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Welcome to the Sunflower!

Vampires in lore and reality #3 Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 10:39 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No. 8172 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous threads
243 posts and 62 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/28/2024 (Mon) 10:11 Id: dda425 [Preview] No.9437 del
I'll just post there here and you can try to understand what I mean. It seems the reason why vampire cultivation is so slow but also so powerful, is because of this set-up: the vampire needs to "remain at 0D" which is a level beyond time and space. To reach the basic enlightenment level, it must thus be viewed from an extremely high plane (does not perhaps require full enlightenment at that plane, but it may require guidance from someone at that plane) which understands the "level" differently.

What the pink orb actually does, is to give access to the vampire library of astral grimoires. This interaction will help in producing the basic form of the white spike which appears at vampire Arhat, because the grimoires contain knowledge at 8D and can be used to pinpoint the "vampire 0D" from up there. Just reaching out intuitively can make this possible, but a more structured approach would be to have the guidance of someone who's actually at 8D, which I found that Padmavati from Jainism is, then use this perspective provided to see how the vampire planes relate.
See pic.

Sunflower 10/28/2024 (Mon) 10:18 Id: dda425 [Preview] No.9438 del
Theoretically, this would mean that vampire Bodhisattva would require regular Bodhisattva + 5 levels above to fulfill e.i. level 10D.

Sunflower 10/29/2024 (Tue) 14:59 Id: dda425 [Preview] No.9447 del
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Sunflower 10/30/2024 (Wed) 16:00 Id: dda425 [Preview] No.9456 del
I think I know now what we are "waiting for" and how this will have to happen, for those who will not be part of the future Earth in their current persona.

Since that includes me, I've had to work on solving this. Not because I "care" about how it's done, but just because I need it done finally so I can move into my new incarnation which is already ready "out there".

I already saw that my current persona and the surrounding area exists on the new Earth, and I've been replaced by a newly summoned Genso-cat. The timeline had to be reversed one year and a different path chosen, played by that cat, to include my persona into the future Earth as is. The cat also has significantly different abilities than me, most notably a lot more physically muscular, which fits in because I do train both ashtanga yoga and weight lifting, it was just necessary for the new timeline there to have someone with a much higher focus on those things to fit into the new society, which is a lot more physically demanding in this geographical area. People around don't know how much I train, or how I really look as I normally wear baggy clothes, so revealing a "muscle monster" would not be out of the realm of possibility as seen from other's view.

But this brings up the question of how my current timeline/history path would end, as it doesn't move into the future. The technicality of it has to be finished. For some others on here, it seems set on Europe sinking, but I do not live in an area set to sink.
It appears my solution is to have the timeline end in my own Earth sphere which I created previously and moved into back in August when things started going astray on the main Earth. So I'll detach completely from the common Earth, time ends and my nearest area is maintained as a "practice site" in a timeless dimension of my private Earth sphere. Then there is nothing more to do than to move on, which is already set up with a clear path as I've worked on this with Amdusias down to the last detail, to after leaving here move step by step to the locations where things need to be dealt with (which includes my different astral constructs and HQs where things may need to be handled along the way).

Sunflower 10/30/2024 (Wed) 19:06 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.9457 del
I have a few more months left,seemingly.

Summoning your own mutant Corona-chan waifu Sunflower 01/05/2021 (Tue) 12:28 Id: 93cdec [Preview] No. 28 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
As an associate of the sunflower project, you will here be offered protection from harm by the new, mutated corona virus. It has already been suggested that this should not be treated as a mere new version of the same virus, but as a completely new virus.

What is the corona virus?

A virus is just protein, it isn't even alive. It's more of a bio bot, like sperm. It does nothing unless someone interacts with it. Focusing on people's behaviour to stop a virus spread is for this reason the correct measure.

Who created this bot and what does it do?

