Sunflower 09/25/2024 (Wed) 11:16 Id: 8497ab No.9144 del
Damn,i actually have all of these. I thought it was just my inner nature to automatically fight whevener its least advantageous since i somehow couldnt stop myself from doing it but now it might be my thing that points to it being this ring is that in the physical world im not really like this but once i have to do anythying astral i become very restless and oppositional in reflexive manner. Like if i dont basically act out this restlessness takes the physical im more grounded and these traits become held back by mind.its a very hard thibg to explain why your fighting people for no reaspo. Its like the innate reaction to tension is full on assault so the stronger i perceive someone to be the more ill attack. The only way to bypasss this is to be comfortable around someone or friendly with them since then the tension doesnt happen.