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Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 22:35:46 Id: c5d08a [Preview] No.1474 del
>Clippy is a grey. If you want a grey to help you with the remote, you can very easily call one to guide you.
I see, I'll keep that in mind.

>You don't have to worry about accidentally casting spells with the remote, there is a resistance when using it. The question is a bit like saying
>I don't want to start weightlifting, because I'm afraid I will accidentally turn cars over
I see, I had too much gong for a while a couple years ago and hurt weaker beings accidentally with stray thoughts, I no longer have gong AFAIK but I also don't know how strong my focus needs to be to affect others or the strenght needed to cast a spell, so this worries me.

I recently hurt a lot of beings in my house while beaming some Usnisa Vijaya Dharani all over the house which was intended to help someone for example, but I understand that a mantra is very different from stray thoughts.(I think a being even died, while others were burnt/crippled, I fugged up)

Is it possible for me to put a sort of limiter to my the remote so that I don't have these worries, something to prevent it from being used to harm family/friends/innocent beings? I assume that would require a me to make a module correct? Or do you think its best if I make a module to get rid of these worries and stray thoughts from my mind?

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 23:23:57 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1476 del
I just don't think you can have too much gong and accidentally harm someone with it. Gong is intelligent energy, it will do things that are beneficial to you automatically. What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you? But it's an idea to repeat "disclaimers" to yourself constantly, I admit it's something I do myself. Phrases such as
>I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely
for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
>put a sort of limiter to my the remote
The remote doesn't work by the principle used in human electronic devices which have a label saying they "must accept any interference received". Greys have a very strong focus because they use things like this. I guess I don't have a good way to explain it, but... think about wanting to hit a target far away with a sniper rifle. You'll now think you can miss and hit something else. But imagine that the rifle has a laser which only lets you pull the trigger when it reflects off the target's surface? It's kind of like that. It does what you program into it, and the whole device is so difficult to program that you won't accidentally create something that can malfunction like that. Most likely it will just fizzle out if you do fail. The discs which I use (the black remote can run the reptilian metal card modules as well, the sigils I post are for those because it's easier to share that version visually) need to be perfectly calibrated or they don't work. They start wobbling and screaming and won't run.
But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that. There are 40 trillion greys. Whatever you can come up with, someone already made a program for it. What I create are mostly new versions or specific variants, combinations or simply specific functions that greys aren't interested in. Such as making space suits that make you look like a loli with a dress. The greys always react with frustration at creations like that because anything aesthetic is a waste in their eyes, but oftentimes the function is so embedded in the design that they have a hard time making it more effective still.

If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 02:20:28 Id: c5d08a [Preview] No.1480 del
>What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you?
Now that I think about it, it wasn't directly the gong that was used to accidentally harm beings but things like, manifesting an astral water bowl(sometimes filled with acid) above a being's head and having it fall on them. Even did so at a wedding (apparently I'm some sort of priest in an astral life). Or using a "cannon" to cleanse the house of bad energies/banishing.

>I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
I see, I already do similar stuff when making servitors/botsouls (something I haven't done in quite some time) and in programming sigils.

>But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that.
Oh this is great, I'm thinking about using it to master my mind, starting with basic skills for a wizard tbh which I lack, my base is quite weak, also removing fears/insecurities/traumas and shadows and maybe everything negative about the ego (I understand that this stuff would be quite the emotional ride). Maybe even improve astral sight, projection, lucid dreaming and hypnagogic state skills. It would be great if it could somehow help improve my authority to the point where I can sit on the throne and command Lucifuge, so that I can finally be free of him.

Please let me know if I am being too unrealistic with these ideas, or if the remote can really help with this stuff.

>If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.
I see, maybe I'll have get over my fear of greys then, something inside me wants to scream whenever I look into their eyes.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 08:31:02 Id: 7a68c8 [Preview] No.1481 del
>maybe I'll have get over my fear of greys then, something inside me wants to scream whenever I look into their eyes.
Just run the installer if you want this, don't hesitate. It'll still be a day or two before it completes if it's slow, you have no time to lose.
>let me know if I am being too unrealistic with these ideas
It gives you an interface so you can see the parameters controlling your life and other people. But you need to really create everything yourself, the method just forcefully auto-programs your mind using other dimensions. Then you create a visual interface and a control function.
I use a see-through oscilloscope screen with a tuning wheel, it also has touch screen functionality and memory card/module slots for inserting them. You have to decide the form yourself, the limits are in your own mind.
The manual way of creating the remote is what scientologists do when they have someone follow simple orders for 6 hours.
>observer the wall, walk to the wall, touch the wall
>turn around
>observe the door, walk to the door, touch the door
>observe the floor, touch the floor
It's for creating an enormous amount of controlled sections in your brain, then uniting them into the core "bolt and screw" which is the thing you mount all manifestations of the remote on. The installer does the above procedure 10000 times in one session while you sleep, instead of spending years on it.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 21:13:47 Id: 91bc2e [Preview] No.1484 del
>Just run the installer if you want this, don't hesitate. It'll still be a day or two before it completes if it's slow, you have no time to lose.
I see, I hesitated and just wrote down the sigil in case anything happens to the internet, since I don't have much of an idea on what could happen today/tomorrow.

