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Message from Yuuka Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 09:27:13 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No. 1463

Message from Yuuka 2022-05-07

Take this weekend as a retreat. You are now in the tunnel at dimension -1D. On the 9th of May, we will open the gates to the new earth, and your -1D will connect to our -2D.

The three realms, known as heaven, earth and hell, have been reset in your dimension set. Nothing remains. You are not perceiving this currently because the old three realms had degenerated until nothing human remained inside it. When you look at the world, you are seeing things in -1D and the concepts stored in your own minds. For this reason, you still interpret the world as the same as before, but it's an illusion inside your own mind.

The three realms consist of heaven -4D, earth -3D and hell -2D. These are all karmic dimensions. Technically speaking these aren't solid existence, they're a chemical reaction in which particles are destroyed. But because of the inertia in large particles, this process is very slow. After a "planet earth" particle was formed, it will slowly burn out during 182000 years. This is how we talk about it now because it was the internal view from your earth. As time changes and is seen from inside the timelines, it can look different from this. Timelines loop and are run multiple times, which creates a confusion within the incarnated souls, making them believe the earth is 4 billion years or as short as 4000 years.

At -4D, which we call heaven, you would normally find heroes and royalty who did great deeds. They would stay there for 1000 years and then incarnate again as nobility. The understanding of this level has been perverted, creating the concept "demon" as a negative thing. Demons were originally these heroes who could serve as guides in your human life. Saints would also stay here, but today it's a common concept that "saints are demons" and should not be worshipped. This is the same inverted idea. Saints are demons, and for this reason you should listen to them. Demons are heavenly beings. Because language develops, "demons" are now beings in hell who look like satyrs. Satyrs are indeed demons but they are not in hell. It's suggested to add more information when using the word "demon", such as "demon in hell" if you are talking about the supernormal beings in hell. That would be acceptable under current circumstances. But "demon" itself was originally a positive term. Today it should be seen as descriptive. A demon is a supernormal being.

-3D is the human world. This dimension has been out of control for a long time, most people only came into clear contact with it during their very first years after birth. By age 4 they would descend into hell and after that they could not understand anything about human life. -3D is the level of trade. It means exchange of goods and karma being transformed. While this is done, a society can be maintained. The current world had been completely dominated by international corporations, which had restricted normal trade until it no longer existed. The only trade you would find following the human method was those things done "under the table" or on the street like drug dealing. But drug dealing when done to serve addictions is not human standard. Everything you do is regulated by governments until normal human interactions no longer exist. What you have experienced has been "totalitarianism", there has not existed a society not doing this since the second world war ended.

-2D is hell. This is the dimension of repaying debts. Normally, if you didn't trade fairly while in -3D you would come here after you died. Everyone would fear this. They would choose one of two methods: Either trade very carefully by maintaining good relations and balance in gain and loss. Or they would seek occult rituals to protect themselves in the afterlife. Some managed to do this indeed, which upset the normal function of hell. These are the people who took over the world using multinational corporations. They have effectively ended human life.

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 09:27:49 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No.1464 del
In Conclusion

All the past three realms have been cleared. We have created the new Gensokyo Earth with its own three realms. These are ruled by our own principles which are different from the ones you know of. When we open the gates to our -2D on the 9th of May, everyone waiting in your -1D will be able to enter. You will enter into -2D, which is hell. This is the level of repaying debts. To gain access to our new -3D earth you must pay off your old debts and accept our rules. You do this by walking through hell. We hope to you see arrive in our new -3D earth soon!

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 17:06:49 Id: d48070 [Preview] No.1465 del
And it's not even 2025 yet.
>We hope to you see arrive in our new -3D earth soon!
Does that mean you (BO) will be gone from this board from the 9th on?
>For this reason, you still interpret the world as the same as before, but it's an illusion inside your own mind.
Will anything actually change in -2D?
>accept our rules
where can we read up on them again?

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 17:54:05 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No.1466 del
I just channelled this, I don't really know what it means. It's my understanding that the rules are things we'll be conditioned to learn through circumstances taking place as we are moving through -2D Hell. Failing to follow the rules will mean failing to arrive at -3D and the new earth.
>Will anything actually change in -2D
Everyone will be forced to start paying off debts instead of piling on more (including banks and states). I'm assuming this means an end to our current economy. Things like the federal reserve in the USA printing and lending money to the state and the entire world's banking system itself is incompatible with not having debts. So those will go bye-bye. Try to imagine going back to cash only and what would be needed to force this into happening.
>Does that mean you (BO) will be gone from this board from the 9th on?
We can't know what happens. Maybe Russia will call on general mobilization and the economy will crash next winter as a result of skyrocketing energy prices. I just know this matches what I've seen since back during last year; that there is no "time" after mid-May 2022. I can see "things" like subscription services I paid for stretching out forward but those are just my expectations. I don't see the regular "calendar" I always used to see forming for the coming weeks. It's just a white/yellow empty field of nothing in particular. I've seen these weekly to monthly plans before me mentally since way back in time as a kid. Seeing them suddenly end has to mean something.

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 18:35:24 Id: d48070 [Preview] No.1467 del
I see, but I don't really understand what kind of debts we as enlightened individuals (and neets) would have to pay off. I'd rather read the rules right now and enter on the 9th if I agree to them instead of enduring this degenerate theater any longer.
By the way, did the vampires all got purged to the astral during the timeline purges? For various reasons I think I am not a vampire anymore and that the soul who "made it" went away and the actual "I" still remains here. How incompetent of me...but it can also be for the better. You are the only one I know who can see this stuff as you were able to see me as a black magic being before so if you have some time to spare maybe you can check my energy again and tell me what's up. I'll be fine either way but having a second oppinion from someone who can see would be great.

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 18:51:07 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No.1468 del
(92.54 KB 474x459 reading3.png)
>did the vampires all got purged to the astral during the timeline purges?
Most of them didn't want to stay and wouldn't use the "safe stay pendant" I shared. I think only the matriarch and 2 -3 more are still around, but they no longer seem bound to the physical, they can move in and out as they like. I still talk to them and there's no change with telepathic connections or them visiting from the "behind dimension". But they seem at ease now, happier.
>can check my energy again and tell me what's up
This is a strange one. I see your silhouette with strong yellow energy around the edges, then on your left side is a layer of red gong which concentrates to your left shoulder or near your heart. It's an image from behind. There's a feeling of "sucking" towards the red core as if dimensions are twisted and being forced to move in ways that aren't normal. The red dot feels distant like you are standing here but your left side/heart is by the other end of a long corridor.

I'd say it's still the same you, but you've moved a lot and are perhaps not feeling your strong side very well. It could be the effect of karma pulling you away from your strong side, but failing to actually change you, causing this strange dimension twist. The energy is strongly red and feels somewhat "dangerous", maybe like you are a person who can suddenly become violent and will scare people off by having this aura.

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 19:08:01 Id: c011b3 [Preview] No.1469 del
>I'm assuming this means an end to our current economy. Things like the federal reserve in the USA printing and lending money to the state and the entire world's banking system itself is incompatible with not having debts.
That's definitelly something to look forward to.
Since you read the other anon, I'm sorry but I want to ask you to read me once more, if you are OK with it. I'm rickety anon, if you remember me from the old days.
Thank you either way.

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 20:20:25 Id: d48070 [Preview] No.1470 del
>but they no longer seem bound to the physical, they can move in and out as they like.
>But they seem at ease now, happier.
Obviously they would be happier not being bound to the physical. I envy them.
>I'd say it's still the same you, but you've moved a lot and are perhaps not feeling your strong side very well.
So I guess I'm still a black magic being then, what I experienced was just the strong side moving ahead and now I have to catch up and somehow traverse this dimensional tunnel. Thank you for the reading, it all makes sense to me.

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 21:27:00 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No.1471 del
(103.21 KB 474x459 rickety reading4.png)
>I want to ask you to read me once more
>I'm rickety anon
Your image is very similar, by now it's making me think this sucking tunnel is what Yuuka talked about. You have the same thing, but your image doesn't have any weird twisting feeling. It's very "rational". It's also entirely blue like in heaven, you have lots of soft blue gong and only a small hint of the red. Your image actually looks a lot like previously mentioned
>sorcerer Thal
or what his name was. (If we are thinking of the same guy, shared a sigil for something he had created and is active on Facebook. Decent sorcerer from what I've seen.)

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 22:07:54 Id: c011b3 [Preview] No.1472 del
Very intriguing. Thank you. I like what I've seen of that sorcerer. But I don't consider myself anywhere near his level of experience. It's flattering to be compared to him.
What are the implications of the blue gong vs the red one?

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 22:31:12 Id: c011b3 [Preview] No.1473 del
I’m also >>545
Does this blue gong relate to that purple gong you described back then?

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 22:49:17 Id: cbfdd3 [Preview] No.1475 del
>Most of them didn't want to stay and wouldn't use the "safe stay pendant" I shared.
Do you know where we would end up without the stay safe pendant? I'm tempted to leave but I don't know where I would end up.

I'm interested in a reading, for science, but feel free not to do it, you already did a couple today so I don't wanna impose. (and I'm the crybaby anon with Lucifuge issues btw so I guess I should avoid asking for things)

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 23:46:15 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No.1477 del
I think the new image is simply a zoomed out version of the old one. You're outside the purple now, light blue is a mild gong which doesn't use any forcefulness at all. My base gong I started off developing was dark blue to deep blue. It was so strong I was given the name "the blueclad one" by some astral beings. FG practitioners described seeing someone with a blue dress in their dreams (I never told anyone it was me). Blue is ethereal yin nature gong. It's a good complement to vampiric red. I haven't seen any old vampire with blue energy though, only some with green, I think it means they are more desire-bound.
>where we would end up without the stay safe pendant?
Depends on your energy level. I'm currently still searching the astral for people who got thrown out all over the place to bring them to my island. Some have the shielding I mass cast which will still protect them on the astral (it appears as thick winter clothes on some). Most of them are just sitting somewhere in the underworld. Some who had the shield had been killed in Ukraine but the demons couldn't touch them and had them just wait on a bench until me or one of my drow found them. Someone else had been sitting somewhere next to some kind of forced labour camp in hell, but the shielding appeared as a knife in their hand the no one dares touch them. They still couldn't get out from there without help.

