Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 14:02 Id: cfe2a0 No.8319 del
(86.56 KB 1237x483 slavic.png)
Let me ask them.

Channelled reply:
That is correct. You won't find any 100% pure bloods on Earth of any kind, everyone is mixed. The group you call "slavic" is not a reference to having a certain type of DNA (see attached image) but rather those speaking a more original language which is closer to the ancient languages. Although you may say that English and Spanish combined with Latin may sound like ancient Atlantean, you should know that Atlantean is not the oldest language of the Earth, but was - like Chinese Mandarin - advocated as a uniting language for all people rather than an organically spread language. "Slavic" when used here is not a perfect representation but it is understood, (although I don't think we used it?) because unlike us, humans do not understand the term "pleiadan" or "silver race" to have any concrete meaning. It is not entirely correct to say that slavs are all evolved from orcs or demons, as they are mixed. It would be more correct to say that "vampires as you know them are of the group who speak slavic languages originally, and they have characteristic appearances which are in themselves not related to any pure blood". Rather, the concentration of pleiadan is higher in the slavic group, a further annoyance for the western fungus elites, who want to incorporate this genetic with their own. It is very difficult to separate which is demon/orc and which is white pleiadan when both of them are white in skin. It would be easier to separate them with a mix of black orc and pleiadan, but again that is an impossible combination as the male half of that line is a dead end. That is why white supremacy intended to separate off Scandinavians to derive pleiadan DNA from them instead. Unfortunately they are very much mixed with demon/white orc and white fungus, leaving a lesser concentration of pleiadan than among the slavs. In short, this "create vampires from test tubes" project was pretty much set for failure from the beginning. But they didn't know that.