Sunflower 09/26/2024 (Thu) 08:40 Id: dda425 No.9152 del
Did we suddenly "land"? The CSS isn't working, everything looks fine but the background doesn't show anymore.

I think I finally grasped the meaning of the swastika and what the Tathataga or buddha level is about. I started seeing something in the past few months, which is that when people tell you "can you do this for me", they are often motivated by bad intent. When they ask for "help" they want you to support their attachments and their desire fulfillment, not their spiritual improvement. This is then used as an excuse to extract tax money from you, that you are "helping" people with things that are in fact evil deeds. I also saw this being used as a "projection of guilt", literally as the "scapegoat" who gets the blame, or the case in Judaism where they kill a bird and it "gets the blame" and then they are free of sin.

I saw a comic before where a hen is standing outside the gates of heaven, and Saint Peter is reading from a scroll saying: "Rape, murder, extortion, war crimes... things don't look very good for you".

In a more mundane situation, politicians will pick up these "tasks" and perform them for people as a way to motivate why they should remain in power. If people have too many evil requests, they are then stuck with these rulers because the rulers have become their scapegoats.

Women who end up in "bad relationships" also seem to do the same thing. They give the man a lot of "tasks" to do as a way to deflect from their own shortcomings, and in the end they become dependent on him because he does all that work, and if he stopped doing it, she'd be exposed with all her flaws. So at this point, the man is suddenly in charge and can "blackmail" her into obedience.

The energy for of this looks like an L. Someone is throwing trash energy at another person who becomes a scapegoat, but the other person is very skilled and just treats it as "work", so they keep solving the tasks. This angles the energy 90 degrees, which nullifies the original bad intent of the projecting person.

Now if a person becomes skilled in all areas and can solve anyone's "projected tasks" in such a way that they suddenly gain control of "projecting" person, the energy form turns into a number of L:s joined, which creates the 卍.

That is how a buddha is untouchable and rules everyone, it also creates the ability to define divine laws for those people who "threw dirt" at him, forcing them to behave "or else", which means they won't get their desires fulfilled. This way morality can be enforced by the buddha.