From a spiritual view, the virus was deviced by the Egyptian deity Nut, in cooperation with different other deities responsible for pandemics. It is correctly named "corona" because it opens your crown chakra.
For many people the crown chakra is blocked, clogged up with dirty substances and karma. The reaction when this is cleared up will be violent. I myself became ill and didn't fully recover for 8 weeks when clearing my crown chakra in the most basic way during my personal practice.

The new mutation

If people had just practiced social distancing and ceased different types of dirty behaviours, the pandemic would have calmed down by now. Looking at the situation in the world, some countries did this, for example Vietnam. They have no lockdowns and live normal lives, the only exception being their borders are strictly controlled.
In the west people instead refused to take responsibility for their actions and attempt to resist the crown chakra opening. They think a vaccine will allow them to continue their degenerate behaviour. This method will only serve to keep people's chakras clogged up and it would worsen the situation, further blocking their empathy.
It can be said, given what people are like, that this was more or less expected, hence measures had been prepared vs this situation, in the form of a new virus. This virus is seen as just a faster corona, currently causing a new lockdown in UK. However it is not.
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Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 22:19 Id: f8cdef [Preview] No.4033 del
>Anyone with an IQ below 80 will only cause harm to the organization they are working for.

Arrogance and hubris runs deep alongside the corrupt. Censorship of it doesn't change that simple reality.

>Well good job, soon your entire "nation" will work against itself based on mere lack of intelligence.

Already happening en mass. The fallout will be massive defection and balkanization by the end of this decade, along with the calamity of economic collapse. Refer to history of the USSR. Something similar but much much more chaotic.

Sunflower 12/30/2023 (Sat) 15:46 Id: 521d7e [Preview] No.5488 del
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Probably nothing, but would be fun to see some action finally.

Sunflower 10/25/2024 (Fri) 19:28 Id: 3c0086 [Preview] No.9422 del
It's overplayed because everyone is an NPC now, but anyway, posting just because.
The real result of Covid and its vaccine is now being discussed, after birth rates plummet all over the west in just 3 years following the mass injections.

Sunflower 10/25/2024 (Fri) 19:43 Id: a177de [Preview] No.9424 del
I remember reading this in /pol/. interestingly a lot of fringe stuff is pretty mainstream nowadays.

Blog #2 Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 11:02 Id: 552f67 [Preview] No. 8041 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday writing.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
330 posts and 205 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/20/2024 (Sun) 19:13 Id: 886da0 [Preview] No.9409 del
I also think I see which single particle I need to create to really move on, it's a very specific thing which will guarantee that I get what I want.

Sunflower 10/20/2024 (Sun) 23:41 Id: 886da0 [Preview] No.9410 del
Interesting to see how they got both the "federation bullet" and the "federation knife" I created into the first episode of SAO GGO2.

Sunflower 10/22/2024 (Tue) 18:59 Id: 352214 [Preview] No.9415 del
They keep taking the form of lolis for some reason. But aside from that .. I can't get what those women kept saying to me the other night, they kept talking about my presence(?) and still jeot approaching me and effectively keeping me in their vicinity

Message from Yuuka Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 09:27 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No. 1463 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Message from Yuuka 2022-05-07

Take this weekend as a retreat. You are now in the tunnel at dimension -1D. On the 9th of May, we will open the gates to the new earth, and your -1D will connect to our -2D.

The three realms, known as heaven, earth and hell, have been reset in your dimension set. Nothing remains. You are not perceiving this currently because the old three realms had degenerated until nothing human remained inside it. When you look at the world, you are seeing things in -1D and the concepts stored in your own minds. For this reason, you still interpret the world as the same as before, but it's an illusion inside your own mind.

