Sunflower 10/12/2024 (Sat) 23:43 Id: c9a6e2 No.9305 del
My level of empathy seems to have greatly lessened since taking the vampire spell. Its still there but its as if i have to set it aflame to start it and then it gets going. I used to be a rather thinking type person, no that much a feeling type which meant that the vast majority of my feelings were the empathic type.This started to get to the point i was able to feel peoples fears and even intoxication levels.At one point seemingly when i wasn't even aware they were there. People would often find me scary when i was honest about how much i could feel.It was rather hard to deal with.It basically made me a very cold person but warm in person since i had to be. But uncaring from a distance.Warm as in genuinely warm, just that i couldn't not be if i wanted to.

I still have a much higher empathy than would be convenient,especially for a vampire. But i think this is about the "average" or slightly less for a human male.