Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:23 Id: 8497ab No.8793 del
I thought the offer had to responded with a webpost. I think im an einzelganger with astral ptsd.for me to even accept an offer means garhering myself in silence and slowly generating the right intend to send.i cant accept before im ready perhaps cause of this.using cheat methods and some proper yoga i improved quickly every day(bolstered by the finished feeling and also killing the last glowie hindering me back then a week or so ago),improving my vantage point to get better.while that happened i felt hatred for vamps cycped with acceptance in waves.The angel im said to be was trained and bred for war aka against "dark siders". I think the ptsd was getting to me.its double ptsd as apparently i was forced to incarnate so theres a betrayal aspect in even that.maybe ill be too late but what can i do.