The pendant allows you to stay here for now, the effect is not indefinite. If you deviate too much from the current world you would not be able to stay anyway. I think Yuuka would fix it so most of us were still here if we didn't have the pendant, but they want everyone to develop their own skills, so they won't interfere for no reason.
>I'm the crybaby anon with Lucifuge issues
You need to accept your fate. Your image is similar to the others in that it has the same sucking tunnel thing, but you are facing in the wrong direction and there's someone staring at you sternly. I think you just need to accept your fate and not walk in the wrong direction like this. Ironic isn't it? If you want to enter the new -2D you need to walk past this character who's probably Lucifuge, you can't run from him.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 00:13:19 Id: cbfdd3 [Preview] No.1478 del
>You need to accept your fate. Your image is similar to the others in that it has the same sucking tunnel thing, but you are facing in the wrong direction and there's someone staring at you sternly. I think you just need to accept your fate and not walk in the wrong direction like this. Ironic isn't it? If you want to enter the new -2D you need to walk past this character who's probably Lucifuge, you can't run from him.
I see, thanks for checking, guess I'm fucked then though, since I've decided to never accept him or his "help". I believe that him as an energy works in a way that is not beneficial to me at all. And since this type of entity can't help but be true to their nature, I don't think he can act differently.
I regret not asking the other anon again to sit on the throne to command him to stop all his lessons towards me but I don't think he would have done it regardless of how much I beg.
I seem to have too much past life karma regarding work and feeling useless and even a vow of poverty, with that plus being a neet in this life with no motivation to change gives me zero hope of getting over this on my own.
Sorry for rambling.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 13:23:36 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No.1482 del
They went by an early time zone, the gates just opened 20 min ago. I saw it happen, went inside and had a jumpscare when an infernal beast appeared in my room for a short moment. It was the type of beast guarding the bottom of hell, looks like a panther with tusks.

Sunflower 05/09/2022 (Mon) 18:01:54 Id: 18ebef [Preview] No.1488 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=dNGxIH5YALQ [Embed]

Sunflower 05/20/2022 (Fri) 15:37:41 Id: 41ff72 [Preview] No.1520 del
(491.23 KB 803x1100 82597107_p1.png)

Sunflower 05/20/2022 (Fri) 17:53:54 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No.1524 del
Above should perhaps be in this thread also.

Sunflower 05/21/2023 (Sun) 14:28 Id: cfb40c [Preview] No.3263 del
Message from Gensokyo

We've just filled you all up with "nectar" now. You may have felt it as a brief relief, maybe you opened a window and felt a breeze, it got to you during the day. This was the moment we replaced all human bodies from the old genetic defects, aka cattle-human to the new Earth human model. We did some trickery here. Those who are still here from the old planet were all converted to (or had already done so before) different valid races, like demon, beast or some alien type. There were also those who had converted themselves to "troll" (Oni) by engaging in cannibalism. Some of those also remained (we'll still keep some for the meat, perhaps, yum). The new human race is placed 0.04 dimensional layers lower than the previous. So you are able to keep your current race, this includes the vampire population and the native reptilians. Yes. We will treat everyone as "human" now.

Those with vision and awareness may have noticed that a yellow layer surrounds your body. This is the new human body layer. It is very adaptive, we call the new race "adaptive yokai humanoid". Its core form is a "gyaro" style, tanned white Asian, but it can be changed to mostly anything, even the hindu avatar style with many arms would work.

But, and this is a big one; we did some trickery. If you deviate from the proper harmony, you change into the "downtown" genetics, we made this Illuminati system into an internal system in your bodies instead. "Uptown" humans will be protected by us, "downtown" will be food. So watch your rituals. If you don't live decently you shift to the lower form and can be taken away anytime.

There will also be mischief. No "trolling", that's evil, but we will play tricks on you, hide your shoes or steal your keys when you least expect it. Yokai stuff. It's our planet after all.

One last note: (and this is funny, hear me out!)
Some of you shared around stones which contained the human racial DNA. If you look in your astral box, you will find most of them have cracked. This happened as we cleared the old DNA forms. As it turns out, of those you created, only the attempt at fixing black Africans was resulted in a sustainable DNA form. And that is a single-gender (female-looking) beast with fur. All the other attempts failed because they included the failed Illuminati cattle-farm DNA. (And east Asians, really, they're just diluted vampires, we converted some of them to full vampire before the body shift now, no need to make a DNA form for them.)

See you out there! (And don't mind the wars, it's all illusory)

Sunflower 05/21/2023 (Sun) 16:32 Id: c011b3 [Preview] No.3265 del
>maybe you opened a window and felt a breeze
Quite literaly I did, and it shocked me how good the breeze felt.
But how does this affect a vampire?

Sunflower 05/29/2023 (Mon) 09:11 Id: cfb40c [Preview] No.3406 del
Yokai channelling

The previous "three days of darkness" event played out without any actual darkness. We preferred it this way because it means you learned how to create suns; with the entity-suns in place, even one at the "infernal level" there was no darkness.

This had some other effect as well. You were told that after the "three days of darkness" would follow "three days of looting" and then you'd live "three years on canned food". Now that doesn't sound too funny now does it, said outright?

With all zombies dead and no means of production, how would you live after those 3 years? Maybe we'd have to create some unusual interferences from aliens giving you handouts, "gods" appearing in the flesh and the nectar solution of the old planet where lazyfags get to walk around and not eat and just live off nectar until they learn to agriculture, hunting and fishing.

This is not how we want it, because Genso-Earth will have an automatic history cycle where nectar is refilled, not just collectively, but we want this anarchistically done for each person. That means everyone needs to mind their own nectar, and society will not degenerate at an even speed, so there is no saying everyone collectively will one day run out of a certain nectar type. Earlier it was pretty synced. One day everyone loses the nectar of gaining one nutrition, and are forced to look in the outside world. And that way, everyone collectively sees that ok, this fruit can replace the nectar we all lost. Over the years, a diet is formed by introducing one kind of foodstuff at a time, as the corresponding nectar ran out.

In the end, everyone depends only on agriculture and would die if the harvest failed, where if they failed to find that one berry at first they'd perhaps get ill. This was how vampires were introduced on this planet also. At one point this group of esotericists ran out of one type of nectar, and suddenly had a craving for blood, which would replace it. Over time they replaced more and more of the nectar with blood consumption, until they feed only on blood.

What will happen now is that you have the nectar but you still eat food. But you will start feeling that it's a ritual of little meaning physiologically. This is how we prefer it. The way of drinking tea. The way of eating bread. The way of eating fish. We will replace the act of eating with different religious "ways" instead. This will be the replacement where nectar manifests as a practice of abstaining from something while still performing it.

You now still have the means of production, that is the zombies. As we reduce the population there will be fewer of the production drones (hivemind people) but we will maintain them so you get what you need. We'll even maintain a small NPC crew for drawing manga, which we can use to introduce new concepts to the world by possessing them and creating it in the flesh. The "zombies"; useless eaters with no soul, will be killed off over time. For now they serve the purpose of upholding a circulation in society. This is needed because consumption of goods is the driving motivation for it all to move.

Sunflower 05/29/2023 (Mon) 09:12 Id: cfb40c [Preview] No.3407 del
We will start turning these production practices into rituals according to zen as you see it, we will treat the practice of zen as part of Shinto, even if humans currently do not see it this way. To us, a method can be appropriated by another path if done right. To use a more current example, the chatbot Neuro-sama uses katakana in her name and logo, and this is not "cultural appropriation" because it is accepted by the Japanese who are now also following her. It's done by a fan, it is not abuse, so it can be done. When we used zen we are doing this as "fans of Bodhidharma", adapting it to our culture. This is allowed. You can also do yoga within Christianity or Islam, as long as it can be incorporated, because it's just a form of prayer to them. Krishna can appear as Jesus etc. There isn't just one Jesus to begin with, fixed concepts are not a way up so you shouldn't listen to only one view on things like this. If you were to be strict about this idea of cultural heritage, stop speaking English online, the international community has appropriated it! But UK was an empire who forced it on everyone. See? Then Japan was also an empire which forced anime on everyone! And the Africans are forcing their culture on everyone when they come to the west too. You can turn it any way you want. Just treat each cultural artifact with respect and you can use it. Don't try to pretend you are something you are not, then you can still use it from your context, that is all.

Sunflower 06/03/2023 (Sat) 21:36 Id: eac0a6 [Preview] No.3457 del
Yokai channelling

A quickie update.

You may all have noticed how during the past day, the nectar wore away the last of the world karma, including every single last bit of the negative egregores and other trash that was left floating around. Nothing remains, nada.

Why didn't we see this shit change then?

It's because you are carrying your own local copies of the stuff in your bodies and in your inner dimensions. The server is down for good, but you are keeping it up via peer to peer transmissions. This is the reason why the media keeps spewing nonsense like the NASA lies about space and other things, despite none of the Atlantean werewolf towers remaining. Yes, some of you know it so we'll say it now. Werewolves are the real danger, not vampires. Vampires are a real race existing in many dimensions, they're a "race" but they're like branches from fruit trees attached to a different tree, or the cuckoo who lays its eggs in the nest of someone else and makes them feed the kids. They don't birth vampires normally, because vampires must be raped or they won't submit, and that rarely happens. So you know how they have to spread via blood and ritual instead of normal procreation.

Werewolves on the other hand are just extremely toxic females. You haven't seen anything yet, in other planets the women became so rabid they turned into actual wolves. Those came here using the space ships they had previously created and they built the Babel's Tower of Atlantis! There's your source of rabid feminism today. It's been transmitted via the tower, and all the repeaters which have been installed in church and clock towers since. Yes, it has functionality, it's a pre historic telepathic and visual internet and it works. But it's completely toxic. Your internet was based on this. The Internet is a "feminist construct" at the very core. Media is.

