Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 16:49 Id: 8497ab No.8816 del
Seems like ill need to learn to shift awareness then.A soul or more definitely left and im also the last "major" soul there. Im the only personality left as far as i sense. Its a different sensation. Even sunflower feels rather empty aside from me and maybe you and like 1 or 2 other people max and i think that might even be false.interestingly looking at the energy of some old things i said with my newfound understanding of my energy its always been me. I think people tend to see the most "front facing" soul but i was always behind everything posting things meaning i gave the impetus initially,perhaps the action itself was performed by whoever was the front facing soul. Im almost certainly the same soul snail was so angry with. Which was very confusing at the time since it only applied to me not my other souls even though he adressed all of us and even then it only really applied to my past lives and even then its dreams i would often be calm and transform into a canine like beast whem angry. My souls worked very tightly together.i wondered how my other spuls could leave my body so freely while i was anchored here.its exremely grating since im alone in here atleast looking at a region/city/land level scale.