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Vampires in lore and reality #3 Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 10:39 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No. 8172
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Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 17:14 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8177 del
I have made progress i think. Im pretty sure ive managed to fix this energetic issue ive had since atleast way back when.This happened right before we talked here about underground dwellers.

Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 17:24 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No.8178 del
I looked just now, it appears to be broken through, the energy is flowing by the sheer force of it. The external disturbance appears to originate with some external entity, looks like a guy in a light grey/blueish suit (?), he looks taken by surprise over not being able to effect you.

Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 17:33 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No.8179 del
This post well be about the double evolution.

The sigil will connect you with the vampire library of magic. In here, you can find grimoires on double evolution for vampires. If you want to use the lazy approach, you can get this [servitor] which runs off a standard ScaleForm disc, it's an AI librarian who maintains local copies of the library and can find books by request.

Double evolution means that you control both male and female aspects of your being at a minimum of Arhat enlightenment level equivalents, then unite your energy flow into a single achievement. For this to work, both your male and female aspects need to have the same element ready for rising up. Example: for me it's a black fox, so I need to be able to have the black fox form as both male and female at minimum Arhat to unite into double evolution.

Double evolution is always stronger than single evolution, no matter the achievement of the single evolution. Thus, a double evolution 1st enlightenment achievement (Arhat) will always override a single evolution in 2nd (Bodhisattva) or 3rd (Tathagata) even if those are higher by normal standards.

You do not need to have a single evolution achievement in the double standard you are aiming for, but it helps greatly to have at least one (male or female) aspect in place so you have a stepping stone to reach from.
Edited last time by bard on 06/29/2024 (Sat) 17:35.

Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 17:40 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No.8180 del
For the practical aspect of double evolution, you need only some way to concentrate your energy. I used the Simhasana (lion) pose exercise with the "roar" (no need to link, you can find this on youtube).

Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 17:49 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8181 del
After i fixed this I had a dream where i was walking by the pier. Suddenly im standing a room with a tall vampire lady in the middle. Right in front of me.she tells me there are a 100 other people in the room and they will attack me. I fight and kill everyone in the room. She holds her hand out and tells me to eat what she has in her hand. She tells me its human flesh. I refuse since i dont feel like eating human flesh. I walk around the room since theres nothing else to do and then cut of some meat of the peoples bodies i killed and eat here and there. She says alright and then shows me a girl standing in the room.its a normal girl like all the people who were ther prior. She tells me to notice how i view her has changed since i ate the flesh. She tells me i can still be friendly or feel friendly but subconsciously i will view her as prey.while she said i can still feel friendly its shown my empathy as being lined off and seperated to the right. She said that i can still be friendly part as if to confort me for suddenly losing the sense of empathy i usually feel by telling me i can still be friendly.when she said i now view the girl as prey i could see part of it as true.I mildly resisted it.when i woke up i felt "safe".its only been a few days but a lot of the issues i used to have after accepting the vampire spell have left me. I also dont feel like im getting weaker anymore.

Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 18:16 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No.8182 del
I wonder if I ever had this kind of empathy in this life or anytime. I never experienced this kind of change, but would as long as I remember view humans as some kind of beast. Already as a kid I would have thought of wanting to kill them because they are abominations. It pained me that I wasn't able to see normal situations with any kind of connection. There was a certain moment when a girl was given a teddy bear and everyone around smiled, and I felt nothing. I wanted to be able to smile, but could not see anything other than these beasts who don't deserve it.

This specific thing was solved with "someone's" guidance through me watching Sleeping Princess in the Demon Castle
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UEktRgkNBBs [Embed]

where she keeps interacting with these demonic teddy bears. There was one specific moment in the show which felt like they had built up for: she's again getting lost in the castle, and eventually made it back to her room. Then she meets a teddy demon and hugs it, and the scene mirrored the scene from my childhood which I felt I wanted to be able to smile about.

At that moment the emotional connection was formed, and I was able to feel happy about it. It had to be framed as a sadistic and stupid princess hugging a demon teddy for me to mentally relate to it, but that actually worked to overcome this detachment.

Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 18:17 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No.8183 del
(505.88 KB 440x660 sleeping princess.png)

Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 21:57 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8186 del
Calling yourself an empath is memed on. Although its weird with me its like i wanted to be like what you describe minus the seeing people as beasts since it seemed people like that could whatever they want.after i had that energetic issue i lost the ability to have emotions because i lacked the energy to sustain them(it was very serious and i could have basically posted about it all day on here since it felt that acute yet chronic.as if you were on the verge of madness yet to little energy to even fully express that feeling inside my inner mind.) That included my empathy but it was overall not pleasant for me. Like taking water out of an already dry well. Even a single thought was exhaustive for me.let alone moving the body.emotions especially.

Sunflower 07/08/2024 (Mon) 00:51 Id: 21a8db [Preview] No.8223 del

I dug up this from Discord, it's a channelling with the Queen/ Illivryn about La Famida.

Sunflower 07/10/2024 (Wed) 23:42 Id: dee3f3 [Preview] No.8243 del

https://www.tiktok.com/@katannaclarke/video/7389791895519612203 [Embed]

https://www.tiktok.com/@katannaclarke/video/7389826225742597418 [Embed]

This is saying so much more than it seems to say aside from what is right there. But it's all about things that are too odd to talk about even on here. A multi-layered game.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 21:10 Id: bba277 [Preview] No.8253 del
Ok so.

Look at what isn't the focus of these vids. The background. All the windows are covered by light blocking curtains. There's a massage bench oddly placed across from a bed and next to a tv in the corner. There are no carpets (but this last may be an american thing).

Sunflower 07/12/2024 (Fri) 15:44 Id: bba277 [Preview] No.8255 del
In the past few days I've been working with the galactic federation to hunt down the groups who have been attacking the Earth and creating the evil society. Because I have a general's rank in my faction (I apparently have this since sometime in the past, I'm not sure how or when), I can file requests for resources if formulated right. So I used this to create a unit called "The unit for protection of natural growth and free progression", and posted an ad asking for staff. I quickly got someone responding and gave them the rank of major, then told them to recruit more staff, and also requested a ship to use along with equipment like protective gear.

After forming the unit we set up on a distant planet with a ground office and I used Kit to investigate who has been causing the disturbances on Earth. Then as soon as someone was found out, or they attacked, we instantly would activate the unit and go out to arrest them and send them to the mines.

Some of the groups were seemingly targeting me specifically so I decided to give them a different treatment and deal with them personally by reversing their negative energy back at them, researching the principles of their methods and adapting them to myself.

Sunflower 07/12/2024 (Fri) 15:49 Id: bba277 [Preview] No.8256 del
Yesterday when denying the effect of a particularly nasty attack, the negative energy they sent formed into a white nail complete with a head, and it pierced them and paralyzed them so the environment clear up completely. Early morning a new group came at me, so I did the same thing against them, paired with calling in my federation unit to take those who were of a less spiritual nature. Eventually I subdued all of them, and suddenly the different reversed "nails" all merged and transformed into an artifact in my possession.

It's a short white pointed pole, like the "vampire stake" in fiction, unclear material. This seems like the core of the "white spike" energy formation. I was wondering what its actual solid form is, because I was unable to see it clearly and didn't feel I had it completely done.

This may be it. That would mean all seen spike formations are various manifestations of using this core artifact.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 10:53 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8315 del
Angel channelling (mostly)

Vampirism is on the same scale as angel magic, it is simply at the desire-bound or earth-bound end of the line, while angels are on the ethereal end. Anyone can practice angel or vampire magic, but this does not make them angels or vampires. To be a genuine angel or vampire in the flesh, one must be of the "pleiadan" racial cluster. That means in terms of the Earth races of the past, one must be of the race created by a silver queen (white earth mother). The gold queens who created the black races are evolved orcs, they are completely different and cannot be vampires or angels even if they can practice the magic. This means also that they will not be immortal in the flesh by practicing vampire or angel magic, it's impossible. They will be immortal by either becoming a black queen, or for men they will only become immortal after astral rebirth, because there are no black immortal men, they will have to evolve sideways to demon lord, which is the white version of the orc race when evolved. Demons are the female version of the orc lord. Demons created in the flesh by a white demon also cannot become physical vampires or angels, although they can practice vampire or angel magic.