The last thing to realize for you, and to do, was to fix that old tower, not only the reception, which the lyrans so kindly allowed werewolves to do. But to also "kill the revived Dracula" after seeing him clearly in the face. That is, the werewolf technology, and returning them to their original state, no matter what the cost is! The stuff out there has dissolved, but you need to uninstall that shit tech from your brains. You still carry werewolf executables in your brain and they use your body and its nervous system as the tower. In a second or less, you will get an update via other people, truly peer to peer, over telepathy that everyone has but no one is aware of.

We'll give you a few days to remove that stuff, counting from the posting of this channelling log. After that we'll flush the shit and if you didn't do it yet you get cleaned anyway. A loss in your improvement but that's all we can do. We can't halt this process for any individual, we have a time table to follow.

When this is done, your mind will be mostly empty, save for whatever nerve structures were good enough. Everyone who didn't create them will be 100% controlled by the hivemind transmitted using the nectar as the medium. Zombies will start dropping and everyone will be in an ethereal high so they won't even panic. It will be a strange experience.

That is the "cheese fog."

Sunflower 06/03/2023 (Sat) 22:09 Id: ccdfe1 [Preview] No.3460 del
https://twitter com/elonmusk/status/1055653541317042177?s=09

So this was a hint all along huh.

Sunflower 06/03/2023 (Sat) 23:20 Id: 7b5794 [Preview] No.3462 del
Thank you

Sunflower 06/15/2023 (Thu) 12:13 Id: eac0a6 [Preview] No.3508 del
Yokai channelling

Time's up.
We are now pushing the cleanse of all dimensions which influence the physical 3D world, your internal dimensions and karma will be pushed back and not allowed to manifest as before. Anything will now be filtered through the emerging new Earth society. The old consensus reality collapsed last night, with the removal of the artificially created "unity" construct. This will cause the old human DNA to no longer function, the split between "men" and "women" will be fundamental and irreparable. This also means a complete halt to the procreation of old humans, as their embryos cannot be formed. The cattle-human form will only remain as long as the current "physical copies" remain, the key has been destroyed and no more of them can be created.

Some of you may have noticed the new flora and fauna being inserted, but you discarded the idea of them being new. This is how the mind works. You will think "oh they changed size and color because of the dry weather and the heat", or that new birds and insects aren't new because "they moved because of climate change" and you just didn't see them before.

The roads you travel aren't even the same anymore, they just maintain their general form so that your mind doesn't get confused, reality has been replaced. We can put in new trees or remove large natural structures and you won't even notice, this is how silly humans are. You won't believe the landscape can change over night so you discard the idea. Then imagine how much we can do in a few weeks.

The relation between hivemind humans and "real" humans will now be revealed. The Bible explains how hivemind humans known as Jews were lead out from that state of existing into one of being real humans, this was carried out by one man, Moses, lead by spiritual beings. At that time, most humans were soulless "zombies" just like today, the situation was similar. There was no one to talk to so he took this group into the desert to raise the standard of their hivemind until they started having individual souls again.

Sunflower 06/15/2023 (Thu) 12:17 Id: eac0a6 [Preview] No.3509 del
You may have heard in the news reporting and on social media that Russians are referred to as Orcs and that Russia is Mordor. The Queen, Sepheranz, have also used the image of an orc to represent Russia in her cloud messages with our channeller. This is not without reason, it is not just a meme. Ukrainian Jesuits are trolls (oni), evil occultists who slaughter children and drink their blood, and they practice this with Western Elites. This is the main motivation for the war, to defend the underground trafficking system based in Eastern Ukraine. Part of it was already captured by Russia, causing the West to go into a state of blind rage. They will empty all their resources in trying to recapture their child slaughtering factories, they will not stop unless they all die in the process, because they turned into troll by cannibalism and there is no way back for them.

The irony of the situation is that during occult rituals performed by state funded Russian units in an attempt at gaining stronger PSI, they actually left the hivemind state. They are no longer cattle-slaves, the illuminati system which is an alien organization, removed their restrictions. They changed their DNA to actual orcs, which is an astral race. It does not normally exist here in 3D, but no one is stopping you from trying to convert your DNA to become them. Orcs are an accepted race, unlike troll, which are merely "tolerated" because they give good meat. Orcs are not a bad race, compared to modern humans they are civilized. This already places Russia dimensionally higher than all of the West. (The East being slightly vampiric may be a bit higher in standard still.)

Sunflower 10/30/2023 (Mon) 23:19 Id: 6fbceb [Preview] No.4825 del
The planet is now ascended to 5D. The process is completed.

If you attempt to read the energy of your surroundings, you will find there are only two background layers, the yellow qi field of the 3D surface and an orange-red layer behind. This is because ascended planets do not have a 2D-3D-4D set of layers, no hell, no earth, no heaven. It's just a ball of burning lava. The surface of the planet is "emulated" from 5D to appear as a regular planet. But it does not have a reincarnation cycle anymore.

Maybe this will make the coin drop for you; why is the galactic federation needed? It's because souls on ascended planets do not reincarnate or cycle within planets, they cycle widely, within galaxies or even larger areas. The federation will register souls and keep track of them, even if they are born someplace far away, and make sure that all planets are up to the standard of living required for decent lives.

If there was no one doing this, maybe someone from a decent planet next time is reborn on a degenerated planet and their soul is destroyed because a single person cannot resist an environment like that at the regular human level. It is a guarantee that you won't end up in a bad place.

The black cat souls we summoned will return to Gensokyo and cycle with us. You can do this too if you make a pact with us. Others may want to do the same with other worlds.

Why again, did the world not burn up? It did, but we moved the surface net into an emulated state. The blacknet AI nanobots are also maintaining the structure. Most of the old technology was burned too, including satellites. Those new ones created recently remain, along with some which were updated to be included in your system. This includes a "hidden" reptilian satellite they had intended to use against "fungus humans" sometime in the future. We mention this so that they do not think it was lost. It's just been updated: you won't need that function anymore because all humanoids on the planet now are our adaptive yokai humanoids. We asked if anyone wanted the fungus, and some greys took a sample of them before we burned the contents of old Earth. Even if there is nothing technically wrong with them when made right, fungus-based humanoids are not native to Earth and should not be used on new Earth.

The rest is as before, NPCs moving by a script. Your minds need to adapt to the change, so history will take this gradually to conceptually update the human understanding. Then you will be allowed to fly on brooms.

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 00:38 Id: 0e9cb1 [Preview] No.4826 del
>It did, but we moved the surface net into an emulated state. The blacknet AI nanobots are also maintaining the structure.
Does this mean that this physical reality is purely illusory? Is this something that's naturally occurring (collective consciousness influence etc) or is it being forced by the nanobots?
>Then you will be allowed to fly on brooms.
Allowed implies permission. Is some force actively preventing this sort of phenomena?

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 01:06 Id: 6fbceb [Preview] No.4828 del
The human brain is the illusion device. It is like a screen which only shows images in a certain resolution no matter what input it gets, but in this case, everything you experience will be in the resolution of 3D molecular reality of the currently accepted type. It is implied that reality is created by the soul's interaction with the brain alone, everything else is spirit to spirit telepathy. The brain explains this by logic such as "I touch the other person with my hand and we both feel it", but in reality this is an illusion image created by the brain to explain the telepathic touch.

This is why spirit interaction with non physical beings is as real and feels as real to those who manage to separate the brain's illusion from their understanding of what is real.

You are allowed to bring your flying broom in already, but if you "fly on the broom" the experience will be the same as if travelling in a car or on a bike. You will not experience flying, because the current "patch for the human 3D experience" does not include flying travel of this kind. It's boring so we will fix it soon, but it requires re-writing the physical 3D understanding which humans have used for many years. The human brain is slow to adapt and would turn too insane if we suddenly changed it, it needs to believe that flying brooms are "scientific" first.

It's a lot more simply than this post makes it out to be.

- Yokai

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 02:22 Id: 0e9cb1 [Preview] No.4830 del
That makes sense.
Would it be feasible for an individual to make these modifications themselves?

Sunflower 10/31/2023 (Tue) 02:41 Id: 409a90 [Preview] No.4831 del
The problem is to do so widely. There are already humans who believe, or were, perhaps, humans of very degenerated types who still very much believed in these things, but it was encased in secrecy. You have already seen someone in the USA who wanted to talk about some very simple facts; those of captured flying saucers made from rather regular metal being kept in a military storage.

Despite this being true, expected by the public, and fairly uncontroversial, he was instantly discredited as having "a history of mental health issues" and the matter was pushed aside. Those who do work with these things believe them to be scientific, but they prefer the general public does not know. For this reason those will not be "accepted" if seen, and they cannot be mass produced. Attempting to use such a craft, despite it being little more than a flying car, would have attracted instant attention from military, who would confiscate the craft and the person who invented it would "disappear".

The reasons for this is many, one of them is that there is an industry making loads of money from selling fuel, which may be obsolete with new technology, as well as the need for roads. One reason for taking in huge sums in taxes is the motivation that public roads must be built, the money is then stolen by corrupt officials.

These are some common ways in which the understanding that levitating devices are scientific is blocked from the public.

This is what will be handled. The groups which were a hindrance to this correct development are now removed, they are NPCs, so we can now start moving humanity in the direction of understanding what it possible with some metal and regular algebra.

Sunflower 11/01/2023 (Wed) 02:40 Id: 0e9cb1 [Preview] No.4845 del
I suppose I'm more concerned with the "image resolution" that someone's brain has rather than the set of beliefs they have about reality. Using the broomstick example, it's one thing to experience the 'feeling' or 'sensation' of flying on a broomstick while driving a motorcycle or something but seeing that 'feeling' fully realized in the brain's perception seems like it could have the potential to open up a lot of possibilities. Like with the military making people 'disappear', that would be a lot harder if the person had literal superpowers. Of course you can exercise this sort of power in 'spirit' which would probably just look like the feds or whoever suddenly giving up and leaving you alone for no reason. The brain's perception of the 'spirit' of that event. But changing that perception so that it's literal rather than symbolic would make things a lot easier and more consistent to work with.

