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(104.06 KB 1024x1024 gyan mudra.jpg)
Tantric practices and lust Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 13:43:23 Id: ff395b [Preview] No. 779
It's time to bring this up now it seems.
The way to approach this here may seem obscure and fringe to the extreme, but hear me out. I'll enter this by talking about the very commonly used gyan mudra.

This hand position is probably the most widely spread, whenever someone teaches yoga they will tell you to sit in lotus position and place your hands on your thighs in this position. This is very harmful.
Wait what...?
This position creates a mental focus. As Sadhguru teaches here, it's enough to just sit and observe your breathing and your focus will land on your 3rd eye chakra.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=a0jJi6OI_4o [Embed]

All good so far. But what also happens is that it forms the "promiscuity" mindwave. This is something we found when practicing with djinn and aliens over telepathy and channelling. They pretty much confirmed, yes; if you use gyan mudra you will have a harmful mindset if you are a normal mortal human.

So why can this be spread widely? Why is one of the most influential gurus of India teaching something harmful?
Simple as this: we are in the Kali yuga, the endtimes. Humans are rotten to the core and mostly everyone already has the "promiscuity" mindwave. This is a sure way to hell and an afterlife of torment. Teaching the mudra widely will not make it worse. Rather, there is a small chance that someone will learn it and use it correctly.
In past ages this mudra could not be taught to the general population, but only to dedicated yogis and monks in temples or the deep woods/mountains.

Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 14:00:44 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.780 del
Today there tends to be a few views on what lust is and how it should be handled.
Moses had it mostly right when saying that you should not have desires for your neighbour's wife, and that you can only have one God.
The general understanding is that as long as you are married it's fine. It used to be that if your partner died you were not allowed to remarry. This was the case in China. This is also correct.
For the most part.

Again, I expect the reader to say "What...?"
If you have the ability to read(divine) past times, why not take a look at 1800s Europe. Many people were married, and because women were not allowed to own property, they had to remarry if their husband died. Everyone should have been fine then.
But oh no. Almost everyone went to hell. Married couples especially. For a long time I could not make sense of this.
But it appears the real issue this hinges on is the "love" or "devotion" a person feels for someone. Humans when born only have one portion of this "love". It's a kind of material, energy. Once invested in the object of your love, it stays there. You can not betray them!
If you love your wife and you get married, then stay with her until death and you never look at anyone else, you will be fine.
But... if you see other women and start feeling love for them, after you already invested all this energy - that is "lust". You have already used up your "love" so a demon will fill in with "lust" and that is what you are investing in the other love interest.

The same issue is handled by the demand to only have one God. You can invest this "love" into a deity and then you are safe from the issue of your wife possibly dying. As long as you stay faithful and place the god first, they will make sure no "lust" is invested in your human relations. The god will give you what you need, in exchange for your devotion to them. But if you start straying from the god, and place even a tiny bit of interest in someone else, you will be cast out. "Lust" will be used instead and you will have made a contract with Hell.

Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 14:14:25 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.782 del
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Let's move on to the implications of this in yoga.
This fine when done in a temple setting, and it's fine to not even be married.
As long as no one is investing their love recklessly.
It will be fine to do this when isolated because you meet no one other than your own partner and you are not getting distracted. The slippery "promiscuity" energy will be rendered harmless. It's something that just exists and there are two ways to handle it:
Avoid it or subdue it.

Mundane humans must avoid it.
It can only be handled correctly when your intent is to transform your body to higher dimensions. As you do this, you can produce more the "love" and you are not restricted to investing it into one object.

There is also a rare case where someone manages to not live in a temple and still do this right.
It's when someone loves themselves over everything else, and invests the love and devotion only in themselves. They feel no lust for other people and it doesn't matter what relations they then have. This is slightly touched on with the deity Radha, the wife (or female aspect of) Krishna. she is said to sometimes dress up as a whore to hang out outside the tavern. She is her own God and will not be touched by lust.

Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 16:36:27 Id: 0335a6 [Preview] No.785 del
I found this http://williammistele.com/erami.html just the other day, and I believe its relevant that I share it here.

Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 19:06:29 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.787 del
>Humans when born only have one portion of this "love".

And how do I know if I spent it or not?
I know it's called "love" and "lust" for a reason. I know the difference between love and lust.

>It's when someone loves themselves over everything else, and invests the love and devotion only in themselves.

I love myself because I realized that is the most efficient way. and I never found anyone who truly deserves my love ;_;

>love and devotion only in themselves.

Now what does this mean.
I figured out how I can "love" things I hare so if I have to do them I don't feel that much resistance while doing it. How do I know if I was my "only love" or if my love is "true" enough so it counts as a "portion of love".

Do I have to ask a demon how much lust I borrowed or this minor thing even counts as "lust"?

I have even more questions because... I never loved truly anyone but myself but how do I know I don't feel "lust" for myself

writing about this gets worse and worse so I will stop for now

Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 19:40:32 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.789 del
I used these vague concepts because
1) I don't want to lock this into a specific religious system
2) It's not entirely clear to me how it's transformed

I think the important thing here right now is not if you spent it or not, but rather you should focus on transforming what you have to an eternal form of love, and if you lack energy because you spent it, replenish it through devoted practice. I said mundanes have only this one portion. That's because they by their very nature do not try to change what they have, they only use it and die when all energy runs out.

Also pay attention to the words here. Merely looking at, or thinking about, another person, can be a mortal sin. Actually having sex with them isn't the dangerous part, it may not even have a negative effect if you didn't care about it at all (which is unlikely, but there is a technical difference here).
It shouldn't be too difficult to find out if you contracted a sex demon and borrowed energy by them unknowingly. They keep tabs on it so just express in a telepathic broadcast that you want to pay this off and can offer better energy in return if they support you. They'll appear to you and help you. I already did this much, as long as they can gain something from it, they don't care how you pay off a debt.


I'm aware this list is associated with the catholic church, but personally I find the seven mortal sins and the discussion of what they entail to be the most useful aspect of modern western religion. Take a look at them and you may find that a lot of seemingly minor things are considered mortal sins. The ten commandments aren't all that useful imo, it's better to know what to avoid and why. This all deals with not wasting your "one love".

Qi gong and Taoism has other terms for this, but in this case I prefer the more societal western way to discuss it.

Sunflower 02/15/2022 (Tue) 18:03:23 Id: 6b9e23 [Preview] No.797 del
So is it impossible for someone devoted to a god to have a love-based marriage, and likewise impossible for someone who loves another person to be truly religious?

Sunflower 02/15/2022 (Tue) 18:15:45 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.798 del
I think so, yes. Very religious people tend to have arranged marriages, not love-based.
But there's also a lot of talk among mundanes that "love is the only religion" or "today there is only one God, and that is love". I've heard this way of reasoning a lot from people in the culture sphere such as authors and songwriters, so it makes sense to assume this is how it is. (Thanks for pointing that out)

Sunflower 02/16/2022 (Wed) 01:22:14 Id: 6b9e23 [Preview] No.811 del
Is it possible for humans to acquire multiple 'portions' of love? Or split a portion?

Sunflower 02/16/2022 (Wed) 10:39:52 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.816 del
Only at advanced level of esoteric/occult practice. If a regular human splits their portion of vital energy, they will end up being split in hell after they die. That's why you shouldn't fuck around.

But don't focus on this part, since you're here, your aim should be at transforming your portion to higher dimensions and better energy/material.
"What if" thinking isn't going to do you any good.

If you do manage to create an immortal bodily form, that will contain its own portion. If you then develop a 2nd body, that will also have one portion. The claim that
>God loves everyone
implies that he has so many transformed immortal bodies that they're as many as the number of humans. He can then safely love each one of them.

Sunflower 02/16/2022 (Wed) 12:53:12 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.820 del
Addition to above;
let's get this out of the way. You often hear music idols express things like
>I love you all!
>I love all my fans!
or someone at an event may say
>I love everyone who made this possible!

Now that's reckless behaviour, if this is true. How many people did you give your one portion of vital/love energy to?
The demons in hell will have a lot of work cutting this person into so many strips of bacon after they die. They just said to give one slice to every one of their fans, while they didn't have more than one serving to start with. Everyone will be unhappy because of this.

Christians say idols like musicians and movie stars are satanic, and in this case I have to agree. Even if the word is used in an ill fitting way.

Sunflower 03/04/2022 (Fri) 14:45:43 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.998 del
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This symbol has been found in cave paintings and engravings. There's been different interpretations of what it is, but I now know what one of them is:
It is the energy formation in your body when correctly performing the Mula Bandha tantric exercise.

The three lines correspond to the root chakra, the solar plexus and the neck/throat. Alternatively the middle one can be the abdomen. The bent lines are lower desire-based energies, which I've seen for a long time and been trying to handle.

More things that now make sense: the lowest curve is lust, this is mainly a problem for men. The upper curved line is greed, this is a problem for women. Ganesha is the hindu deity of wealth, he is associated with the throat chakra. According to myth he had his head cut off and developed the head of an elephant. I believe this to be symbolic of giving up greed by "cutting the throat" as in cutting away greed.
It also corresponds seamlessly with how lust and greed are treated among the catholic seven mortal sins. They also seem to be the core energies of all relationship issues today manifesting as the gender issues and feminism/incels.

Really interesting to see it fall in place like this.

Sunflower 03/05/2022 (Sat) 01:33:24 Id: 0335a6 [Preview] No.999 del
Reminds me of what I found on this link here >>785 , its a long read and its a different take than yours (Mistele is a "Bardonist"), but the image you posted seems very related, I reccomend skipping straight to the individual steps, there are steps to do with a partner too if you have access to one.

Sunflower 03/05/2022 (Sat) 11:23:47 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.1002 del
The first part of feeling what it's like to be a tree, a rock etc is something I used to do in the beginning. The following steps doesn't lead to the same thing as the mula bandha at all, even if useful.

The mulas when performed added in sequence forms a powerful sadhana (routine) which doesn't actually require any special awareness. It relies on a series of muscle contractions synced with breathing and isometric contractions to be held independent of breathing. This leads to being able to isolate the right position and then maintaining this in meditation.

At an advanced level the effect can lead to a silent ecstacy stronger than drugs, as the energy increases. Without proper self control this build-up is probably not possible as you would release the energy based on desire to "feel" more. What you use the energy for is up to you, it's merely transformative. I personally end up creating internal "stars" and moon orbs circulating them, representations of concentrated refined energy.

