Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 22:33 Id: b96173 No.8757 del
>I seem to have been able to do what I wanted to do; to activate my new incarnation without having to place my full weight there in a way that I lose my awareness of past lives (the now) and get stuck in the surface mind. I wanted to be able to do it like possessing demons do it: enter at will and then take a stroll on the astral while the body and mind still works on auto if I feel like it.
I was unable to fully grasp the context and meaning of it at the time, but when I created the total core standard for artificial bodies, meant for being able to use a multitude of bodies on the astral and anywhere, it had already solidified myself as "astrally incarnated" in a new form. Although I knew this took place, which was also the goal, it was so effective in its function that the seamless re-entry into my previous form made me forget the process soon after. It should be noted however that basically all cyborg models I've created since, use the same standard so as to make them compatible and part of the eco-system.

I just had to get "in position" to be able to lock myself physically again in the new Earth, while at the same time maintaining myself in this astral awareness form. That is, because there are still some things I need to and want to do here, even if I'm essentially alone in this layer now with only a handful of people in this timeline. Many things of the process seems to still remain, this cult attack above being one example. I shouldn't have missed out on that grimoire collection, magic type and the now 5 in all) lolis to be evacuated from there (there were also some others in Europe but I asked the Russians to evacuate those).

So many degenerated secret societies in various parallel dimensions, it's amazing. And this is all the world as we thought we knew it, what a joke. Humans really do live in a cattle-farm.

There was someone who linked a blog from /x/ which talked about some RV project where people had been RVing the origin of man, only to find it to be genetic engineering and not at all God.

The point made was that what they saw was a physical change made to the brains of modern humans, which is what created Homo Sapiens
>it made them feel emotional about issues that were at a distance from them
>it made them engaged in them, magnified things, made them irrational
>unable to collect their thoughts
and it went on talking about how all mental connections made by humans which are considered scientific breakthroughs, may as well be intentionally disseminated and inserted into this altered brain from outside. Because humans are in this state unable to make any new connections on their own.

I looked at the general message and found this to correspond to the situation I've seen: that there are "glowies" whose left and right sides of the body are reversed, and this creates connections in the brain which are based only on desires, addictions and their fulfilment.