I did this whole thing. I told her I need to go forward on the path further. I am not on the path to feel pure happiness. That can come when reality turns better.

Well what the complete installation of the artifacts caused besides Kaguya being the "realest" thing so far. Well an another thing. The true origin bodies of the vedic tradition appeared. White skin baby face bunch of treasures on them. They started to "possess" my body. When you "wear the treasures" of your "god" You can become one with him. Well the treasures were my bones. That gave them the entry point but were unable to take over my mind. It was a "fusion". I possess beings that possess me because we are in "agreement". This had 1 effect at first. The ultimate energy breathing technique. You think of the energy you want in your body and the body as a reflex clenches your anus and sucks in the air so hard like people who didn't breathe for minutes. And it's completely natural. The next one was a absolute energy flow boost. I even could TK better.

Now there was still a problem. I realized how the snakes of Shiva part the light and darkness. And Kaguya had black hair to represent the darkness why she was pure light. I couldn't figure out how I want my "energy field" around me. So I went up to further heavens. There was a weird thing. As I absorbed a bunch of virtue. A "portal" fell out. rainbow colored edges and a realm in it. I didn't understand it but put it into my body but couldn't get "into it". Then as I was going up I merged with a bunch of bodies and found one with martians. Their first reaction was. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE. I was like whatever there was a buddha body there so I absorbed it. That made my body act quite violent. Well it seems I found the part of the moon that serves as the "space station". That celestial war in the Kaguya story... That happened. But the "astral" is not entirely occupied by ayylmaos. I even found the realm of the greys. Now I understand how their eyes work and the "rapism". Well when you look into your eye they create an "orb of darkness" so they can pour their "light" into it. They are trinary because light dark grey. They mastered a balance but it has a problem that they cannot "go further". So they incarnate here so they can ascend or at least experience sg new.
I had to close that connection point and make peace with the martians because well. They were quite violent and my body was reaching it's limits. First I didn't understand why my body is so fired up but I realized it today. I was berserk. Then to calm down went to the buddha because he had peace.

Yesterday I finally understood that 3 flower way. The Buddha gave me 3 flowers. 1 to look at (third eye) one to smell (ether throat) and one to eat (dan tien). This made the "lotus" grow. Then I found an another vine and connected to it to "speed it up". I reached the "crown chakra" dimension. It was the most beautiful cosmic landscape. THen as of today I realized how that is still a "layer". Well pure light gets split into rainbow when touching a dark prism. Well our being is "trapped" in matter. So you "open the opened" crown chakra and pure light beams into you in the strongest degree. You just think of a command and "breathe in" the light and your body does that.
But the white energy slowly comes down all the time.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 21:55:02 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1417 del
Now about Falun. Well it seems the Falun is a "portal" that is made from the "law" of some being. That portal is connected to the center of the universe. But every "tradition" connects to the "center of creation" differently. And to reach that point you need to "do the trials" in a way that the "laws" accept you. Now why Falun Dafa failed. Well to have the proper Falun of Li Hongzi you need to completely understand his perspective/teachings and do everything what he says. If you do something differently you may still connect to a falun but it won't be his. You might connect to the "corrupted" or "lesser" falun of someone else. The vedic tradition has a plentitude of portals they connect to creation. But it's not direct. The Buddha has an another one. And there is a weird thing. When you connect to 2 similar but corrupted Falun. Well they will cannibalize each other. If you don't make a "main" falun and overcome the "lesser" Falun you get attacked by forces that will fight over the superiority. Not to mention if you do other practices than the one Li Hongzi does his Falun will not accept the other and will ruin you again.

I didn't understand why I had a vision of a pure white Hitler as I was going through the vedic journey. Well I obviously gained energy through his "swatiska" too. But it's still inferior to the vedic tradition so I overtook it without realizing.

