Sunflower 09/17/2024 (Tue) 09:58 Id: 8497ab No.9028 del
Last night i had a dream where a group of old friends just suddenly showed up in ski gear asking me to go with them. I told them i cant since i dont have anything on me and they told me to get it from my house. It was my old house where i dont even live anynore. Later we were at some resort and i was in my underwear and they were in full ski gear getting ready. They told me i cant go with them like this and to wait till next september. I was annoyed they didnt just tell me a week in advance cause no person could get ready in less than a day for this.i then saw them all eating meat from a pan.I wonder if this is my mind processing the famida familly offer which im pretty sure was impossible for me to do as im bound here and would have to do the advanced tulpa trick.ive been feeling increasingly left behind since the last few years when everyone around me either leaves or cant maintain themselves here and dissapears. Leaving me stranded in a sense where everyone i knew has already either been destroyed or left to some astral place.i lightly connect it to famida since way back when she was first posted I had a dream about her and she was also in skiing gear. My mind seems to connect the idea of a sking resort with her.