04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:00
Id: d17e69
Since the AC group guys gave me those books I finally managed to figure out an another mystery that was brought up on this board many years ago.
Where to even start... I had to realize how there are major and minor yins and yangs and how they work together and sometimes change places and functions. Maybe calling them yin and yang is not even apt anymore but I need a higher skill level for better semantics. You can't talk about the Dao anyways so why bother being more precise.
So whenever I found a female aspect be them past lives inner lives or merely spirits I always managed to unlock an another male aspect and with that as I fixed a problem I uncovered several more therefore I had a sort of continuous improvement but never a "solution" in sight. I knew it's normal on the path so I set my sight on the proper pacing way. As I got an old book about an old female spirit that haunted the dark forests I had a dream after it. I was "embraced" by a seemingly old but gentle female and my male aspect was talking to her. I was not even able to remember the conversation. It was a sort of "aspiring hero" male aspect of sorts and as I woke up was wondering what that was because my male aspect was at "ease" while I was absolutely overtaken and I knew it's normal while my (main) mind was not even part of the process but a mere observer.
When I woke up I looked into what just happened and that female aspect was the precursor of the witches. The hag. In many legends the hags are seen either extremely malicious or cunning crafty that defeat even the strongest hero's with their ways and those tales usually warn people who think themselves unbeatable that being too arrogant and too sure of your main strength is always dangerous.
This was the still not the understanding ofc but how "Hags" are perceived in the mainstream. Usually they are witches but older and hurl curses.
What ACTUAL Hags were. We were talking about Kings and heroes and about how kings can create laws. Being born under the authority of a King makes you submit to his laws or you become an outcast. Hermits usually get fed up with the "laws" of society and escape it either so they can be left alone or so they are undisturbed while they seek a higher wisdom. Women too can become hermits but it's rare for them. They require the help of society more than men.
And this is where it gets important. Hags are born in an old age where "civilization" was not "ever present" therefore there were quite the amount of people that lived below "tribal" level and just a family raising a kid then teaching the kid basic survival then the parents die and the kid has to live in the forest by itself. Males usually become hunters and "chase" the ultimate prey or become hermits. But what about girls. We have Artemis and Diana and many huntresses too but they were usually daughters/sisters of the gods.
What happens if a human girl lives alone in the forest by herself. She would be eaten or die if we look at the (((modern))) standardâ„¢ woman capabilities. Current women are unable to live without the assistance of a single or several males.
So what if a girl realized her own survival skills and lived in the forest in a way with 0 help of entities and supernatural forces by default or with inborn abilities. We knew that girls in the past started menstruating later and if starvation or higher testosterone is present menstruation halts.
So it turns out "perfect forest little girls" can ACCIDENTALLY activate their inner flow in a way the womb does not sabotage their entire existence and saps their magical flow therefore they can evolve their skills naturally. Even Buddhists and Hinduists say that being born as a woman is a "curse" because they cannot attain enlightenment. Because of that pesky womb. Is the womb evil?
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