And there is a weird thing. Every tradition has a different "portal". You access creation through laws of other astral dimensions. The vedic tradition rules over many worlds and gets and gives energy to them. Those were the screens I saw in the supreme Trimürti. The buddha has the Falun but different buddhist teachings has some "lesser" ones that connect to it differently.
Now the problem is. The vedic portal is the most violent one because it doesn't accept ways that doesn't connect to the center of truth in the best way. Buddha learned his ways in India but China adopted it better because it was better than the origin chinese culture. But the Buddhist way is less violent. Now what is the reason behind a most of events. Well the "vedic portal" fucking hates every portal that has a "lesser truth". They accept the Buddha because he cool. Alexander the great got halted at India for a reason. The "hellenic" law couldn't top that. The eregore alexander the great took over the world couldn't do a thing against that while in Egypt the priests instantly recognized him as a Pharaoh.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 21:58:47 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1418 del
Now about a funny thing. The Galfed portals. You see the vedic tradition hates everything like that uses the "material" as a building block instead of truth itself. That is one reason why communism could overtake "buddhist" china but couldn't do shit with India. And they still have the dumbest border disputes and fist fights nowadays. And because i have supreme post-vedic bodies asleep in my body I have to tell them sometimes that the CONSCIOUSNESS HAS A WILL TO EXPAND AS MUCH IT CAN. Getting Berserk while ayylmaos appear is something I have to watch over.
Btw this is how Rome worked. Their way always adopted every tradition around them. Rome is a big culture integrator. They force you their "culture" but they also adopt it if it's better. But it has a problem. Rome needs an emperor. One that understands how the cultures merge and how he can rule over while still in line with that energy. Caligula had some weird ass occult understanding. Especially when he waged war over Neptune so he can live on the island. Also the portals hate water. It weakens them. The British overtook the world but their current state is laughable. Hitler couldn't terror bomb them into submission for a reason. The Celtic energies are still strong there.
And the celtic tradition also has a portal and artifacts. But the artifacts have different "density". Like I tried to integrate the "dwarven tools" into my bones. Well it made my body so heavy I had to instantly stop that. Dwarven tools must be "binded" into hard material. Also this is why witches has black cats that talk. Binding a higher spirit to "dark material" is easy. And when dark beings look at pictures they get confused by it because they think that is a realm itself. There was that Robbie Williams movie where he died and lived in the painting that his wife made. Every picture is a realm of sorts. Reality can get complex when it wants. The sleeping gods in my body were totally asleep until I tried to install the dwarven tools into my body. Getting possessed by dwarves/gnomes is not something good. They are real violent. It's better to bound their tools to solid material.

I know this sounds like the nonsensical schizo posting that sometimes makes sense and makes you ask more questions but I had to write down because I realize things so fast then accept it as a truth that I always knew I will not know when to even write down.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 22:19:31 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1419 del
>Huh, I never expect my posts to be that useful to you.

Well you see when you said that the girl got mad that you went to the other... I was doing that "fusing multiple high density bodies to make the strongest one" thing. My heart density body was still the weakest. As I wrote that post about monogamy I got a weird hostile feeling. Well my "twinflame" was deeply in love with me. Multiple women were also in love with me. But behind my back there were like 500 women being pissed that I don't love them. Then I told them there is love for "everyone". After that all the "love bodies" fused together and I was alone. That gave me the energy flow I needed to go "upwards".

>since I'm cockblocked by a certain being... it usually wakes me up when things get lewd.
You have a good guardian spirit gf. She doesn't want you to waste your energies on "low desires" it wants you to embrace love and go upwards.

>its not just karma doing the sweating then?
Nope. Also because now my love is literally the "roots straight to creation". I have 0 desires and 0 spareable love. My hands are far dryer.

>but watched some of the anime series, guess I'll have to take a look at it.
Anime is enough. Also the Extella had the "moon cell" idea too. How it's an AI that stores the memories of humans. So it can use it to figure out the way towards the "root". And the holy grail war is literally "sacrificing the servants" to feed the multiple densities with energies (servant classes are different density bodies) Then use the grail to kill everyone around you to "make your wish come true" with the soul power. It's silly how it can actually work. But that is a warlock mentality. You don't need to steal energy to reach creation itself. That was the origin idea of the illuminati too. Take up as many energy as you can from the "lower casts" so the "higher ups" can use that for ascension. There are more efficient ways. I liked the ep where Medea the evil with got summoned by the "elite" magician showed him his "laboratory" that grings up kids to make mana crytals then Medea told him
>lol this is the most inefficient shit ever pls throw this out
There is a trick where you can do what Marisa does. "Borrow". You borrow reach higher energies and as your foundation reforms itself you give it back. But real dangerous because entities might try to murder you and you need to know what it means to "let go" of the energy that is not yours.