The three realms consist of heaven -4D, earth -3D and hell -2D. These are all karmic dimensions. Technically speaking these aren't solid existence, they're a chemical reaction in which particles are destroyed. But because of the inertia in large particles, this process is very slow. After a "planet earth" particle was formed, it will slowly burn out during 182000 years. This is how we talk about it now because it was the internal view from your earth. As time changes and is seen from inside the timelines, it can look different from this. Timelines loop and are run multiple times, which creates a confusion within the incarnated souls, making them believe the earth is 4 billion years or as short as 4000 years.

At -4D, which we call heaven, you would normally find heroes and royalty who did great deeds. They would stay there for 1000 years and then incarnate again as nobility. The understanding of this level has been perverted, creating the concept "demon" as a negative thing. Demons were originally these heroes who could serve as guides in your human life. Saints would also stay here, but today it's a common concept that "saints are demons" and should not be worshipped. This is the same inverted idea. Saints are demons, and for this reason you should listen to them. Demons are heavenly beings. Because language develops, "demons" are now beings in hell who look like satyrs. Satyrs are indeed demons but they are not in hell. It's suggested to add more information when using the word "demon", such as "demon in hell" if you are talking about the supernormal beings in hell. That would be acceptable under current circumstances. But "demon" itself was originally a positive term. Today it should be seen as descriptive. A demon is a supernormal being.

-3D is the human world. This dimension has been out of control for a long time, most people only came into clear contact with it during their very first years after birth. By age 4 they would descend into hell and after that they could not understand anything about human life. -3D is the level of trade. It means exchange of goods and karma being transformed. While this is done, a society can be maintained. The current world had been completely dominated by international corporations, which had restricted normal trade until it no longer existed. The only trade you would find following the human method was those things done "under the table" or on the street like drug dealing. But drug dealing when done to serve addictions is not human standard. Everything you do is regulated by governments until normal human interactions no longer exist. What you have experienced has been "totalitarianism", there has not existed a society not doing this since the second world war ended.

-2D is hell. This is the dimension of repaying debts. Normally, if you didn't trade fairly while in -3D you would come here after you died. Everyone would fear this. They would choose one of two methods: Either trade very carefully by maintaining good relations and balance in gain and loss. Or they would seek occult rituals to protect themselves in the afterlife. Some managed to do this indeed, which upset the normal function of hell. These are the people who took over the world using multinational corporations. They have effectively ended human life.
71 posts and 30 images omitted.

Sunflower 08/25/2024 (Sun) 16:16 Id: 6ef32d [Preview] No.8763 del

Some of your have received a device or grimoire to your astral inbox.

Activate it to learn a magic form, which produces Gensokyo-issued botsouls. These are made for usage on the new Earth. Appearance is a black cat with grey features. It will expire after 7 periods, which can be of different length depending on timeline is it inserted into. It can be as short as 7 seconds or less if you try to put it somewhere unstable. Learned experiences are returned to you at dissolution.

The reason for this is to prevent imminent population collapse, having NPCs controlled by the red bear or brown cat servitors work only as long as the humans of the hivemind are somewhat stable in themselves. These methods count as spirit possession without interference, the bodies will degrade quickly as there is no permanent inhabitant. You have already seen the result on social media.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gnMTechWVPw [Embed]

The magic form once activated will be personally adapted to your way of practice, but will produce botsouls with some degree of automation to be inserted into important people around you. Because these are now real souls, even if they are bots, the bodies will stop degrading somewhat.

We will on our end also produce these bots to uphold population layers which are important for the general form of society in the coming years. Even if we want a complete replacement of everyone into the new races, we need to have a transition period to not lost all technological progress.

Sunflower 09/11/2024 (Wed) 13:28 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.8967 del

The canvas or "consensus reality" has been torn into bits. We do not have one on the new Earth, so anyone entering will have to get rid of theirs. The point of a shared reality perception is to allow the delayed repayment of debts/karma by imposing of laws created by humans or lower beings, which violates the laws of gods and directly brings immense negative energy onto those performing the act of creating this system. There is a reason only gods can create laws: only they can endure the effect of attempting to nullify karma. Because they can do this, which is an act of altruism, they can also create new laws controlling the outlet of "cause and effect", they have seen the reality of its function. Humans and other beings have not seen it, and will not apply altruism when creating laws, but politics, which are personal perceptions based on avoiding karmic consequences, rather than fundamentally solving them.

