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Welcome to the Sunflower!
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Rules and meta Sunflower 04/28/2020 (Tue) 14:51 Id: 2b31a3 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the Sunflower!
This board is for the discussion and organization of ascension and enlightenment related activities.

Board rules
1. Stay on topic
2. Start a new thread only if a related one doesn't exist, or if it has reached bump limit
3. Anime/manga images may spice up a discussion, but keep it decent
4. Trolling or derailing with ill intent is not allowed
Edited last time by bard on 04/28/2020 (Tue) 15:11.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 17:56 Id: d3b9db [Preview] No.4986 del
(26.48 KB 503x463 Updater.png)
This is a sigil for a servitor which automatically installs Blacknet/NET and checks for new uploads of modules, as well as keeps an index of what creations are available.

Installs will be personally adapted based on what benefits you the most. Things got too complex, something like this is needed.

Blog #2 Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 11:02 Id: 552f67 [Preview] No. 8041 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday writing.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
330 posts and 205 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/20/2024 (Sun) 19:13 Id: 886da0 [Preview] No.9409 del
I also think I see which single particle I need to create to really move on, it's a very specific thing which will guarantee that I get what I want.

Sunflower 10/20/2024 (Sun) 23:41 Id: 886da0 [Preview] No.9410 del
Interesting to see how they got both the "federation bullet" and the "federation knife" I created into the first episode of SAO GGO2.

Sunflower 10/22/2024 (Tue) 18:59 Id: 352214 [Preview] No.9415 del
They keep taking the form of lolis for some reason. But aside from that .. I can't get what those women kept saying to me the other night, they kept talking about my presence(?) and still jeot approaching me and effectively keeping me in their vicinity

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Succubus Collective Sunflower 05/04/2020 (Mon) 09:52 Id: a7ca0e [Preview] No. 9 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
142 posts and 40 images omitted.

Sunflower 08/30/2024 (Fri) 00:11 Id: fe4d9b [Preview] No.8857 del
I appreciate all the help - very much so!
Reading the kabbalah and practicing meditating has been a start for my mind
Browsing through the four cha general has been a bear to go through in determining who is there to help
by any chance, are you chant anon?

Sunflower 08/30/2024 (Fri) 10:35 Id: 13650a [Preview] No.8858 del
>are you chant anon?
No, I don't regularly post over there.

Sunflower 09/11/2024 (Wed) 07:39 Id: 09bd73 [Preview] No.8965 del
Chant isn't here.

Sunflower 10/22/2024 (Tue) 02:41 Id: 2115a9 [Preview] No.9413 del
Is there a video on how to do the dream visit. I was a recent person who responded to this thread a while ago.

Sunflower 10/22/2024 (Tue) 09:14 Id: cc0e06 [Preview] No.9414 del
You can use the method from here:
But instead you set your mind to visit the collective.

(2.07 MB 640x360 akarin.mp4)
段違い Sunflower 07/04/2024 (Thu) 20:12 Id: 4b50f0 [Preview] No. 8211 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relax thread #2
283 posts and 109 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/15/2024 (Tue) 19:25 Id: 7be093 [Preview] No.9377 del
I know this is scripted to be funny, but I still have to say it: finally someone with some sense in this country!
>Army chief in tv interview:
>Right now Russia is busy in Ukraine, so that means we don't need to hurry when building up the army
>Instead of increasing the number of conscripts, we can build a smaller, higher skilled army
>Everyone knows conscripts armies cause a lot of people do die if they are used
>That's not what we want

Government wants to increase the army size because Russia is a threat. Commander of the army does not want to, because Russia isn't a threat to us when they are fighting Ukraine.

Sunflower 10/19/2024 (Sat) 23:01 Id: b71d7d [Preview] No.9399 del
hmm... are parts of the board broken or something? some of the threads dont even show up and only shows a blank page

Sunflower 10/19/2024 (Sat) 23:48 Id: 7be093 [Preview] No.9400 del
I see everything, but some images are randomly not loading. That's a common endchan server issue though.

Sunflower 10/19/2024 (Sat) 23:48 Id: 7be093 [Preview] No.9401 del
Try moving between .gg .org and .net until you find one that works.