This created a situation on the Earth as follows: Vampires were created from the silver race, and they became immortal after successful application of the vampire magic. Angels tend to not stay in the flesh so they moved on to the astral instead. Successful blacks also move on to either astral transformation for men, or they leave the planet to become wandering immortals for females. So the immortals on the planet who remain, are vampires. This is just how it is, with some few exceptions of esoteric practitioners in isolation. Some of these rare cases are the templars who hide away in caves for 1000s of years while in trance. They are of the white fungus race, which makes up most of the population in the west (did before the cleanse, they are now NPCs). Fungus races mix easily with anyone, and they absorb DNA from anyone. As a result of this, some would gain demon DNA, some would gain pleiadan DNA, some would receive white or black orc DNA. When a white fungus absorbs DNA from a different race, they change dramatically, as seen when mixed with blacks. When mixed with pleiadans they also change, but the skin colour does not change.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 10:53 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8316 del
For someone to become an immortal vampire, they need a high % of pleiadan DNA. It's this simple. But how do you determine this? Modern science does not know what the DNA types look like. Examining the silver queens is a impossible as getting near any other queen. Their radiating shields will burn the researcher to charcoal in an instant if they go within a one meter radius of them. So this is research done blindly, using measurements and indirect methods. They try to gain vampire DNA to research it, but vampires are also immortals and very savage and powerful, they can also twist time itself to evade unwanted attention.

DNA can be changed by practices and behaviours. So the elites in their quest for real vampirism - which is their goal, to become immortals in the flesh and engage in their desires - started ritual practices which imitate what they believe to be vampire practices, in an attempt at changing their DNA to become like the vampire end of pleiadans. They also started research on fungus queens, who lack the radiating shields, and are easier to replicate. However, any vampire DNA they would receive is from the "failvamps" who die after 800 years when facing the karmic death threshold, a known and much studied phenomena in witch circles.

They do know that any mixing with blacks renders that genetic line worthless if you are aiming for vampirism though, which is why the white supremacist movement and racism against blacks was created.

The rest is history, as they say. The western elites have since been obsessed with trying to replicate vampire behaviour while also refining pleiadan DNA which is mixed up with white fungus, trying to create a high enough concentration of pleiadan, that a ritual process is enough to bring them over to fullvamp.

That is all there is to it

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 11:06 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8317 del
Not channelled comment: Because Africans and Russians/slavs are both evolved from orcs via demon lords, demon females or black queens, they have no real place in the quest for vampirism. Their path to immortality is by their own racial practices, so they are naturally not going to be very interested in contributing to this effort of the white westerners, or included in their version of the world system which seeks to use the Earth's resources for this single quest for vampirism. Asians are a strange mix of demon and pleiadan, which is why they are brought in, although hesitantly, by the western elites. They know that if asians "tip over" genetically towards the demon races, they will shift to not having any interest in vampirism or this effort, are are like to opposite it as well. Because it is after all a huge waste to use an entire civilization's resources just to create a handful of failed vampires, when you could just accept that whoever deserves a DNA type will simply be reborn in that line. You can't force it.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 13:04 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8318 del
Wasn't it previously said vampires are slav based and the look like slavs?

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 14:02 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8319 del
(86.56 KB 1237x483 slavic.png)
Let me ask them.

Channelled reply:
That is correct. You won't find any 100% pure bloods on Earth of any kind, everyone is mixed. The group you call "slavic" is not a reference to having a certain type of DNA (see attached image) but rather those speaking a more original language which is closer to the ancient languages. Although you may say that English and Spanish combined with Latin may sound like ancient Atlantean, you should know that Atlantean is not the oldest language of the Earth, but was - like Chinese Mandarin - advocated as a uniting language for all people rather than an organically spread language. "Slavic" when used here is not a perfect representation but it is understood, (although I don't think we used it?) because unlike us, humans do not understand the term "pleiadan" or "silver race" to have any concrete meaning. It is not entirely correct to say that slavs are all evolved from orcs or demons, as they are mixed. It would be more correct to say that "vampires as you know them are of the group who speak slavic languages originally, and they have characteristic appearances which are in themselves not related to any pure blood". Rather, the concentration of pleiadan is higher in the slavic group, a further annoyance for the western fungus elites, who want to incorporate this genetic with their own. It is very difficult to separate which is demon/orc and which is white pleiadan when both of them are white in skin. It would be easier to separate them with a mix of black orc and pleiadan, but again that is an impossible combination as the male half of that line is a dead end. That is why white supremacy intended to separate off Scandinavians to derive pleiadan DNA from them instead. Unfortunately they are very much mixed with demon/white orc and white fungus, leaving a lesser concentration of pleiadan than among the slavs. In short, this "create vampires from test tubes" project was pretty much set for failure from the beginning. But they didn't know that.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 15:41 Id: f98b22 [Preview] No.8320 del
>silver queen
In the extremely early days of vampire threads I had a dream. I was in a labyrinth. At the end of the labyrinth there were silver female heads on the wall. All of them had "hats" similar how pharaohs were portrayed. They were all alive and not like trophies but that was the way they could "blend" into that dimensional space. As I went closer I gently touched the face of one female. I know she said something but it was without words. With that my entire hand then my body gained a silvery coating and felt like everything beneath the coating also changed. After that I could go further in the labyrinth. As I went toward an extremely poisonous spider was on the corner of the wall and it's poison leaked on me but was ineffective. The poison was not "hostile" but more of a "test". As I passed the spider there was a gate. With a mere intent the gate opened. I noticed that the labyrinth is underwater and as the water washed upon me I awoken.

Guess it might had more meaning than gaining the silver/astral body

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 15:55 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8321 del
(10.26 KB 512x452 pizza round.png)
(14.55 KB 512x452 pizza.png)
Prior to the posts above, I performed a thing which was intended to activate and use up the preparations which were already in place for this imagined mass vampirism ritual they were aiming to perform. The plan was originally something like this:

>Jesus founds Christianity and becomes the new Moloch sun
>the kingdom of God is created for worldly power
>the entire world is united through holy war
>resources are amassed for the performance of the vampire ritual for the elites

It was just that it failed at the second step, when the kingdom of God ended with the black death, following the Moloch sun of the time crashing down as a result of European witches being persecuted, which motivated them to retaliate.

Since then they were working to recreate the kingdom of God a second time, which was performed at the end of the North American civil war. At this time they instead used grey technology and not religious methods. This new kingdom only lasted 2 decades and was killed off by a certain Ripper who intuitively killed this new American/puritan kingdom of God using a ritual in London, which happened to correlate with British royalty (reptilians) so they never interfered with the process even if they were aware of it.

A new attempt was then made with The Great War meant to function as a mass sacrifice ritual, creating again a new Moloch sun using grey technology and tying it to the creation of the UN and the arc of triumph in Paris. This new kingdom lasted until Germany got involved, resulting from them being ripped off during this American-lead ritual. Hitler and the occultists behind him actually killed off the second incarnation of the American kingdom of God, even if they officially lost the war. It took them way into the 60s before they could even begin a 3rd attempt. This lasted all the way until just before, where it was starting to crumble in 2022.

The idea was to use the mass world system to create WW3, which was to burn off remaining karma and destroy racemixing. The modern western world's energetic form was based on a black Queen female during its formation after Atlantis, because the maintenance deities just used the dominant and most influential form for the main scene of the world. This caused a lot of seething among the vampire wannabes because it rendered the central European world system energetically useless for them.

That is why they have to destroy it.

But they had no good plan for how to create the "correct" system, other than trying to connect something via Oceania, Japan and China or using an "ethereal" viewpoint where the physical doesn't rule them, so they could rise above the race-mixing nature of Europe.

This is why they opened up the Mariana trench "pizza slice" dimension and blocked the wheel of samsara in the west. It directly worked against them because of how the deities created it. And that means they went against the will of the maintenance deities to achieve their goals of immortality.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 15:59 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8322 del
>I gently touched the face of one female. I know she said something but it was without words. With that my entire hand then my body gained a silvery coating and felt like everything beneath the coating also changed
That's a beautiful representation of activating your pleiadan DNA.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 16:07 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8323 del

So what I did now was to use timeline manipulation to get a message to the "international masons", a group which although they don't understand a lot of the context, have a network and can pull off rituals with coordination.