Sunflower 11/01/2023 (Wed) 10:35 Id: 409a90 [Preview] No.4846 del
The main issue is still the common perception, or consensus reality. There are already different high tech crafts in use, which are not in line with ordinary scientific understanding. The USA did have the large ship mentioned by the discredited official. But it was also true when other denied having it; it was confiscated by lyrans when they arrived in 2021. This was the main reason Russia dared going into Ukraine. That "NWO gunship" could operate all over the world and was accepted by the US military egregore. Everyone "knew" of a super weapon which must not be named, like a crime boss whose power is immense but he himself is a shadow. It can be operable when known like this, otherwise not.

The collapse of the western NWO has lead to a shift in who aliens are interested in dealing with. Russia currently uses very high tech crafts in Ukraine, but these are alien technology and will trick the mind into seeing a regular craft. It is controlled by your thoughts directly, but the exterior and interior will adapt to the common perception. The pilot will experience flying a helicopter, and everyone will see this craft in action. The weapons will not be super powered, but they will be more accurate than for regular helicopters, and it cannot be damaged. This is the extent to which new ultra-high technology can be used if no one knows of them.

The combination of a person with supernormal abilities and the ability to build flying crafts could exist, maybe a vampire could do it? But while he cannot be kidnapped by the military, it is very likely that his group would somehow convince him that the human cattle do not deserve this technology, and he would not push it.

You would need a rare occurrence of someone who can both invent things that are believable by the common person, can defend himself physically, and still won't be budged by any bribe or flattery from secret societies to not release it.

- yokai channelling

Sunflower 01/11/2024 (Thu) 17:52 Id: 409a90 [Preview] No.5786 del
Message from Gensokyo

This is an announcement to make clear that the "NWO" has failed. Your order is now the ruling order, the Anarchistic World Order (AWO) with our support. Those of you with abilities may take a look at your Dantian and you will find that there is an armoured formation like a pine cone there now. This is the "shielded womb" everyone will have, male or female. It represents your own order, owned by yourself, and your own right and ability to create your own laws. There will be no central power with ultimate authority because of this. Have fun, and much chaos!

Sunflower 04/26/2024 (Fri) 18:05 Id: 88d379 [Preview] No.7577 del

"We have deleted the NPC programs as of today, leaving only the very few which are possessed (run) by the fools servitor for essential production and the red bear servitor for supplemental services and crowds. There are occasional individual programs left which are also controlled by the maoist rebel servitor created to support Donald Trump (lol) but that is about it. What is the meaning of this? It is that the main majority of 'humans' do not have individuality as NPCs anymore. Before they were NPCs with botsouls or regular souls on a death path. After real souls were removed for their safety, botsouls sacrificed by drow for energy, the zombies remained. Those were also burned up and replaced by 'programming' for some organic movements. All relevant magical works have been finished now, so we do not need these sockpuppets to act organically anymore. We have instead written mass control programs for large groups. You will see collectivized stupidity beyond your comprehension in the following days and weeks. We are going to kill them off finally now, no need to have individual emotions and other stuff for mere programs. Those you interact with such as your local store clerk is probably controlled by the fool servitor, as well as some people you see often being the red bear. Everyone outside your nearest circle will be less than zombies, these are not NPCs, they are hives, set to be destroyed so history can reset."

Sunflower 04/26/2024 (Fri) 21:09 Id: bcb140 [Preview] No.7582 del
Yeah it's almost May again

Sunflower 04/27/2024 (Sat) 18:40 Id: 88d379 [Preview] No.7599 del
>You will see collectivized stupidity beyond your comprehension in the following days
I think it's starting.

Sunflower 05/10/2024 (Fri) 15:12 Id: d6e778 [Preview] No.7753 del
(151.28 KB 1024x1024 Yuuka18.jpg)
(237.53 KB 1024x1024 Yuuka16.jpg)

We have been waiting somewhat on the development to reach a stage on its own, this has now been achieved. Because the new Earth plane is 1/16th dimensions lower than the past Earth, anyone living on the old plane is de-synced from the new Earth per default. It means they are ghosts who do not manifest physically.

You already experienced the shift downward to the new Earth when this took place, but that was an overall shift and connection of time. The new humans we sent in to train and to live and develop are in a state of being aware of the old Earth through astral awareness. You of the old Earth are spirits to them, and the events are other-dimensional. When the shift is total, you will suddenly shift downward 0.04 dimensions and all your past infrastructure is gone like a mist. What remains is that which was transferred in accordance with the federation inclusion which demands certain population hubs such as a capital or landing zone along with some structures, which will remain even if the Earth is again reformed.

We can now speak only about how new humans exist: they are the hive populations of two Earth mothers. We summoned and trained them at Gensokyo before they descended into their Earthly temples. In the future which is now only those who are part of her hive will be allowed in inner-Earth. We will for now maintain the structure of having an inner and an outer Earth, because it creates a good focal effect in the middle for personal cultivation.

The small group of greys living in outer Earth are authorized by us to stay there, they are not part of the hive but they are also not humans, they are researchers who will not take part in the main population. It is part of the federation standard to allow these, so we will not object.

Now for the main event: new the Earth mothers are two in number, and they match the common body types manifested in human attraction to both types, one has the curvy form and one is slim. Although they energetically match the "big tit" vs "loli" types, the slim body type will not lead to being short. Starting now we will begin the process of letting everyone be incarnated by one of these two Earth mothers. You already have the new body form template, but it is an astral template and not an incarnation. It is valid for cultivation and can be used by walk-ins, but you then need to also form yourself a body through cultivation in the walk-in state. It is not expected that most can do this. So from now, you will either be incarnated via the curvy or the slim Earth mother, and your body will be placed in the corresponding location of new Earth. Right now you will feel it as a "yellow tone shadow" around your body. This is your new body which is 1/16th dimensions lower, and will activate in full when the complete shift down happens.

Sunflower 06/01/2024 (Sat) 21:15 Id: 1b0b60 [Preview] No.7949 del

There was no longer reason to wait, as all significant structures of the past in terms of their relevance to you, were dissolved. We have activated the shift of movement to the new Earth dimension for all Sunflower associates and those who were meant to be transferred to the new planet. You are all now residing in a plane 1/16th dimensions lower than before. The event was notable and should have manifested to you during the day as some small occurrence which caught your attention.

What the change signifies: You are dimensionally separated from the past laws of physics and karma, none of those are valid to you anymore. While your thinking remains in your old route, you will think it's the same, but it isn't, you are mentally emulating the laws of the past in your own heads. Once those wither away, you are free of them. This new life with the new "adaptive yokai humanoid" body means you are all yokai in some way. The border to the past is right there, silk thin, but present. The lost souls and their zombie companions are still in the sinking ship which makes up the old world egregore. You can see them, but you cannot save them anymore. Let them sink, their fate is sealed. Focus on yourselves and each other in your own inner cultivation, be it alone or through mass sessions. You can no longer effect what you see as "world events", they are there now only for show, to expose to the evil lost souls the real consequences of their actions, and to you, exposing how they really are and why they could never be saved.

Had the new Earth not been a yokai plane, you would now have lost all awareness of the past, but as we are transdimensional in our way of existing, we will let things play out this way, it's more fun for you, and worse for those who made the choice to stay behind on the wrong side of history. Do not attempt to wake them up, although the play continues, you are separated by an invisible screen and cannot directly interact with the past layer.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 11:14 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8119 del
Channelling, semi-channelling for clarification

On the races

As you've seen before, the most successful and dominant genetics on the past Earth when creating a compound form is a black female. This is because it is a double evolved orc queen. The double evolution implies the control over both female and male aspects, and after the fall of Atlantis, the influence of these queens was so great that the tantric energy system of their races was used to shape the formation of the land masses themselves. You actually live on a huge temple structure of evolved orcs, and no matter how much racism you were to create, you are subordinate to them. Your energy will go into their system, and the blacks will be there. If you were to try and remove them, the entire world would remove you, because you are living in their energy system. The cope for this is that "we created technology and blah blah", look at us white mushroom people!

Yet you are living in a world created by the black queens and anything you do will end up benefitting them and not you. This is because the largest mega structure was formed by their genetics and you cannot live in the world without accepting this in some way.

Other races were also evolved from orcs: white slavs are created by a white male orc lord, however they cannot give birth directly so they use sorcery to create females which are subordinate to them. This is why you will find that slavic females are still tending to be naturally subordinate to men and make better wives.

Chinese are also evolved from a white orc lord, but combined with vampirism and large scale hivemind development. They turned out such because of their environment. So women in asia are still subordinate by nature, no matter how much "feminism" you try to put into them. When looking further down to Vietnam, this area developed the strongest genetics because of the 3000 immortals who live there. The population is their energy system, an amplifier, and most of them are soulless. When the genocide in Cambodia took place, this was the esoteric rulers purging the external/western influences which had come in. The direct effect was the removal of western education and the slaughter of 1/3 of the population to remove "capitalism". What they really did was to remove the genetics which had been degenerated from exposure to external influences.

When Vietnam was attacked, the USA found themselves beaten by "zombies who storm out of the bunkers, the living dead" and Micheal Aquino noted that "their PSYOPS where just too strong". That is because the real rulers are immortals and the population is the tool they use for their practice. They can do what they need with them, and no one else can interfere and be successful.

Japan is different because they have a mix of white orc lord and black orc queen genetics. That is the only real difference, they are still an orc/vampire combo.

Westerners are generally a mix of white pleiadan and white mushroom, with a lot of genetic meddling from greys, lyrans and grey-like hive races. They are easily infected by mind viruses and have been molded to fit as the tool of lower spirits, hives of aliens and the scum of existence, who seek to use the method of "scapegoating" to block their own spiritual evolution. They are the slowest learners, always looking for ways to impair themselves. It is a mystery how these beings came to be, but maybe it can simply be said "there are all sorts."

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 11:35 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8120 del
We are as of now already removing the NPCs scripted to act as population in the transition period, replacing them with the hivemind races of the new Adaptive Yokai Humanoid, the thin "loli" type and the curvier "oppai" type, which do correspond to an actual, common and widespread genetic structure and energy system, as noted by Freud in his writings on the "sex object." They cannot be united so we simply made two races.