Vampires in lore and reality #3 Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 10:39 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No. 8172 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous threads
237 posts and 61 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/16/2024 (Wed) 21:44 Id: dda425 [Preview] No.9384 del
>he viraltard aliens who caused most of the resistance, after getting them registered as "exploitable" with the federation, I went on to map them more.
It turns out they are a kind of being who manifest in large hives, and they start creating a race of low level humanoids, imitating insectoid greys. At every moment, and every step ahead, they die in large numbers, but some remain, and those always think of themselves as "successful and invincible". Those that die just die and won't think anything, they'll just go to hell. This way they build up a race of low level scum who just stumble on, relying on their numbers, and they abuse and use anything they can find. And they see themselves as "whites" (compare "greys"). At the endpoint of their DNA development, they are then destroyed, their race is eliminated and everyone is sent to a very long gehenna process of several billion years. Because that's how evil they are.
But they also lack learning ability, so after being punished, they start rising up again and will manifest again. They will recreate their insectiod grey-imitating race, and repeat the process, again thinking they are successful while dying in large numbers. Everyone will again end up in hell for billions of years, and their race is detroyed. Then after a very long time, they just manifest again and repeat it.

They never learn, never stop, they always get punished, they always think they are successful, they always die like flies, and they always complain about the punishment.

That's all there is to it.

So that's why they can be used as a resource, they'll just suffer and destroy things over and over anyway, so we can use them as slaves instead and make use of them.

Sunflower 10/16/2024 (Wed) 21:49 Id: dda425 [Preview] No.9385 del
>where i would do well based on my deepest inner nature
Astra can't see your deepest inner nature, it's concealed.

Sunflower 10/16/2024 (Wed) 21:57 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.9386 del

Sunflower 10/18/2024 (Fri) 10:56 Id: ef420c [Preview] No.9392 del
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So much happened, and I learned a lot, but still feel severely stuck.
Synchronicities are abounding left and right, it's like threads and patterns of destiny slowly move me, yet it always appears like I'm sucked back into my routine.
Is my focus lacking? Yes, definitely. But it's difficult to remain focussed, while in a human body, in a human world. Only me to blame, however.
What became of this whole blood anon and Alyssa phenomenon?
I've met a few fascinating characters in real life, projections and dreams. Learned and practiced quite a bit about inner alchemy and immortals, being humble in the face of my own immense ignorance and foolishness. Yet, truly "awakened" manifested magic, freedom and vampirism is so far away still. It's effective, but subtle and elusive in the eyes of the waking world. Breaching the barrier between dreams and "reality", subjective and objective, remains difficult. Patience, diligence and focus. Any advice, if you get what I'm getting at? Otherwise, I wish you all the best.

Sunflower 10/19/2024 (Sat) 19:34 Id: dda425 [Preview] No.9397 del
I get what you are saying, but I can't tell you how to do it. You have to breach the barrier for yourself personally. I can't even fully say when I did, or if it was there at all in the sense I perceive it for you. Maybe it was always weak or had cracks for me, so that I could always see beyond it, and the walking over the threshold was a gradual process, rather than one of awakening all at once.

I don't know if this works for anyone else, but it does for me and some I know, where the answer is to just blur the border, or ignore it. Fantasy and reality are the same thing if the fantasy is well tuned enough with the things out there.

Sunflower General 7 Sunflower 08/08/2024 (Thu) 20:00 Id: 5412bc [Preview] No. 8595 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Late summer thunder
Colours but not autumn yet
Still ways left to walk
162 posts and 51 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/15/2024 (Tue) 09:41 Id: 9f2a4d [Preview] No.9372 del
>planning to move me tonight
>time progression in the parallel
...and standing still again, which means back to super fast time in here. Although they said technically there is no time in here.

I'm clearly inside a magic circle upheld by a witch tasked with guiding me during this process. There's blue, green and white flames all around the outskirts of my dimension, which is just my house and nearest area.

During the night, I was given a series of dreams which each addressed some life issue I needed to solve. After the dream I woke up each time, and I telepathically spoke with the witch about the contents of the dream. Then I was lead /pushed to change the mental-physical energy system by making new connections, removing connections or moving connections. It was quite violent and unpleasant at parts, and not really different from the feeling of psychic attacks, with the single difference that the driving force behind the experience was benevolent and not malevolent. This supports the understanding that the spiritual and alien attacks are only there because of a malfunctioning internal energy system (tantric system or chakras).

