Sunflower 08/25/2024 (Sun) 16:16 Id: 6ef32d No.8763 del

Some of your have received a device or grimoire to your astral inbox.

Activate it to learn a magic form, which produces Gensokyo-issued botsouls. These are made for usage on the new Earth. Appearance is a black cat with grey features. It will expire after 7 periods, which can be of different length depending on timeline is it inserted into. It can be as short as 7 seconds or less if you try to put it somewhere unstable. Learned experiences are returned to you at dissolution.

The reason for this is to prevent imminent population collapse, having NPCs controlled by the red bear or brown cat servitors work only as long as the humans of the hivemind are somewhat stable in themselves. These methods count as spirit possession without interference, the bodies will degrade quickly as there is no permanent inhabitant. You have already seen the result on social media. [Embed]

The magic form once activated will be personally adapted to your way of practice, but will produce botsouls with some degree of automation to be inserted into important people around you. Because these are now real souls, even if they are bots, the bodies will stop degrading somewhat.

We will on our end also produce these bots to uphold population layers which are important for the general form of society in the coming years. Even if we want a complete replacement of everyone into the new races, we need to have a transition period to not lost all technological progress.