Sunflower 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:02 Id: dda425 No.9029 del
The more I recall of my past lives and the time in between, the more it seems I took a long detour to get here today. All things I had to do or wanted to do, that didn't seem obvious at first. It seems this was all even intentional with the goal of connecting with her.

When mapping my past lives I couldn't make sense of the timeline, because it's moving back and forth across chronological time. This however matches the Sakuya character who has this ability, and there's also ripper associations with her, plus that she's working for a vampire. The spells used in Touhou 6 and 7 when she appears first also have these symbolics, with one of them even called "jack the ripper" if I recall correctly.

To make things very short, I came in first time in Greece, to then move to Rome in the life after. Then the "kingdom of Christ" blocked the entire world for 1000 years, from the 300s to the 1300s when the black death destroyed their artificial sun (the first Jesus) and the karma was released back on the Earth. This was performed by the witch also known as "natural selection". This event is the reason why the NWO later started with their "puritanism" to stop young girls from becoming witches. They are that afraid of this repeating, that's why we have all these anti-loli laws today, while the elites are trying to use this power themselves through sex magic, but it obviously isn't working when their intention is antithetical to the power that destroyed them.

From this was a skip to the 1800s, when the NWO finally got their plans off the ground again. The north American civil war was a massive blood sacrifice and was used to create a new "Jesus", an artificial sun. At this time, the organically summoned sun from period 4, Saturn, was driven off course and the deity who had maintained it said "if this is how you are going to behave, I'm leaving", so that event killed Saturn as a living star. Saturn was summoned by reptilians, so this event was seen as a massive victory for the alien invaders (white mushroom people with incarnated virus-grey souls). After this they started genociding reptilians. UK being the reptilian stronghold of the world then manifested a counter measure: the Ripper.

The actual ritual performed wasn't planned by them in detail, but events played out such that the killing of 5 women on the points of an imagined pentagram with almost exact distances between locations (there's a book where the author actually measured it on-site) destroyed the newly created "Jesus sun" mere decades after its creation.

So they then had to do a re-run with The Great War, creating again a new "mushroom sun", which again was destroyed by Hitler's occultists. That's why they were so insanely hateful in attacking and destroying Germany.

But to get back on the story: I was in London once more, but was unable to get through any further when the new "moloch sun" was created during the war. This blocked the timelines so I had to find a way to again destroy it.

This required moving backwards in time in steps, first to Paris where the connection with La Famida was made in terms of causing a huge mess which was blamed on her. Karmic connections are ways to ensure you will meet again.

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