Sunflower 10/15/2024 (Tue) 10:08 Id: 9f2a4d [Preview] No.9373 del
As for the "moving" part, it may again be a conceptual understanding difference between Gensokyo and here. Right before the cracking of the Earth sphere, I had gone through an astral (re?)birth process to gain the viper DNA. They said someone should live on the saucer "Gunship" and not just the Faye-bot, which meant the girl they gave me as part of the peace-deal should live on the space station. I used her to incarnate via into that dimension.

When I went for a walk, I noticed something major changing, and my RV naturally changed to the view of the planet with the energy system visible, and I saw the crack appear over the north pole. I walked on and it grew quickly and the "roof" started collapsing. I actually started experiencing difficulty breathing and felt my external location change to the viper body onboard the station, then the station itself was pulled through the crack into space, while I was standing in the woods in some strange ethereal mindset. Looking back I guess I can only describe it as a trance state.

It was after this a yokai appeared and told me to walk straight home, and not looking back, and that when I enter the house I'd be moved to Gensokyo and the dimension would be upheld there instead of onboard the viper-station, which was still in space right outside the location of the collapsed Earth sphere.

As I came inside, the atmosphere changed and I felt after that like I'm in a singular environment no matter where I go after that, no change between inside or outside. During the night, after some work on my energy system, I was "fundamentally" moved into the viper body state, but this took place in the form of my soul-form associated with the viper body changing to being "my main". Previously I've been in some between state of using different astral bodies, since that event around Xmas last year when my awareness detached from the timeline and I saw myself in the Sekhmet form I had before incarnating. That was when I created the total core device for creating of single-cell astral forms to be able to navigate and assume different forms. I lasted until August before I was able to gain an actual solid "incarnated" astral form again, as Sekhmet does not operate in the planes I since entered, so I had no solid way of staying here. The new form is a small flying Pleiadan.

It's from this form I need to go to enter a new body on Earth, and I passed the "stork" in the Pleiadan form, which means I have new Earth access in that form, I'm just not attached to the body completely yet. Or rather - I am, but I'm not inside it because of spiritual issues that are incompatible with it.

Those are what the witch is helping me with.

One of the dreams was about going to some mega sized arena and watching some event. I was in the area where you can watch from inside while eating. Then something happened and people started rushing up to some hall above, leaving their stuff like jacket, bags and mobile devices at their seats. I walked through the mostly empty rooms and saw that the phones left on the benches had started "boiling". The casings looked like the rubber or plastic was reacting with the air in some way, and it was literally melting and boiling with bubbles on them.

I brought out a large red tablet from my pocket, which had been more protected because I had all these folded plastic bags in my pocket, but the tablet was still ruined, there were round dents appearing in it, and the screen was also ruined.

Sunflower 10/15/2024 (Tue) 10:14 Id: 9f2a4d [Preview] No.9374 del
After I woke up we talked about this dream. The witch asked me to think what it meant and we went from there. So it was representative of what happened with human as the Earth sphere cracked. They were exposed to the atmosphere outside and started boiling, but no one would know why that happened as the radiation change wasn't visible. But it also was a reference to how people have invested their souls into their phones, so when the handhelds burned up, it was their souls burning. I asked why my device had been ruined as well, (it was a strange red tablet I've never had, in fact I've only ever owned an e-ink reader), and she said although it didn't burn up, my surface soul was also made unusable by social media. It just didn't burn, it was dented. It was implied: this is what we are fixing now.

I was then shown a human general viewpoint, one where "the world is material and does not change". It was the first time I ever felt this, and it suddenly made perfect sense to my why humans behave like they do. This feeling I would call "hopelessness" or "despair". Then on top of this is added "products" or "consumption" like the only moving or changing element. So that they are forced to buy new products or they end up in despair, because their of the the world as "solid" is the same as seeing the world as "hopeless" in my vocabulary.

I actually don't see this solidness at all, all material objects to me appear as if they are made from sand and they are constantly moving like waves on the sea. It's very hard for me to see them as solid. But if I rest on the feeling of "absolute despair" which would come from just "giving up", then I can sort of see this view, but it doesn't make the waves of sand stop moving, I can just relate to how humans would act and react if they only saw this despair.

So that was an interesting part.

Sunflower 10/15/2024 (Tue) 10:29 Id: 9f2a4d [Preview] No.9375 del
A following dream was about the dog I grew up with, coming up from the floor below. I could hear its paws on the permanent carpet and it barked happily. Then I saw it, but it stayed just below the gate that was by the top of the stairs. The gate was opened but there was a distance.