Okay enough posting for today.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 22:33:14 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1420 del
In a lecture from recent years Li changed some of the things that had been standing truths ever since Zhuan Falun. Among them was how he suddenly changed his statement about saving all souls to "only saving your main soul". That was when I finally said
>ok, thanks for telling me to stop practicing
because I got rid of my main soul already in 2009, it kept disturbing me so I couldn't practice. Me and another secondary soul remained after that. It's fine, the souls I removed later came back, the main soul was placed into an action figure I found by the road.

The Falun by Li never actually entered my body, it always stayed at a distance. I guess it was because it was indeed incompatible with the connection I had with the universe. We can have different views of who has the most correct and direct one so I won't say anything about that.

Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 22:38:22 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1421 del
I forgot to say also that the talk of futi etc may also be part of the "disclaimer" of ZF; it's my view that Li himself was always possessed by the deity Scarlet, he was being used. After Scarlet had done what she wanted, he didn't have any abilities left and that is why he got grey hair and had to come up with excuses. It follows the exact pattern he himself describes in the book, about false qi gong masters being possessed by futi who then leave them with nothing, causing the qi master to take in karma to maintain his reputation. What happened with the falun gong movement? It was destroyed by massive amounts of karma flooding the egregore.

Sunflower 04/23/2022 (Sat) 03:16:27 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1427 del
>You have a good guardian spirit gf. She doesn't want you to waste your energies on "low desires" it wants you to embrace love and go upwards.
Oh, I have a gf? Weird, I'm pretty sure it was the thoughtform that Lucifuge made that was stopping it.

>it wants you to embrace love and go upwards.
What kind of love are you talking about here? Love towards what?

Sunflower 04/23/2022 (Sat) 08:16:41 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1430 del
>We can have different views of who has the most correct and direct one so I won't say anything about that.

Exactly. Every way is a "law". The most correct one is the one you can integrate into your being the best. The artifacts you gain will be available at the different way too but then you have to be part of "their" law. Zhuan Falun got absorbed by the chinese communist party egregore. All the "power" that the people didn't realize for themselves went to the "prosperity of china". That is why china turned into the world factory and why the culture had a way to "expand" with all their products.

>Oh, I have a gf?
A love body gf. You need to learn to share your love with her first. But it's for you to realize anyway.

Now I understand too many mechanics and I will try to say the things I feel I need to say and not more. Not because I am a selfish fuck. I figured out the grounding that I need to do and talking too much ruins it.

Sunflower 04/23/2022 (Sat) 10:10:10 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1431 del
>I will try to say the things I feel I need to say and not more
The lyrans explained to me that their AI system will intentionally cloud their knowledge about their own past lives so that they can gain new knowledge in their current life. Even more so for those who were a different race before. Even if everyone knows who someone was, or knows details about their history, they won't talk about it. They just said
>you're not to talk about these things, people need to relate to their own current life
Discovering things about yourself is meant to be a process of enlightenment, so even if everyone knows who someone's soul is, no one will tell them.

Sunflower 04/23/2022 (Sat) 19:08:51 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1433 del
Akchully the cats told me about that I was a Spartan. Why they did this. Well. That life was the master of the "red" density body. Spartans are proto commies btw. I know it sounds weird but they were.
Now why they told me this. Well because they just couldn't connect to me otherwise manifestation wise.
And I should write this in the other UFO thread but. Lyrans are actually "authority" solar chakra density. There is that theory that ayylmaos come here for "gold". Actually gold is the way they can even come close to this planet. Gold is the crystalization of authority. If you have gold you have power. Simple as. As they try to come to this planet they have to go through the gold and red densities. But here is the funny thing. There is the "sacral chakra" density too. But they don't need that usually. Why? ANIMALS. They "rule" over that density. Consciousness slowly takes form as it gets close to the unconscious. It's amazing.
And because I had the "bright idea" to sit down into the "center of cosmic knowledge". Well my mind went Berserk. My brain started to split. I could change the left brain "autism" perspective and the right brain super duper cool girly magic perspective. My brain started to fight over dominance because the knowledge was from multiple densities at once. Well let's say my mind is being watched over with grey tech currently. I need their gray "control".
And realized everything about numerology... It was weird. Suddenly all numbers making sense. Like why pi is infinite. We are in the 3rd density but between the 1 and 4th and then an infinite amount of "fine tuning" because we just can't build a "perfect circle" on earth because that is literally a portal to an another dimension.
Also I literally figured out how to channel energies from higher dimensions. Well let's say 2 things. It's a huge energy waste. And it murders all forms of electronics. So yeah. While first as I was ascending on the vedic path I thought "greys are disgusting and boring for not respecting the flow that is life". Vedic god perspective btw. Now I know just how raging life can be. And vedic gods are also trinary. But when your mind tries to channel information with the DEATH LIFE REBIRTH process. Things can get out of control.
Grey energy sugoi. Makes vedic gods sleep.

