Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:01 Id: b96173 No.8800 del
This somehow relates to the "Christ consciousness" which some new agers talk about. It's actually the most dangerous thing ever. It's a mentality of self sacrifice arising from "pathological altruism", the idea that you should empathize with sinners, with criminals, so much that you excuse their behaviour and even die to protect them. Meanwhile, the innocent victims of these people are disregarded and when mentioning them, the "Christ consciousness" will not care about their well-being, but will behave as if they have a blind spot there, thinking innocents are per default victims and deserve no empathy.

The opposite of this cancerous "Christ consciousness" is the Anti-Christ consciousness. It is a stabilizing force which does not apply general altruism. Instead, it is a crude mentality of "what's in it for me?" and to show altruism transactionally. The Christ consciousness spreads like a wildfire, causing collapse of all social systems. The Anti-Christ will never sacrifice himself for another, and the nuclear meltdown of the Christ will stop once reaching him. The Anti-Christ is blamed for being evil and for being Satan, simple for not having empathy with evil people. The altruism of the Christ consciousness is the most dangerous thing, it functions like a pyramid scheme and benefits no one.

While the Anti-Christ is also evil, he will not cause the uncontrolled spread of evil acts, rather it is an evil which causes evil to self-destruct without spreading. It neutralizes Christ.