Sunflower 10/07/2024 (Mon) 17:57 Id: dda425 No.9260 del
There were a few "jumps" in the other timeline, driven by changes in here for us, but now we are seemingly in super fast time again. The future image is again standing still.

My local arrangements for finishing my lifetime also definitely ended. All my Genso-cats that were summoned by the yokais and sent here to act as my family members, have now returned to Gensokyo and are at my mansion. Only my blue armours are left in place, along with a Genso-catbot possessing my cat. It's not my catbot though, and all "NPCs" controlled by my blue robot armours are inhabited by astral projections of Famida. It appears to be her catbot also. She's enveloped me completely. I think this is some inner dimension belonging to her.