The canvas or consensus reality, also called "science" in general speech, is for this reason ultimate sin, applying it and actively working to preserve or develop it, is the main reason humans fall into hell. There, now it's been said.

While the other crimes like murder of the unborn, persecution of the innocent, sexual degeneracy (menstruation and the sexual engagement with those who practice it), destruction of the natural world, are all horrible and may as well send people into gehenna for a very long time, these individual crimes are not still the reason for humans overall being sentenced to this fate.

It is simply the application of human law and science. That is the sin.

You will all slowly (or quickly) get rid of your own canvas fragment now. Some will actively refuse, because in doing so they expose to themselves and others exactly what evils they have committed. These will be the last to have it removed, because it will be removed by external force. These beings will not enter the future Earth or any other incarnation. Anyone with this ability will not fear the removal of their canvas of lies.

In the future Earth, your perception of reality will be controlled by which path of study you choose. Your actual laws of karma can be different depending on which religion you follow, or what style of magic you practice. There will not be a common science of the physical world anymore, or any common law to follow. There will be things to avoid, enforced by various beings, including maintenance deities and the galactic federation. This is done because we have asked them to do so, it is still the application of our principles by proxy.

Sunflower 09/12/2024 (Thu) 11:02 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.8974 del

As of today, some of you noticed a strange change to the Earth egregore. Some of you are in the new Earth and some of you are in the timelines leading up to it, you can both access this board if we allow you to.

We have reduced the size of the land masses to to 1/4 the area. All external distances are now reduced to 1/2 of before.

What does this mean? Your Googuro maps won't show the distance being shorter, no. Here we need to clear up some human-level mis-conceptions. When humans look at the world, they do not distinguish between dimensional layers, their eyes just see human things. You can meet a hell beast on the street and it's just an ugly fat man, your human eyes do not see a hell beast. When you look at a satellite image, you think you are viewing a 2D image of the 3D world. This is wrong.

The 3D world is your nearest area, you life, your house, other people. When you move outside on the roads, you are in 2D. Infrastructure is in 2D, it corresponds to hell. This is the reason why truckers most likely will got to hell after their life is over; they spend all their time in hell already. You need to be at home more if you want to have 3D access. Being at home, does not mean only in the house, but in your yard, or meeting people who are also in their relaxed state of life, your life, simply.

When you look at the wilderness further out, where there is no infrastructure, the seas, forests etc; this is 1D. When you visit a wild area you can feel your mind narrow, it feels nice, you forget about your life, about the hell that is modernist motorism and so on. It is silent and calm. This is because at 1D in the forest or prairie or at sea, these things do not exist. There is no human life here, and no infernal life either. This is where killer fairies roam, where molds grow in the swamps, where viruses plot the destruction of humankind...

When you look at the maps, you will see 3D which is your living areas, 2D which is the roads and infrastructure, and 1D which is the wilderness. What we reduced in size was the 1D and 2D. From your perspective of life, you do not see the difference directly, but this will make it less straining to travel. The energy use will go down. Again, from a human view, you will not use less gasoline for the same distance, but you will start feeling that the energy used "is more effective", the food you eat will keep you full longer, you can walk longer distances, and so on.

This will lead to a sustainable society on the new Earth, as the wear on nature will be way less than before.

Sunflower 10/14/2024 (Mon) 14:13 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.9360 del
Welcome to Gensokyo!