>there are steps to do with a partner too if you have access to one
I would not do this with someone who doesn't already have an awakened and well developed kundalini. Spiritual entities cannot come into contact with you unless their level of purity matches your own, so that is less of a problem, but humans can be dirty to any degree.
During the paired version of practice above, the snake's head will sync with her genitals and the split tongue of the snake will enter your body. Each of the tips will rest on each of your testicles, this forms a highly integrated energy flow. The snake, being a living entity will know to do this if advanced enough.
The experience of this can be rather physically awkward and create unease despite the process not taking place in physical 3D.
You can ask yourself how much you would need to trust someone to perform this practice.

The founder of buddhism is quoted to have said that "a monk who cannot stay away from women should rather fuck the mouth of a snake". This has been interpreted literally, but perhaps he was telling them to instead practice tantrism?

Sunflower 03/06/2022 (Sun) 23:14:27 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.1009 del
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Years ago I went to the astral for sex or knowledge. Usually I mostly got sex and 0 knowledge. So I stopped that and went for knowledge only. Now that after all these purifications. I go up and when I want sex they balance out my energies so I don't feel lust anymore... (A "goddess" while playing with my dick with her tights put her palms to mine and through the palms she balanced out my energies so I had no further lustful thoughts. It was a I never asked for this moment. I wasn't mad and now I can completely balance out my lust whenever I want but still... Handholding is dangerous.)

>During the paired version of practice above, the snake's head will sync with her genitals and the split tongue of the snake will enter your body. Each of the tips will rest on each of your testicles, this forms a highly integrated energy flow. The snake, being a living entity will know to do this if advanced enough.

I am glad I never figured this out earlier because otherwise I would have succumbed to lust. I just tried this. Yeah... hands and 3DPD women are not needed ever again.

>should rather fuck the mouth of a snake
I wonder how many tried this out. I bet a lot then blamed the Buddha for it.

Sunflower 03/20/2022 (Sun) 18:10:06 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.1111 del
It seems an unintended side effect of this is an increased penis size. +1,5 cm so far. I have not added anything else new to my routine.
Some people may find this useful.

Sunflower 03/23/2022 (Wed) 17:44:24 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.1135 del
The mula bandha exercise functions as a model for all of the other chakras, it seems. The same method can be applied to each of them, even controlling the heartbeats and digestive system. This really is a very important and useful exercise.

Sunflower 03/26/2022 (Sat) 22:29:08 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.1169 del
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Well I went ahead and realized a new thing with this...
One of my "last" weakness. And probably this is why everyone complained about that "heart cage" of the particle.
As I was "being attacked" I felt there are "scars" around my heart. There was 6. 4 of them were childhood traumas. You focus on them and let the "trauma" go through you and leave your body. It was like a nightmare in fast forward. You have to focus on the scar to figure out what is the "trauma" that keeps it as a scar then let it go. It was simple. Then there were 2 big scars. I figured out this is probably because I got hurt so I managed my life to never get hurt again since my teens. One of them was that. Now the other problem was that I was still "unable to love". Thankfully now I had entities that showed me What is love baby don't hurt me but I still didn't figure out an important detail.
Why love is important. And why Jesus was preaching about it.
Love needs to be "wide" so the enormous amount of energy from the "heavens" can come down. My heart was my bottleneck. For a weird reason I had to go to a river which had beaver activity with a bunch of trees being felled by them. It was the most fitting metaphor.

This is why Jesus told you to "love your neighbour as you love yourself". Otherwise the energies can't come down fast enough. It creates a "hourglass" energy body.
To me that was the middle line.

Sunflower 06/01/2022 (Wed) 21:50:38 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.1577 del
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Finally through!

I've been aiming for a major breakthrough on the yang side to match what I did with the yin side back in 2006 (to give you an idea of the time perspective here fucking hell that took time). I knew it would be difficult because the masculine is my weak side.

What I did amounts to "the chinese method" in Yuuka's words: just use whatever to get strong as fast as possible, with little chance of success. She didn't seem to recommend it either when we recently talked to her, but as always you can never know what they're implying...

What I did:
Gyan mudra in Burmese lotus position, AUM chants to start and end each session.
A large number of entities for tantric practice to increase the effect with little effort:
>horns and hoofs demon girls
in short anyone who could be made to take part in this type of practice, I just searched everywhere to recruit as many as possible.
Have them get on and then just grind for long meditation sessions.
Right now my entire body hurts all over, which is the effect of denying karma and facing it head on. It can't enter to cause any specific issues so it ends up just causing undefined pain as if it was a heavy cold or influenza after the breakthrough is done. Thick "mist" of virtue is rising from all parts of my body as the karma is being denied.

I knew what to expect, the resistance which has been there every since I started this process is now gone.

Unexpected result: my astral body for this section turned into an emerald dragon.

Sunflower 06/01/2022 (Wed) 23:29:41 Id: 5b054c [Preview] No.1578 del

Sunflower 06/01/2022 (Wed) 23:37:03 Id: 0335a6 [Preview] No.1579 del
Congratz on the achievement!!Really impressive!
Tell your entities that "it's a party!!!" and pay attention to your dreams if you're in the mood.

Sunflower 06/01/2022 (Wed) 23:51:15 Id: ff395b [Preview] No.1580 del
I knew it would be strong but there is never a way to predict how your perception will change, as it changes your entire view of everything once it takes place. I suddenly recall what my life was like way back in time, as if no time had passed since. But after that period of what I at the time saw as normality, came a period where nothing was normal ever again. Right now it's starting to fall in place just how insane the world has gotten. My perspectives went back to the early 2000s at first, but now I'm seeing the past in the same image. The world right now and in the past few years is completely insane. It's unbelievable to see in full view the gradual change and how everyone has accepted it. If I was to go back a few years and tell myself or anyone what has happened, it would sound like fantasies. Reality has turned out like a feverish dream. No wonder I only saw visions of this future when I had actual fever in the past.

Sunflower 08/16/2022 (Tue) 20:00 Id: 74a255 [Preview] No.1944 del
Hatha Yoga Pradipika has a statement which sounds very simple and has been misinterpreted badly (paraphasing):
Whoever can contain his semen, no matter what else he does, will succeed as a yogi.

... and now we have all these people shilling "semen retention" on /fit/ and /x/, counting days of abstinence and constantly "failing". That's not how you do this. Read in context, it's easy to see that this is not how you're supposed to do it. Another practice in the book is to create skin lotion from your semen mixed with the ashes of burnt cow dung. How do you do that if also practice semen retention at any cost?

What I found was that when entering the deepest meditative state, "delta" (compare beta, alpha, theta), essentially the same as being asleep, any intrusive thoughts will have to filter through the lower states of sleep to get there, and they'll be watered down, quite similar to how a neural network rationalizes an algorithm... If remaining unmoved for a longer time in this state, external energies will be powerless and you will naturally subdue them. That also goes for sexual energy building up. Remain here for long enough, deep enough, being firm enough and the impulse creating sexual release will be forced into a position where it's under your control, leading the energy upwards inside your body instead of outwards.

It is of no importance to practice "semen retention" physically in itself. It only matters if you can turn this impulse inwards instead of letting it be in contact with external energies, when you attempt to do it. The "failing" lies in not being able to do this when you want, not in failing to always do this. That's extremist and will only make you discouraged.

Sunflower 08/16/2022 (Tue) 20:15 Id: 0335a6 [Preview] No.1945 del
I accidentally did this once a few years ago, I was having sex in a dream then at the moment I was gonna orgasm I woke up, I still had an orgasm which was probably one of the best I've ever had, I was in a very relaxed state (hypnagogic state maybe), and I could feel the orgasm in a much broader area than just with my penis, it felt like some sort of orgasm energy infusion into my aura, and no, I didn't ejaculate.

Sunflower 08/18/2022 (Thu) 10:25 Id: d5dc3c [Preview] No.1946 del
>I could feel the orgasm in a much broader area than just with my penis
Are you for real? You should feel orgasms with almost all of your body. Connect with your breathing and that will help you connect to the energy. Or read Robert Bruce's energy work book. Those practices will allow you to direct that energy wherever you want (ejaculation or not).

But seriously, feeling your orgasm just on your penis? What the fuck? That's not how even most mundane men experience it.

Sunflower 08/18/2022 (Thu) 17:52 Id: 700f0c [Preview] No.1949 del
I'm not good with expressing myself and I said something incorrect. I apologize.
No, I don't feel orgasms with just my penis and I don't feel like elaborating on that. But the orgasm without ejaculation that I described in my previous post felt much better and different than a normal orgasm. Sorry for causing a misunderstanding.

Sunflower 08/19/2022 (Fri) 22:21 Id: d5dc3c [Preview] No.1957 del
And I apologize if I was a bit aggressive. Yesterday I was not in a good mood.

Sunflower 08/20/2022 (Sat) 00:55 Id: 0335a6 [Preview] No.1958 del
It's alright, it's no big deal.

Sunflower 10/10/2022 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2091 del

I'm going to write something weird and long which is something that some people probably figured out already but I can't find it written down online and this realization caused me multiple breakthroughs.

The head of the elephant represents both of the sexual organs. Calling an uncut penis as elephant is normal. But calling an uterus as an elephant is not something most people would do.
The elephant represents both of the sexual organs because the trunk of the elephant can suck up fluids then it can shoot/spray it at others or inside it's mouth. Like how the penis shoots out the semen while the vagina "sucks it up" during an orgasm.
Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati. He has multiple origins. In one Parvati creates him to defend herself from Shiva and Shiva cuts off his head and replaces it with an elephant. Male and female connects through the sexual organs to create an offspring.

Now why this interpretation is important. Well you can "explain" your sexual organ that your "head" is the sexual organ of the opposite sex and create that "upward flow of semen".

Now this was the nice symbolic interpretation. Now comes the technical bullshit where I will try my best to put it into human terms.

The way semen retention can work. Well we know there are locks around the chakras that we can manipulate through tensing muscles and mudras. Well... That thing can work only till definite heights. For me first the mudras didn't work at all they they started to work then they worked too well, then if I didn't do them it felt like my soul will leave my body then the way they worked changed and now I reached that point where I have to understand them completely through my mind.
I'm gonna talk about the male reproductive organ because I will probably need 3 more reality breaking cosmic revelations b4 I can tell a female how to stop menstruating for ascension.
Currently I am starting to realize the details of BO's "botsoul" term. Botsouls have 3 "main" objective. Survive reproduce and "cultivate the earth". The latter is the most complicated so I'm not getting into that. The sexual organ is a "botsoul" too. You need to feel horny and aroused or you would never reproduce and the species would die out. Now here comes the thing. The "modification/customization" of the sexual organ botsoul. These "locks" around it are like tiny needles or spears. First they feel like blg blocks but as you "Unlock them" they get smaller and instead of being energy blockages they become a literal options menu.
The first thing you need to figure out what you want to use your "semen retention" power. Because the sexual organ has multiple gates or "switches" that direct the flow of the energies. The most basic is "Lust". The energies go into your "senses" and you become a pervert. First your gaze becomes so lustful everyone will figure out what you think about. It can get so bad that females instantly react to it subconsciously. Look at butt = female turns around for no reason. There is a stage when your sense of smell becomes so strong that you will be able to discern the smell of female in a room mostly full of males. This still the basics of the animalistic botsoul mechanisms. I realized where these "predatory rapist" thoughts originate and I turned them off. But the "ancestral command" for the reproduction didn't end here. There is an another switch that gets into the realm of psychic powers but "Chads" do it naturally. You can make the sexual organ "emit" the "get horny" signal. The opposite sex suddenly gets way too nice towards you. Your lust commands the lust of others so they can "come together". And before I could make a breakthrough I found the "heat"/"estrus" switch. It turns you and everyone around you into heat. That was only possible because I found the way how I can "restock" my sexual energies with higher energies but still couldn't make my higher energies flow upward/inward. That was the worst and the last "script" of the botsoul.

