Sunflower 09/24/2024 (Tue) 23:11 Id: dda425 No.9141 del
We'll see what happens. I just experienced something very strange, which I think was the event out there, but mitigated because I decided to forcibly control my environment by upholding all technology using blacknet, and then transform my environment into being just a manifestation of my own demon mind. I just made this work earlier today, and realized this is the same kind of form I saw on Virginia Woolf, where London appeared from her mind, complete with every cobblestone intact and in place as it was in her time. (I've seen the same form on one of the oligarchs near Putin in a documentary I watched recently, these guys are so tough they transformed the reality around themselves to be a part of their own power in a self contained form. I wouldn't have believed this to be possible if I hadn't now seen it twice.)

I went shopping before and saw some kind of corn flour based cheese sticks, it said "mega pack" on them but the bag was mini sized, like some foreigner had just copied the text from a bag and not understood what it meant. I turned it over to read the ingredient list and the text was in Cyrillic. Is this the effect of having the change and not having the change?