A message for the small group

Because of the delay in the Earth continental update, a new situation arose. (Not that was hadn't anticipated this, but everyone deserves a chance.) It really did happen around the time you saw it happen, for the fastest timelines that went first into the 3D of new Genso-Earth. There were some stragglers in the following days who all caught up. We arranged multiple syncing points when the remaining timelines had a chance to fix themselves up and unite to the new Earth by allowing the sinking of central Europe. The Earth leaders, also called elites, could have chosen to allow this. Then they would have been able to, as a group, enter Genso-Earth through the timelines connecting. Those living in the area to be sunk, would also be given a chance to move to other places ahead of time. You were also all warned about it, but the main decision still rested with the leaders. They had the chance to turn off the large technology systems which were upholding the current state of the world, to allow it being updated. We even caused events repeatedly to make people evacuate the areas, as a hint for them that they need to get moving. They had the information, and could have evacuated Europe in time if they wanted. Sure, it was only 3 weeks, but if everyone who isn't an NPC silently get out of the sinking areas, they would be fine. The NPCs are lost anyway.

Instead, they hard-headedly chose to double down on not allowing the form of the continents to update even after their remote viewers correctly saw the change which had taken place in the fastest timeline. This decision caused the tension to rise instead of being releaved. We didn't change the form for fun, it was because it's necessary for the energy system to function. Old karma has to be washed out and the new Earth will be relaxed and have a different way of functioning.

So what happened was that the tension, still in place, transferred to the Earth sphere itself. It caused, just today, the atmospheric layer to crack, it imploded over the north pole. The process of degeneration was fast. For those who were in the main obstruction timelines, they saw the sky fall down and they choked to death as the air escaped into space. Not a pretty sight.

Sunflower 10/14/2024 (Mon) 14:21 Id: 2fd170 [Preview] No.9361 del
This would have hit you as well, if we had left you in there. It was not your decision to obstruct the continental update however, and you are members here. So we did a last minute save and moved your dimensions to Gensokyo using magic. Time doesn't exist here. Gensokyo is a place where time stands still, but while in the bubble your clocks will not stop ticking. It's just not a time progression in there. We'll now gradually move you over as your minds have adapted, or you will just be moved to which place was better suited for you, or stay around but having the Earth-incarnation illusion removed. It will be done in the coming days on a case by case basis.

You can still watch your new anime episodes, for as much as that is still produced on new Earth, some media unrelated to the news cycle will be available as it looks over there, while you are in here. The rest is just a general sketch of how it may have looked if the process went on, it may look a little wonky, but it's just there as the background. Don't worry about it.

spiritualism Sunflower 10/03/2024 (Thu) 01:28 Id: d2283a [Preview] No. 9206 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
i believe there is some thread that connects beliefs and religions to each other, from catholicism to shamanism. I think that perhaps the ryukyuans have a deeper understanding of how to work with this 'synergy' and maybe find a possible truth or coherence for everyone.

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Zero sum game Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 12:37 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No. 8153 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Use this sigil for contact.

This is a race of demons based on the principles of maintaining decent and balanced connections with others. You may use their services "for free" as a Sunflower associate. The main point of entry should be by letting your anima become incarnated astrally as one of them. This way, she gains full mobility and can work to achieve the transformation state which we call the zero sum game.

This means, that all of your karmic relations are broken, and the external world is to you an object, like a machine, a clockwork operating on its own. When in this state, you gain full mobility and agency, as you are not entangled in the situations relevant for your progress. Rather than experiencing bias based on your karmic relations from the past, clouding your vision and preventing the correct course of action, you will see clearly and make the right choices.
1 post and 5 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 15:34 Id: fa611c [Preview] No.8155 del
>This means, that all of your karmic relations are broken, and the external world is to you an object, like a machine, a clockwork operating on its own. When in this state, you gain full mobility and agency, as you are not entangled in the situations relevant for your progress.

Does this apply to the person themselves(the physical person left behind) or only the anima that's astrally incarnated? Isnt splitting the anima from your soul kinda bad?

