Sunflower 09/12/2024 (Thu) 10:07 Id: dda425 No.8971 del
Like fucking clockwork.

I knew saying what I said above broke the rules, that's why I did so. This is for both regulars and lurkers here:

Reptilians have allowed themselves to sink so low as to become slaves to the gay mushroom templars, even killing their own kind to protect their oppressors. They've aggressively and deliberately attacked Trump for 8 years, even trying to kill him, when he could bring them freedom.

Now they dare even attacking me, telling me that I "shouldn't expose secrets" that are really just this fact above. The fact that what was one of the two native races of Earth, one with strong inborn psychic abilities, have degenerated into this sorry state, being themselves mind-controlled by degenerated, parasite infected mushroom derivatives bought from a factory, produced on the orders of the lowest kinds of grey alien-imitators who rank to nothing more than viruses and parasites on the galactic scale of races.

"Those still connected to the matrix, though they are our kind, are still our enemies" indeed.

This stops now.