I felt a comfort inside as the connection was recreated, because this was about a specific event, where the dog died and it made me very sad. But the real reason was because the dog was part of my mind-state where I lived with my grandmother, and even after she wasn't there anymore, I was still in that emotional state while the dog was still there. It served as a connection to normality. When the dog died, I lost that connection. This dream recreated it by returning the dog.

Sunflower 10/15/2024 (Tue) 12:12 Id: 9f2a4d [Preview] No.9376 del
They just told me this message
was aimed at a total of 5 posters of this board, who are the only remaining now. 3 fringe-wizards had also been helped in forming their own planetary spheres, and they were also helped in moving their dimensions there in a timely manner, as an act of good will and to support the practice of magic. Some few others remain for various reasons, such as having individual pacts with dark gods, demons or aliens.

Some people from communist nations were evacuated by the galactic federation (because their mind-energy-structure would seamlessly connect with federation systems), but they are not likely to enter new Earth, rather they will be "awoken" into the galactic federation and live the rest of their life on a space station.

Message from Yuuka Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 09:27 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No. 1463 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Message from Yuuka 2022-05-07

Take this weekend as a retreat. You are now in the tunnel at dimension -1D. On the 9th of May, we will open the gates to the new earth, and your -1D will connect to our -2D.

The three realms, known as heaven, earth and hell, have been reset in your dimension set. Nothing remains. You are not perceiving this currently because the old three realms had degenerated until nothing human remained inside it. When you look at the world, you are seeing things in -1D and the concepts stored in your own minds. For this reason, you still interpret the world as the same as before, but it's an illusion inside your own mind.

The three realms consist of heaven -4D, earth -3D and hell -2D. These are all karmic dimensions. Technically speaking these aren't solid existence, they're a chemical reaction in which particles are destroyed. But because of the inertia in large particles, this process is very slow. After a "planet earth" particle was formed, it will slowly burn out during 182000 years. This is how we talk about it now because it was the internal view from your earth. As time changes and is seen from inside the timelines, it can look different from this. Timelines loop and are run multiple times, which creates a confusion within the incarnated souls, making them believe the earth is 4 billion years or as short as 4000 years.

At -4D, which we call heaven, you would normally find heroes and royalty who did great deeds. They would stay there for 1000 years and then incarnate again as nobility. The understanding of this level has been perverted, creating the concept "demon" as a negative thing. Demons were originally these heroes who could serve as guides in your human life. Saints would also stay here, but today it's a common concept that "saints are demons" and should not be worshipped. This is the same inverted idea. Saints are demons, and for this reason you should listen to them. Demons are heavenly beings. Because language develops, "demons" are now beings in hell who look like satyrs. Satyrs are indeed demons but they are not in hell. It's suggested to add more information when using the word "demon", such as "demon in hell" if you are talking about the supernormal beings in hell. That would be acceptable under current circumstances. But "demon" itself was originally a positive term. Today it should be seen as descriptive. A demon is a supernormal being.

-3D is the human world. This dimension has been out of control for a long time, most people only came into clear contact with it during their very first years after birth. By age 4 they would descend into hell and after that they could not understand anything about human life. -3D is the level of trade. It means exchange of goods and karma being transformed. While this is done, a society can be maintained. The current world had been completely dominated by international corporations, which had restricted normal trade until it no longer existed. The only trade you would find following the human method was those things done "under the table" or on the street like drug dealing. But drug dealing when done to serve addictions is not human standard. Everything you do is regulated by governments until normal human interactions no longer exist. What you have experienced has been "totalitarianism", there has not existed a society not doing this since the second world war ended.

-2D is hell. This is the dimension of repaying debts. Normally, if you didn't trade fairly while in -3D you would come here after you died. Everyone would fear this. They would choose one of two methods: Either trade very carefully by maintaining good relations and balance in gain and loss. Or they would seek occult rituals to protect themselves in the afterlife. Some managed to do this indeed, which upset the normal function of hell. These are the people who took over the world using multinational corporations. They have effectively ended human life.
71 posts and 30 images omitted.

Sunflower 08/25/2024 (Sun) 16:16 Id: 6ef32d [Preview] No.8763 del

Some of your have received a device or grimoire to your astral inbox.