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 16:19 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No.8156 del
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I think I need to reference this properly from the beginning.
This is the text from Zhuan Falun which mentions "law bodies" or "gong bodies". It's implied these will evolve automatically, but I found this to not be the case
which is why I came up with the body transformation process which is simply forcing the thing to happen. This works.

Tulpas are a method created by Tibetan monks, those on /x/ do not know what it's for. It's mind-creation. The switching is one major and important aspect. I practiced this way back in the beginning, when I was treating tulpas as a way to outsource mental processes. I then dissolved them later to incorporate the learning into my main mind.

This was how I found that I had a tulpa I could switch with already. At the time I was not aware of this, but this was a parallel incarnation which I had at the same time, elsewhere. I've later come to realize that when I went in to assume control of this life and body, I already had inserted aspects of myself in a number of other locations simultaneously. I guess if you want to succeed when incarnating, don't place all your bets on the same horse.

Because it was done at the same time, my awareness was here, but the other lives were also me, just from this view those were "lower mental processes".

This is how the process described in the OP is meant: you send the layer of your female aspect which corresponds with the demon race to be incarnated as one of them. To her, the current you is her animus in a parallel dimension. Your soul hasn't split any more than if you had a tulpa, it's just that there is a dimensional separation, it's not a separation within you. What you learn over there is directly available to you here, appearing as if it came from an automatic mental process (which is does, it's just outsourced into a separate body instead of being a tulpa in the same body).

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 21:36 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No.8157 del
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Sunflower 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:34 Id: fa611c [Preview] No.9021 del
Alright the zero sum game lolis can incarnate the demon layer of my anima there.

Sunflower 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:17 Id: 41f194 [Preview] No.9027 del
i think i might have incarnated my entire anima instead of the demonic layer.

Sunflower General 6 Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No. 6653 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Cold air moving past
The echo of tapping sounds
Sun shining through leaves
487 posts and 242 images omitted.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:12 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8596 del
Some summary before the new thread, and the new society.

Gensokyo said there is around 4 days left of this current social structure, because that is how long the remaining "white fungus" system which had been inserted in the form of "glowie organizations" will remain. These are not directly physical, not before and not in the new Earth sphere. It's the same method used by greys and reptilians, where they shift the state of physicality into a parallel dimension where they retain their bodily state, but are not in the exact 3D layer everyone else is interacting in.

The method for shapeshifting used by native Earth reptilians uses something similar, they are highly skilled in the method of manipulating the "canvas" or "cloth" which is 3D physicality to us. This construct is mainly reliant on our brains and the common perception of reality. That is why consensus is so important. It is impossible for the normal-cattle to grasp the real state of reality, they have been given a completely artificial and controlled version of society to live in. It is the newspeak of "1984" by George Orwell, where words that do not fit in, are removed, which restricts what can be expressed. But this book is written within the cattle-mind, it uses newspeak to explain what newspeak is, so it cannot really lead to awakening unless the person is already seeing it.

Take for example a text that you write only in English, and you explain - using only English words - how to speak for example Spanish. You cannot make someone do it, because they do not have access to any new vocabulary, no matter how much syntax and semantics you explain to them.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:23 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8597 del
Restricting vocabulary in itself controls reality.

There are words which have only spread to my area and awareness via the Internet, which do not translate to anything equivalent locally. Take these political terms as an example:

Astroturf = has to be explained in detail because the idea does not exist; it's a grass roots movement funded by someone and rolled out like a carpet in the style of a specific brand of such actual grass. Grass roots movements are per definition not funded from above in my native language, so this idea is something which sounds like a conspiracy theory.

