Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 18:59 Id: 94ba0a No.8818 del
My original timeline ended in 2012 for no apparent reason. I just had a dream where I knew I died and I saw my life summed up. It was in the format of playing a game, a visual novel of the old MS-DOS kind like "3 sister's story" if you perhaps know that one. It ended with a battle scene where one of my characters was full health, one was injured but ok, one was red health and one was dead. They appeared to be characters from the anime School Rumble season 1, which has a certain memetic symbolism in each character. So I was shown what I had done ok and what I hadn't done yet.

At that time, the remaining one other soul left also, the one who had been Eichmann in WW2. There was a lot of trouble with him, because he once killed a baby, this is known by witness report. This was not a "real human", but a botsoul, but it was still murder, so that bot turned into a vengeful spirit and was still tagging along with him. After he left, the spirit was still following me instead. It went on until a year later until I got rid of it.

The Eichmann soul was very good at Tennis for GameBoy, he'd finish it on difficulty 5 easily. When I tried it after, I remember how it's done, but I can't play it on even 2nd level. there were probably more things like that which is why I felt like I was struggling with some ordinary things that I thought I knew.