Activate it to learn a magic form, which produces Gensokyo-issued botsouls. These are made for usage on the new Earth. Appearance is a black cat with grey features. It will expire after 7 periods, which can be of different length depending on timeline is it inserted into. It can be as short as 7 seconds or less if you try to put it somewhere unstable. Learned experiences are returned to you at dissolution.

The reason for this is to prevent imminent population collapse, having NPCs controlled by the red bear or brown cat servitors work only as long as the humans of the hivemind are somewhat stable in themselves. These methods count as spirit possession without interference, the bodies will degrade quickly as there is no permanent inhabitant. You have already seen the result on social media.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gnMTechWVPw [Embed]

The magic form once activated will be personally adapted to your way of practice, but will produce botsouls with some degree of automation to be inserted into important people around you. Because these are now real souls, even if they are bots, the bodies will stop degrading somewhat.

We will on our end also produce these bots to uphold population layers which are important for the general form of society in the coming years. Even if we want a complete replacement of everyone into the new races, we need to have a transition period to not lost all technological progress.

Sunflower 09/11/2024 (Wed) 13:28 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.8967 del

The canvas or "consensus reality" has been torn into bits. We do not have one on the new Earth, so anyone entering will have to get rid of theirs. The point of a shared reality perception is to allow the delayed repayment of debts/karma by imposing of laws created by humans or lower beings, which violates the laws of gods and directly brings immense negative energy onto those performing the act of creating this system. There is a reason only gods can create laws: only they can endure the effect of attempting to nullify karma. Because they can do this, which is an act of altruism, they can also create new laws controlling the outlet of "cause and effect", they have seen the reality of its function. Humans and other beings have not seen it, and will not apply altruism when creating laws, but politics, which are personal perceptions based on avoiding karmic consequences, rather than fundamentally solving them.

The canvas or consensus reality, also called "science" in general speech, is for this reason ultimate sin, applying it and actively working to preserve or develop it, is the main reason humans fall into hell. There, now it's been said.

While the other crimes like murder of the unborn, persecution of the innocent, sexual degeneracy (menstruation and the sexual engagement with those who practice it), destruction of the natural world, are all horrible and may as well send people into gehenna for a very long time, these individual crimes are not still the reason for humans overall being sentenced to this fate.

It is simply the application of human law and science. That is the sin.

You will all slowly (or quickly) get rid of your own canvas fragment now. Some will actively refuse, because in doing so they expose to themselves and others exactly what evils they have committed. These will be the last to have it removed, because it will be removed by external force. These beings will not enter the future Earth or any other incarnation. Anyone with this ability will not fear the removal of their canvas of lies.

In the future Earth, your perception of reality will be controlled by which path of study you choose. Your actual laws of karma can be different depending on which religion you follow, or what style of magic you practice. There will not be a common science of the physical world anymore, or any common law to follow. There will be things to avoid, enforced by various beings, including maintenance deities and the galactic federation. This is done because we have asked them to do so, it is still the application of our principles by proxy.

Sunflower 09/12/2024 (Thu) 11:02 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.8974 del

As of today, some of you noticed a strange change to the Earth egregore. Some of you are in the new Earth and some of you are in the timelines leading up to it, you can both access this board if we allow you to.

We have reduced the size of the land masses to to 1/4 the area. All external distances are now reduced to 1/2 of before.

What does this mean? Your Googuro maps won't show the distance being shorter, no. Here we need to clear up some human-level mis-conceptions. When humans look at the world, they do not distinguish between dimensional layers, their eyes just see human things. You can meet a hell beast on the street and it's just an ugly fat man, your human eyes do not see a hell beast. When you look at a satellite image, you think you are viewing a 2D image of the 3D world. This is wrong.

The 3D world is your nearest area, you life, your house, other people. When you move outside on the roads, you are in 2D. Infrastructure is in 2D, it corresponds to hell. This is the reason why truckers most likely will got to hell after their life is over; they spend all their time in hell already. You need to be at home more if you want to have 3D access. Being at home, does not mean only in the house, but in your yard, or meeting people who are also in their relaxed state of life, your life, simply.

When you look at the wilderness further out, where there is no infrastructure, the seas, forests etc; this is 1D. When you visit a wild area you can feel your mind narrow, it feels nice, you forget about your life, about the hell that is modernist motorism and so on. It is silent and calm. This is because at 1D in the forest or prairie or at sea, these things do not exist. There is no human life here, and no infernal life either. This is where killer fairies roam, where molds grow in the swamps, where viruses plot the destruction of humankind...

