Sunflower 09/28/2024 (Sat) 16:11 Id: dda425 No.9170 del
I don't know what shadow energy would be, I use the materialistic version of "karma" discussed earlier, where Chinese "ye" (karma) is contrasted with "de" (virtue), the "de" which taoism is about with "Dao De Ying". Black and white substance which are the core of either behaviour and can transform in either direction.

Shadow energy in a kabbalistic sense would be the kelipot/qliphoth, part of the sitra achra, "animal soul", same as "leviathan", the system of all nations, materialism. Within them are kelipa noga, the "shell/husk of light" which means a qliphoth which can be turned over from the dark side to the light side. The other category are those which cannot be transformed and must be destroyed, which I wrote of before, possibly the reason for the "three bowls" or lotus flowers appearing on each chakra, which contain and destroy them.