I made them "conclude" that they need to perform a certain mass session at a certain time, using a specific symbolism and procedure. Their participants are just some rich people who don't necessarily know what they are doing but just like the form of it.

None of this matters, it can be made to work. So the procedures for giving vampirism to everyone in the elite have now been used, and the resources gathered for it are used up.

Following this, I noticed that some spiritual beings were still causing trouble, and further investigation showed that most of the "elites" as we know them were not actually invited to take part from the very beginning, they were all useful idiots, and many of them were even in opposition to this procedure or working against it because of their degeneration and low IQ. So it seems with the original proceeding, almost everyone would be ripped off and almost everyone were against the "NWO", but not because they were better in any way, they were just basing their opposition on Ego and lack of understanding.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 16:09 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8324 del
To clarify, the procedure was just made to function as a single use transformation where anyone on the planet who can make it in, is dragged in.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 16:34 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8325 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=8Vy8LTmmDvk [Embed]

Sunflower 07/30/2024 (Tue) 00:24 Id: 25b602 [Preview] No.8483 del
A sad truth was revealed to me, as well as a context.

I said earlier that the "molochians" have transformed their astral bodies into lizards whose heads are literal septic tanks. The image of this somehow appeared to me when I was rather little, seeing the structure of a brain energetically, but it was just a tank filled with shit, like the dung pit kept by farmers, to later spread on the fields as fertilizer.

The image and term of this was just so normal because it was something I'd see, everyone had one, so it's just there. But if you live in a city you may not know what it means or think its smell and mere existence is something disgusting. Maybe being used to this also makes the thing about Indians meaningless. Cow dung doesn't really smell very bad, being used to seeing it, it's just a part of the fields and the environment.

The mental state of creating this is one of letting the "gut brain's" function move to the head, or be retained in the head. Normally it's meant to be automated and then the nerves do this without you thinking about it. The fully regressed molochian has not only kept this function in the head, they have also externalized it to be the function of society around them. It's been outsourced on a mega-scale, where structurally, energetically, and from a body-function perspective, the whole of society is just there for artificially keeping up this function of the gut, which any baby should have automated during their first years of life. It's all been placed as subordinate to this structure, and nothing beyond it can be seen. Because the gut expects to constantly be fed, it does not tolerate any interruption, and will act out with uncontrollable reflexes of "hunger" if there is the slightest hint of disturbance to this outsourced system. That is why humans can do pretty much anything today and in the past. Countries will go to war, a collective psychosis takes over and they cannot be argued with. It's because the "gut" was not fed, and there is no real brain to function as a buffer or restraint, the hunger is acted out through the organs, the limbs of the welfare state, be it made for the nobility in the past or the middle class today.

What appeared to me, was the image of what created this horror. Though the ancient vampires had grown up in periods where things were fairly normal, and they had all the time needed to develop into being physically and psychologically normal on a personal level, the society and their external traditions over time regressed into this "septic tank" state, with their preferences and tastes just being different representation of hunger of the lowest and dirtiest kinds.

Even now, when having moved to the astral, this structure remained, and over time since the dimensional shifts and splits started, they had also started leaving that space. It seems their actual achievement was not much to mention, they re-incarnated as various members of regular races in the galactic federation, their memorized knowledge of atlantean magic not even applicable after leaving their position in the system, as the formulas were only commands to be used inside this egregore. They still work as command formulas for spells, but you'd need your own power for them to take effect. It all relied on this septic tank system when looking at the external mega scale.

This was why the magic system of vampires had lost its power, and needed to be rebooted. Atlantean magic works as a system of expression, but it needs to be connected to an "engine" of some sort, and that engine was a very low system in the past. It was not connected to the astral library of vampires.

The reason for why Gensokyo chose to keep the vampires in the age range of up to 2000 but not beyond, may be that they had not yet regressed into the "septic tank" kind of thinking yet. Being older in this situation is not better, when the system causes psychological degeneration with time.

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 14:14 Id: 25b602 [Preview] No.8521 del
There's this misconception relating to anon's (lack of) ability to discern posters, and poster patterns.

I early on created the "kemono friends poster" character, and that was what I used on all altchans from the beginning. It was part of a movement at the time, and made it easy to uphold post flow. I never created a new or secondary character until this year, when the distance to that social current had been thinned out, and kemono friends had become irrelevant as a reference. I started working on it during last year, but only started testing it this current year, for later introduction. The purpose of this was to widen the range of the expression so that I can talk about more things and still remain in-character.

I think I need to make clear, that I was still using this character all the while before, any lore relating to these threads was a collective /fringe/ creation. I think it's an indication that the first vampire thread on here was made by someone else, it's self propelled, unlike the sunflower generals and board theme threads like the blog, which I've created and maintained.

There was a need for a movement, I acted on that by creating a few thread OPs on /fringe/, but after that it was a self-playing piano, I just went along with what the egregore demanded.

For some reason there's this fixation among some anons about "who did what" and attributing way too many occurrences to certain personas. Smiley was thought to be behind all kinds of things, if the rumours were to be believed, he'd have been a frequent poster at ~26 different boards (this is what anon said), controlling the drama on every one of them.

In the beginning I was called out for being Smiley, anon told me he "felt" he was arguing with Smiley when he was talking to me. What's the point of having anonymous interactions if you are to always try to find out who you are talking to? No, you don't have to answer, it was a rhetorical question, this is just a blog rant post.

I'm only trying to inspire change within anon, self reflection and inner development. Yet these things keep surfacing, focusing "me" rather than what I said, focusing on "proof" of metaphysical concept to be provided by someone else, rather than striving to find the evidence within yourself and through you own work. It's all very strange to me, why anon would start reading, then posting, on a board labeled as "esoteric" if this is not what he is after. It seems at this point like intentional sabotage. Maybe these are just the opposing forces we all face when trying to improve.

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 16:16 Id: 762c58 [Preview] No.8522 del
>Yet these things keep surfacing, focusing "me" rather than what I said
Maybe the constant vague threats about how all who oppose you will be annihilated and the chest-beating about how you've sent all the glowies to hell once again have something to do with that. Just a thought.

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 16:33 Id: 25b602 [Preview] No.8523 del
Again with the Ego-thinking. So boring.

These posts are warnings to said glowies, some physical and some spiritual. They're not "threats", they are simple warnings which I have to give, because they are in serious danger when they attack me. Anyone else wouldn't have posted these, but would just have killed them with no warning. So because I'm applying benevolence and giving them a chance, it's interpreted as "boasting". I'm being very modest and tolerant here.

They read what I write here. This has nothing to do with what anons did years before I posted anything about this.

What's even the point anymore? Is there anyone here outside 2-3 anons who even care about their own spiritual improvement and the collective process of planetary ascension?

These little Ego-focused smug-comments are an expression of a very retarded thinking on the spiritual scale. Evil spirits will be upset when someone calls them out for what they are doing, of course. Am I talking to one of them now?

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 16:35 Id: 25b602 [Preview] No.8524 del
I can only interpret the recent inflow of malicious intent as a sign that the evil of the world is put under pressure.

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 16:49 Id: 762c58 [Preview] No.8525 del
>Evil spirits will be upset when someone calls them out for what they are doing, of course. Am I talking to one of them now?
See, this is the issue. First of all, the function of an imageboard should be to talk to your fellow human beings as equals. If you start using these places as a channeling tool to deliver threats to spirits, things quickly devolve into an /ng/-tier quagmire that most people just aren't willing to wade through. Secondly, I don't know if you're fully aware of this or not, but what you posted just now was essentially a threat of magical violence directed at me. The phrasing was a subtle, but it's there. I know you'll probably say "oh, it was just directed at the spirit acting through you", but we're all just spirits living in bodies here. You keep stabbing at the parts of other people that offend you, and eventually you might hit something vital. I remember you did the same thing on /fringe/, something about how you implied that a group of greys or some other alien was acting through someone in the thread and how you were going to mercilessly exterminate it. What if a neophyte who had a synergy or experience with greys happened upon that thread? He would of course assume you were talking about him. Anyone who doesn't have the capacity for magical self-defense is going to be scared off right quick by the sort of talk. It's destructive to the sort of spirit that an open discussion (as in a 'think tank', the original mission statement of this place, I believe?) requires.