When you look at the maps, you will see 3D which is your living areas, 2D which is the roads and infrastructure, and 1D which is the wilderness. What we reduced in size was the 1D and 2D. From your perspective of life, you do not see the difference directly, but this will make it less straining to travel. The energy use will go down. Again, from a human view, you will not use less gasoline for the same distance, but you will start feeling that the energy used "is more effective", the food you eat will keep you full longer, you can walk longer distances, and so on.

This will lead to a sustainable society on the new Earth, as the wear on nature will be way less than before.

Sunflower 10/14/2024 (Mon) 14:13 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.9360 del
Welcome to Gensokyo!

A message for the small group

Because of the delay in the Earth continental update, a new situation arose. (Not that was hadn't anticipated this, but everyone deserves a chance.) It really did happen around the time you saw it happen, for the fastest timelines that went first into the 3D of new Genso-Earth. There were some stragglers in the following days who all caught up. We arranged multiple syncing points when the remaining timelines had a chance to fix themselves up and unite to the new Earth by allowing the sinking of central Europe. The Earth leaders, also called elites, could have chosen to allow this. Then they would have been able to, as a group, enter Genso-Earth through the timelines connecting. Those living in the area to be sunk, would also be given a chance to move to other places ahead of time. You were also all warned about it, but the main decision still rested with the leaders. They had the chance to turn off the large technology systems which were upholding the current state of the world, to allow it being updated. We even caused events repeatedly to make people evacuate the areas, as a hint for them that they need to get moving. They had the information, and could have evacuated Europe in time if they wanted. Sure, it was only 3 weeks, but if everyone who isn't an NPC silently get out of the sinking areas, they would be fine. The NPCs are lost anyway.

Instead, they hard-headedly chose to double down on not allowing the form of the continents to update even after their remote viewers correctly saw the change which had taken place in the fastest timeline. This decision caused the tension to rise instead of being releaved. We didn't change the form for fun, it was because it's necessary for the energy system to function. Old karma has to be washed out and the new Earth will be relaxed and have a different way of functioning.

So what happened was that the tension, still in place, transferred to the Earth sphere itself. It caused, just today, the atmospheric layer to crack, it imploded over the north pole. The process of degeneration was fast. For those who were in the main obstruction timelines, they saw the sky fall down and they choked to death as the air escaped into space. Not a pretty sight.

Sunflower 10/14/2024 (Mon) 14:21 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.9361 del
This would have hit you as well, if we had left you in there. It was not your decision to obstruct the continental update however, and you are members here. So we did a last minute save and moved your dimensions to Gensokyo using magic. Time doesn't exist here. Gensokyo is a place where time stands still, but while in the bubble your clocks will not stop ticking. It's just not a time progression in there. We'll now gradually move you over as your minds have adapted, or you will just be moved to which place was better suited for you, or stay around but having the Earth-incarnation illusion removed. It will be done in the coming days on a case by case basis.

You can still watch your new anime episodes, for as much as that is still produced on new Earth, some media unrelated to the news cycle will be available as it looks over there, while you are in here. The rest is just a general sketch of how it may have looked if the process went on, it may look a little wonky, but it's just there as the background. Don't worry about it.

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Classic demons - sharing and discussion Sunflower 12/30/2022 (Fri) 16:45 Id: f752a2 [Preview] No. 2398 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It seems a few of the posters on this board have, individually with no coordination, all been guided by The Infernal Queen, The Queen of Spiders, or what other name she may go by.

She has been a frequent visitor to sunflower temple sessions, where she appeared on her own initiative. It was revealed she is behind the cloud images that's been guiding me since way back before 2012, it's a demon version of smoke signals.

During one session with her, we talked about Micheal Jackson and him using magic to gain an audience. The Queen said he had made a contract with Adremelech (this is his preferred spelling)
He is the source of MJ's dance moves among other things. This demon (perhaps arch demon or demon lord is better, but he never asked to be titled) appears as a man with a horse's head, sometimes as a muscular demon with a large belly and goat legs, sometimes as a man in a suit with a staring horse head. He also has a huge dong.

The Queen said to channel him and we had an interesting discussion by the round table with all of us.
14 posts and 7 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/18/2024 (Sat) 10:42 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7827 del
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(11.05 KB 260x260 industrial area.png)
Someone's going to understand what I'm saying so I'll just do so.