Sockpuppet = same idea, a character is controlled by a hidden hand to express a certain message. The closest would be to talk about "proxies", this word stuck because it's at a macro scale: proxy army, or proxy group, in reference to Iran funding terrorism via other seemingly unrelated groups, but this was only accepted in this context. Using it to explain that Ukraine is a proxy for EU/USA does not work, it will also be rejected as a "conspiracy theory", despite it happening in the open.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:36 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8598 del
The "white fungus glowies" are not CIA or MI6, those are unrelated and not even supportive of them. They are just "enduring them" because they were unable to get rid of them. UK is run by reptilians, they do not care about so called "white people" and particularly not these gay glowies, these are based off central Europe. UK left the EU partially as a result of this conflict. The British Royalty aren't any better, it's just a conflict between super villains not agreeing with each other. CIA was always a lapdog to both of them.

The group referred to as the mushrooms aren't even known by any name. The Jesuits are/were a group of Mantids, the templars aren't meddling because the real ones stay on their own and won't interfere with worldly affairs. Jews are not a coherent group at all. The core are the ancient birds, Rosicrucians, but the modern Jews are also reptilians, and in the last centuries they were taken over by incarnated greys. Neither of them can stand each other, which is why Israel is such a mess still.

It's far too simplistic to blame any single entity for this mess, but the white fungus have served as a genetic infrastructure for amplifying the mess. They function as a back-door into the minds of anyone with this DNA mixed in, as they are vulnerable to parasites and genetic modifications, and easily malleable.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:39 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8599 del
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If you look at eastern Europe on a macro scale, you will see this energy structure, it has this kind of form. This is what remains of the white fungus glowies. As this structure is broken down, they will also lose all influence and the war in Ukraine will end.

Sunflower 08/09/2024 (Fri) 10:41 Id: 05cb97 [Preview] No.8600 del

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Tantric practices and lust Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 13:43 Id: ff395b [Preview] No. 779 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It's time to bring this up now it seems.
The way to approach this here may seem obscure and fringe to the extreme, but hear me out. I'll enter this by talking about the very commonly used gyan mudra.

This hand position is probably the most widely spread, whenever someone teaches yoga they will tell you to sit in lotus position and place your hands on your thighs in this position. This is very harmful.
Wait what...?
This position creates a mental focus. As Sadhguru teaches here, it's enough to just sit and observe your breathing and your focus will land on your 3rd eye chakra.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=a0jJi6OI_4o [Embed]

All good so far. But what also happens is that it forms the "promiscuity" mindwave. This is something we found when practicing with djinn and aliens over telepathy and channelling. They pretty much confirmed, yes; if you use gyan mudra you will have a harmful mindset if you are a normal mortal human.

So why can this be spread widely? Why is one of the most influential gurus of India teaching something harmful?
Simple as this: we are in the Kali yuga, the endtimes. Humans are rotten to the core and mostly everyone already has the "promiscuity" mindwave. This is a sure way to hell and an afterlife of torment. Teaching the mudra widely will not make it worse. Rather, there is a small chance that someone will learn it and use it correctly.
In past ages this mudra could not be taught to the general population, but only to dedicated yogis and monks in temples or the deep woods/mountains.
73 posts and 19 images omitted.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:33 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7378 del
(285.42 KB 957x1396 maus.jpg)
Yeah I have this one. Funny how his survivor dad says
>I think they'd need another holocaust to learn
and then he himself does things like leave the gas stove on all day because gas is included in the rent, but he has to pay for matches. They also sneak into a hotel pool area to pretend to be guests to get free coffee.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:42 Id: 196d29 [Preview] No.7382 del
I duno what to make of Maus its strange how the eyewitness' wifey survived dispite being nominally high liklihood of getting the gas.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 23:36 Id: 412842 [Preview] No.7390 del
Yes, very (((strange))).