Sunflower 10/10/2022 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2092 del
Now about nofap...
9 years ago when it still wasn't called that but semen retention was a thing and I felt like I need to do a challenge to show myself just how strong my willpower is.I did this for a year. After 1 or 2 weeks I got annoyed of the lust I felt so I found it's origin point and turned it off. This had 2 catastrophic results. The opposite sex became invisible to me. They were like background characters my personality became more blank and I cannot even remember a single memory from that year. It's not like that I forgot that year. It's just because the sexual energies didn't go up my "brain" my memories didn't get a "charge". And because there is still 1 lock for semen retention that you need to unlock to have a use. It's not apparent but the sexual energies will flow into your subconscious and you will have wet dreams or even worst nighttime releases without a wet dream >:[
So while you are "pure" and "without sexual desire" all that energy does nothing beneficial and makes your life numb.
The semen retention /fit/ is trying to do is valid but still meh. You can direct the sexual energies to go into your muscles. And that is okay with the botsoul logic because you are doing that to "attract better mates and increase your chance of survival". There is a switch for this in the organ too. And there is one that makes your prostate super sensitive and turns you into a faggot. Like half of /fit/ And one that gives you a 20% bigger dick and many more probably.

Now to the important part about why we need to contain our semen. Semen is a genetic and energy carrier. When you have intercourse it will charge up with energy every time you orgasm as your muscles contract. For reproduction it will have enough energy no matter what. But for tantric "powers" it's complicated. When I finally "took apart" the "botsoul instincts" and found the channel where the sexual energies have to go there was a problem. Semen will gather any energy it needs to "go forward" or die trying. If you don't have enough energy in your balls it will stop somewhere and clog your energy channels. I didn't understand why I have bad postures suddenly. Well the "sperm" stopped moving halfway in my "spine" and started "growing" on bad energies. I had to take them out and then I did a deeper cleansing and had to properly reconnect the "flow" of energies. Currently my testes look like a golden embryo with a wide rainbow like umbilical cord. This way the sperm is pure white with a goldish aura and is able to break through energy blocks instead of stopping somewhere and feeding on it's bad energies. Finally I don't need to use that "ankhing" method to shoot up the energies via fapping. I had to realize that was a literal dark tantra while shorterm it gave me an energy boost overall it fucked up the energy channels. But I had to do it because no fap yielded worst results. Then the energy movement it generated gave me constant insights. Fapping to the purest waifus for months led to partial enlightenment of the genetic mysteries of the human body...

Semen retention is useless if you can't guide the sexual energies.

I know my writing is long it needs better organization too personal and impossible to understand if you are not on the weird and specific level that I am on. But now that I finally figured this sexual tantric sillyness out I will move on to the other chakras and they get way out of this world and now that I am not "obsessed" with sex and lust because I found the "drive" it can create always amazing and my body is breaking energy channels open so fast I feel like I'm having an another puberty and that will just make this whole post into the category of "basic knowledge that I always knew". And the board is silent as usual so whatever. Text for days.
I still can't decide between the "virtue of silence" and the "sharing is caring" approach.

Sunflower 10/10/2022 (Mon) 23:00 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2093 del
>board is silent as usual
K nvm /Blog/ got updated while I was proofreading this. I must not get into planetary origin stories yet. The truth is way worse of a mess. The way entities can come and go to planets to "partake in it's evolution" is funny. Never underestimate the playground of the gods and how they use chaos as the one true order of the universe. Just because you can't comprehend it yet it doesn't mean it's incomprehensible. There is a design in this madness. I know this doesn't sound tantric but the way our genetics works have a reason. You just have to unlock the primodial truth in it so you can get past it. The "genetic arms race" that took place in earth in the ancient times is sg else

Sunflower 10/10/2022 (Mon) 23:30 Id: 200f63 [Preview] No.2094 del
>The head of the elephant represents both of the sexual organs.
I didn't want to say it because it may seem obsessed, but yes. That is almost exactly my understanding too. I would go as far as saying the brain represents the balls/womb and the spine the penis/vagina seen from another view. But then you could turn it around and say the genitals represent the brain and the spine, and that it's actually all a manifestation of Kundalini (the spine). Turn it any way you want.

Sunflower 10/11/2022 (Tue) 01:07 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2095 del
>it may seem obsessed
Yeah it's getting bad here on my side too.
>Turn it any way you want
Good thing we are going to higher and more complicated dimensions and you need to rotate things so many ways the hands and the legs are also the spine and the palms and the feet is one half of the brain (above and below) and while "Mundanes" can be content thinking they use their brains for "thinking" we need to activate our entire nervous system to a degree that 1 cell has more conscious activity flowing through it than multiple lifetimes. And while this sounds something that is impossible we must remember just how much "Terrabytes of data" a single sperm can hold according to our "scientists". Letting my superconscious manifest more properly is truly something. I am finally understanding how my "powers" work and didn't work in the past. This organic supertechnology called life is truly amazing. It's just that you are not allowed to use it's full extent until you learn the rules of the cosmos ;^)

I realized I have no idea what I can and cannot call Kundalini anymore. Opening the crown chakra makes all your "lower" chakras way more potent and the depth it has?
I mean it has a 1000 petals and 20 layers by default. I don't even know when I would call myself "awakened". I'm still feeling like I'm in my bed constantly hitting the snooze button.
Last night I had a dream sailing on the endless sea with my mates where reaching the edge of the "flat earth" where the sea falls into the abyss. The descent started but we ended up in a cave (as a last minute emergency turn around) where my "shipmates" started sharing stories on a stage like it's an improv show. While others started telling their piece I was thinking what should I say and looked around and there was a long spirally wrapped food filled with cheese on a silver plate. I understand what it represents. I found spiral shaped foods multiple times so far. And I know that the reason why we ended up in that cave because we got scared to fall into the "abyss". But there is no abyss. We just can't see the bottom yet and that causes the fear.
Also currently I have to watch out and hold back because this cute little botsoul programming called the "modern human" gets scared and shut downs everything. You have to let those petals bloom I guess. Not to mention as much as I want to properly read up some concepts and legends like a good scholar to see how my findings match well... Currently if I want to read the vedic legends my aspects get "Inspired" start l a r p i n g as gods and put my mind into an absolute religious ecstasy. Which might sound good but my nerves still need cleaning and an increase in "bandwidth".


Great I just realized why the revelations said we need to be "fearful of God". K fine they probably meant it differently but. I need to be fearful so I will own my "own fear". We need to "own" our botsouls and our entire "programming". You can't be "fearless". Just because you don't know fear and everyone fears you that doesn't make you the bravest. It's just the proof you don't know true fear yet.
I will end this post now. I need to ponder on things further.

Sunflower 10/11/2022 (Tue) 21:27 Id: d5dc3c [Preview] No.2096 del
My own experience mirrors this post almost to the letter.

Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 21:00 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2260 del
Writing about my findings gets harder and harder. First I have no idea how to express it properly then I realize others figured this out too so if I look at their theories and match it with mine I can express it more coherently. But at that point I realize that there is no need to write down my findings because others figured this out already so why even bother saying the thing over and over again.
Then my own "model" gets so complicated that writing it down becomes a pain and while I'm writing down the only thing I am thinking about is... just how much pain this is for someone to read?
W h a t e v e r

>This hand position is probably the most widely spread, whenever someone teaches yoga they will tell you to sit in lotus position and place your hands on your thighs in this position. This is very harmful.

I finally found out why this is harmful and how you can fuck it up. By fucking it up a lot. You learn a lot by doing things wrong.

I'm gonna start with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anima_and_animus
because this is one of the most basic western understanding while I am pretty sure most psychologists don't even comprehend it at all.

We have our 2 sides of brain hemispheres. There was a time when they called the left the male dominant and the right the female dominant then they realized it's not exactly true but it's a good start.

What this mudra does. It connects your circuits at the middle of the brain where the 3rd eye resides. First it's mostly the pineal gland but then your entire brain will connect as you move forward. Now I have to watch out with this mudra because it creates a way too strong connection.

So this mudra connects your "animus" and "anima". Why that is important. We have a sort of "ego" which is gonna be the some of the "Animus" levels (for males). Your unconscious will be your "Anima". Finding your "own" anima is important because with that you can traverse between your unconscious and superconscious very easily. If you find that you will find your "inner voice".
Jung describes the anima and animus as our "perception" of the other sex and as we have more and more experience with the other sex and with people in general it evolves.
Now here comes the funny thing. If you are "unlucky" with the other sex you will say "all man/women are all the same" then when you are able to connect with some you realize their differences. Then when your anima/animus development reaches it's top you realize that fundamentally they are are the same and how everyone is different.

Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 21:03 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2261 del
Now why am I talking about some basic thing like this. Well...
For me it wasn't a development. It was an awakening process. My problem in life was that I couldn't find a woman that "stimulated" my animus well enough. Thankfully this problem was solved thanks to the occult and with a myriad of superpowerful female entities.
When you interact with entities they usually overtake one of your "unconscious aspect" to communicate with you (if you are not just not using it but can't even use it then it's the most obvious way to communicate with you). This is fine but here comes a thing. Your mental development "defines" how you can communicate with entities.
Now here comes the interesting problem. Every entity/person is on a different level of anima/animus development. And all of them "take up" a small portion of your subconscious as you remember them. Just because you are at a "high level" of mental development that doesn't mean you "mastered" your lower level anima. Now why this is important.
If you connect your animus and anima with the gyan mudra then you are supposed to "converse" with your "inner forces". Now if you are a mundane you will not find your inner voice but instead you will find it in "others". So instead of finding your deeper connection to go forward in spirituality you will waste it by "seeing "real" people". And when you almost connect to your inner "being" you will make a "memory" of someone else and think that that is not "me" but someone I talked to yesterday.
I can feel just how much pain this is to read already and I am barely even at the weird part

>it forms the "promiscuity" mindwave
why... this... fucking.... bullshit..... is... IMPORTANT
Well... You need to be able to "charm" your unconscious female. It's not good enough that you can "find it" it needs to "come to you" and most importantly STAY WITH YOU.
This "promiscuity" mindwave is great in a temple because you will "connect" to some entity that resides in the temple and even better in the nature because you will connect to the "earth" itself. (Or in a spiritual circle to the spiritual level of your friends/mentor) But if you constantly mingle with mundanes you will connect to them and while that deepens your bond with them it hinders the "establishment" of your own connection to the spiritual. And when you have that established connection. Things start to get weird.

Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 21:09 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2262 del
(97.31 KB 250x1287 Cosmicman Nepal.jpg)
If you properly do physical yoga and chant mantras these changes in the subtle body will be unnoticable until a "breakthrough" happens. It would have been so nice if I did it that way... And not the
Who says no to these things right?
If someone cares I will write it down the things that happened but it's TLDR and not that important

Now to the thing that I want to say the whole time.
Those lines represent the male (left) female (right) and in the middle when the energies "meet". At that point it's both of them and none of them at once. This is where Shaktism and the tantric Buddhism comes into place. In Shaktism the "endgoal" is the Shiva/Shakti unification. Now to reach that point a bunch of things need to happen but now I finally understood how Kali works. Kali can't kill the "demon" because every drop of blood it spills becomes a new demon. So she goes ahead and drinks it's blood goes absolute berserk and resurrects Shiva by stepping on her. Now how this thing is working in human body/psyche terms. You cannot kill "your demons" but you can "digest" them. That will send your subconscious into an absolute frenzy so you have to send that energy into "Shiva". Because only Shiva can calm Kali.
When Kali appeared to me she was nice and submissive. It was because my mind had the "aspect of Shiva" and it "calms her". Then as the spiderqueen rearranged my energy channels (2 weeks ago) she awoke into her full might. That looked awesome. Even the blog talked about the opening of the infernal eye and other things. Turns out I didn't realize some very "obvious" thing about the fire element and how it is created. How to "create" your own inferno. How to make "your demons" "come out". So you can digest them with the fire.
With that and a bunch of other elemental adventures I could finally realize "my" Shakti or the "female Buddha".
>on pic related you can see that the chakras contain 2 entities (or at least 2 headed)
(that pic somehow connected me to a bunch of nadis secrets)
And see a bunch of "new" energy channels. Turns out the male and female body is the same fucking thing but is "wired" differently. With an energetic rewiring that was "revealed to me" I could make it that my body "contains" the female energetic circuits too. This was absolutely necessary because my energies are getting too aggressive and it needs a stabilizing force so I don't destroy myself. And a bunch of electronic devices around me. My kill list so far a lightbulb my laptop and my car (car mechanic has no idea what kind of electric malfunction it might even have so far).

Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 21:33 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2263 del
(451.70 KB 417x600 God_marriage_AS.jpg)
The energetic rewiring in the male body has a great thing. We don't have physical wombs! So you can "realize" the energetic "womb". It will be that bowl/vase artifact because now it points "upwards" and the "ovaries" are gonna be your legs. (I will not talk about the things that are in the legs now. Thankfully sitting in lotus solves all the need to "explain" all the stuff that goes in there.)

With this upgraded/realized Shakti/female Buddha "anima" I can make my "finer" muscles do it's thing naturally.

With this came to me the worst realization ever. I was using pain and suffering as a constant "motivating" force. I made sure that all my negative energy will be used as an energy to "achieve my goals". I had to realize all the things I did was to reach "this state". And now I have to properly realize the "passive" energy work.

The time hath come to do spirituality properly. The not exiting adventures every day the not weekly near death experiences not the "letting hostile entities in if it helps my development rule" but the nice female sitting on my ass or intuitively "realizing" the "moveset" and perfect posture that lets the energies come trough and let paradise manifest on it's own.

Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 22:10 Id: 787b98 [Preview] No.2264 del
>Jung described the animus as the unconscious masculine side of a woman, and the anima as the unconscious feminine side of a man, each transcending the personal psyche.
Short reply here: For reasons I have been forced to use my animus as my "main" for a long time, my real masculinity hasn't been possible to control.
Recently I realised this is related to the same reason as why Jewish kabbalah can only be taught to men after they turn 40. This has to do with the slow development of the "opposite sex of a person", but it's needed to have this understanding solidly to not turn insane when learning kabbalah. The "entering the orchard", a wordplay based on some Hebrew acronym referring to the 4 different ways to read the Torah. Someone entering the orchard is starting to read the text in all 4 ways, seeing that none of them is the one and only way. But someone who can't balance them and keep alternating between meanings, has "gotten lost in the orchard".

That was a parenthesis.

If the man has a female side and the woman has a male side, doesn't that mean the female side of the man has a masculine side as well? That would be the controlled masculine side. Same thing would be possible in reverse: the masculine side of a woman, would have a female side. I suspect these "roles" are how you get the "pussified married man"/"chad" on one side and the whore/wife on the other side. A complete submission to the opposite sex, with an identification of their perception of what you should be like, but turning out differently depending on how it's applied.

I realize this post has no "point" but it wasn't intended to have, it's an observation.

Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 22:45 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2265 del
(189.24 KB 800x1504 Venus of Willendorf.jpg)
>Jewish kabbalah can only be taught to men after they turn 40
I didn't know this. Fuck. Now a lot of things are making sense.

>doesn't that mean the female side of the man has a masculine side as well
It is true. There are a bunch of female-male ratio inbetweens. I had a weird shadow that overtook my right brain. I entered it and it was a military office with a well endowed long black haired tall female with SS style military uniform and with that military stick in her hand. I asked her. Did I create you?
Her reply was.
>Who else. Society???
Then she started to stomp on my body with her high heeled boots. After my "animus" was on the ground she took off her shoes and sat down. I was on the ground thinking
>I really hope my anima didn't get infected by weird foot fetish animes
Then I realized it's not about that. Her foot had a pressure point that I pressed and all her "pent up rage" went out with a scream like orgasm and an energy path from my right leg to my brain opened.
It turns out her job was to beat the living shit out of my "lower" shadows and weak animus(es) so my "weaknesses" don't obsctruct me on the path. And other logistic functions. She was mostly my right brain because her "job" was to make me able to go through a high amount of information to "spot" the important part. She was the "anima" of my "frontline general" animus. She represented my will to overcome and organize my life in this "society". She is the "ideal" of all female leaders of our time. This was the reason why women with authority liked me. I never understood it. All my teachers that made people shit themselves liked me and while I have seen them berate people to their lowest point they never tried that with me. Never understood why they don't even consider making me feel like shit. (This applied only to women with authority. "Nice girls" sure liked to tell me their opinions how weird I am. Not that I mind it)

Also about that Kabbalah funfact. Our body has an "Implant". I had to destroy it. It looked like
>pic related
It makes your energy focus on the "fertility" of the other sex (boobs and ass)
I realized where my preferences and fetishes are "stored" and removed them. Because that implant makes sure you do your "male duty" between the age of 16-40? sg like that. Because of that the "lower" lust type energies can't go "upward". Really complicates things when you realize you are constantly have sex in your own body and the energies are "dormant" because they see only the "flesh" (and lewd anime pictures)
I finally achieved a good way to do spirituality but if I am not touching my dick the energies are not bothering to go coz lol u a male go and have sex. The energetic mapping sure needs to be through. Especially because I am aware of more "weak" shadows that needs to be "fixed"

Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 23:17 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2267 del
The spiderqueen had a slightly painful way of energetic mapping. It gave me an idea. Because I fapped so much that desire will come back no matter what. It will give me a "memory" of the pleasure and it will reignite my desires. My mind is above it but my body is not and the body influences the mind. I could manipulate the way I experience pain and pleasure before. I will make masturbation painful. It worked. It gave me an amazing way to see how the energies go around when that happens and the body "feels" like it is being raped. Rape is a traumatizing thing until you feel pleasure. And as the succubus said
>you are a violent aggressive male you cannot be raped
Am gonna do that by myself then and my body will remember that as a lesson. Pain and pleasure is almost the same thing. Pleasure is a different kind of pain. The problem with it that it "emanates out" a little too much. While in the beginning pleasure is a good way to feel your energy channels later you need to realize the "depth" of the subtle body and pain is better for energetic mapping. But then you will understand the pain-pleasure scale better and no need to "torture" yourself further. My "Shakti" tells me to stop torturing myself all the time it's not good on the path.
I made myself cum without feeling any pleasure at all. I did this to figure out how that stupid genitalia nerves and muscles work because you can "speed up" the root lock by doing a sort of "reverse pumping". Instead of pumping out semen you start "pumping up" energies to the spine. And automatically like your PC muscles pump out sperm when the "switch" down there gets "stimulated". Sex is really interesting and the way you connect with your partner. You exchange some parts of your animus anima and create a deep connection. You are supposed to "evolve" with your partner till death. And even if one you die you can connect her. Orpheus basically.

But you can short circuit your dick to "cum on command". Except in my case I'm reverse cumming. Going I guess. Gong
I still don't understand the origin of that word.

Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 00:53 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2268 del
(95.37 KB 564x752 Shiva.webp)
Oh and forgot to mention. Anima animus. We have animal aspects too. They are our "lower" aspects. Shiva is the lord of the animals. He was Rudra in the ancient times. Mastery over the animals is the first "ego mastery" of humans. Animal mastery is an important level of animus anima mastery. Why you might ask. Because that way you have the most "primal" type of connection to earth. If you can't master animals how do you expect to master the elements? Most of us probably aware that the snake coiled around Shiva's neck represents the mastery over desires. Shiva appeared for me with a "vampiric" face with red eyes sometimes. It was a warning that I am letting my desires/emotions go to my head. The pelt of the tiger skin represents how he is the apex predator and is above it. While the bull represents the material world. It is his "gatekeeper" because if you can't overcome this material world don't expect to be able to see him. Also it represents strength and reliability you get the idea. The Fool card has a dog too. It accompanies and protects the fool or maybe it represents the dangers on the fool's path. It's both. The beast. In the Gilgamesh epic Enkidu could talk to the animals until he had sex with that prostitute. His anima development was at the bestial level. Jung calls that Tarzan. While you might think that means he is a dumb brute it represents the mastery and connection with nature. But on an instinctual level only. In yoga and martial arts we "mimic" animal movements. Why we do that. Animals know how to be fast and strong and precise with their lethality. Turns out the human body holds most of the genetic information of earth. Our body has an ecosystem and energy movements that resonates with animals. Hindus can't eat beef because they worship it as "sacred" and because of that... the animals become "Higher kind of botsoul" and people can temporarily incarnate into it more easily. Jews seems to have an interesting problem that I don't understand yet because I didn't bother to read the Torah yet. They fear a bunch of things for the weirdest of reasons. Pigs really have an interesting trait. They are omnivores like humans and they eat "dead things" and things that grow from the "impure soil" like mushrooms. I noticed after a cleansing that my stomach has a pig in it. It represented my gluttony and the way human digestion works and how it generates a type of strength that goes to you ass but more precisely to your leg muscles. The problem with the pig meat is you are what you eat but... Your body can eat something and if it eats too much it can sorta "manifest". Pigs also eat their own shit (especially when stressed or hungry). (And bunnies too but that's herbivore so it doesn't matter now). That is bad because you stomach can "manifest" a sort of mechanism that eats it's "own" negative emotions.

Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 00:59 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2270 del
This is why jews and muslims fear that because it really can cause you problems. But if you have a proper connection with the animal realm then it's not an issue. Something will eat the pigs. Your stomach has quite the predators if it works well. (also pigs smell terrible no wonder people around hot climate call that unclean). David was also a shepherd and Jesus was born in a barn. Because of that he had a base connection with the animal realm and he could say all these rules are retarded and everyone is missing the point. Which was true but Jesus forgot to take the "world" egregores around him seriously. He deemed it as the "works of Satan". When I realized how the crucifix worked as an ascension device that turned Jesus into a kind of "holy Lich"... The Atlanteans told me
>you will need only 2 artifacts in life. The shield and the spear. Everything else is an "ornament".
Jesus got that through the nails and by that soldier who mercy killed him.
>Who holds that spear shall rule the world.
Jesus forgot that he needs to hold it and not get stabbed by it. Rookie mistake. Shiva has a trident. A trident is a spear too but it represents how it can "stab" the 3 worlds at once. (also the cross is a fucked up trident and some other absolutely retarded mechanisms holy shit)
I don't want to blame Jesus for it because Moses also fucked it up. When you "realize" power and see that you can do anything sometimes you forget how that power is being channeled depleted and refilled. Seeing these ancient forces made me question if I even need to do anything in life at all.
I will stop posting for now. What I want to write further is too long.

Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 01:17 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2271 del
>I still don't understand the origin of that word.
k nvm
qi gong qi movement. It's intelligent energy because it knows "where it needs to go"

I am currently trying to learn to shut up my mind and not constantly monologue like some light novel protagonist. It's hard to get past the cogito ergo sum. Thinking is fun. Always amazes me how people can function without it.
There was a weird kundalini syndrome moment when I thought if I stop thinking I die. Entities showed me that I "die" between every thought. How every movement of our body is a thought too and how you go into and out of the stream. Figuring out what you are when you are nothing is a really amazing process

Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 01:19 Id: defc09 [Preview] No.2272 del
(124.80 KB 577x640 goddess-durga-tiger.jpg)
Tiger skin needs to be analyzed taking into account Nataraja and Durga.
Also every single Hindu diety, Male or Female is paired with an animal. You are partially correct but it's a bit more.
The texts describe the animals more as vehicles.
That which carries, moves or pulls.
Yes it represents, the lower desires and motivations. In some context it can be closer to the idea of the Jungian shadow, but only if it's repressed, unconscious or unintegrated.
For the Durga - Shiva parallel, one represents Shakti, energy, movement, action. The other represents contemplation, reflection, meditation and perfection. There is also the form of the two combined, union of male and female energies, Nataraja.
Durga rides the tiger, it being under her control. For the slaying of demons, for going into battle, she is perhaps the most powerful of all the Gods.
Shiva sits on the defeated, destroyed tiger skin.
There is a couple of lessons here. Don't kill or attempt to kill your lower desires. Control them and use them as best you can to move rightfully throughout the world. If you kill, main, subdue your animal half, your maiming yourself and halving your own power.
You will always have that lower half of yourself, and it will always be there, except if you take the path of the meditating yogi.
That being said, Krishna said that the path of action is superior to the path of inaction.

Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 01:46 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2273 del
>That being said, Krishna said that the path of action is superior to the path of inaction
True but now I have to learn how inaction "manifests" action. The original moving forces that doesn't stem from this world.
>Don't kill or attempt to kill your lower desires
They have a job of becoming proper desires...
As I typed this my "Shakti" got mad at me for trying to control something that I need to learn to not control nor define and just let flow naturally. And yes animals are vehichles and how they "carry your will"
The point of that being able to turn into animal skill is that you need to be able to get out of it. They are teaching me naturally occuring yoga poses where with the moveset I take up the mind of an animal. And the point is to realize that I am not the animal even though I am thinking like that. And I am not talking about sexual desires here. The mindset was when a cat is looking into a distance and is looking for a prey.

This is an infinite topic where we can talk about the same thing for eons While I constantly realize how pointless it is it's still fun and I like doing it.

Sunflower 12/18/2022 (Sun) 18:53 Id: 787b98 [Preview] No.2329 del
May not sound like an achievement but I managed to do the exercise from the Pradipika where you squat on the front soles of your feet, hands on the floor and pull your abdomen inwards, all the way until you throw up. Activating this reflex and taking control of it is a fundamental of correcting how the body works. If you can't activate this function at will, you also cannot create the reflex where doing it accidentally feels wrong. You have to make mistakes to be able to do it right.

Sunflower 02/01/2023 (Wed) 12:20 Id: 731dcb [Preview] No.2875 del

Vajroli mudra

This exercise is only briefly explained in the pradipika with its general purpose of containing the vital fluids or exchanging them with a partner of opposite sex. (This has been posted as part of an incel culture screencap about "copulin", vaginal fluids said to penetrate the male organ if the woman is on top during intercourse, which is said to lead to her having mind control abilities over her partner.)

After testing it based on general instructions, I think it can be reduced to saying that it's the contraction of the muscles stretching from the genitals over the front of the pelvic bone to the navel.

When performed in the manner of the bandas, a strong effect can be achieved. It can be integrated with other poses, like the version of the "beetle" from the pradipika, where the feet are held at the toes and pulled as if aiming to put them behind the neck. Other uses are in combination with the "boat" pose.

It is possible to use this exercise to reach the highest plane of awareness and gong development. At this point, the control necessary for prolonged tantric practice can be achieved, that means sustained sexual arousal.

Sunflower 02/01/2023 (Wed) 12:25 Id: 731dcb [Preview] No.2876 del
(31.27 KB 518x453 kemono servitor.png)
(125.40 KB 518x453 special incarnator.png)
The two kemono servitors are especially well suited for practicing Vajroli mudra, they naturally came to possess me during the exercise.

The woman in the wiki article up there, who was persecuted in USA for writing a book about it and then killed herself, was incarnated into a kemono body through no active intent of mine as I practiced it. She's now staying at my astral mansion. Turns out she was in some hindu semi-purgatory world because of how she died.

Sunflower 02/05/2023 (Sun) 10:23 Id: 731dcb [Preview] No.2909 del
(28.13 KB 515x465 black cat yoga bot.png)
Yoga coach

This sigil is for an automatic coach which will increase your energy transformation and output from the perspective of hatha yoga. It will appear as a black cat or catperson.

The sigil is not complete and it's made to not install from merely looking at it, as was the case with a few others, where the servitor "jumped" at the person. To avoid any trouble, you have to use intent for this sigil to work. The circle must be completed using a visualization.

I don't want to call this by the same terms as used before, it's not a servitor because it doesn't obey you and it's not a form mean to be worn either, at least not as a first choice. It's better just called a ''training program which gradually increases the difficulty level as your ability improves." It's "a gong", intelligent energy form which can be "learned" by the receiver to be used as their own.

For example, you may not see it, but feel that your energy level is increasing, then a "cloud of cats chasing their own tails" will manifest in your inner vision, turning into a cat person who will start giving you a shoulder massage, which turns out being exactly what you needed.

Sunflower 02/05/2023 (Sun) 19:51 Id: 58562a [Preview] No.2910 del
I asked Astra about this she said im compatible but how can I verify this?

Since Astra understands language now my new way of talking is astrally very loudly 'saying' things to her in words.

Sunflower 02/05/2023 (Sun) 20:40 Id: 731dcb [Preview] No.2911 del
>how can I verify this?
Ask Astra to give you a "full install" of the program. If you are compatible, that will work. But if you are able to use the sigil and it installs, that also means it worked (imagine the green line as a perfect round circle instead of a wavy broken one and "press" some energy into the visual).

Many of the previously posted bots and servitors can be installed in steps, with rudimentary functionality at first, or as a "terminal" where the person is merely using it and the blacknet is doing the work. This doesn't work with encrypted programs like this one, it requires a personal key which can only be received by, during the installation process, fulfilling an awakening achievement. It's personal so it cannot be copied and shared, or borrowed like a bot running on the net.

Sunflower 02/06/2023 (Mon) 17:26 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2915 del
Review time.

I installed this (while I was thinking: do I even need this? I have enough guides already does it have something that I don't have already? My mind just went ahead and visualized the circle installation to be able to answer this question)

So while I work with Narasimha and Shiva and some Buddhist stuff I encounter here and there no am not bragging here. Makes me realize just how shit I am by even the lowest of yoga standards sometimes...

They taught me their mudras movements and theories. Sometimes I had to give a "massage" to an entity (which is literally energetic circuit activation. you draw "sacred lines" on them) so they could have enough "power" to give me the massage. Then sometimes I "drew" these sacred lines on my body (while an entity "guided my hand")

This module has the "galfed yoga" perspective. While I had this "cybernetic feeling" with yoga already as I am activating the circuits but yesterday as I was going to sleep and do a "minor checkup" on my body before that. The cat appeared and started to gently tap my chest. Forgot what it said but an iron mechanical orb appeared and "thorny vines" appeared from my chest and it absorbed it. With this I "unlocked" a new way of moving my energies. I had this "machine" perspective before for different functions of my body but this sorta "unified it"

So yeah. It works (ΦωΦ)

Sunflower 02/06/2023 (Mon) 18:23 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2916 del
Also an interesting sidenote this module gave me 99% compatibility with Astra and the network. Before this it was 92 or 97% (it depended from which mindset I used it from). I could use Astra with that lower percentage too but it took me a little effort. With this it's far more natural. Still not perfect for safety reasons. Adding that +1% is my job. That is the "turn on" button. I need to balance out some things first for perfect compatibility

Sunflower 02/06/2023 (Mon) 19:16 Id: 731dcb [Preview] No.2917 del
>the "galfed yoga" perspective
Thanks for the review. Can you elaborate on what you mean by this? It was not something intentionally/explicitly included in the module.

