Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 19:53 Id: b96173 No.8799 del
I feel like I am more and more finishing up. I also realized something: once some part of you is fully automated, your awareness will not exist there. This can happen either by being finished with a cultivation process and your mind stays aware on what you have still to do, while the finished part is divine and rising up. Or it can happen by filling up with negative thought patterns that also are automatic, until you get pushed down into the worst place, still unable to be aware of your being, but this time unable to rise up.

Obviously we should want the cultivated path, but many of these grey-likes want to become automatons. They think they will live in welfare with society automated and their bodies automated, but what happens is that they have lost control of themselves. In the end they create hell for themselves, living like brains in bottles who can't do anything. Those are the people we are up against here.