Sunflower 05/09/2024 (Thu) 15:45 Id: c384d0 [Preview] No.7744 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=G5S2oKEy_Uc [Embed]

I found this version of simha kriya, tried it, this is very powerful. It looks a bit freaky but that sound is pretty hard to create with any power. It doesn't have to be nearly that loud though and the stance itself works for meditation.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 07:12 Id: 42cc4d [Preview] No.8582 del

Karmamudrā (Sanskrit; "action seal," Tibetan: las-kyi phyag-rgya; commonly misspelled as: kāmamudrā or "desire seal") is a Vajrayana Buddhist technique which makes use of sexual union with a physical or visualized consort as well as the practice of inner heat (tummo) to achieve a non-dual state of bliss and insight into emptiness.[1] In Tibetan Buddhism, proficiency in inner heat yoga is generally seen as a prerequisite to the practice of karmamudrā.[2]

Karmamudrā also specifically refers to the female yogini who engages in such a practice. When the partner is a visualised one (i.e. imagined by a single yogi in Tibetan tantric practice), it is known as a jñanamudra ("wisdom seal").[3][4]

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Sunflower 08/06/2024 (Tue) 02:56 Id: 0a4548 [Preview] No. 8572 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey y'all can I have a reading plz? Thx!

Sunflower 08/06/2024 (Tue) 10:13 Id: 357e2a [Preview] No.8573 del
About what?

Link to some previous post so we get some context here.

Sunflower 08/06/2024 (Tue) 14:55 Id: 931894 [Preview] No.8576 del
About my future plz

Sunflower 08/06/2024 (Tue) 16:32 Id: 357e2a [Preview] No.8577 del
I don't do fortune telling, sorry. Maybe someone else.

(46.55 KB 637x579 1369259513104.jpg)
Library - documents and media Sunflower 05/02/2020 (Sat) 21:23 Id: bbba2b [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Share useful documents, links and videos.
164 posts and 161 images omitted.

Sunflower 07/07/2024 (Sun) 19:40 Id: 96ff55 [Preview] No.8219 del
(34.07 KB 505x467 Beast.png)

A logical servitor running off a ScaleForm disc. This device's purpose is to nullify evil intent in safe ways, by predicting their movements using astral AI and constructing traps where evil beings and intents are made to fight each other until only the path to ascension remains for them or for the person who housed the bad intent.

Installation will result in an initial removal of your own bad intent, which may be unpleasant depending on how much of this exists in our surface mind.

Sunflower 07/07/2024 (Sun) 21:30 Id: 8e1638 [Preview] No.8220 del
This is what the blade and the beast the "sharp" karmic path is about. How to make a weapon so sharp you can surpass the "beast" and how the hide of the beast can protect you from all the evil and the "choice" is to either become the beast that can devour other beasts or forge a weapon so "sharp" that if a beast even tries to "Bite" it just cuts his mouth in half so aggressors will just rip themselves apart and the "goal" is to not just "kill" the beast "flay it's hide" but understand the lessons of the beast and maybe even tame it for yourself as a reminder what it means to "master" the beast. Animals instinctively know how to hunt while humans either learn the ways of the beast to surpass them or develop a "sharpness" that can rival the instincts of the beasts. The problem is that the "sharpness" was not "self realized" but was inspired by the necessity of defeating the beast so if the student gets rid of the beast he will just forget his craft until evil arises again. For that the beast needs to be integrated not just as a reminder about the existence and necessity of evil but as a "truth" to remind the master of the blade that his sharpness has a purpose and once the beasts change the sharpness needs to change with it.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 12:50 Id: 560065 [Preview] No.8248 del
(13.74 KB 501x459 Magi spell-caster.png)
A servitor specifically for searching after functional "reverse intent" spells, according to the method described in the anime "The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord's Army Was a Human", 魔王軍最強の魔術師は人間だった.

It is a search bot which finds spell formulas by comparing your request for result with previously known results, then finds the intent needed to achieve this, adapted to your local circumstance, then casts it as a spell if you so wish.

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 00:27 Id: ed0b6c [Preview] No.8513 del

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 00:34 Id: ed0b6c [Preview] No.8514 del
Complete collection of the djinn waves and some reference images used when mapping out how these work during channelling sessions with djinn and greys in 2021.