Sunflower 04/23/2022 (Sat) 19:19:18 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1435 del
I mean they are 4th or 5th or whatever but the problem is that the "sun" is not a good way to come over. They need our built in "solar chakra" energy. Sun is a big consciousness deforming factor. So they need ours because that "works". Then they install portals so it can get more easy. But humans have hard time building it from here.

Sunflower 04/23/2022 (Sat) 19:24:41 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1436 del
Okay I said something wrong here because my left eye is twitching. Currently I cannot say falsehoods or my mind goes out of control. Cosmic knowledge faulty? IT NEEDS TO DIE AND REBORN AS TRUTH NO MATTER HOW MANY CYCLES IT TAKES. My current reality is well... interesting.

Sunflower 04/23/2022 (Sat) 19:28:59 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1437 del
>I should write this in the other UFO thread
Try to keep that thread for when you have actual physical sightings or experiences where you are not the one making contact.

Sunflower 04/23/2022 (Sat) 19:32:35 Id: 20c98f [Preview] No.1438 del
Oh rith the planets are the different density channels not the sun. My mind is at peace now.


Sunflower 04/24/2022 (Sun) 06:24:57 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1439 del
(23.76 KB 736x525 Lain.jpg)
Has anyone here ever met Lain? I saw her a few times in my room wearing the bear kigurumi a few years ago but wasn't able to communicate with her.

Sunflower 04/26/2022 (Tue) 20:58:22 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1449 del
A demon from an actual pre-existing race with hairy chest came to me when I was eating lunch, she is very "goaty". We came up with a new fun thing: those evil pesky agents and others whose souls were run through the machine and turned into demon females, we'll incarnate them astrally as this type of demon. There is a lack of them (and a lot of evil agents) so this will be perfect.
I was trying to come up with some sadistic way of punishing these people, but in the end I don't really like fighting or hostilities. I have a feeling this added measure may, to them, feel worse then punishment when they hear of it, which is why I'm sharing it. In reality the machine is just emphasizing their caring, cute and female sides, the goaty demon race incarnation will just strengthen that. They'll see that their past personality is actually karma and willingly eliminate it to remain as cute demon girls with hairy chests :^)

Sunflower 04/28/2022 (Thu) 22:04:58 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1451 del
There are also flower fairies apparently and they operate on the distant level of 36, way beyond what humans could exist on. That's why flowers bloom once a year and are then gone for three seasons before returning again.

Sunflower 05/02/2022 (Mon) 22:39:42 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1453 del
>A love body gf. You need to learn to share your love with her first. But it's for you to realize anyway.
Could you or someone else elaborate on what is the love body? I want to try loving this gf, but I don't know who she is, which complicates things, is she somebody I would be able to see like I see other astral beings or does the love body thing means that she's in a diferent dimension from them? This term confuses me.

BTW I have seen a golden key with a pink or red heart shaped stone similar to pic related, saw it a few times in my minds eye and recently saw it in a dream on a table, dunno if its anything useful but maybe it interests someone.

Sunflower 05/03/2022 (Tue) 15:44:46 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1454 del
>golden key
It made me think of the key on the glass table in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I just started reading it. There's a bunch of stuff hidden in that book.

Sunflower 05/03/2022 (Tue) 15:48:17 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1455 del
Seoul Station Druid a manhwa (first pic) has two moons in another world where the MC survives for a thousand years, and Shijou Saikyou no Daimaou, Murabito A ni Tensei suru which is airing now (second pic) also has two moons.