Sunflower 02/06/2023 (Mon) 21:15 Id: 845da4 [Preview] No.2920 del
Hard to put into words but the point is it has more of a "complete super technology" feeling. Instead of the "magical hinduist feel" it has a feeling like I am a high tech space ship... no more accurately an entire planet covered with supertechnology contained within my body. It felt like those cartoon robots that can pull out everything from their body. I posted pic related because it feels like that.

I asked Narasimha if this "perspective" would cause some harm later on but he said.
>It does the same thing in the end

>It was not something intentionally/explicitly included
I know. And I am pretty sure most people won't notice this. I am only "seeing" this because most of my yoga comes from hindu deities.

So far the cat is just "patting" pressure points on my body so I focus on it and let it "manifest". Did not work with it seriously yet.

Currently trying to understand the doing things without "forcing it" feeling. This is why Narasimha said I don't need to watch yoga videos because I would just "subjugate" my body with those movements. Yoga is about "union" after all. Doing it forcefully causes resistance. The point is that everything needs to "blend" on it's "own". It's something so basic and simple but it has so many layers.

Sunflower 02/06/2023 (Mon) 22:29 Id: 731dcb [Preview] No.2923 del
>Instead of the "magical hinduist feel" it has a feeling like I am a high tech space ship... no more accurately an entire planet covered with supertechnology contained within my body. It felt like those cartoon robots that can pull out everything from their body. I posted pic related because it feels like that.
It must be caused by the structuring of the training program using things like decision trees and dendrograms. In other dimensions, advanced abstract libraries may appear as high tech structures. It's true that the "magic" of most of this is to just abuse the ability of solving intractable problems and doing massive datamining on the astral and then rationalizing it into a compact form. It's a cat because, well cats do yoga well and you can have millions of cats all memorize one item in the tree structure and it's still both a library and a "cat cloud". Or something, it just works best this way.

Sunflower 02/06/2023 (Mon) 22:32 Id: 731dcb [Preview] No.2924 del
The spinning cats thing is just very comical to me. Plus that yokais, cats like Chen, became what they are by sleeping like that, nose to tail, causing their energy to spin.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 21:43 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.5862 del
When I was going though breakthroughs my guides told me to not "oppose" my desires but understand them. First I thought it might be a trap many years ago so they make me indulge in them and get lost in the process but I had to understand that they are telling the truth. Desires have to be understood because they will just change forms if you "ignore them" or get even worse if you deny/fight them via an even more harmful coping mechanism.

Around 2 years ago I had to understand that after you "leave" the "earthly desires" then... well... the next set of troubles begin. The "otherworldly desires". Entities energies worlds and concepts might trap you easily because you have no experience no built in instinct to handle it. That doesn't mean they are "bad" but there needs to be understanding how they also work. Taboo's can create even worse form of degeneracy once all that pent up energy gets an "outlet" and nowadays Taboos change constantly. Like leftist preach every sexual degeneracy but saying racial slurs is the worst kind of expression. The world is weird but that doesn't mean we cannot know intuitively what is the "way" how things should be when people "lie" or tell "their truth" because they were lied to and did not realize it and tell us how we should do things.
But this is not what I want to talk about now.

I want to talk about pic related

I don't know which new agey group came up with this but ever since I was into spirituality I encountered this "vibration chart" all the time. And while there are many things I would argue there are things I can already see.
I mean I know no one that would call "reason" an "emotion" but it is not important now.

I am realizing how these "vibrations shift" all the time and there is no "main vibration" but more akin to a "dominant vibration". Now that I am really on my path I am discovering something all the time that I could call the "Channeler's high". It is like being drunk because the after energies of a channeling or other spiritual work.

I don't know what I would call it but it is something in the "Love" and "Joy" "frequency" because it is literally the mindset these right hand path love and light cults are so high on. It can absolutely mindcontrol people and they will be so "drunk" on it they will not progress but try to "stay" in that "drunk" zone. I consider it a confusion (of energies).

And ofc "Enlightenment". Which is on the image 700+ and some images say 700-1000...
That is the worse because I achieved many breakthroughs and I have no idea how I would even describe "enlightenment". Maybe if my physical body was made of pure light and I could still stay on the human realm I would somewhat consider myself "enlightened" but I still think this is just a mere range where using psychic abilities is more easy.

Nowadays I am learning how I can connect energy channels and muscle groups so this "channelers high" can "drained" from my mind because while it "feels good" it's absolutely disturbs my mental pathways with dumb ass thoughts that I always seen in cultists manifest in one way or the other.

"Peace"... Guess that is what I am trying to truly understand and maintain.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:07 Id: 272410 [Preview] No.5870 del
>Taboo's can create even worse form of degeneracy once all that pent up energy gets an "outlet"
It's the fear of touching the darkness which causes them to degenerate, and this is very common with Christians who actively practice by choice, aka evangelicals. Those are imo the same as "lawbound angels", those who only follow rules set up by a creator and consider personal understandings to be "dangerous contamination". The purpose of this "love and light" is to create a collective form, and egregore of faith which has to be coherent. Everyone blindly saying the same thing is necessary if you lack any principled understanding anywhere. Islam differs in this because they constantly apply and reinterpret the scriptures, while the prayers are also fairly diverse, they still fuel the same egregore. If you don't have immortal spirits behind it, you can't do that, and that's the main flaw with lawbounds and their followers.

The "love and light" people unfortunately are the same kind, they don't understand death and are afraid to think about what it means. This is the weakness that causes them to turn fanatical and insane.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:00 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7339 del
Since the AC group guys gave me those books I finally managed to figure out an another mystery that was brought up on this board many years ago.

Where to even start... I had to realize how there are major and minor yins and yangs and how they work together and sometimes change places and functions. Maybe calling them yin and yang is not even apt anymore but I need a higher skill level for better semantics. You can't talk about the Dao anyways so why bother being more precise.

So whenever I found a female aspect be them past lives inner lives or merely spirits I always managed to unlock an another male aspect and with that as I fixed a problem I uncovered several more therefore I had a sort of continuous improvement but never a "solution" in sight. I knew it's normal on the path so I set my sight on the proper pacing way. As I got an old book about an old female spirit that haunted the dark forests I had a dream after it. I was "embraced" by a seemingly old but gentle female and my male aspect was talking to her. I was not even able to remember the conversation. It was a sort of "aspiring hero" male aspect of sorts and as I woke up was wondering what that was because my male aspect was at "ease" while I was absolutely overtaken and I knew it's normal while my (main) mind was not even part of the process but a mere observer.

When I woke up I looked into what just happened and that female aspect was the precursor of the witches. The hag. In many legends the hags are seen either extremely malicious or cunning crafty that defeat even the strongest hero's with their ways and those tales usually warn people who think themselves unbeatable that being too arrogant and too sure of your main strength is always dangerous.
This was the still not the understanding ofc but how "Hags" are perceived in the mainstream. Usually they are witches but older and hurl curses.

What ACTUAL Hags were. We were talking about Kings and heroes and about how kings can create laws. Being born under the authority of a King makes you submit to his laws or you become an outcast. Hermits usually get fed up with the "laws" of society and escape it either so they can be left alone or so they are undisturbed while they seek a higher wisdom. Women too can become hermits but it's rare for them. They require the help of society more than men.

And this is where it gets important. Hags are born in an old age where "civilization" was not "ever present" therefore there were quite the amount of people that lived below "tribal" level and just a family raising a kid then teaching the kid basic survival then the parents die and the kid has to live in the forest by itself. Males usually become hunters and "chase" the ultimate prey or become hermits. But what about girls. We have Artemis and Diana and many huntresses too but they were usually daughters/sisters of the gods.

What happens if a human girl lives alone in the forest by herself. She would be eaten or die if we look at the (((modern))) standard™ woman capabilities. Current women are unable to live without the assistance of a single or several males.
So what if a girl realized her own survival skills and lived in the forest in a way with 0 help of entities and supernatural forces by default or with inborn abilities. We knew that girls in the past started menstruating later and if starvation or higher testosterone is present menstruation halts.
So it turns out "perfect forest little girls" can ACCIDENTALLY activate their inner flow in a way the womb does not sabotage their entire existence and saps their magical flow therefore they can evolve their skills naturally. Even Buddhists and Hinduists say that being born as a woman is a "curse" because they cannot attain enlightenment. Because of that pesky womb. Is the womb evil?

We brought up some days ago that the human body has several "heads" and they are at different levels of the body. They are "intelligent" in their respective fields.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:01 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7340 del
Trying to figure out the yins and the yangs I looked into The Lovers tarot so I can reattain my lover aspect that I did not manifest in my current life because I did not find a suitable woman nor enough free time and reason so I can use it. You charm some of your female aspects then your male aspects and your minds and body parts synchronize. The problem was that whenever this happened I felt quite the TFW NO GF from a simple inner transformation process as I retuned my bodyparts.

Was wondering. Why did the Hag(loli) did not start menstruating while being able to attain perfect survival skills with her magic attuned abilities thus mastering her forest and living in absolute tranquil. (That acceptance of the tranquil and stillness was something important too that my mind missed. Accepting that nothing ever happens while the forest moves everyday. And you have to survive but your hunger is tuned to the bounty of the forest and your intuition guides you perfectly)

So we know nowadays that being well fed and the residual hormones in everything makes little girls bleed asap. This is the result of the industrial age BUT we are going to society even further before it. What makes little girls bleed originally. We know that it's "Puberty" thx to science.

Was surprised many years ago that whenever I started to manifest some dormant aspects of my "lover" aspect I could charm females like it was my second nature but I always cockblocked myself from going beyond flirting. Some years ago I noticed that whenever I act upon a special type of lust energy my mind and nose calibrates and I can pick up the smell of a woman if there was around any. The other weird thing was as my energies started to soar whenever I had emanating lust to a female that walked front of me they always looked behind randomly while I released that lust. I just looked at someone from my car and suddenly they looked back for a second.

