Sunflower 10/08/2024 (Tue) 18:13 Id: f98b22 No.9275 del

>all the things the person hated, were things he asked for before being incarnated
Yeah I asked for some of these things but many things were altered without me realizing it.
>He just had no idea that all of these things would end up being so troublesome.
It's not these "things" it's the "times". The times makes these things troublesome. We are in an age of prosperity and we are using it to breed extreme levels of pain and suffering for ourselves. I am starting to get glimpses of my cross incarnation "wants" and some things are not "visible" if you are not "living it" yet.
>end up hating persons around them
That is the theme of the society I live in. I realized how I can slowly "heal" those energies. How I can make people honest against instead letting them breed constant hatred with their pettiness. But it's a slow process.
>cursing the God who arranged all of this
You might have seen my family karma then lol. They have this attitude constantly. Realized I can never make them happy if I listen to them. They don't know what they want at all.
Wonder if the thing I let go yesterday was my "parental iron cast" becoming the thing your family want to be and being limited by it because they cannot see "beyond it". It was like some grey silvery metal and the inside was full with rainbow dots as they tried to push it away. Then the right side of my body "came to life" what looked like some dead flesh was getting energized by colorful green energies in my chest. The energies are still incomplete tho. Too many shackles remain that are "outside the body".
