Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:30 Id: 94ba0a No.8822 del
The original timeline was much faster, as I understand it.

Looking back, almost everything went wrong. There is that vid of some 4 star general, Wesley Clarks I think, saying they were going to "take down 7 countries in 5 years" following Iraq and Afghanistan. The last in order was Sudan. Afghanistan took 22 years and they failed, Sudan is happening now.

On the list was also Libya and Syria, where Syria was also a failure. The "arab spring" in Egypt was averted by General Al-Sisi kicking out the muslim brotherhood, the same group Hamas belongs to. It's my assumption they wanted extremists to take over Egypt so that they could use this as an excuse to declare open war on the region as a whole. But this isn't happening because Syria+Russia defeated them, Egypt also, and neither of them is letting them have any ground, so it's been concentrated to Gaza only.

Back in 2001 there was a period where I got a strange "cold" that went on through the winter and I also got addicted to nose spray. Getting rid of that was a pain, eventually I forced myself to just endure it a year later. I recently read that the patent for Covid was actually registered in 2001 around the time of the Sars virus hit China. But nothing came of it. I think that part was also a failure, because various forces including me stood in its way and the egregore of the virus was blocked.

Otherwise we'd have had Covid and lockdowns in 2001-3 alongside the Iraq war, Afghanistan, the speedrunning the rest in 5 years to be done in 2006. Creating WW3 after that, they would have 6 years until 2012.