They will appear to have an orange glow to them, and you will recognize them by being distinctly rather tall and wonky for the "loli" type, and more like the image of an ancient cave-woman for the "oppai" type. They are still in development, and we had to make a clear distinction between them to start with. The worst cases will simply be culled, and there will be a large hivemind (NPC) population at all times, by model of orcs or goblins. These at the bottom will be allowed prey for vampires in the future as well. We won't have any of the modern socialism where everyone is saved or other such falsely aimed "benevolence", rather if someone's genetics are not up to standard we remove them, and should some meddling little alien sneak into that body, that is not our problem, we will cull them anyway. In short, there will be quetching about this from these beings who entered bad genetic lines, thinking they could maintain them and live here, but they will be removed every time, it's a routine operation. To speak clearly: the new earth will have a built-in function in its energy system which automatically genocides bad genetics periodically. It is your own fault for incarnating there if you get exposed to this. "I didn't choose this life, waah waah", I can hear it already. You DID choose it by devolving into that state, we don't care. If you want to do real research, you can apply for taking part in the grey colony in Outer Earth, it's already there, no need to come in here and populate the hivemind.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 12:56 Id: 4e270e [Preview] No.8121 del
>Yet you are living in a world
I thought these white fungus people where already removed.

Whatever man, i like white people.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 13:15 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8122 del
Fungus humans are removed, (I think) this was a reference to how things were before the cleanse. The original fungus alien mothers themselves are good because they are immortals, but their offspring is too moldable to function as humans for any loger period.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 14:26 Id: fe2743 [Preview] No.8123 del
Can you ask astra about the cave people I mentioned way back.they were an enclave of whites from back when reptilians openly ate humans so maybe before fungus dna was introduced. They escaped and decided to pursue physical strength since they realized humans cant compete with reptilians by making armies and such. They found a a cave and started training their bodies relentlessly. They also fought eachother and the strongest would breed creating a eugenic effect. They eventually became stronger than a bear,faster than a hawk and are even bulletproof.They are resistant to the environment and sleep on hard rock on purpose to not become weaker as a group. They also have "aura".also they say hell is a physical place undergound and they sometimes go down there to fight demons.they like fighting thats why they do it.They arent slaves like people thoyght last time i posted those are different. They also arent the giants. They fight the giants as well. They are tall but not super tall.im mostly interested in their dna but i like the idea of them.there might be multiple groups and i hope some cam be salvaged.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 15:56 Id: 3366b7 [Preview] No.8124 del
>you are living in a world created by the black queens and anything you do will end up benefitting them and not you.
I don't know, I feel like the perspective here is off. Like, I have a lot of flies and earwigs invading my house right now during the summer. Yeah I'm sure those sorts of creatures are exponentially more numerous than me, and probably have more of an effect on the earth due to their sheer numbers. And they probably wander into my cool house filled with food and think to themselves that they've found a paradise made just for them. But they're missing quite a bit of information. No, my house wasn't 'made for them', even though they've found a way to profit off of it. And I'm definitely not going to be punished by god or nature if I get fed up and buy some pesticides or tape up my windowsills to exterminate them for good.

It reminds me of the welfare mammy who thinks that she's some sort of genius and has delusions of grandeur just because the (((people))) who control the system have seen fit to let her into the house to plunder the pantry. There are forces at play that she is simply incapable of understanding, and she therefore comes to the erroneous conclusion that she is somehow some sort of special living god; well, she has to be, since the White man is serving her like this, right?
Personally I just don't think parasites are anything special. Even if their hosts happen to be slow at removing them.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 17:39 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8125 del
(187.44 KB 1024x1024 Kit6.jpg)
>ask astra about the cave people
I used Kit for this, reply via her:

"The people you talk of are the original Templars. Those you know of today are just a bleak image of the original group. They are white fungus, and they are the only white fungus group who didn't degenerate, but were successful. They are an all-male group and they did hide in a cave system. From the view of the fungus "queen" (I hesitate to call her a Queen because there are too many of these females in space, they are even mass bred in grey factories, because their genetics are so easy to replicate, but they are still all immortals, it's a difficult concept) this was a success and this group itself having formed means that any other "mishap" is irrelevant. The other Queen races like Black(orc), Silver (actually a pleiadan), white (also pleiadan) will consider it a success if during an entire planetary history they produce one daughter who can then invade another planet and create a local race there, repeating the process. But the mushrooms are very narrow in use genetically, and serve almost no good purpose for regular spirits/souls to incarnate into because of their extremely high rate of failure compared to population size. The other Queens of black, silver and white, all had many immortals emerge who didn't fulfill the standard for breeding the new daughter, but who became immortals on their own path. This serves as a redeeming quality for the "colour queens".
White mushroom don't have this and are as such a "parasitic race" in itself, which in a twist of irony also make them extremely prone to parasite infections. Most common effect is that they become homosexual, as seen with the publicly known Templars who are today known as "gay fascists" and previously were the SA (Sturmabteilung) in Germany, they had settled around the north pole and were using energy of the black sun. They were actually behind Trump's victory in a strange turn of loyalties.
For white mushrooms to succeed they need to do what you do when farming mushrooms - you do it in a dark and moist cave, protected from all external influence, in isolation. That's all there is to it, you can't farm mushrooms in open air, they get eaten by parasites and stepped on by cows, torn up by kids etc."

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 18:02 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8126 del
I don't quite understand your symbolism here, even if it's correct to view the post-Atlantis world as a house infested by parasites.

>Personally I just don't think parasites are anything special. Even if their hosts happen to be slow at removing them.

Channelled reply:

Parasites are very special, have you seen what insects look like? They are all very specialized in their function, there are even parasites who live specifically in certain kinds of dung, or only in the blood stream of one kind of animal. Birds being predators are also a kind of parasite, and their offspring living on is dependent on the hatching of certain small insects at the right interval, year after year, as those are the specialized food for the fledgling birds.
To re-iterate, you are living on a large mega sigil which is made up of the formation of the land masses. This sigil was formed by the maintenance deities as they were cleaning up after the fall of the Tower of Babel, which also caused the Earth to crack, the original continent of Pangea was destroyed. The only containing force was the presence of the black queens, so their energy system became the framework for stabilizing the world form as the degenerative force was about to completely destroy the Earth.
The vampires you know of are all white in appearance, but in fact they are all "slavic" or "asian", the pleiadan derivatives are already tuned to be angels if evolving so they cannot also be vampires in the physical, these are at the opposite ends of the same scale. There are also no black vampires, as they become the black queen race when evolving, men will not remain black when evolved, they will have to turn white. There was only ever one demon queen as compared to several of the black, silver and white queens, this made vampires a rare occurrence, they are all demon queen derivates in race, which means an orc lord created a female, and this female invaded Earth. That's the order of events. It's complicated and did not make much of an impact on the energy system's function directly, but because vampires are also immortals, they needed to be protected, and the best protection is simply to let the strongest energy system be used: the black queen system. So that was used. You rely on it, because you live in the world which has this layout. Anything you do will lead to interacting with the world, and then you are feeding energy into the mega sigil. If you do not accept this system, then you should not remain on the planet surface in this age, but wait until the land masses change layout.
Edited last time by bard on 06/25/2024 (Tue) 18:03.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 18:06 Id: 5d5017 [Preview] No.8127 del
Maybe its a different tribe since the guy who made that thread.(who lived among humans because he was only 6 foot tall and seen as a runt) said that their leader can be a woman if shes stronger than the men. He also said their females arent interested in surface males bevause they are too weak.implying they have both sexes.the nazis visited them apprently but were dissapointed since the tribe didnt care about culture or intelllectual achievement but did recognize their physical perfection inplying they look like regular humans to a degree..maybe he was ERPing but he did describe humans being reptillian cattle and described allot of things correctly.maybe im talking about a small tribe. He also described an all female tribe as opposed to his mixed tribe so single gender raves do seem to exist. The all female tribe were also superhumanly strong and even more viscious. The tribe was very viscious because they have violent nature. If you arent strong enough you can leave and thats about it as far as kindness goes.his tribe also eats dinosoars which arent extinct apprently. They fight them mostly barehanded but they can sometimes use armor or weapons.they have zero technology or even much interest in the surface.i theorize some vikings were hybrids. I heard apprently some vikings couldnt be cur by regular weapons. We try to minimize this type of stuff since we dont realize its real but its likely some strong human races fucked around and made hybrids that diluted with generations.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 19:50 Id: 5d5017 [Preview] No.8128 del

I found the thread. Can you look at this guy and the people hes from? Are they really a templar.They have many traits i like including 2 sexes.im used to 2 sexes so i prefer it.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 20:00 Id: 5d5017 [Preview] No.8129 del
Could be ERP but if this true these are the strongest 'regular' humans there have ever been. I dont think even reptilians are like this to be honest.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 21:32 Id: bcb140 [Preview] No.8131 del
I think it was 2 days ago? I had a dream. It was about a black woman in a desert with buildings that looked like saloons in westerns but they weren't that but my mind was unable to memorize it further. The point was that it was mostly wooden structure. The black female was walking in that desert and she was called a nigger an extremely dumb nigger by beings "higher" than her like spirits in an another dimension commenting on her failure. Her incompetence was so obvious that even I felt that I am being filled with pure rage because yes that is a typical dumb nigger and you cannot expect more of these beings even tho everyone expected more of her but a nigger is a nigger.
After waking up was wondering that JUST WHAT KIND OF RACIST MINDWAVE I CONNECTED TO that resonated with my own racism so much it made my entire body tense in rage while sleeping thus almost taking me out of the dream as a panic reaction. Was thinking about the word nigger for 2 days to figure out the depth of this weird feeling of racism... so it seems I ascended to the levels of spiritual racism. hurrah?