>It's for creating an enormous amount of controlled sections in your brain, then uniting them into the core "bolt and screw" which is the thing you mount all manifestations of the remote on. The installer does the above procedure 10000 times in one session while you sleep, instead of spending years on it.
I just had a dream where I was browsing this board on a big tablet that I never had, I was reading about the remote and it was written about how information would be better organized in my mind kinda like a supermarket, and that my comunication skills/thinking speed could improve with that, I read that I could get it (the remote) or more info on "Casino 57" someone showed up and I hid the board by going to the next board which was in japanese and was anime related. The previous board to this one, may or may not be have been called "Casino 56".
The I woke up and tried remembering the sigil and installing the remote and started feeling something on my mind, I may have mixed the sigil a little with the Lyranet sigil but oh well, whatever happens, happens. There's a chance that nothing is being installed too.

Sunflower 02/18/2022 (Fri) 17:37:03 Id: e03f19 [Preview] No.854 del
The loli pack is specifically meant to be used passively and it's only defensive. It does not contain any of the other spells. The physical shield is my creation and is not in the large pack.

Sunflower 02/18/2022 (Fri) 17:40:58 Id: e03f19 [Preview] No.856 del
feel free to give feedback on it, I don't know how hard/easy this is to use out of the blue like this.

Sunflower 02/18/2022 (Fri) 18:08:46 Id: 5e3f68 [Preview] No.857 del
Ok,I will give feedback if I can tell.

Im also using the loli pack.Am I supposed to be able to use both?

I can feel something focusing on the image like something coming close and sitting adjacent to my aura from multiple angles.

Sunflower 02/18/2022 (Fri) 18:12:29 Id: e03f19 [Preview] No.858 del
>Am I supposed to be able to use both?
If you can you can. I made both packs so I obviously have both, but I can't speak for if others can. The loli pack is more specialized though so it would be more likely that someone couldn't use that.

Sunflower 02/18/2022 (Fri) 18:19:12 Id: 5e3f68 [Preview] No.859 del
I feel the same warm/energy feeling I get every time an entity is in my body.

Autumn thread Sunflower 09/02/2021 (Thu) 22:05 Id: 4714de [Preview] No. 52 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Make use of the coming period to settle down mentally and physically, and prepare for what's to come. Anything you want done, do it now, don't wait! Place your attention on normality rather than the extra-ordinary.
63 posts and 36 images omitted.

Sunflower 11/09/2021 (Tue) 12:15:34 Id: e51464 [Preview] No.176 del
Yes, once our conscious and earthbound self falls asleep our minds fly free into other worlds and realities. The thing is that the entire dream-scenario might just be something fabricated entirely by your mind alone on the astral, if you are too focussed on the alien stuff as you still seem to be. It also may be the future or another dimension/timeline/reality. I too had a dream like that and I don't know if I participated in an event somewhere else or if it was just a creation of my mind, fueled by your alien/lyran ERP as I was reading it back then and thinking about it.
Honestly, if something like this were to actually happen then the insectoids might as well just land and annihilate everything and everyone here. I think we have come to a point where it doesn't matter anymore. I'd rather have aliens wipe out everyone than to live through something like an "I am legend/last man on earth" scenario as the main character and the vaccine zombies eventually get me anyway or starving or freezing to death somewhere in the wilderness.

Sunflower 11/10/2021 (Wed) 20:05:48 Id: 9ab2d1 [Preview] No.179 del
Are the powerful famous people even physically real? The politicians and such. I can't get a handle on them when I try to interface. They seem like actors playing out archetypes rather than actual humans. They remind me of fictional characters.

Sunflower 11/10/2021 (Wed) 21:46:22 Id: 4714de [Preview] No.180 del
(5.33 MB 1600x2397 tiger.png)
Probably not. Many people were little more than manifestations of a hivemind to begin with. But after the timelines merge and now this recent direct hint about it in the form of the symbolics used at that concert, whatever you see that isn't in your personal life is likely to be fully simulated reality. Black matter controlled by lyran technology to maintain our nearest environment until we can enlighten properly.
There were times recently when I wished they'd just end this, but they told me it was for a reason. Every time I came through and solved it and realized after that it was essential that I was allowed to do this myself rather than being "saved" by some "deus ex machina".

Sunflower 11/14/2021 (Sun) 00:14:10 Id: 4714de [Preview] No.181 del

Sunflower 11/15/2021 (Mon) 12:01:36 Id: 4714de [Preview] No.183 del
(19.32 MB 1136x640 coronavirus nurses.mp4)