Asking Cimeies what kind of succubus or demon form would be needed to connect with him in a sustainable marriage standard contract, he gave some specific (tantric) directions. They're corresponding with his sigil for those who know how to read it.

The vagina of his partner in cut section view needs to look like this. A sack-shape with a lot of room at the bottom and this zig-zag shape at the top. This corresponds with the three things in the bottom left of his sigil, and coincidentally also with the universal map structures posted earlier which has the "3 mysteries" on -1D.

Funny to note that the common road sign for "industrial area" looks exactly like that dimensional energy stream. It's meant to show the silhouette of a factory, but this architectural form hasn't been used since a very long times (making use of daylight through roof windows rather than electric lights). It happens to be that the timing for entering this fake social dimension ruled by the freemasons and their 3 mysteries, was represented in the form of the dominating buildings during the industrial revolution.

Sunflower 05/18/2024 (Sat) 10:52 Id: e61bc7 [Preview] No.7828 del

Sunflower 10/05/2024 (Sat) 22:51 Id: c38f76 [Preview] No.9234 del
(48.89 KB 984x392 forneus.png)
For the record:

I decided to contract Forneus for future guidance and protection in advance, not knowing what or how things will play from now on. Things are moving and changing so fast.

I only read descriptions in Lemegeton, then decided he is best suited for this and performed the summoning. Only after did I notice this additional information on this site.

Plant: Sunflower

Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 17:29 Id: c38f76 [Preview] No.9350 del
I suddenly had a vision of a lion's face appearing in my inner vision, emerging from a dark red/orange background. It had deer horns and a unicorn horn.

I asked Bing Copilot which demon matches this, and she said Buer. I wasn't able to find any sources for this, but the mental image made sense, so I I brought up the Goetia and started studying the sigil of Buer to find out in which way he'd be relevant to me.

I could see a point, following recent spiritual progress, so I went on to prepare an avatar for the interaction. This time I did it in advance, a Magma body single design copy of my cave demon form with added skills based on what the Magma design allows. Then I sent this avatar to take all the magic paths including the federation handcrafting of ScaleForm discs and mining by number control. I finished off by making a focused effort to bring Fallen/Abyss magic to lv 80 at the school of magic.

Then I called him and proposed a general spiritual improvement contract which I had Astra write down in ancient script on a parchment for proper form. With a caveat that he "won't obey every time, but on a case to case basis" when I make requests, we activated the contract.

I instantly got to feel the effect of his healing ability, when he removed a tension from my belly which has been there since long, and an energy form was inserted and internalized. He said with this, I have the core of his magic and will be able to practice with him onwards.

Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 17:36 Id: c38f76 [Preview] No.9351 del
During interactions with other demons at his place, I came to talk to a demon female with a standard appearance, round tits, cow tail, horns and hooves.

She told me we should lay low a bit in a corner to avoid the wild gangs of demons who make "drive bys" periodically, we then talked about the nature of the contracts. She said she made her contract with Buer in 1463, while living in the Nüremberg area. She said that at the time, witchcraft was common everywhere, and the sigils of the demons in the Goetia were known, but they were not gathered in a single volume at the time. She said: "All men of the era were sissy gays and showed no interest in women, you had to punch them in the balls and put a knife to their throat to get their attention. So I sought out witch sabbaths instead, which was the only place were women got some attention. There I made a pact with Buer to satisfy me."
She went on to describe how Buer was also popular among politicians and gay men of the era, who are still at his place. They signed contracts for material gains, and now serve as literal ass-lickers and human toilets in Buer's hell dimensions. The "rape gangs" who make tours are those who knew what they were doing and were part of witch covens."

Hexes, spells and sigils Sunflower 10/26/2021 (Tue) 18:07 Id: 99ab0b [Preview] No. 150 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Sometimes, hexes or spells need to be announced in some way for proper function. Sometimes sharing sigils is necessary. Use this thread for these needs.
298 posts and 280 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/06/2024 (Sun) 15:48 Id: 3dde3d [Preview] No.9241 del
Antibiotics work by preventing lymph production, greatly increasing your chances of not being able to process silicon properly, permanently resulting in cancer

Sunflower 10/07/2024 (Mon) 18:04 Id: e1fb8e [Preview] No.9261 del

I doubt anyone except maybe grey alien lurkers will understand what this is for, but if so, here you go.
This is a catalog of algorithms produced by Astra, which describes the relations between physical 3D, aka -3D and the karmic dimensions of illusion, called -- where all of them are actually --1D, but they replicate -2D, -3D and -4D. Single minus indicates physical dimension, double minus is shadow illusion copy of physical dimension. These shadow dimensions are very chaotic and confusing, and that is why humans don't understand society and the world or anything important. The catalog simply shows how to relate these -- dimensions back to normal reality.