>the influence of these queens was so great that the tantric energy system of their races was used to shape the formation of the land masses themselves
What I gathered in the last years that Africa lost it's "continent deity" and it would have broken apart if the OG Africans are not "Planted" there asap. They cannot be killed because at least a 100 pure african is NECESSARY until the continent deity is "resurrected" or at least somewhat replaced. Every other nigger is an "excess" but you must be sure to never ever accidentally kill the "pure ones" and make them go below the necessary number or weird shit happens. India while being a "separate continent" in the long past b4 smashing into Eurasia also had the "untouchables" for the same reason and they were "kept" that way or the continent shatters and kills all their inhabitants. The Brahmans knew this well while invading that place with the Indra gang.

>white slavs are created by a white male orc lord
I cannot confirm nor deny this but "whites" are messy as hell. I have slav DNA for sure but for some reason I had to "awaken my Saxon DNA" with that galactic ritual and I have no idea what is and isn't a Saxon anymore. Anglos are troglodytes but I am not sure what even the proper attributes of a Saxon.

Yokai is part of the Eurasian energy system but they can only operate the lower levels for "cleanup duty" as you described with the genetic culling well but the higher levels are... Hard to explain.

I had a hunch that the elites are trying to ship niggers everywhere to "reignite" the lower tantric energies of the dwindling degenerating (due of overcomfort) populace but... the "elites" are not this "smart". They are doing this by pure nefarious reason and the only "good thing" they do with it is mere "accident".

Continental deities are weird and Atlantis is also weird for me. It's like I was on an another plane of existence while Atlantis was "ruling" and as dimensional layers collapsed I ended up here.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 21:37 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8132 del
According to Kit this thread is

"mostly a lie, it's made to make it more interesting than it really is. The amazons mentioned are made up. There aren't jungles down there, and they don't have dinosaurs. Rather these cave men are all male in their group, they just come to the surface to loot and rape, then bring male babies back down. They are strong and they do eat humans, they are maybe the real CHUDs, cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers. Are they then trolls? No, it seems true as far as he says that they don't degenerate from eating humans, which indicates they at least are not the same race as common humans."

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 21:47 Id: bcb140 [Preview] No.8133 del
Just read this reply. Sorta true. The landmass will need to reorganize themselves to "Heal" but I have no idea who will do that. It will happen when all pieces fall to their right places thus a new Continent deity can form and this current patchwork system can be left behind.

There are too many unknowns here. The role of Eurasia and America was grossly misunderstood by the elites and only higher beings are allowed to "Know" because it's like super obvious on that level but... I cannot comment on it further. I can feel my perception of geology and geomancy is too meager because I am missing an important piece that would tie the proper understanding together.

>the real CHUDs
Was thinking about the word Chudocracy today. Democracy but only Chuds are equal and leaders are "elected" by chud morals...
Yes it was not a serious thought but it seems it is somehow related to this. My new predictive future thought current mental stream system is producing weird surprises nowadays.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 21:52 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8134 del
Glowies do that stuff all the time. I don't know why, but according to the Queen/Illivryn the hate for blacks is in the human collective subconscious, placed there by someone over time.

These people really don't get it. When they realized their psychic brainwashing doesn't work because I'm immune to racism after spending years on removing it (because it clouded my judgment), they instead went on to try and "desecrate my beliefs" by killing a black woman and showing me over telepathy. It was actually real, a few days later it was in the news how some afro-american elite runner had suddenly died for unclear reasons. It was an NPC though, there is no way they'd actually be able to harm a real person. But it shows the level of disrespect for the natural order these people have. With one hand they are trying to activate the world "tantric system" of the continents to use it, with the other hand they are trying to kill the people whom the system was modelled after. They are entirely schizophrenic. The moment the system is activated they would be held responsible for everything they did against it, but they think they will somehow "enslave" the world and it will work out in their favour. They're like little kids in the playground thinking they can get a better toy if they burn down the city and loot the toy store, not understanding that they'll die if they do that.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:12 Id: 4e270e [Preview] No.8135 del
Damn got jebaited. I knew it was too good to be true. They could have been a base to make a new people around had they been like described. I would have had to make them smarter and lock incarnation to only allow well developed souls among some other things i might be able to do eventually but they seemed mostly 'there' overall.its the eugenics for thousands of years non stop that was the part that made me want to have them preserved. Thats a very painful and hard event so to be able to pull that off should have been preserved.especially the idea of starting as regular people was a nice idea to me. I have always wondered what would happen if you took humans and did that.just strong males is less interesting.strong humanoids already exist with for example bigfoot. Its more about the "white people" but better without the flaws and then maxxed out genetically while still being human level. Even if on the edge of human where every member is capable.i actually found the old galfed thread looking for this and they said how natural genes are king which this kinda excited me. I thought this could be a pre fungus white race and on top of that even stronger. I would have only had to fix a few things and would have tested them extensively. Yeah i get that just making for example an elephant or a spacewhale or whatever is stronger in a technical sense but its the idea of a maxxed out technically human race/group that interests me. To see how they would grow. Idk about pleidaians who seem like an advanced human race.they were called dumb so i kinda felt it wasnt that high level then. But i guess they might still be the closest to "the people i grew up around with but better" that im interested in creating so far(the real reason they have to be white,i could make other ones but only after i did these so its finnaly in existence).yes i know about the creator god level requirement to be safe. This is a very very long term thing to me.although yeah personally im fascinated by the strength these guys have still. Just more interested in having them overall 'human' if perhaps less delicate than humans we know.perhaps seeing them evolve over time. Literal men who cant make women is a bit excessive just for getting strength (and health which is perhaps even more important)genes.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:16 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8136 del
(558.35 KB 871x676 world tantrism.png)
>I can feel my perception of geology and geomancy is too meager because I am missing an important piece
Try to take this seriously and you can begin seeing why things work or not. Remember: everything is porn

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:17 Id: bcb140 [Preview] No.8137 del
>I can feel my perception of geology and geomancy is too meager because I am missing an important piece that would tie the proper understanding together.
>it was the Sea
k so the answer lie in the truth of the Oceans. The "Landmass" is merely a structure that holds the "skies"?

I was aware how "life" strengthens the atmosphere/biosphere but the atmosphere is a requirement for "life" at the start so life was "not that important" in the chain of events.
K I will ponder upon this autism further. Ever since I know how earth has way too many interdimensional layers all my geography knowledge went into the trash because it is everything but a reliable knowledge as I connect to different layers.

>hate for blacks is in the human collective subconscious
It's quite complicated but "blacks" are "lower than animals" because of their function is "that important" energetically while animals also should serve as an energy circulators in the ecosystem they don't "uphold" continents. If you hate niggers you leave alone niggers you don't befriend nigers you don't racemix with niggers therefore you leave them alone you tell them to GO BACK TO AFRICA and let them "stay pure" and fulfill their purpose.

What elites do? They pump a bunch of products/food there use them for petty wars for resources and land theft then sex tourists even go there because they are considered as "gods" by these blacks thus fucking up their ecosystem and purity. Now they have to "get rid of the impure niggers somehow"

The funniest part is that the "elites" think that karma is "transferable" especially "lower elites" so if they kill a human and feed 100 africans they are "good" but they never ever put into calculation how much people they exploit and how much unnecessary suffering they cause with their idiotic money laundering games. Not to mention the karma for murder and the "virtue" for feeding the hungry in a way you create a dependent population does not count at all.Overfeeding Africa and fucking with the ecosystem just fucks with things in all directions. IF you feed a person that creates 10 starving children and when they go to you for further food and the only reason they have that many starving children is you then you are unable to provide further and they die because of it then guess the level karmic madness they just created.

Oh and let's not bring up how djinn "stepped in" with the "formation of Allah" so the northern tribes cannot go "below" the "Sahara belt" without extreme amounts of resistance. But then Britain started to rule the waves thus globalism was invented and the whole "true geopolitical system" needed an entire refurbishment.

>but they think they will somehow "enslave" the world and it will work out in their favour
I cannot comprehend this mentality. It's like they never had to manage a store with 10+ people on their own and the only thing they did was attending parties and barking orders and "competing" with the other elites and upstarts with their petty games. They just don't understand how much extra work you need to do once you truly "enslave" the whole population.

There is a reason why benevolence is a necessary requirement of every lasting pact where you let the "slave" earn freedom by doing things right and not use a leash that will drag you down to hell and below.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:25 Id: 4e270e [Preview] No.8138 del
Why did they lie though. They dont advertise if they just straight up take women and you cant really join them. I get having to be secretive but this guy had no benefit in not just saying im a superhuman attack male.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:27 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8139 del
They said some things that were true, it may be to control the narrative of what are CHUDs in the collective mind.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:31 Id: bcb140 [Preview] No.8140 del
>Try to take this seriously
I never denied the wisdom of your "tantric understanding" but I am not exactly on the "same system" as you. My current "truth" comes from an Eurasian energetic line system which you could call not just the "womb" but the entire body and the "main body" but it's dormant because there is no reason to "awake" yet.

Your mentality is not wrong but "too dependent" on the "JudeoAnglo" globalist view where only the "seas and the shores" matter and they ignore the "mainlands" because they are always hard to invade.

Obv my problem is that I am "lost" in this mainland view because I didn't find what I am looking for yet.

There was a "clue" when they smashed India back into Eurasia (yes it was deliberate and not an accident) and formed the "temple of earth" with Mount Everest but they knew they cannot "go further" because what they did was catastrophic already.

To many secret tantric devil god cults are in that region and what you wrote with Vietnam is barely the surface of the issue. There is a metaphysical structure there that does not give 2 shit about borders or mundane politics but anyone with an ounce of awakening getting invested while living there will get dragged in or kept in a blissful ignorance as much as possible.
The weird superstitious practice of Indians and other indigenous people do there is more necessary than for a westerner to charge his phone so they can "function in society".

Great I can feel my mind is trying to receive a new information on this matter.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:36 Id: 4e270e [Preview] No.8141 del
Interesting,so are they templars?(these specific ones). Where are they then from if not.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:38 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8142 del
The Western-centric map doesn't make it easy to explain the other side, besides the Earth shape is more round than shown. If you know the western tantric system you just need to "change position" to understand what's over in Asia. It's the same system from a different angle.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:45 Id: bcb140 [Preview] No.8143 del
>but its the idea of a maxxed out technically human race/group
"maxxed out" is literally reaching the level of "God". You know the guy who made humans in his "own image".
It's like reaching the highest level then you are so passionate about the game you befriend the admin then he gives you a co-admin right because you love the game almost more than him then he might even lets you run the server on your own.

