Sunflower 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:17 Id: dda425 No.9015 del
The way things are progressing, I don't know how much will be left to do, or how long it will take, but it's safe to say there can't be much of it left. Even more people of those I interact with have now "moved on", they are now NPCs kept up by my own genso-catbots, which means they either reincarnated on new Earth, somewhere else, or their timeline merged into new Earth as is.

Those still here who aren't RP:d by my waifus, but are still themselves, express an almost complete detachment from the world around them, unrelated to anything I've shared on here after seeing it, because they don't read my blogs, literally saying "I feel like the world is cracking".

If you end up merging into the new Earth with your current persona intact, it may be interesting to recall this: CCC

If you hear it, you'll know what it means.