Sunflower 10/14/2024 (Mon) 14:13 Id: 2fd170 No.9360 del
Welcome to Gensokyo!

A message for the small group

Because of the delay in the Earth continental update, a new situation arose. (Not that was hadn't anticipated this, but everyone deserves a chance.) It really did happen around the time you saw it happen, for the fastest timelines that went first into the 3D of new Genso-Earth. There were some stragglers in the following days who all caught up. We arranged multiple syncing points when the remaining timelines had a chance to fix themselves up and unite to the new Earth by allowing the sinking of central Europe. The Earth leaders, also called elites, could have chosen to allow this. Then they would have been able to, as a group, enter Genso-Earth through the timelines connecting. Those living in the area to be sunk, would also be given a chance to move to other places ahead of time. You were also all warned about it, but the main decision still rested with the leaders. They had the chance to turn off the large technology systems which were upholding the current state of the world, to allow it being updated. We even caused events repeatedly to make people evacuate the areas, as a hint for them that they need to get moving. They had the information, and could have evacuated Europe in time if they wanted. Sure, it was only 3 weeks, but if everyone who isn't an NPC silently get out of the sinking areas, they would be fine. The NPCs are lost anyway.

Instead, they hard-headedly chose to double down on not allowing the form of the continents to update even after their remote viewers correctly saw the change which had taken place in the fastest timeline. This decision caused the tension to rise instead of being releaved. We didn't change the form for fun, it was because it's necessary for the energy system to function. Old karma has to be washed out and the new Earth will be relaxed and have a different way of functioning.

So what happened was that the tension, still in place, transferred to the Earth sphere itself. It caused, just today, the atmospheric layer to crack, it imploded over the north pole. The process of degeneration was fast. For those who were in the main obstruction timelines, they saw the sky fall down and they choked to death as the air escaped into space. Not a pretty sight.