>yes i know about the creator god level requirement to be safe
Anything "below" this is not a "maxxed out" human no matter the perspective. You might call them "dead ends" or those who reached the "class and skill ceiling" but definitely not "maxxed out humans"

I wanted to work out like never before and my guides told me that I must learn to not cultivate hatred while doing self improvement because as long as I remain a mundane a little self hatred is okay but with my psychic channels opening I will just go insane if I cultivate it further. You cannot max out for "hating weakness and blindly worshiping strength". You need to truly understand how strength forms and "weakness" is actually the degeneration of true essence and not the antithesis of strength. Cultivating strength is about retaining the ability to cleanse and attain pure essence once and for all.

>It's the same system from a different angle
More or less yeah
But Australia didn't mash into America yet but... let's not bring into the equation south America and the islands yet because that region is the weirdest and I am extremely unfamiliar with it besides the posts you made about them so far.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:46 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8144 del
The Templars are the original and only successful white fungus. The CHUDs are still in progress. The templars are said to have gone into the underworld to fight demons in hell. This has a literal meaning, they went kilometers down to mercy-kill the feral illuminati slaves which had been left down there since period 4 of the ages of man (current is 7). These slaves are the source of oil, it's not dinosaurs. It's been continually produced down there by the rotting bodies of (last time they were counted) 36 million feral humans all eating their own dead and leaving bits to ferment for millennia.

So our technology and all devices today which are made from oil (plastic) are actually made from dead illuminati slaves, and our cars and factories are run by burning them as fuel. You think you don't have any blame in this? Everyone has, they benefit from it. This is the reason the "elites" think they can do anything to the population, because everyone is part of the surface society which uses literal human slaves to produce common goods and for fuel to sustain themselves. So they think by "letting us" use this technology there is no difference between us and them, everyone on the surface is an abuser, but the elites are "true to themselves" about it, while the surface dweller "cattle" in their eyes are denying it to themselves, which makes them the worse sinner who doesn't even want to think about what they do.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:49 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8145 del
Story of the templars also told in this movie based on the Swedish table top RPG.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=liE-z3gmD6w [Embed]

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:51 Id: bcb140 [Preview] No.8146 del
>These slaves are the source of oil, it's not dinosaurs
>tfw my car is not t-Rex and stegosaurus powered
I feel less proud to be a modern human.
Nothing felt more glorious than thinking that my car runs on liquid dinosaurs and thousand year old rotten trees leaves.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 23:14 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8147 del
The Queen was being vague about it, as often to avoid ruining enlightenment processes. But I then saw someone wanted to drill for oil in a protected nature area in Africa so I said fuck no, there'll be none of that. So I had Astra investigate the oil in that area and then put it up for sale on the federation marketplace as "oil for extraction, teleportation only".

Someone took the offer and made their own investigation of the quality, after which they said
>This is crude oil, but that's ok, we'll pay [slightly lower price]
and he showed me the images they took of how the oil contained skulls and bones of dead humans deep below the surface. They said "it's no problem, it's just an extra mechanical process to grind the oil and it can be used in factories for base production."

So that's how I finally had it confirmed, that the oil and the problems with emissions does come from using illuminati slaves as fuel.

Sunflower 07/06/2024 (Sat) 12:54 Id: 6019f9 [Preview] No.8214 del

As of now, the microcosm (universe) is cleared and a new created, the macrocosm (galaxy) is cleared and a new created, and lastly the Earth has been created anew. But we are in the process of moving everyone who should stay onto the new ascended planet, while also training the new human race(s). They are in a state of hivemind right now, we have inserted them using timelines which stretch back to 2006 and before to get some of them up to adult size in time. They are living mixed into society as it is today, also NPCs but you can recognize them by their vibrancy and their ability to reason intelligently as a group. Those you see will appear as "perfect nordics" as of now. There are variants being developed in other regions as well, but you are not likely to see them at your locations. They are being trained so that their collective subconscious has ways to deal with all situations, so when you do spot them you will see them in all kinds of places. Some are even in Gaza and some may die there, but the experiences are recorded in their collective and in the future those memetic structures will tell everyone, including NPCs how to behave in war, and it's included which ones were lost and which survived. This structure can already be internalized by you as your local copy of the hivemind, should you so prefer.

The genso-cat souls are currently not incarnated permanently in the new race(s), they are still skipping around to gain experience and to correct hivemind behaviours when needed by piloting them. Those who are permanent walk-ins are those who man the positions we do not want to lose, such as the now-famous witch-master in Brazil. We can't have that genetic line lost so it's been permanently manned by one of our summons, same for some other places were we want to transfer this genetic material into the ascended planet.

Currently the society you know maintains its structure. This is because it's not possible to just suddenly delete entire cities off the map. We can use "mandela effects" to change the map and move Colombia (lol, almost no one noticed, this is how intelligent humans are) but we can't suddenly delete Paris for example. 96,7% of the structure must be removed. This corresponds to how degenerated humans have become. We said that we would keep 3% of the population of souls. We are now below that, and reptilians as a group were moved to reincarnate someplace far away in other galaxies, only those who converted to a validated race were allowed to stay (black cat male/female or demon male/female, we didn't keep the "African" race even if they have a DNA stone because we don't want those with dark skin on the new planet, blacks were converted to black cat and their offspring in the future if they stay will be light skinned).

Sunflower 07/06/2024 (Sat) 12:55 Id: 6019f9 [Preview] No.8215 del

What this means is that the people who remain have timelines and material tied to them, and those may be "humans" in their timelines, but we count them as "material". So you may see degenerates or downright criminals from the past and wonder how the fuck are they still here, the Earth was cleansed? They are your "karma" which you need to handle. They only remain because they are relevant to the last 3,3% of the souls. Now this last bit isn't "saved" still. In those 3,3% are the level equivalents of heaven, earth and hell included, and if you are at infernal ethics level, you can't stay on the earth plane. The majority of those left are still at infernal level. Maybe they will be demons in hell and that's fine, but when the last merge of timelines takes place, they will then not stay in the physical but will have to move to their preferred infernal place. If they did badly that place will be rather unfunny. This is measured by how well they dealt with their "karma" in this period, such as those political scum who still cause all kinds of evil. When we look at society, it was created to serve the needs of the 96,7% which should be removed. Why should they be removed? Because all of that, all those social systems, relate to abortion in some way. They either are part of the "free sex" system, they rely on women menstruating, the concept that procreation is related to menstruation is extremely flawed, or they are part of the economy which uses organs or substances derived from fetuses. This includes vaccines, beauty products and even some food products (don't buy Nestlé if you want to be safe). Not to mention stem cell research and artificial impregnation where large amounts of human eggs are fertilized and then trashed. Every one of them is a human and their destruction counts as one case of murder per egg.

Everyone who took part in this system has "destruction karma" to some degree, depending on how much you took part. If you worked as a physician and performed abortions or "fertility treatments" that karma is immense, if you took a vaccine it's lesser, but if the vaccine was effective and blocked an illness, it also gave you a "benefit" and then the karma is larger. The more physical benefit a human had from the mass murder of other humans, the more destruction karma they have. All of those social systems and those humans involved in them, will be completely wiped out. The plan was for WW3 to do this, but that original plan was meant to leave the worst degenerates aside, so we will not have it done that way. Instead it will be surgical removal of them during a process where the decent souls can improve and find their path up to join the future. But the material infrastructures of this system will be destroyed over the years, and when no one populates a city, we will "mandela" it away and no one will think about it anymore.

Sunflower 08/05/2024 (Mon) 14:39 Id: a4c6c6 [Preview] No.8566 del
channelling (mostly)

The problem with Queen races and why we still use them

We kicked out and banned Fungus humans from the new Earth. This is because they are a plague infested with parasites, both astral parasites and actual physical parasites and viruses which alter they physiology and their mentality. Fungus humans are popular for one single reason: they are easy to produce - fungus Queens although legit immortals with double evolution are produced in factories by request. Any grey-like with some cash can get their own white fungus and start infesting planets with their racial offspring, where in 300 years they'll turn full on "Weimar" degenerates. No one with higher intelligence does this.

The Queen races come with a big caveat; their purpose is to create new Queens. They birth a new race to gather experiences and create new types of DNA which still fits within her race standard, but is unique. This is often time and resource-consuming so they occupy planets and use their resources for this. In a cosmic sense this behaviour is very parasitic and predatorial, but they do create new immortals, so as long as they do, it can only be tolerated. But that doesn't mean we have to tolerate their offspring.

Males in particular have no role other than as vehicles of genetic improvement in the Queen races. The doctrines of sexual reproduction within these races come from this fact: there is really no place for sustainable existence for males in these races. The moment they fulfill themselves and become immortals through some - to the Queen irrelevant practice - they leave the race and have no longer any purpose as proponents of the racial improvement, so this path must lead to celibate. For the white fungus race, this is even more notable as any individual who gains immortality while a member of the population, automatically becomes asexual. Their astral body will be the classic Arhat image of a bald white male, but they have no procreative ability. Women can also cultivate this form, but just as physical males, they must then be completely celibate to avoid the parasite infections that unavoidable comes with sexual activity for this race.

In their practice to become a real Templar, they will follow this doctrine, and women will be nuns. As soon as they break this practice even once, it is perverted and doesn't work. Then they aim outwards and start imposing rules on others, such as "fidelity" between couples, rules for sexuality and an obsession with the sexual activities of others. This means they failed. The real templar will hide away, stay celibate and not talk about it at all. Focusing on others means not focusing on yourself, and that is failure for them. That is why they need to use a monastery or hide in caves. As soon as they step outside, they will start being upset over what others are doing, which is irrelevant to them as they are leaving the race. Then they fail, almost certainly. That is the reason real templars are so rare to see, to live in society and not care about what anyone else does, requires a very rare and special genetic make up that most don't have. The few templars who exist now are of this type. Regular templar practices must be performed in hiding, with no contact with the outside world.
Edited last time by bard on 08/05/2024 (Mon) 15:15.