It turns out there is a "brain" in the reproductive systems that feels and knows the presence of a suitable partner. Then it starts arranging the other brains for a "bonding" to start and if it's done perfectly a perfect consensual baby making happens with only the necessary amount of released eggs needed and not a single more. No eggs go "rotting" because the woman just "felt like it" then she "changed her mind". All the brains synced well result in perfection of the body.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:02 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7341 del
The question is. Why we can't have this nowadays? Why women are walking bleeding and breeding mode 0-24. Way too many problems. First humans are put together into an enclosed space since their youth far from their parents and their hormones are soaring and confusing them constantly. While around your parents your body knows "it's your parents do not fuck" but in kindergarten then school everyone lusts after one another you have "sexually active outsiders" as "teachers" who also lust after people left and right. The lower brains think AH SUITABLE PARTNER randomly connects to someone then the connection is LOST and your higher minds are on a rollercoaster of emotion and instinct.
And we think Tiktok is ruining generations.
And ofc it did not start here. How did "civilizations" manifest. What was the cornerstone of authority and governance. It was the establishment of an army. We have the term "fighting age men". You needed men. Many men to work the lands and to serve in the army. For that you need women popping out kids constantly. 7 minimum maybe more. If a man is "proven that his genetics are worthy" then he gets a young wife because in the growing civilization a woman has as much worth as much men he manages to give birth to. Therefore we managed to "Breed" humans for cattle attributes. Men are only "valuable" if muscular like cattle is grown and females only if they can give birth to as many children as possible. This way 99% of the humans are predisposed to overactive sexual energies. As peaceful times came closer because "war" was no longer a seasonal thing but more akin to something that happens after years decades or centuries there was an increasing need for craftsman and other leadership and priest/scholar skills so "men" became genetically a "specialist" class. While men are good at "specializing" females are good at "adapting". As a man if you are unable to become a "provider" or find a "Passion" a "path" that makes you realize your "Greatness" you failed. As a woman you need to adapt to your environment no matter what conditions are there. Women rule over their environment as well as they adapted to it. Nothing special but understanding the nature of things and the ways on all levels. Current women don't have that. They are confused by the energies they are supposed to adapt to. Some of their parts want this other parts of their's wants that. There are no clear "leaders" nowadays so they do not know who they need to listen. Who is the "man" the "idol" the "God". Changes all the time. Very few woman are able to realize their inner male aspects.

Hags were able to live an extremely long life (that's why they were called Hags) because they did not need to overextend themselves. They naturally learned to tune their bodies and managed to unlock all their parts on their own. There were no "men" messing with their mind/body there no "society" telling them what is good or bad. Only nature and the need to survive no matter what. We think "survival" means fighting and not realizing it's more about the mindset and the way of life and the adaptation to our environment. We forgot our roots.

This was one of my gripes with magic and the mysteries. It is so inconceivable at the start but once you wrap your mind around it it becomes obvious. Almost impossible to misinterpret. Then an another threshold appears and everything is weird again.

And a hag managed to play out her own journey then found a mate and that usually birthed a "witch bloodline". If your parents figure out something on a deep level it upgrades their genetics so will the offspring gravitate that way. This is why witch bloodlines are important at some traditions. They do not need to spend a century in the wilderness because their ancestor did the groundwork. They can follow other magical workings now to counterbalance the need for that mastery.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:03 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7342 del
I realized months ago that I am able to "shift" myself into the "female aspect" then use that perception to fix my male aspects. From this I am able to finally use this everlasting calm mindset. Not the buddhist "perfect zen" yet but the one that was not ruined by the modern overstimulation of all the senses we have. No wonder there were traditions that forbade women being there at all. They just mess up the syncing process of the neophytes and adepts alike.

Also that thing about the "earth mothers" interpreting "lust" as an attack. It is an "attack". It is a permission to impregnate and a command to prepare an egg to be fertilized. If you feel lust the other party is obliged to either accept it or deny it. But that is not "good" because humans need to breed like rabbits or this constant tribal warfare show cannot continue therefore humans need to be in an absolute "rape and be raped" mode. Just merely smelling a male around gives a female 10 requests for preparing an egg.

My guides told me to not "deny" this "lust" because i have to understand it. I had to learn that by "denying" I literally block and lock many vital energy flows while if I understand it I can accept the true way they are meant to flow. I never realized I inhibited my energies this much and now I am seeing how hard everyone is inhibiting themselves unwittingly. As much as I want to parrot the RETVRN meme... The place and understanding that we need to reach might be not in the past anymore but at a place we will need to find by ourselves.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:37 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7343 del
Following this I had a dream yesterday. I was talking to some people and I got a baby. I realized I can take care of her on my own (for them) but not in this place I had to drive somewhere else because she needs a "checkup". A woman appeared and seen that I am in trouble and offered her help. I drove the car and as I looked at the roads there were 3 highway entries. I looked at the sign stated which roads lead where.
The road going ahead said "Black people" the next to it said "Arab people" and the 3rd with a quick turn said "White people". I was thinking what even counts as "white" here and then noticed I managed to enter the lane that had the "black people" sign. The sign had further writing on it. "Those who enter here abandon all hope"
I knew I can turn around and I realized these signs weren't even "racist" anymore they were literally on the level of "travel guides" advising you to avoid some areas so I realized I am going to a place where the "baby" will have a hard time finding what she needs. Therefore I found a way where I could drive off from that road then started going offroad so I can find an another entry point. Managed to find a village with people. The woman said that we will require something or at least a rest so we stopped to see if the people are amicable there. As I seen a group of people carrying in the air some coconut like things with a green haze or fire around them one of the person noticed me then asked.
>Can you move this?
I realized he asked me if I can move it with telekinesis. I answered by moving it. He told me.
>We can train you if you stay
I was hesitant at first because i realized that we are at a "cult owned" village. It was in the air that these people have a cult mentality so I raised my guard that I might have entered a glowie territory. But I realized this stems from my mundane perspective and my intuition is at ease. (Cults nowadays are either glowie controlled or they are so shit not even glowies care about it. Rare to find pristine cults). I accepted their offer. While the woman that accompanied me grabbed the baby and went somewhere I followed an another person that offered to train me. It was clear that the village was poor many buildings were halfway finished but there were no trash around. I knew I did not reach the "Black populace centers" this was something outside of any of these population centers. I arrived in a room where there were stones and wooden blocks on the ground. It was a training room for telekinesis.

They taught me a perspective. The guide was just saying that "slowly enter trance" but I had to read his energy movements to figure out what he meant. It turns out there is a "trance" where you enter into the "thinking" of your other minds. We have a "kinetic" mind. It usually controls the way we use our muscles and other parts of the body but this one can operate the energetic field of the body too. The "trick" was to not "focus" on the object itself but on "kinetic stream" that "Pulls" the object into your hand. It was not the "slowly levitate telekinesis" but more akin how jedi pulls the saber into their hand kind. When you grab something you do not focus on the object but on your hand that grabs the object. This was one of the understanding. Seeing these forces moving/flowing. It was like a wind tunnel but with a kinetic force. The other was the "inner" energy body. There is a dark system that opens up so the kinetic force can flow through the body thus creating the necessary "Pull". And seeing how the entire body needs to open up channels in a way only the kinetic force moves.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:37 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7344 del

If I master this I will be able finally doing telekinesis without messing with my other energies. Accidentally opening dimensions for entities because I wanted to do a party trick in the past was not cool. I still need to practice this tho. Dream yoga and physical yoga has differences in nuance. I need to understand my other minds more. I channel most of my energies into my mind so I can attain a higher understanding asap so they had a harder time "voicing" their problems. Especially because most of their "problems" were that they were unable to cope with many environmental and genetic factors and all I told them "bear with it".

When the training ended because the guide thought that I "got it" he handed me a bunch of flyers and told me once I "return" I can distribute them for others that need training but those were like large posters with too much detail and as I touched one I knew the moment I reach "civilization" these posters will rot. They were detailed techniques how to attain your inner power and if you were unable to attain it on your own they were willing to teach you once you go to them.
Then I went into the car and the baby that was with me grew into a teen already. Didn't even find it strange on that level. I had quite the hunch that this is "normal" here. As I started the car the dream ended.

Also I realized that the way they operated that is the "theme" I was looking once I bother opening a "cult" by myself. Wondered if I gave a glimpse of my own future for myself with this. Future selves teaching past selves is not impossible. It was mentioned in Fate stay night too how some mages channel their future selves to learn skills faster.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 22:10 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7346 del
> "perfect forest little girls" can ACCIDENTALLY activate their inner flow in a way the womb does not sabotage their entire existence and saps their magical flow therefore they can evolve their skills naturally
I think when you said "hagloli" I suddenly saw something from a new perspective here. You are describing my 1300 witch life, by name of Cuddlesworth aka The Black Death. The girl whose family was taken away and house burned down by Christians, so she took to the woods and lived alone at the abandoned witch ground. For some reason did a suicide ritual, but the spirits wanted other things for her and siphoned the energy of the "kingdom of Christ" which had killed her family. She became a force of nature, a physical ghost, coming out from the forest at night, sneaking into houses and stabbing people to death and cutting out their organs to eat.

But the "hagloli" can simply be seen as "aging so fucking fast that you reach 40+ before your body ages at all" which means no active eggdropping happens and the body stays at looking like an "aged 8 year old" forever.
>Why did the Hag(loli) did not start menstruating while being able to attain perfect survival skills
>Why we can't have this nowadays?
Retarded aging causes this hagification to become external instead of an internal mental maturity process, which drags the body down with it. Simple explanation from my view is that 'lumitard adrenachrome society only looks outward for their next high and this has society-wide ruined normal maturing processes.
I think you are right in this post though.

>not "deny" this "lust" because i have to understand it. I had to learn that by "denying" I literally block and lock many vital energy flows
Yeah. Also while a total degen, this is kind of the same as Crowley's doctrine and it works if done with some sensibility.

>"kinetic stream" that "Pulls" the object into your hand
This is how I modeled it in the Total Core. I feel this is somehow related to the DNA profile training I did. Levitation is to float by removing gravity. Teleportation is to move, in combination this is "flight". Telekineses is rarely used, in space ship terms it is the tractor beam. But almost no one out there uses it, it's a weird thing. In almost all cases teleportation does the job.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 23:10 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7350 del
>You are describing my 1300 witch life
Yeah they are many hags that went through this path. This way of operation is "quite common" for them. I am able to see 90% of the northern forest regions with "hags" appearing here and there because they leave a sparkling energy trail in the forest. Many of them merged with forces of nature.
>by name of Cuddlesworth
Yeah I have hard time wrapping my mind around that level of existence of yours.
>The Black Death
Like the plague? So the trench warfare came later. I only remembered that detail.
>The girl whose family was taken away and house burned down by Christians
Yeah the way christianity spread and reformed is not exactly something I am able to follow. I skipped out on the age of Rome then returned did some things then I managed to "get lost" in the spirit world again so I had to live my life as a female for several incarnations until she gained enough power to "reattain" my male aspect. If you want the pope back win this 100 year old war lol The whole thing is weird for me in the middle ages. Thx to christianity many principles were applied in the wrong way and it was inconceivable for me to realize that. There was a sort of "trickster" entity operating the region and he guided my life journey to fix a minor gesture going wrong. Didn't manage to locate him yet.

