Sunflower 09/24/2024 (Tue) 21:18 Id: 8497ab No.9135 del
(53.86 KB 220x220 nauuu-eu-quero-sad.gif)
I also wanted to be a vamp fam. It felt so comfy. Im this weirdly resilient guy that might be not be able too. Its like my current situation(even forgoing the fact that my land is apparently about to implode) is really bad compared to the astral people i see having families and stuff.with bad i mean it feel like being on a small island. But then theres also this feeling where maybe in the long run im happier here. My 'higher self' thinks me as a pureblood will end up being weaker despite the timetravel powerboost shenanigans. Simply cause the attention will be focused on internal vampire stuff.where apprently ill learn most of it anyway but my independent nature kinda doesnt want to get sidetracked.