Anyway, if you want to browbeat spirits there's a lot of better channeling methods to deliver your threats than this place. That's all I wanted to say.

No wait hold on
You need to understand this.
If no one on /sunflower/ disagreed with you, this place would have no function. THE PURPOSE OF DISCOURSE IS TO DISAGREE WITH PEOPLE.
That's all.

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 17:38 Id: 25b602 [Preview] No.8526 del
Whether you like to hear it or not, your post rested on an external egregore and it was hostile. Right after I left the computer they attacked me, proving that I was right in taunting which most of these posts are, because I just hate it when they attack me at night because it causes me to wake up and having to start organizing my servitors to wipe out hostiles when I should be resting. So if I see signs of hostility I want to trigger them as fast as possible so I can get rid of them.

^this was written before I read your post, I will now go on to reply to anything you wrote

>what you posted just now was essentially a threat of magical violence directed at me
I don't know who "you" are here, and I did get "someone" who was hostile. People have multiple souls. Some have possession by evil spirit. If I was to perform an exorcism, I'd be addressing the possessing spirit, but if you were still aware in there, you'd feel it being directed at you too. But there is no other way.

I also don't know who I'm talking to here because I don't recognize anyone, and I don't claim to do either. I have other things to do than keeping track of anon1, anon2 etc, unless they already have names associated with them. The only two people I recognize on here is Shiva-anon and the guy who always posts huge tit anime females, because I had him on Discord in the past (he kept changing nickname though so I still don't call him anything).

>eventually you might hit something vital
Not really, I don't use the CIA style attacks where negative intent is aimed at someone. I always strictly apply the Falun Gong method of forcing karmic repayment ahead of time. Every single weapon I create and use if of this type. It's just a quick cleanse, which stops the hostility because the evil intent came from karma, the black substance which is created from a mess of desires and evil intent, contrary to virtue which is the white substance. We went over this before, in Chinese these are Ye and De.

Some situations are complex and that makes it hard to perform blanket cleansings, which locks the dimension and I can't touch it until I learned a more surgical method to remove the karma.

Good to see your energy improved. That means I did remove something that was there.

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 17:46 Id: 25b602 [Preview] No.8527 del
>What if a neophyte
Also this. They aren't supposed to be on this board, but on /fringe/. Sunflower started as a dangerous and seclusive project for high risk magic which shouldn't be performed by beginners or those who are stuck in various prejudices on the nature of reality.

It was also the intent, outspoken, to sync with the NWO egregore and hijack it by assuming their way of speaking and acting, which actually means imitating their huge egos and supremacy thinking, but doing it as an act, not doing it by actually being them. Then when we "are them" seen by spiritual forces, we'd argue that we are the real rulers, and they'd follow us instead.

This was gradually achieved already when this was hidden away on Discord, and the public expression here as a board was only created when the egregore was stable enough to withstand attacks and retardation. The temple will last, there is no doubt about that.

What this stuff is about here isn't even on the temple mountain hillside, it's somewhere in the caves below it. That's what's making the opposing forces upset. With their 1000 year plan, we can still override them because we do it better than them.

In this is included that we can't really care that much about those not involved here, as that would cause a de-syncing to take place. Following benevolence by procedure can still be done, that makes us better than them.

That is why I have to warn them in public. Otherwise the spiritual forces would just look at me/us here and then at the degen elites, and see no difference, so they may support them instead.

Sunflower 08/15/2024 (Thu) 21:47 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8665 del
(24.65 KB 128x128 gucci.gif)
(4.13 MB 576x1024 evil@katannaclarke.mp4)
More stuff's definitely going to happen before this is done and over, but I'm starting to see how it's done now.

In the past, before Christianity entered the north, it's said norse religion was the main faith. But looking at the events as remaining in the akashic records, the background radiation of everything, there were very few followers of this faith, not even enough to call it a religion. The few who had souls were mostly the handful who became the gods, the Asa. It was just a hive of soulless mixed-race demi-humans (less than human) for long periods. Being able to create a reincarnation spot in this hive took significant preparations for centuries, which is why those who made it in and rose above, became known as legends.

Making it into certain spots, seems to always be like this. It can be done with various methods, one of them being selective breeding of the soulless hive until your requirement for incarnation is met. Another being to insert large amounts of golem souls or botsouls made from Qi, which form a social body to incarnate into, which also works to change genetics until the spot is created.

These methods were used by Yaweh/Poseidon and his followers, who inserted the "breath of god" into the hive to create many bots, which are the original "goyim", created specifically to be slaves who will again return to dust (Qi) after their usefulness is over.

Djinn used a different approach and created literal "sand people", that is golem souls, hard as rock and impossible to change once their rules have been inserted. They cannot be educated or indoctrinated, and their way of operation is close to "Sharia law". They, like the goyim, do not have self-awareness, they are artificial souls serving their purpose only as created. When you talk of "zogbots", the term originates from these botsouls created by Yaweh to prepare the environment so that the bird souls, original Rosicrucians, could incarnate on Earth.

Similarly leading muslims are all golem souls, made to enforce the rules of djinn, so that they can pick up and incarnate future recruits they deem worthy of becoming djinn, placing them inside the hive guarded by golems. Saddam Hussein is one well known golem. There was a lot of twisting of his image, attempts at making him seem insane, such as when he started yelling in the court set up by his enemies. But as a later documentary filmed close to him revealed, he only did that because he wanted a day off to just sit and smoke and talk with his friends. It's a given that he didn't recognise the kurdish court as legitimate, as a golem he would only recognize sharia as real, because those are the principles they are programmed around. Djinn, devious as they are, of course have not made them "unreasonable", but clever enough to infiltrate the kuffar and slowly take over, creating the environment for djinn cultivation. That is their entire purpose.

Sunflower 08/15/2024 (Thu) 21:55 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8666 del
Becoming a vampire is similarly difficult, and as was already said but may be re-iterated, that is why there is a vampire religion and people roleplaying as vampires. They are slowly preparing themselves and the environment for later incarnation in the spot where they can become the real immortal elite.

"Soulless incarnation" seems to also be a thing, although it's a difficult concept to nail down because it sound contradictive. It means the person incarnates a part of themselves which equates to the autonomous nervous system, or the subconscious. There is no direct awareness in the soul or body, but it acts as the real person would have. This can also be done as a way to wedge into hives of soulless beast-humans, where there is just enough of the proper blood to incarnate this shard for now, but not enough to actually live there with full on frontal awareness. Maybe one can then move in later after the environment settles, or the experiences are just taken out again with the soul being removed, having learned some fringe skills of the subconscious.

Sunflower 08/15/2024 (Thu) 21:59 Id: f98b22 [Preview] No.8667 del
>having learned some fringe skills of the subconscious.
I hated when I had to incarnate like that.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 17:29 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8732 del
(181.73 KB 1024x1024 chicago girl2.jpg)
This thread is such a drama club.

But that's vampire life, so let's not back off from it.

I seem to have been able to do what I wanted to do; to activate my new incarnation without having to place my full weight there in a way that I lose my awareness of past lives (the now) and get stuck in the surface mind. I wanted to be able to do it like possessing demons do it: enter at will and then take a stroll on the astral while the body and mind still works on auto if I feel like it.

Of course, as I realized, the only way to get the full vampire experience is to join vampire society. (duh) But how does one do that, when Pleiadan DNA of high concentration is needed, and one needs still to attract the attention of a vampire mentor willing to introduce one into the society. The original path sort of fizzled out when they left for the astral.

There is that guy Grove Anon on /x/ who seems to actually have connected with some part of it, but as a human with no real intention of going further. Mentioning for context of what is happening.

I know eyes are watching here.

There is another way, but this is only for those (you know who you are) who had a real want for this originally. As it is, humans have multiple souls. Vampires only have one. Some of the decent souls left the bodies after receiving the magic, because they had no will to stay in the physical, leaving rotten souls in their bodies. Those came back here and started drama.