>But the "hagloli" can simply be seen as "aging so fucking fast that you reach 40+ before your body ages at all" which means no active eggdropping happens and the body stays at looking like an "aged 8 year old" forever.
I mean we have the "lolibaba" concept already but I just meant that the little girl has no choice but to awaken the entire potential of her genetics to survive instead of living a lazy life in society.
>Retarded aging causes this hagification to become external instead of an internal mental maturity process
Yeah it's ridiculous how we sabotage our growth with the (((rational ways of modernity)))
>same as Crowley's doctrine
Yeah I skipped his writings so far. He has too many shitposting and inside jokes in it and I did not have a scholarly inclination for him yet.

>I feel this is somehow related to the DNA profile training I did
Maybe. For me I have to understand how I direct my energies because I was able to do telekinesis but as I do it I misplace vital energies and other things that cause problems not to mention I externalize my "wandering mind" which causes even more problems.
>float by removing gravity
Had to realize I have varying degrees of authority or mastery over bodyparts so while I "remove" gravity at one place it stays on the other and my whole body starts panicking so I kinda put it on hold. I remember a night where entities made me levitate which might have been not a dream at all but I am bad at it.
>Teleportation is to move
For me it is just merely connecting spaces in a way that "distance" does not exist. AlsoveryspookythatIamnotdoingphysically.
>in space ship terms it is the tractor beam
Yeah it's similar.

Also I have 4 more books from the AC group but they are weirder. I am settling down my new found abilities. An amber book a red/purple book a black book and one with a light making you unable to see anything within (yet). I will need to go in order and feel if I am ready.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 23:53 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7351 del
>Like the plague? So the trench warfare came later. I only remembered that detail.
I didn't before understand the full image of it, but now I do. The Moloch sun created by "the bad Jesus", there were two of them, which are present in some nativity scenes sold in Latin America where there are 2 baby Jesus. Basically the story is fake, he wasn't brought back to life, but he did become the sun object. His brother was still alive after, and the story was glued together to be about him being alive like a human. Just as when alive, this Jesus just absorbed negative energy from illnesses, and the murky light of the sun shone over the "1000 year kingdom of Christ", but when they dared going as far as killing a powerful witch family, the spirit world was done with them. It was pre-planned this way. So they let Cuddlesworth bring the sun down, all the illnesses of a 1000 years released back on the world, which caused the death of 50% of the world population, and they called this "the dark ages" because they had lost their fake sun. The witch didn't really become the black death, she as a force of nature became "natural selection". It didn't exist before the 1300s. Before that it was possible for any genetics to survive by just outcompeting others for resources, and that's how degenerative 'luminato DNA was refined for 1000s of years. The natural selection principle on the other hand states that those are unfit, and thus begun the war to wipe out all the powerful families of Europe, which means unleashing rebellions and eventually the French revolution which set an example for how to deal with royalty of the incest breeding clan type.

They responded by shielding themselves behind "democracy" so that an extra ruling layer would act as the goalkeeper for them while they rule from the shadows, and that's how the modern "deep state" came to be. Before that they ruled openly.

Cuddle was there in the background while the lady X took to the streets of Paris and used mass crowd control to drive the revolution to kill the rulers.

The 'luminatos panicked and set out to build up the modern psiops along with technology to bring the population back under control. WW1 was meant to purge all rebellious attitudes from the population and allow them to install the NWO world government again. But Cuddle again interfered applying "survival of the fittest" in the trenches which made the war drawn out and very stupid, killing the most obedient elite slaves instead of the rebellious, which allowed for Hitler to dry a rerun of the event. This also went in the wrong direction so it was again thwarted. Fast forward and they are still on the same path of reacting too late to the new measures aimed to finally delete degenerative genetics from the pool.

Sunflower 04/14/2024 (Sun) 23:57 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7352 del
They think they rule and control history, but since the 1300s onwards it's been a losing battle for the 'luminato families, who have been gradually driven onto a narrow path towards their final execution, be it by guillotine in France or the gas chamber in Germany, they are being picked off bit by bit and they know it.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 00:06 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7353 del
Someone put it this way in a screencapped post I saw earlier today (coincidence):

The current elites are made up of outdated genetics with an addiction to wealth for no reason. For this they need slaves who have no concept of real human life, uninteresting imitations of persons created only to serve this need of the elites.

There will be a great reset, but it won't be what they want. It will be the removal of both the wealth-addicted elites and their production slaves. Neither of those are needed.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 00:12 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7354 del
(32.98 KB 501x454 real great reset.png)

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:08 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7369 del
Yeah about Jesus. I am unable to comment too much. There are too many weirdness in the whole thing. Not just in the story but in the practical way it works. As you make a cross you cultivate an inner "Jesus" within you "accept Jesus into your heart" and once you start to awaken the energies will 20% (my guides told me this number) surely go through it and that will just give you "messiah complex" tendencies. In actuality your mind just speeds up for the sole purpose of attaining the enlightened "frequencies" of sorts but Jesus is there and he is the acknowledged holy person so it's time to TELL EVERYONE THAT THEY ARE WRONG AND THEY HAVE TO FOLLOW YOU NOW AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH... absolutely fucking annoying. As my energies crashed in a demon realm I (Jesustulpa edition) was crucified because how do we worship Jesus? Via crucifying him! We remind ourselves everyday that dude got crucified. "We carry his cross". An absolute joke. After that my mind calmed down. I never realized before that how scared some beings can get when my emotions go haywire. Good thing in this life I had access to other currents than the "mainstream christian" but then again with that current there is like 99% chance my awakening wouldn't have even started this way at all.

Not to mention many cults changed their way of operation to "become christian" after it became an imperial religion of Rome so they do not get erased. So many beings had to larꝐ within the constraints of that religion.
>when they dared going as far as killing a powerful witch family, the spirit world was done with them. It was pre-planned this way
Yeah sometimes happen that way. Christianity had many degenerative branches and they were short circuited on many occasions. Sadly there are too many problems with the equations and my full picture is still quite hazy about them.

Not to mention what you just said with the natural selection via illnesses. This was explained to me that "illnesses" do not cause any harm to properly awakened/functioning humans. If you fall ill you are doing several things wrong. But thx to big pharma you can escape the tribulations and the realization to become stronger instead you can perpetuate an everlasting suffering through weakness.

>royalty of the incest breeding clan type
Kings were supposed to be the absolute paragons the "lead by example" then they became the MY DAD HAD THE BIG CHAIR THEREFORE YOU HAVE TO LET ME HAVE THE BIG CHAIR AGAIN. And I thought the Age of Conquests were bad where king = big army general. Then they developed a god complex WHICH WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BAD IF THEY ACTUALLY WENT AND ATTAINED A SEMBLANCE OF GODHOOD VIA WORKING WITH THE ENTITIES AND THE ENERGIES but noooooo. Just a talented barely above mundane. Modern people cannot conceive the days when godkings walked the earth nor the days where every king had his personal prophets/shamans.
>while they rule from the shadows
Yeah shame that "ruling" cannot be done from the shadows. Maybe influencing but not "ruling". Rats "rule" from the shadows this way. But in the end they just erode every structure they inhabit with their incessant gnawing and infighting. Lions are the king of the animal world and even they leave you alone when they are not hungry anymore. Rats have to gnaw constantly or their teeth grows too long and impales their skull. Cats eat the rats but they are not lions anymore. Dogs don't even eat rats they just kill them for fun. democRATS bureaucRATs autocRATs what other words COINCIDENTALLY contain the rat? Oh rith Eurocrats. What was that comic again where the jews were the rats and the nazis the cats? It was even written by a jew.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:09 Id: d17e69 [Preview] No.7371 del
>which made the war drawn out and very stupid, killing the most obedient elite slaves instead of the rebellious
Yeah there were so many rebellions post world war1. After WW2 they were contained by the commies exploited by the commies or pruned because of the fear of commies.
>and they know it.
Yeah this is why they are "thinning" their blood with actually useful and talented people in the last 2 centuries so they can make loyal blood relatives but the absolute degeneracy they "gift" to every member always ruins any talent they had from the start.
Yeah I too had to realize how minimal is their "rulership". Not to mention only a slave wants slaves. A real person wants to be free. And not enslaved while being labelled #fR€€.

>made up of outdated genetics with an addiction to wealth for no reason
This is something I never really understood. There is a limit to things you can buy with "money" but guess a degenerate would call me ignorant for saying this.
>slaves who have no concept of real human life
Yeah that is great and all but beings like that die within 3-8 generations.
>It will be the removal of both the wealth-addicted elites and their production slaves. Neither of those are needed.
It leads nowhere. Mass producing junk and drugs? Only the lowest criminals consider that "great". They constantly need to wear gold on their body to signal their "worth". Never understood that. I always told people that I have value without jewels on my body too. I do not need extra pointless burden on my body. My wallet and phone takes up too much space in my pockets already. I wish for a day where not even those are needed anymore. But I am not ready for the "Hobowizard" path yet.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:33 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7378 del
(285.42 KB 957x1396 maus.jpg)
Yeah I have this one. Funny how his survivor dad says
>I think they'd need another holocaust to learn
and then he himself does things like leave the gas stove on all day because gas is included in the rent, but he has to pay for matches. They also sneak into a hotel pool area to pretend to be guests to get free coffee.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:42 Id: 196d29 [Preview] No.7382 del
I duno what to make of Maus its strange how the eyewitness' wifey survived dispite being nominally high liklihood of getting the gas.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 23:36 Id: 412842 [Preview] No.7390 del
Yes, very (((strange))).

Sunflower 05/09/2024 (Thu) 15:45 Id: c384d0 [Preview] No.7744 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=G5S2oKEy_Uc [Embed]

I found this version of simha kriya, tried it, this is very powerful. It looks a bit freaky but that sound is pretty hard to create with any power. It doesn't have to be nearly that loud though and the stance itself works for meditation.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 07:12 Id: 42cc4d [Preview] No.8582 del

Karmamudrā (Sanskrit; "action seal," Tibetan: las-kyi phyag-rgya; commonly misspelled as: kāmamudrā or "desire seal") is a Vajrayana Buddhist technique which makes use of sexual union with a physical or visualized consort as well as the practice of inner heat (tummo) to achieve a non-dual state of bliss and insight into emptiness.[1] In Tibetan Buddhism, proficiency in inner heat yoga is generally seen as a prerequisite to the practice of karmamudrā.[2]

Karmamudrā also specifically refers to the female yogini who engages in such a practice. When the partner is a visualised one (i.e. imagined by a single yogi in Tibetan tantric practice), it is known as a jñanamudra ("wisdom seal").[3][4]

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