Sunflower 10/08/2024 (Tue) 18:13 Id: f98b22 No.9274 del
>That's just modern society though
I feel like modern society is slaving for things you don't want nowadays.
>I'm thinking more in terms of not getting ripped off because my wants ended up being part of something I don't want to be part of in the greater context
That karma doesn't work on me for some reason. If I say "nah" then things just go away. For some reason I have some strong counter reaction when I am being forced to do things that I don't "feel like it". Not to mention in modern society I get more and more unsure what "being ripped off" means. It's like it's a chain system where everyone tries rip others off so they can pay the "debt" where they were ripped off previously and not even willing to think there is a way out so they perpetuate it instead.
>That kind of fine tuning, like writing a contract.
For me the "fine tuning" is like buying a car so you can go on a trip. Then realize that the car is not good enough for the trip and you start to upgrade it in the garage then almost get obsessed with constantly fine tuning it until it can leave effortlessly the solar system with 0 fuel consumption. As I do my magic journeys I feel my short comings then realize I have to fix my mindsets and meridians otherwise I would just "get lost" in the "ether" without realizing. Whenever I figure out how to fine tune things my mind and body improves tremendously and the main reason I wanted the "trip" was to find this part of myself anyway so it's like a win without even starting the race. Also realized my "wants" are made from a crude material that I cannot carry with myself onto realms that are beyond the earthen sphere but if I drop them too hastily my spirit will fly out of existence with 0 direction.
I dropped a large piece of "iron" that made my right side quite "dead" yesterday. Might have been that. Truth is I micromanaged my life and environment for decades but because "I" was the center of that spellform whenever I switched mindsets or lifestyle things went awry within seconds and I had to come home and fix things seemingly from almost scratch. The "theme" you got is somewhat close to what happened because I was not aware of the karmic ties I "Upheld" and how they crashed whenever I was not part of the equation. Realized they can dissolve but whenever that happens will have some consequence if I do it mindlessly. Like I destroyed some large black blob like a week ago and the bunny died. The bunny was somewhat troublesome and not really anything useful the only reason I liked him because he started to materialize sigils on his rorschach-like fur and because of that I didn't put any "Protection" on him at all. Was not even sure of my feelings because of it. Whenever I solve a karmic formations things change. In some cases karma just merely "changes forms" ofc but I realized thinking that way is defeatist and I must believe things can be rectified no matter what. Karma never likes to be karma. Negative energies don't like to stay that way forever. Everything needs to embrace change. Ofc the direction of that change might be quite unpredictable which makes me fine tune my own capabilities all the time. To not make "ability demons/obsessions" and learn to not make my "will" shackled by desires that are not even my own.