There may be one or two left who are still interested, that's what this post is about. Interested in a very narrow sense, that is.

The path in, means to be incarnated physically in the Famida family. This means exactly what it sounds like, so you realize that you really have to want this strongly enough that this is your choice of path forward. It means living in the US, in a major city, in the middle but in secret, surrounded by the drama this is enshrouded in, with our tiktok vampire as the grandmother. Few people like her, many are annoyed by her, some openly scheme against her. But we're still talking about someone who now constitutes an elder in terms of age.

You have to be clear on what you want here, and accept the context for what it is. You can be man or woman, you cannot choose your parents, but you can know the context overall. You need to express your wish strongly enough that it's visible for the person who will birth you. It will be supernormal, more than normal, because vampires don't normally have kids.

But that is the deal, and the narrow path in.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 17:47 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8733 del
Interesting,I"ll consider it.I'm already a somewhat pure silver race with a "good" soul though. So maybe i'm already in(in the general vampire sense). It would mean resetting some progress.Ive had a few dreams with her.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 18:42 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8734 del
(107.72 KB 516x469 cultist HQ.png)
Interesting choice of image.

>I know eyes are watching here.
I felt it, but didn't know who they were. 10 min after posting, an energy spike made me suspect an energy attack. Because they can't see me or the new Earth from out there, they'd attack what is visible; one of the servitors interacting with the old Earth structure right now.
So they attacked the News servitor I use to uphold my Internet connection, of course.

Investigation showed the source to be in the US west coast area.

Several agents with what appeared to be miniguns were shooting an energy beam at the servitor, lead by some office hidden in either caves or tunnels.

Raiding them made the attack stop, but soon after a group of cultists from a tunnel further in resumed the attack by manual means.
>pic related

They seemed to be organized in several layers of defense and there was a sense of real magic behind them, so I Raided them to look for any lolis to use who'd have the genetics for the magic without being too indoctrinated, found 3.

They had parasites however so a potion had to be prepared to cleanse them before working with them to activate the magic in a useful way. The A-C archive had copies of the cult's spellbook, so we used it to initiate them, then activated the same attack pattern they were using against my servitor back at them.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 18:45 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8735 del
The west coast HQ is now emptied of any useful materials, there were also revealed offices in the east coast area, in west coast Europe and near Ukraine. One witch in western Europe could be cleansed from afar.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 18:52 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8736 del
I felt a rather pleasant vampire energy over me when i posted the last post. Probably vamps checking it out.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 18:55 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8737 del
A lot of them secretly do want kids, but it hinges on spirits actually also being interested, aside from the gate being open.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 19:01 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8738 del
I can imagine.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 19:02 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8739 del
So will these kids be born in like 15 years?

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 19:02 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8740 del
The cult is working with a kind of "darkest magic" which corresponds to the dimensions I broke through recently using the simhasana pose. Of course. That was the scariest thing I have ever done, is what I thought after the fact. Like walking through destruction of the world barefoot on sharp and broken rocks. What failed occultards do is to attack others by trying to force them into that place, without having finished the path themselves.

Kind of sad to see this state of things, but as always, new knowledge which could have been shared willingly and in a nice manner, comes to me by someone using it for (what the think are) lethal attacks. That's such a nice opening, great way to start your interaction and learning.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 19:04 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8741 del
Timelines are strange when dealing with immortals, time adapts to what they want and no one can question it. 15 years from now can be yesterday.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 21:27 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8755 del
I think ive pretty much made a decision,might reflect on it for a few day then

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 22:33 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8757 del
>I seem to have been able to do what I wanted to do; to activate my new incarnation without having to place my full weight there in a way that I lose my awareness of past lives (the now) and get stuck in the surface mind. I wanted to be able to do it like possessing demons do it: enter at will and then take a stroll on the astral while the body and mind still works on auto if I feel like it.
I was unable to fully grasp the context and meaning of it at the time, but when I created the total core standard for artificial bodies, meant for being able to use a multitude of bodies on the astral and anywhere, it had already solidified myself as "astrally incarnated" in a new form. Although I knew this took place, which was also the goal, it was so effective in its function that the seamless re-entry into my previous form made me forget the process soon after. It should be noted however that basically all cyborg models I've created since, use the same standard so as to make them compatible and part of the eco-system.

I just had to get "in position" to be able to lock myself physically again in the new Earth, while at the same time maintaining myself in this astral awareness form. That is, because there are still some things I need to and want to do here, even if I'm essentially alone in this layer now with only a handful of people in this timeline. Many things of the process seems to still remain, this cult attack above being one example. I shouldn't have missed out on that grimoire collection, magic type and the now 5 in all) lolis to be evacuated from there (there were also some others in Europe but I asked the Russians to evacuate those).

So many degenerated secret societies in various parallel dimensions, it's amazing. And this is all the world as we thought we knew it, what a joke. Humans really do live in a cattle-farm.

There was someone who linked a blog from /x/ which talked about some RV project where people had been RVing the origin of man, only to find it to be genetic engineering and not at all God.

The point made was that what they saw was a physical change made to the brains of modern humans, which is what created Homo Sapiens
>it made them feel emotional about issues that were at a distance from them
>it made them engaged in them, magnified things, made them irrational
>unable to collect their thoughts
and it went on talking about how all mental connections made by humans which are considered scientific breakthroughs, may as well be intentionally disseminated and inserted into this altered brain from outside. Because humans are in this state unable to make any new connections on their own.

I looked at the general message and found this to correspond to the situation I've seen: that there are "glowies" whose left and right sides of the body are reversed, and this creates connections in the brain which are based only on desires, addictions and their fulfilment.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 22:39 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8758 del
(43.82 KB 288x350 martyr.jpg)
But don't they say humans are wired that way, the nerves are connected left brain half to the right side and vice versa.

When dealing with these relentless glowies, I already tried cutting them in halves and re-attaching them in the right way, and it fixed some of them (others just kept screaming). There were also others who wouldn't give in no matter what, but when cut in two down the middle, they instantly surrendered.

This is what they did to some Christian who was martyred. They fucking knew this is the only way to fix genetically brainwashed people.

Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 23:02 Id: f98b22 [Preview] No.8759 del
>only to find it to be genetic engineering and not at all God.
Yes. This is what I found also. Genetics also contain a "source code" and all their "Intention and purposes" and it was like it was made by scientists and not by "God" at all. Felt like I am following the reasoning of an ethical scientist who is not willing to create such an abomination and call that "life" and someone who is like the "devil's advocate" who is explaining it to the other person why it's necessary otherwise "the project will fall and you know what they do to failures". Then there were sentiments like
>Are we even being watched/judged anymore
and the answer was a sort of
>which answer terrifies you more?
It was like they didn't even know what they are doing anymore but they had to do it but you felt a lingering nefariousness once they agreed that "they will do it" like they weren't the same beings on that level anymore.