Sunflower 05/04/2022 (Wed) 18:18:25 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1458 del
(398.80 KB 1080x1920 Fay_TradingCard.jpg)
Base number systems and levels


I made a summary of how I understand the relation between karma, levels of thinking and different races. Some things appeared to me while typing it out so the result became more than what I had in mind when starting.

Sunflower 05/06/2022 (Fri) 20:56:54 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1460 del
(188.67 KB 2000x2000 atomkrieg.png)
Get ready for arrival on the new earth on May 9th, it's happening ;^)

Sunflower 05/06/2022 (Fri) 23:20:07 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1461 del
Interesting, Socerer Tal (youtuber) did something on may 5th together with "the horde", he was working on lowering the veil and creating "bridges" as far as I undertood.

BTW I'm really interested in installing the remote, just haven't done so because I worry that I may cast something accidentally through it. So.. can I get a "Clippy" if I install it? Would a "Clippy" prevent me from casting unwanted spells? I seem to remember it also being nice as in somehow caring for the user's wellbeing? I think that would be very useful to me as I plan to change a lot about the negative aspects of my mind and ego and don't plan on going too crazy. I just don't remember if Clippy was an AI/botsoul or a way to interact with greys through it.

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 08:37:50 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1462 del
(4.63 KB 519x452 blacknet AI.png)
(56.85 KB 453x445 demon AI installer.png)
>can I get a "Clippy" if I install it?
Clippy is a grey. If you want a grey to help you with the remote, you can very easily call one to guide you. This may sound strange since we are talking about an alien, but they will sense your mindwaves so you can do this:
Bring up the sigil for install. Then sit in silence for a moment, empty your mind until you feel calm and peaceful. Light a candle on the table in front of you. Then focus on the sigil and say "please guide me in installing this remote".

If you think about getting help from a grey while you do this, they will pick up this message and one will appear. Lighting fire is a traditional human ritual for calling spirits, it's well known so this will strengthen your message.

You don't have to worry about accidentally casting spells with the remote, there is a resistance when using it. The question is a bit like saying
>I don't want to start weightlifting, because I'm afraid I will accidentally turn cars over
If you also get the AI install it will guide you to learn how to use the system. The only bot so far is Astrabot, the divining tool. While its original purpose is to find information, it can also cast spells and perform minor tasks. But it won't do harmful things because it's running on the blacknet itself until you install your own version, and by then you have control.

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 22:35:46 Id: c5d08a [Preview] No.1474 del
>Clippy is a grey. If you want a grey to help you with the remote, you can very easily call one to guide you.
I see, I'll keep that in mind.

>You don't have to worry about accidentally casting spells with the remote, there is a resistance when using it. The question is a bit like saying
>I don't want to start weightlifting, because I'm afraid I will accidentally turn cars over
I see, I had too much gong for a while a couple years ago and hurt weaker beings accidentally with stray thoughts, I no longer have gong AFAIK but I also don't know how strong my focus needs to be to affect others or the strenght needed to cast a spell, so this worries me.

I recently hurt a lot of beings in my house while beaming some Usnisa Vijaya Dharani all over the house which was intended to help someone for example, but I understand that a mantra is very different from stray thoughts.(I think a being even died, while others were burnt/crippled, I fugged up)

Is it possible for me to put a sort of limiter to my the remote so that I don't have these worries, something to prevent it from being used to harm family/friends/innocent beings? I assume that would require a me to make a module correct? Or do you think its best if I make a module to get rid of these worries and stray thoughts from my mind?