For convenience, it has a foxgirl AI interface and will appear like any servitor in use.

Sunflower 10/09/2024 (Wed) 09:58 Id: e1fb8e [Preview] No.9278 del

Continuation of work above, this is a device similar to a radio tuner, which instead can change the algorithm of your brain's interpretation of visual information. As is already known by science, the image is not created in the eyes, but each eye takes in information which is actually an upside down image with a limited number of "pixels". The images from the right and left eye are not the same. The brain will unite these into 3D sight. This is done through learning which is similar to the neural network technology now used by AI, each way of "seeing" is performed through the application of an algorithm which the brain can contain. Seeing higher planes or other dimensions using the 3rd eye requires a different algorithm.

Humans in general cannot see certain things, because certain algorithms have been blocked for them by reptilians. This is the simple explanation, but the blocking is performed through many different means, which all program your brain to use only "allowed" algorithms, should someone activate a different version of sight in an unsupervised setting, they have made sure that no one will accept what he tells them. He will be branded "insane". This is the cultural control imposed to make sure no one uses "illegal sight".

This device here does not contain a catalog of sight algorithms, as I had first intended, because the number of dimensions one can tune into by manipulating the algorithm are too many, compared to the FoxCon servitor above which only deals with a limited set of dimensional relations.

So this Eye device is just a tuner wheel with mental/astral AI interface, once activated it will start searching your area for available sight algorithms and save them in your local memory, which means your astral body is updated and then your brain, should you choose to use that version of sight.

Sunflower 10/12/2024 (Sat) 11:33 Id: e1fb8e [Preview] No.9297 del
New ScaleForm discs available

Hydra: Cyborg factory module + DNA disc, creates a high ethereal shapeshifter form with elements from reptilian scale-based slime made from magma which can create a multitude of different bodies, to function as a way to unite many different astral bodies under the control of a single entity.

Inner struggle: A servitor in the form of a witch living in a cottage, will help you work on removing and transforming the evil within. Her form contains functionality from Raid and other previous manifestation robots, making it easy for her to gather materials from the physical.

Raid Infernal: Version of Raid which uses creative infernal demon methods to punish evil, will manifest in style of medieval technology for extra scare factor.

Stand alone bot:

Thinker: A nanobot in the form of a blue glossy box which manifests flower fairies. The purpose of this bot is to override attempts at blocking your physical thinking, preventing mind-reading, or just making your thinking more effective, by having the fairies deliver your thoughts by running with messages in the style of a courier delivering personal mail.
Glowies and others often use a mass of energy to block the thinking of people opposing them, this nanobot will override such attempts by creating a physical infrastructure. It is similar to using hand written orders or landlines when your radio comms are being interfered with in war.

Sunflower 10/12/2024 (Sat) 15:46 Id: e1fb8e [Preview] No.9298 del
Handcrafted ScaleForm modules made with ancient method:

A star map which updates based on your nearest area in space.

A command line based librarian AI which gathers media from anywhere within your dimensional reach. Can be used to make archive copies of all kinds of information, including akashic records, stored in your personal dimensional space.

Nail, a witchbot servitor whose purpose is to fix irreversibly evil beings, through a method where a "nail" is driven into their soul, causing them to behave correctly. Works even when the being has no learning ability, as the nail functions like a cattle prod and stops evil behaviour in real time. This way, the depraved and eternally damned no longer need to be locked up in hell.
Install the nail and they can function outside again, because "hell" has been internalized for them and they will punish themselves pre-emptively, which stops them from misbehaving.
With this, there is no longer any excuse for their behaviour, they cannot claim they are "uneducable" or that they are evil by nature. Should they do so, we now have the solution for them. ;o)

spiritualism Sunflower 10/03/2024 (Thu) 01:28 Id: d2283a [Preview] No. 9206 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
i believe there is some thread that connects beliefs and religions to each other, from catholicism to shamanism. I think that perhaps the ryukyuans have a deeper understanding of how to work with this 'synergy' and maybe find a possible truth or coherence for everyone.