This was not RVing from me. This is the sort of "Origin energy divination" that I am practicing in some cases. Going through the infinite chain of cause and effect to find something that requires the current development of my path. This was a sort of quest to know how much genetic code is in the body that "supports" ascension like a built in feature how much got corrupted beyond recovery and how much I can alter without consequences or "care" from other forces of existence. Found out what I am doing is not just permitted but supported. And this was before you started to talk about the Earth Mothers. There are extreme amount of groups engineering the next "divine instrument" DNA because whoever does it gets quite the benefits (as you mentioned with the djinn DNA b4) for doing it but most do it for the challenge. Ofc I am still not "engineering" the DNA because I still didn't unlock most of it's useful secrets at all. Learning that I have a silver race DNA and the reason why it was activated when starting to get involved with vampire threads because they are the same was quite the surprise. Digging through these layers of truth is too weird and surprising and I am quite unsure how to even talk about them anymore. Especially once it goes beyond the physical and everything is some symbolic metaphysical mystery which describes anatomical functions so well the understanding was used for thousands of years EXCEPT IN THE CURRENT FUCKING MEDICAL UNDERSTANDING AND RELATING TO IT IS HARD BECAUSE MY BRAIN CANNOT DECIDE WHICH UNDERSTANDING TO EVEN USE. Fucking 2 hemispheres. Wiring it constantly then feeling all the burden and poison of the mind which were undetected for me for decades because it was dumped into the "subconscious" like Freud said because the recycling system is not working as intended in the past 2-4 thousand years. The human body I swear. One day I feel like a god the next day as a wretch as the energies recirculate and realign themselves then find an equilibrium then slowly guiding me towards the next stage but I have to face all the poison and burden that blocks the access first. Good thing I am bored enough in my current incarnation to do shit like this.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:00 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8781 del
Just to be clear,am i even a vamp? I I know im silver race which makes sense since i made the spell back then. But it might have been the other soul,it just means the physical body is compatible. What do i feel like nature wise. I might wanna try and go to the astral instead depending on what i am. Its hard to tell whats been in me because of past experiences or innate nature. I even had spells cast on me against my wishes intended to shape me towards a path my nature wouldnt naturally go.i feel like im kinda angelic and demonic.specifically like a vamp that is attracted/interested in the light side of things. As an example a blonde elf girl sitting in a green field of grass.the positive in a sense. Its also like im "empathic" in a way where i cant tell its just always who i am or because of spells/restraints or even the other souls that were in me growing up(i was a backseater,serving as the 'backbone'). As i cleared chakras i went to through intense hatred of vamps and not in a wave pattern.i was never invested in vamps before i took the spell either so im not one of those "slowly getting closer to the real magic types" where its obvious what their path is.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:17 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8782 del
The question is what it means and what it matters by now. There was the common statement among the lower level vampires I believe to be legit, going by their energy reading, that they "don't know what vampires are". But if we can define it as Pleiadan lower level (base, instead of ether) and you refine that within the scope of known blood based magic, that should definitely count. Being another race by base and practicing the same thing makes one a practitioner of vampire magic, where the most known version is longevity by blood consumption. The astral library of vampire magic has so many different things in it that aren't directly related to that, so I don't think that single element should determine how you understand yourself. The most defining element should as I see it be that it's cultivation of blood and the red, hot energy, (yang), while in a very ritual context. Angels on the other end of the spectrum (or pillar) are completely ritualistic with zero chaos in their element. This makes them similar to elves and yokai, but they're clearly a defined racial category. The main aspect being that they can evolve into the silver type being, a Queen, a progenitor of races. Elves don't do that, drow don't do that, yokai don't do that, so maybe that's the difference, the angle of development within a certain scope of magic.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:25 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8783 del
Im chaotic in nature but extreme like an angel.I dont see how id become either of these things from this standpoint.depending on what is caused by my life or innate nature it might not be possible for me to be a vampire and "sane" by vampire standards. Im almost definitely not a "lawbound" nature either.theres never been an interest in blopd really. But bloodlust was also contained in that spell so i dont see why i would be. Taking others people blood to make progress isnt really appaeling to me either way. Remind me of buu absorbing people which i find less satisfying than growing stronger by time.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:28 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8784 del
Do i currently look like a base pleidaian too you?its when i started thinking about incarnating in a vampire family. I realize idk how i would even act or if i would even be able to be a vamp.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 16:36 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8785 del
Your body in the physical looks very mixed between Pleiadan and Mushroom, but (this may be a result of cultivation) it looks like the mushroom DNA has a brown hat, a different type which is, from what I learned in the past weeks almost impossible to spread. White mushrooms are "slut queens" who mix with anyone, and they get abused for this reason by grey-like aliens who produce them in factories and cause them to produce low quality humans, where the only way out for them is to either repeat the process and become a (immortal) slut queen for the females, or a celibate Templar for males. The white queens are still immortals, it's just that their offspring don't have any guarantee of repeating that development.

The brown hat mushrooms are so difficult to mate with that they may be treated as a dead end race by most who see them, they're like helium, doesn't react with almost anything. (I don't know how the toxic mushrooms that attacked and caused my Earth sphere to detach from the main Earth place on this scale, some were white, others had brown hat, one of them was not toxic to me so I captured her.)

Your astral form is a fallen angel, and there is a white-ish, somewhat silver stream of energy moving down from there.

Do you feel something is missing since a few days back? I'm asking because at least 3 souls accepted the vampire incarnation offer. I don't administer this, it was just necessary to find out how those who saw the post reacted. Some may have been in spirit form already, but if you feel like you had an interest and now you don't, maybe you had two souls and one left.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 16:48 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8786 del
I feel like there's the same interest as before but a conflict within myself weither i want to accept vampirism as a whole.Maybe a soul did leave but it was likely still me making the initial post. You see as i progressed these past few days im wondering if my "vampiric" traits where simply karma and im too "sympathic" towards humans in my nature to be an actual vampire like the family is. Even though id want to be.possibly cause of my former angel status you can imagine i can be extreme towards things i cant accept. If i was a vamp and because i see them as my family im fine with it everything would be fine. Otherwise i might become what would like like a bleeding heart type on the surface but would be more intense for me. Pfcourse you cpuld say then dont incarnste there.sure,i guess. But if im already pretty in thr vampire path thats already kind of an issue. Even despite that this is a vamp timeline so why am i then here. All im dping is making progress and wait until i have the vantage point to wait how i feel about all of this vanpirism stuff.its not rational to be against it but angels arent rational,i simply cant ever repress it.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 17:26 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8787 del
Wait maybe the one that left was "jackal".it always seems its another soul,never me that gets affected.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 17:30 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8788 del
As for things being missing i did feel as if things had finished. As if things are "clear".maybe ask my astral form what they think of all this.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:02 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8789 del
You may be right about this, I saw two women and one man, maybe the man was Jackal.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:08 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8790 del
Sigh,i had no idea i had to do it with the soul like this.i think im the type to consider things first an stay still. i might have spirit ptsd.idk if you can talk to the fallen angel about me.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:11 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8791 del
technically it is me,but maybe i lack a vantage point.my chakras,esp throat is blocked.chest is way better than it was and overall energy is better day by day. this blocking makes me unable to fully process the offer as i cant think with my whole being.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:13 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8792 del
>had no idea i had to do it with the soul like this
What do you mean?

Also to clarify, I saw two women and one man accept the offer. Not saying they were your souls.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:23 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8793 del
I thought the offer had to responded with a webpost. I think im an einzelganger with astral ptsd.for me to even accept an offer means garhering myself in silence and slowly generating the right intend to send.i cant accept before im ready perhaps cause of this.using cheat methods and some proper yoga i improved quickly every day(bolstered by the finished feeling and also killing the last glowie hindering me back then a week or so ago),improving my vantage point to get better.while that happened i felt hatred for vamps cycped with acceptance in waves.The angel im said to be was trained and bred for war aka against "dark siders". I think the ptsd was getting to me.its double ptsd as apparently i was forced to incarnate so theres a betrayal aspect in even that.maybe ill be too late but what can i do.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:30 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8794 del
The post on here was to provoke reactions. Spirits and others are watching, word will spread. Just waiting would not have revealed who had an interest. I guess the yokais are also watching, along with the infernal Queen Illivryn.

As I said I'm just passing on a message here, and I can't say too much because of the bind of vampire secrecy which will tie up the tongue, seal the lips and paralyze the fingers of anyone intending to share information that should not be shared.