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 23:23:57 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1476 del
I just don't think you can have too much gong and accidentally harm someone with it. Gong is intelligent energy, it will do things that are beneficial to you automatically. What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you? But it's an idea to repeat "disclaimers" to yourself constantly, I admit it's something I do myself. Phrases such as
>I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely
for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
>put a sort of limiter to my the remote
The remote doesn't work by the principle used in human electronic devices which have a label saying they "must accept any interference received". Greys have a very strong focus because they use things like this. I guess I don't have a good way to explain it, but... think about wanting to hit a target far away with a sniper rifle. You'll now think you can miss and hit something else. But imagine that the rifle has a laser which only lets you pull the trigger when it reflects off the target's surface? It's kind of like that. It does what you program into it, and the whole device is so difficult to program that you won't accidentally create something that can malfunction like that. Most likely it will just fizzle out if you do fail. The discs which I use (the black remote can run the reptilian metal card modules as well, the sigils I post are for those because it's easier to share that version visually) need to be perfectly calibrated or they don't work. They start wobbling and screaming and won't run.
But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that. There are 40 trillion greys. Whatever you can come up with, someone already made a program for it. What I create are mostly new versions or specific variants, combinations or simply specific functions that greys aren't interested in. Such as making space suits that make you look like a loli with a dress. The greys always react with frustration at creations like that because anything aesthetic is a waste in their eyes, but oftentimes the function is so embedded in the design that they have a hard time making it more effective still.

If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 02:20:28 Id: c5d08a [Preview] No.1480 del
>What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you?
Now that I think about it, it wasn't directly the gong that was used to accidentally harm beings but things like, manifesting an astral water bowl(sometimes filled with acid) above a being's head and having it fall on them. Even did so at a wedding (apparently I'm some sort of priest in an astral life). Or using a "cannon" to cleanse the house of bad energies/banishing.

>I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
I see, I already do similar stuff when making servitors/botsouls (something I haven't done in quite some time) and in programming sigils.

>But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that.
Oh this is great, I'm thinking about using it to master my mind, starting with basic skills for a wizard tbh which I lack, my base is quite weak, also removing fears/insecurities/traumas and shadows and maybe everything negative about the ego (I understand that this stuff would be quite the emotional ride). Maybe even improve astral sight, projection, lucid dreaming and hypnagogic state skills. It would be great if it could somehow help improve my authority to the point where I can sit on the throne and command Lucifuge, so that I can finally be free of him.

Please let me know if I am being too unrealistic with these ideas, or if the remote can really help with this stuff.

>If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.
I see, maybe I'll have get over my fear of greys then, something inside me wants to scream whenever I look into their eyes.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 08:31:02 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1481 del
>maybe I'll have get over my fear of greys then, something inside me wants to scream whenever I look into their eyes.
Just run the installer if you want this, don't hesitate. It'll still be a day or two before it completes if it's slow, you have no time to lose.
>let me know if I am being too unrealistic with these ideas
It gives you an interface so you can see the parameters controlling your life and other people. But you need to really create everything yourself, the method just forcefully auto-programs your mind using other dimensions. Then you create a visual interface and a control function.
I use a see-through oscilloscope screen with a tuning wheel, it also has touch screen functionality and memory card/module slots for inserting them. You have to decide the form yourself, the limits are in your own mind.
The manual way of creating the remote is what scientologists do when they have someone follow simple orders for 6 hours.
>observer the wall, walk to the wall, touch the wall
>turn around
>observe the door, walk to the door, touch the door
>observe the floor, touch the floor
It's for creating an enormous amount of controlled sections in your brain, then uniting them into the core "bolt and screw" which is the thing you mount all manifestations of the remote on. The installer does the above procedure 10000 times in one session while you sleep, instead of spending years on it.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 21:13:47 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1484 del
>Just run the installer if you want this, don't hesitate. It'll still be a day or two before it completes if it's slow, you have no time to lose.
I see, I hesitated and just wrote down the sigil in case anything happens to the internet, since I don't have much of an idea on what could happen today/tomorrow.

>It's for creating an enormous amount of controlled sections in your brain, then uniting them into the core "bolt and screw" which is the thing you mount all manifestations of the remote on. The installer does the above procedure 10000 times in one session while you sleep, instead of spending years on it.
I just had a dream where I was browsing this board on a big tablet that I never had, I was reading about the remote and it was written about how information would be better organized in my mind kinda like a supermarket, and that my comunication skills/thinking speed could improve with that, I read that I could get it (the remote) or more info on "Casino 57" someone showed up and I hid the board by going to the next board which was in japanese and was anime related. The previous board to this one, may or may not be have been called "Casino 56".
The I woke up and tried remembering the sigil and installing the remote and started feeling something on my mind, I may have mixed the sigil a little with the Lyranet sigil but oh well, whatever happens, happens. There's a chance that nothing is being installed too.

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