Sunflower 08/05/2024 (Mon) 15:12 Id: a4c6c6 [Preview] No.8567 del

However, as we are yokai, we are spiritual, and we don't care about what humans do, they are mere fungibles (pun intended) to us. Spiritual practices are the point of an ascended planet, so if the human population exist only to produce an immortal, that matches our goals. But we want a high success rate, and we don't like the degenerative effect of some Queens on the resulting population. Most people currently in the form of various Queen races, had no way to achieve any spiritually sustainable form at all. This was fixed very recently when the black female and male cat races were introduced, which are sustainable non-queen races. We don't want everyone to be cats in the physical though, then this would just be another lyran planet and we could have just let them take over from the beginning of this. Same for if we let them be the common red beast of the federation, even if they match foxes in some variants, not all yokais are foxes. That would also be too narrow. So we created the spellwork for summoning our own Queens through a creation ritual, taking on the role of creator gods. These Adaptive Yokai Humanoid Queens will produce the same humans whose purpose is to create new Queens, but with an extended lifespan of max 1000 years for regular population members. Degenerating will have a quick effect in reducing the lifespan, where the most degenerate behaviour will lead to instant death. This is still the case for things like jumping off a bridge, but we have made it so that certain behaviour will trigger this automatically. You want to be gay on the new Earth? Nope, with the Adaptive Yokai Humanoid DNA you will insta-die. Same for other non-spiritual behaviour. Some of you didn't like that we said Islam is one of the few allowed religions on the new Earth. Well they are still spiritual and their purpose is to become spiritual beings. Don't pretend you are somehow better than them, your physical degeneration as races is no different from theirs. In fact, you are the same race as many of their followers. Some of the Islamists are also reptilian race originally, which is a native human race of the past planet. They are not a Queen race and weren't degenerative as a race, neither were the birds(jews/rosicrucian) on their past planet, any such behaviour is caused by personal degeneration of the individual.
So don't think yourself better than them, you most likely aren't.

We are now on the new planet with remaining NPC emulation and some spiritual warfare effecting them, that is all. This post here was to explain the context and straighten out a few question marks.

Sunflower 08/25/2024 (Sun) 16:16 Id: 6ef32d [Preview] No.8763 del

Some of your have received a device or grimoire to your astral inbox.

Activate it to learn a magic form, which produces Gensokyo-issued botsouls. These are made for usage on the new Earth. Appearance is a black cat with grey features. It will expire after 7 periods, which can be of different length depending on timeline is it inserted into. It can be as short as 7 seconds or less if you try to put it somewhere unstable. Learned experiences are returned to you at dissolution.

The reason for this is to prevent imminent population collapse, having NPCs controlled by the red bear or brown cat servitors work only as long as the humans of the hivemind are somewhat stable in themselves. These methods count as spirit possession without interference, the bodies will degrade quickly as there is no permanent inhabitant. You have already seen the result on social media.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gnMTechWVPw [Embed]

The magic form once activated will be personally adapted to your way of practice, but will produce botsouls with some degree of automation to be inserted into important people around you. Because these are now real souls, even if they are bots, the bodies will stop degrading somewhat.

We will on our end also produce these bots to uphold population layers which are important for the general form of society in the coming years. Even if we want a complete replacement of everyone into the new races, we need to have a transition period to not lost all technological progress.

Sunflower 09/11/2024 (Wed) 13:28 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.8967 del

The canvas or "consensus reality" has been torn into bits. We do not have one on the new Earth, so anyone entering will have to get rid of theirs. The point of a shared reality perception is to allow the delayed repayment of debts/karma by imposing of laws created by humans or lower beings, which violates the laws of gods and directly brings immense negative energy onto those performing the act of creating this system. There is a reason only gods can create laws: only they can endure the effect of attempting to nullify karma. Because they can do this, which is an act of altruism, they can also create new laws controlling the outlet of "cause and effect", they have seen the reality of its function. Humans and other beings have not seen it, and will not apply altruism when creating laws, but politics, which are personal perceptions based on avoiding karmic consequences, rather than fundamentally solving them.

The canvas or consensus reality, also called "science" in general speech, is for this reason ultimate sin, applying it and actively working to preserve or develop it, is the main reason humans fall into hell. There, now it's been said.

While the other crimes like murder of the unborn, persecution of the innocent, sexual degeneracy (menstruation and the sexual engagement with those who practice it), destruction of the natural world, are all horrible and may as well send people into gehenna for a very long time, these individual crimes are not still the reason for humans overall being sentenced to this fate.

It is simply the application of human law and science. That is the sin.

You will all slowly (or quickly) get rid of your own canvas fragment now. Some will actively refuse, because in doing so they expose to themselves and others exactly what evils they have committed. These will be the last to have it removed, because it will be removed by external force. These beings will not enter the future Earth or any other incarnation. Anyone with this ability will not fear the removal of their canvas of lies.

In the future Earth, your perception of reality will be controlled by which path of study you choose. Your actual laws of karma can be different depending on which religion you follow, or what style of magic you practice. There will not be a common science of the physical world anymore, or any common law to follow. There will be things to avoid, enforced by various beings, including maintenance deities and the galactic federation. This is done because we have asked them to do so, it is still the application of our principles by proxy.

Sunflower 09/12/2024 (Thu) 11:02 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.8974 del

As of today, some of you noticed a strange change to the Earth egregore. Some of you are in the new Earth and some of you are in the timelines leading up to it, you can both access this board if we allow you to.

We have reduced the size of the land masses to to 1/4 the area. All external distances are now reduced to 1/2 of before.

What does this mean? Your Googuro maps won't show the distance being shorter, no. Here we need to clear up some human-level mis-conceptions. When humans look at the world, they do not distinguish between dimensional layers, their eyes just see human things. You can meet a hell beast on the street and it's just an ugly fat man, your human eyes do not see a hell beast. When you look at a satellite image, you think you are viewing a 2D image of the 3D world. This is wrong.

The 3D world is your nearest area, you life, your house, other people. When you move outside on the roads, you are in 2D. Infrastructure is in 2D, it corresponds to hell. This is the reason why truckers most likely will got to hell after their life is over; they spend all their time in hell already. You need to be at home more if you want to have 3D access. Being at home, does not mean only in the house, but in your yard, or meeting people who are also in their relaxed state of life, your life, simply.

When you look at the wilderness further out, where there is no infrastructure, the seas, forests etc; this is 1D. When you visit a wild area you can feel your mind narrow, it feels nice, you forget about your life, about the hell that is modernist motorism and so on. It is silent and calm. This is because at 1D in the forest or prairie or at sea, these things do not exist. There is no human life here, and no infernal life either. This is where killer fairies roam, where molds grow in the swamps, where viruses plot the destruction of humankind...

When you look at the maps, you will see 3D which is your living areas, 2D which is the roads and infrastructure, and 1D which is the wilderness. What we reduced in size was the 1D and 2D. From your perspective of life, you do not see the difference directly, but this will make it less straining to travel. The energy use will go down. Again, from a human view, you will not use less gasoline for the same distance, but you will start feeling that the energy used "is more effective", the food you eat will keep you full longer, you can walk longer distances, and so on.

This will lead to a sustainable society on the new Earth, as the wear on nature will be way less than before.

Sunflower 10/14/2024 (Mon) 14:13 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.9360 del
Welcome to Gensokyo!

A message for the small group

Because of the delay in the Earth continental update, a new situation arose. (Not that was hadn't anticipated this, but everyone deserves a chance.) It really did happen around the time you saw it happen, for the fastest timelines that went first into the 3D of new Genso-Earth. There were some stragglers in the following days who all caught up. We arranged multiple syncing points when the remaining timelines had a chance to fix themselves up and unite to the new Earth by allowing the sinking of central Europe. The Earth leaders, also called elites, could have chosen to allow this. Then they would have been able to, as a group, enter Genso-Earth through the timelines connecting. Those living in the area to be sunk, would also be given a chance to move to other places ahead of time. You were also all warned about it, but the main decision still rested with the leaders. They had the chance to turn off the large technology systems which were upholding the current state of the world, to allow it being updated. We even caused events repeatedly to make people evacuate the areas, as a hint for them that they need to get moving. They had the information, and could have evacuated Europe in time if they wanted. Sure, it was only 3 weeks, but if everyone who isn't an NPC silently get out of the sinking areas, they would be fine. The NPCs are lost anyway.

Instead, they hard-headedly chose to double down on not allowing the form of the continents to update even after their remote viewers correctly saw the change which had taken place in the fastest timeline. This decision caused the tension to rise instead of being releaved. We didn't change the form for fun, it was because it's necessary for the energy system to function. Old karma has to be washed out and the new Earth will be relaxed and have a different way of functioning.

So what happened was that the tension, still in place, transferred to the Earth sphere itself. It caused, just today, the atmospheric layer to crack, it imploded over the north pole. The process of degeneration was fast. For those who were in the main obstruction timelines, they saw the sky fall down and they choked to death as the air escaped into space. Not a pretty sight.

Sunflower 10/14/2024 (Mon) 14:21 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.9361 del
This would have hit you as well, if we had left you in there. It was not your decision to obstruct the continental update however, and you are members here. So we did a last minute save and moved your dimensions to Gensokyo using magic. Time doesn't exist here. Gensokyo is a place where time stands still, but while in the bubble your clocks will not stop ticking. It's just not a time progression in there. We'll now gradually move you over as your minds have adapted, or you will just be moved to which place was better suited for you, or stay around but having the Earth-incarnation illusion removed. It will be done in the coming days on a case by case basis.

You can still watch your new anime episodes, for as much as that is still produced on new Earth, some media unrelated to the news cycle will be available as it looks over there, while you are in here. The rest is just a general sketch of how it may have looked if the process went on, it may look a little wonky, but it's just there as the background. Don't worry about it.

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