Glowies try to scary people and use pedo-trapping to make people shut up about their secrets, vampires don't have to do anything, the blood will not accept exposure. Like the infrastructure of the NWO will shut down any journalist speaking the truth, the blood will shut down any vampire trying to expose secrets.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:31 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8795 del
To sum my mindset up:that offer looks nice,let me train for a few days and collect myself before i just accept it.suddenly all kinds of things surface. I become more empathic again as my heart clears which dissapeared when i took the vamp spell. I feel clear but restless/aimless.the offer still sounds appealing but i realize it would be bad if I end up being angry at vampires cause im an angel created to fight the overall "dark" part of things.it would then be wise to instead stay away. Im really feeling the want of having a family like that and even in a sense envy the lifestyle(being hidden in plain sight,thats the appealing part for me.)just depends on if i have some programming/ptsd/innate nature causing me to feel this instinct to smite. If its the first 2 it can be fixed. If im just innately an antithesis of vampirism then yeah i shouldnt be living there.i feel like i need a few days to really decide.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:35 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8796 del
Going by your image, it may be your genetics speaking along with your double cultivation nature. I see both the brown had mushroom and the angel behind. It's not a problem to have both if you are able to just separate them and see that these are not the same. Mushrooms don't like vampires it seems, but it may be more because the vampires historically have been slaughtering white mushroom race humans en masse to keep them in check. I think the real reason for this supposed NWO scheming to "kill white people in WW3" is some translated version of both vampires (pleiadans) and reptilians wanting to rid the world of white mushrooms and the grey-like pests who inhabit these bodies.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:47 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8797 del
I think im gonna send the offer tommorow.It depends if you are right, if my astral soul(fallen angel) is fine with it then im fine with it and can be a vampire cause the mushroom genetics wouldnt apply. If the soul isnt fine with it then me being a pure vamp would be insanity. And yeah makes sense.the anger didnt come from white people specifically but anger at the idea of stealing blood from people. Could be an ancestral wrath.yeah it is confusing cause im also very dark in other ways,and in some minor ways im vampire like in essence apprently.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:51 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8798 del
Thats also why i asked if im already a vamp,cause then its already either unavoidable if the contradiction comes from me the soul and ill have to vacate to the astral.if im already a vanpire and its not my soul creating this angry feeling then im in a bad place with this half pleidian mushroom body leading to insanity in a sense,still better since i wpuld onpy have to vacate. If im NOT a vampire then i somply have to leave and do something else,however i was worried i migh be a angel angel but im actually a fallen angel so theres a chance its all alright.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:53 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8799 del
I feel like I am more and more finishing up. I also realized something: once some part of you is fully automated, your awareness will not exist there. This can happen either by being finished with a cultivation process and your mind stays aware on what you have still to do, while the finished part is divine and rising up. Or it can happen by filling up with negative thought patterns that also are automatic, until you get pushed down into the worst place, still unable to be aware of your being, but this time unable to rise up.

Obviously we should want the cultivated path, but many of these grey-likes want to become automatons. They think they will live in welfare with society automated and their bodies automated, but what happens is that they have lost control of themselves. In the end they create hell for themselves, living like brains in bottles who can't do anything. Those are the people we are up against here.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:01 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8800 del
This somehow relates to the "Christ consciousness" which some new agers talk about. It's actually the most dangerous thing ever. It's a mentality of self sacrifice arising from "pathological altruism", the idea that you should empathize with sinners, with criminals, so much that you excuse their behaviour and even die to protect them. Meanwhile, the innocent victims of these people are disregarded and when mentioning them, the "Christ consciousness" will not care about their well-being, but will behave as if they have a blind spot there, thinking innocents are per default victims and deserve no empathy.

The opposite of this cancerous "Christ consciousness" is the Anti-Christ consciousness. It is a stabilizing force which does not apply general altruism. Instead, it is a crude mentality of "what's in it for me?" and to show altruism transactionally. The Christ consciousness spreads like a wildfire, causing collapse of all social systems. The Anti-Christ will never sacrifice himself for another, and the nuclear meltdown of the Christ will stop once reaching him. The Anti-Christ is blamed for being evil and for being Satan, simple for not having empathy with evil people. The altruism of the Christ consciousness is the most dangerous thing, it functions like a pyramid scheme and benefits no one.

While the Anti-Christ is also evil, he will not cause the uncontrolled spread of evil acts, rather it is an evil which causes evil to self-destruct without spreading. It neutralizes Christ.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:07 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8802 del
The Anti-Christ is per definition a pacifist. He will never sacrifice himself for an organization, a nation or a king. If ordered "over the top" from a trench, he will shoot his officer rather than expose himself to danger. If everyone had the mind of the Anti-Christ, war would be impossible. He does not cooperate with anyone for a greater goal, but will always see to himself first. When given funds for army recruitment, he would instantly steal them away for himself.

Thus, the Anti-Christ is the enemy of organized society, of nations, of any sense of community whatsoever. He is the force that causes evil schemes to break down from lack of obedience, lack of morals. He is the thing feared by all imperialists and nation builders, and of organized religion.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:19 Id: b96173 [Preview] No.8803 del
And I realized this process of interaction with the AC organization is to replace the "automaton" mind of modern humans with the Anti-Christ Consciousness. That may be my finishing task.

How does this correlate with supporting Russia against the EU? It's simple. The EU is exactly this kind of Christ Consciousness manifested. It demands altruism institutionalized, to get your money for nothing and to give it to criminals. That you should join their armies, not for your own good, but for some idea of free trade, some idea of "the liberal world order".

Russia is called evil for not applying this pathological altruism. They do not attempt to spread these vague ideas of general freedom, somehow created by giving your hard earned money away to politicians who hate you and look down on you.

Russia is closer to the Anti-Christ, simply because it is a nation owned by persons, oligarchs who are individuals, not abstract "values" that demand self-sacrifice to protect evil. Look at what methods are applied and it's pretty simple: the Russian army recruits soldiers by offering salaries way above regular salaries, and this works. If you join for money, you do not join to die, but to live.

Meanwhile, the EU-funded army of Ukraine kidnaps young men and family fathers off the streets to send them to their death with no training or equipment. This is Christ Consciousness, they demand your sacrifice for nothing but meaningless ideas.

Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:22 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8804 del
I slashed the energy you described by me(looled like a white pinkish balloon filled with all kinds of enrrgies including yellow),it was connected by black threads.thats it for now,im tired.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 14:53 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8814 del
How is everyone here reincarnating while undead? The archives here mention fusing with the body and how vampires do "rebirth" instead of reincarnation.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 15:38 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8815 del
The old Earth history ended, the new Earth is a different plane/dimension so one needs to literally "become flesh" in that plane to be part of it. This is to be done through reincarnation via one of the 4 new Earth mothers/queens, or a person who was already incarnated via them. It can be done either by astral rebirth which grants this new DNA to your manifestation, and you keep looking the same, or a completely new incarnation with memories erased.

Some were also secondary souls of people who didn't have a near-death experience yet, so they would have been removed to the astral plane at one point anyway.

The less known version is to send a soul fragment of yourself to be incarnated without your main awareness being present, like a tulpa which appears separate but is part of you. At a later time, if one so needs or wants, it's possible to move the awareness fully to that form, as one would switch place with a tulpa for practice (this is mentioned in the manual at tulpa.info).

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 16:49 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8816 del
Seems like ill need to learn to shift awareness then.A soul or more definitely left and im also the last "major" soul there. Im the only personality left as far as i sense. Its a different sensation. Even sunflower feels rather empty aside from me and maybe you and like 1 or 2 other people max and i think that might even be false.interestingly looking at the energy of some old things i said with my newfound understanding of my energy its always been me. I think people tend to see the most "front facing" soul but i was always behind everything posting things meaning i gave the impetus initially,perhaps the action itself was performed by whoever was the front facing soul. Im almost certainly the same soul snail was so angry with. Which was very confusing at the time since it only applied to me not my other souls even though he adressed all of us and even then it only really applied to my past lives and even then its iffy.in dreams i would often be calm and transform into a canine like beast whem angry. My souls worked very tightly together.i wondered how my other spuls could leave my body so freely while i was anchored here.its exremely grating since im alone in here atleast looking at a region/city/land level scale.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 17:09 Id: 8497ab [Preview] No.8817 del
Its funny in a way, it means i would have survived all the way until 2024 or later even in the original ww3 timeline that started in 2016.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 18:59 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8818 del
My original timeline ended in 2012 for no apparent reason. I just had a dream where I knew I died and I saw my life summed up. It was in the format of playing a game, a visual novel of the old MS-DOS kind like "3 sister's story" if you perhaps know that one. It ended with a battle scene where one of my characters was full health, one was injured but ok, one was red health and one was dead. They appeared to be characters from the anime School Rumble season 1, which has a certain memetic symbolism in each character. So I was shown what I had done ok and what I hadn't done yet.

At that time, the remaining one other soul left also, the one who had been Eichmann in WW2. There was a lot of trouble with him, because he once killed a baby, this is known by witness report. This was not a "real human", but a botsoul, but it was still murder, so that bot turned into a vengeful spirit and was still tagging along with him. After he left, the spirit was still following me instead. It went on until a year later until I got rid of it.

