Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 16:48 Id: 8497ab No.8786 del
I feel like there's the same interest as before but a conflict within myself weither i want to accept vampirism as a whole.Maybe a soul did leave but it was likely still me making the initial post. You see as i progressed these past few days im wondering if my "vampiric" traits where simply karma and im too "sympathic" towards humans in my nature to be an actual vampire like the family is. Even though id want to be.possibly cause of my former angel status you can imagine i can be extreme towards things i cant accept. If i was a vamp and because i see them as my family im fine with it everything would be fine. Otherwise i might become what would like like a bleeding heart type on the surface but would be more intense for me. Pfcourse you cpuld say then dont incarnste there.sure,i guess. But if im already pretty in thr vampire path thats already kind of an issue. Even despite that this is a vamp timeline so why am i then here. All im dping is making progress and wait until i have the vantage point to wait how i feel about all of this vanpirism stuff.its not rational to be against it but angels arent rational,i simply cant ever repress it.