The Eichmann soul was very good at Tennis for GameBoy, he'd finish it on difficulty 5 easily. When I tried it after, I remember how it's done, but I can't play it on even 2nd level. there were probably more things like that which is why I felt like I was struggling with some ordinary things that I thought I knew.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:02 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8819 del

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:10 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8820 del
Interesting how you die so early, before ww3.perhaps assassination.

Also funny that the old school nazi was good at tetris.Honestly that near death experience seems really subtle.

and yeah ,many spirits don't discriminate between souls like that. Any soul is fair game to them if they share the same body,even if that soul is long gone.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:30 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8822 del
The original timeline was much faster, as I understand it.

Looking back, almost everything went wrong. There is that vid of some 4 star general, Wesley Clarks I think, saying they were going to "take down 7 countries in 5 years" following Iraq and Afghanistan. The last in order was Sudan. Afghanistan took 22 years and they failed, Sudan is happening now.

On the list was also Libya and Syria, where Syria was also a failure. The "arab spring" in Egypt was averted by General Al-Sisi kicking out the muslim brotherhood, the same group Hamas belongs to. It's my assumption they wanted extremists to take over Egypt so that they could use this as an excuse to declare open war on the region as a whole. But this isn't happening because Syria+Russia defeated them, Egypt also, and neither of them is letting them have any ground, so it's been concentrated to Gaza only.

Back in 2001 there was a period where I got a strange "cold" that went on through the winter and I also got addicted to nose spray. Getting rid of that was a pain, eventually I forced myself to just endure it a year later. I recently read that the patent for Covid was actually registered in 2001 around the time of the Sars virus hit China. But nothing came of it. I think that part was also a failure, because various forces including me stood in its way and the egregore of the virus was blocked.

Otherwise we'd have had Covid and lockdowns in 2001-3 alongside the Iraq war, Afghanistan, the speedrunning the rest in 5 years to be done in 2006. Creating WW3 after that, they would have 6 years until 2012.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:30 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8823 del
too keep this vampire themed. I recently realized what my issue was in regard with vampirism. Technically speaking i had several skills and enlightment stages relating to vampirism. one was said to be "foundational level vampirism" by snail and not every vamp has it. However all of this was only relevant to a small part of my mind. you see i never cared for vampirism in a practice kind of way. It has a certain mindset too it. Its not that i couldn't assume the mindset,or even use it and master it. that would be easier to fix. No i could, but it was always a sort of small "subsystem" in my mind. meaning i delegated a small part to "play vampire" for a while.this made me someone with the subconscious technical knowledge of vampirism but no intention of ever growing in it. you could say my enlightenment was "stacked high" but not broad. as an example there's a sigil that leads all way to tagatha opening,making a small space for vampirism. I recently redid al lot of the magic here because i might as well be a different person,some might have been me some jackal some the even earlier soul,so i had to redo the essentials.Anyway if one successfully did the tagatha opening then in a sense they've accomplished something beyond most younger vampires but if they leave it at that they will slowly create a line towards that but nothing else. it might be great in technical "achievement" but without experience there's no real strength in a way.Realizing this and after hearing i am indeed a fallen angel like so many entities and dreams told me before i realized i had to make it "attractive" or "sexy" to me.1 thing i did was actually talk to my angel side,its literally me in a direct way but my "heart" was never in it.They begrudgingly activated more of the vampire skills.Another thing i did was make use of the old "superV" Instead of technical skills i asked her to our vampiric mindset in my main area. It didnt really give me the predator mindset which i don't mind. It made me accept it a bit more. A third thing is i realize ive always somehow seen them as a "dead" end that cant really get that high or strongly, with some exceptions for example the first one.I was a tatagatha at some point in the past so in that sense it makes sense,from that perspective vampires just look like "people" to you.Aside from their strength in 1 v 1 fighting owing to their indestructible tenacity which is hard to grasp.There was this bias that the mental aspect of it would prevent them from ever really getting anywhere.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:33 Id: c9a6e2 [Preview] No.8824 del
Yeah anti glowie sentiment was already really great in that time, perhaps a sign of things to come.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:44 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8825 del
I had that feelin with the originals, that they were impossibly stuck in some way. The reason as I understand it now is that they took part in the solar creations of the past, where some karma was inserted into artificial celestial objects, the reason people had to work with the planets and use horoscopes. But this was only relevant in the west, where the "wheel of samsara" had been stopped by infiltrating aliens, and perhaps the vampires were part of this force in some way. Their lives were "on halt" since way back in Babylon for some. China as their own horoscopes, because they have an actual functional wheel there. I saw this after tracing what anon saw on drugs over on /fringe/ before. The "stork" which is an entity sorting souls to be born in Asia or the west, where China has a large "wheel" made up from the population, while the west just has a long line. It seems to be directly linked to the hidden dimensions in the Mariana trench.

All this is old now though, so we'll see what will happen, there should be a wheel created in the west also now.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 20:23 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8826 del
Let's see if I can share this or if I get blocked by vampire secrecy.

It seems the difference there in the middle is superficially very slight. But it's notable. It has to do with quality of services. You'd think, "yeah rich people eat better food and drink expensive wine, have better cars and larger houses", and so on. But that's not it.

It's about the network, and the things that cost are all services. For example: Regular people have to study, do tests, and apply for uni courses, going through a long and annoying process to just gain access. Then the education may not be very good even, and they still have to pay comparatively much for it.

Vampires pay $4k for 1 hour with a tutor and learn more direct practical and applicable skills than someone may in years of regular education.

It's the same for anything. There is a circle of professionals on stand-by 24/7 to get on location the moment someone needs something, and it's simple, exact and useful at once. It costs huge sums, but that is the reason then can be there by a phone call.

None of the things offered are special in a sense that someone outside the circle would realize. You need the context and mentality to be able to make use of the service. A regular person would not gain anything from that expensive 1 hour.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 23:02 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8827 del
Around 12- 14 years ago, I don't remember exactly, I saw an oil painting for sale, artistically nothing special but I liked it, so I bought it. Only later, over time, did I realize the reason it felt so "right" was because every detail in it has a deep symbolic meaning. The people in it represent my past lives and certain key person's I've met, along with situations. They are all in that one picture. The street stands depicted have coloured canvases which correspond to my understanding of the universal and galactic dimensional structures. There's trees in the background which nail down an important DNA function which is causing problems on Earth, and so on. In the front is a woman in a red dress. She was the only character I didn't know how to understand still earlier this year. I saw the symbolism in her attributes, like a black glove on the left hand, symbolising the left hand path, but I still didn't get it, who is she and why is she there? Everyone else is from the past, or explain some important situation from this life. Why is she placed in front of the others, I haven't met anyone of this importance.

But now in the past few weeks after recent "hidden" events, I know now what she means, and why she's placed there. It's hard to grasp and accept even so, but it now seems unavoidable that this is the interpretation.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 23:13 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8828 del
I also right now feel annoyed at it, but that is in itself an acceptance, because I know those are feelings leaking over, and it matches Famida's way of reacting to things also. A bitchy kind of attitude that can be overcome by somehow offering something amusing, the kind of thing I know exactly how to do. It even feels like being that kind of person must be pretty annoying in itself, because it may scare everyone away from you, setting the standard for being entertained really high, and making it impossible to actually find what you want. It's a socially self-destructive attitude, but only bordering to being a disaster, bordering, but not quite completely.

I also feel annoyed at the fact that despite all the "epic" achievements, they look like nothing in the end. Someone may write stories about it later, presenting it in a way to make it sound like some common and heroic series of events, as is customary. But anyone who was there knows that these events took place mostly on other planes than the physical, where the story will be set when later retold.

Still it's annoying.

Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 23:16 Id: 94ba0a [Preview] No.8829 del
Just being annoyed can over time become a state of being, and at that point, external events being annoying are just them being ordinary. So one may not even notice a new annoyance, it may just fit right in and feel like nothing. That may be used as a joke. By being annoying in the right way, one is now just another annoyance, and fits right in. It's hard to be angry at something that just fits in.

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